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Two Methods:Religious BlessingSpiritual BlessingCommunity Q&A
You have finally moved into your new house. It is perfect in every single way, and you want it to stay that way. If you are a religious or spiritual person, you might find that blessing your home brings you great peace of mind and serenity. No matter what your religious or spiritual beliefs, start with Step 1 below to find out how to perform a house blessing that appeals to you.
Method 1 Religious Blessing
Perform a Christian blessing.
The blessing of a Christian household is an ancient tradition which can be found in the Protestant, Orthodox, and Roman Catholic churches, amongst others. The blessing may be performed by an ordained priest or pastor, or by the owner of the house themselves.
- If you would prefer to have your house blessed by an ordained priest, invite him to your house to perform the blessing, and he will be happy to oblige.
- Normally, the priest will walk from room to room, sprinkling each with holy water. As he walks, he may recite one or more passages from the holy gospel.
- If you prefer to bless the house yourself, use anointing oil (which can simply be cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil, blessed by a minister) to mark a cross on each of the windows and doors inside the house.
- As you mark the sign of the cross, utter a simple prayer asking God to bless the room. For example “In the name of Jesus Christ I ask for Your peace and joy to inhabit this room,” or “May Your Holy Spirit flow through and fill this home up with Your Spirit.”
Perform a Jewish blessing.
There are an abundance of Jewish traditions associated with moving into a new house, or simply blessing an old one.
- When moving into a new home, Jewish families are required to affix a mezuzah (parchment inscribed with Hebrew phrases from the Torah) to each of the doorways in the house.
- As the mezuzah is installed, the following prayer is recited “Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us to affix a mezuzah”.
- It is also believed that Tuesday is the best day for moving into a new home, that bread and salt should be the first items to enter the house, and that shortly after moving in a Chanukat Habayit or housewarming party should be held, where friends and family gather and words of the Torah are spoken.
- During the housewarming party, it’s tradition to eat the first fruit of the new season while reciting the shehecheyanu blessing, as follows: “Blessed are You, L-rd our G‑d, King of the Universe, who has granted us life, sustained us and enabled us to reach this occasion.”
Perform a Hindu blessing.
Hindu house blessings vary greatly according to different regions. In some places the housewarming ceremony is second in importance only to a couple’s wedding day.
- However, across all regions the house blessing must be performed on the morning the homeowners move into their new home. An auspicious move-in date must be chosen by the local Hindu priest, who must also perform the ceremony.
- On the day, it is traditional (in some regions) for the homeowners to supply a gift tray or dakshina for the priest’s use throughout the ceremony. This gift tray usually contains items such as raw, washed rice, mango leaves, ghee, coins, herbs, spices, fruit and flowers, among others.
- During the ceremony, the homeowners will often sit in front of the fireplace, wearing their best clothes and repeating mantras. The priest will usually recite a prosperity prayer to the Hindu gods, asking for prosperity, purity and serenity to be bestowed upon the people of the house.
- Contact a priest at your local Hindu temple for information on how the housewarming ceremony is performed in your region.
Perform an Islamic blessing.
Muslim people bless their house mainly by reciting prayers – usually there is no official ceremony that needs to be performed. However, certain prayers and traditions are recommended:
- Upon moving into a new house, it is a good idea to perform a two cycle prayer, asking Allah to bestow baraka (blessing), rahma, (mercy) and dhikr (remembrance) upon the home.
- You can also recite a prayer to protect your home from the evil eye and the envy of others using the following Prophetic Supplication: “I seek refuge for you in the perfect words of Allaah from every devil, harmful thing, and accusing eye.”
- It is also recommended that you invite your friends and family over for dinner, as feeding others is viewed as a charitable act, and a way of showing gratitude to Allah. At this dinner, you and your guests may recite passages from the Qur’an together.
- Aside from blessing your house when you first move in, you can also bless your house every time you step through the door using the following prayer: “I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allaah from the evil of that which He has created”. Repeating this prayer three times will ensure no harm comes to you while you are in the house.
Perform a Buddhist blessing.
In Buddhism, a ceremony known as
Khuan Ban Mai is performed (in certain regions) when a new house is built to protect the house and its inhabitants. The ceremony is performed by a group of nine monks, who must be invited to the house early on the morning of the ceremony.
- The monks then perform a ritual involving sacred lustral water and wax candles. As the wax melts and drops into the water, it is believed to wash away evil and sorrow.
- The monks also chant prayers in the Pali language, while passing a white string through each of their hands. The vibrations from the chanted prayers are believed to pass through the string, protecting the houses and its inhabitants.
- After the ceremony, the monks sit down to a meal prepared by the host family and their friends and neighbors.They must finished their meal before noon. Then one monk sprinkles holy water in each of the rooms of the house, before they all leave.
- Once the monks leave, the rest of the guests sit down to eat the remaining food. In the afternoon, they perform the thread ceremony, where the guests wrap a white thread around the homeowners and offer them their blessing.
Method 2 Spiritual Blessing
Clean and de-clutter your home. It is important to clean and de-clutter your home before you perform a house blessing. This will put you in a more positive frame of mind and invite fresh energy into the home.
Invite friends and family. It’s a nice idea to invite friends and family to share in the house blessing ritual with you. Ask them to stand in a circle and join hands.
Light a pink candle. Pink symbolizes love and kindness, and will invite these energies into your home.
Share blessings. Pass the pink candle to each person in the circle. Whoever is holding the candle should share their blessings for the home and homeowners. Example blessings include “may this home be a sacred dwelling for you and your family” or “may those who enter this home feel peace and love”.
Walk to each room of the house and state your intention for it. After the blessing, you may want to carry the pink candle into each room of the house and state your intention for it, whether it’s the bedroom, the baby’s room or the kitchen.
Allow the pink candle to burn for an hour. When the ceremony is complete, place the pink candle in a central location in the house and allow it to burn for at least an hour.
Open all East-facing doors and windows. This allows the life-giving energy of the sun to stream into your home, bringing energy, life and light.
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Can I use a white candle instead of pink?
wikiHow Contributor
Yes, white is a good color to attract positive energy to the house.
What can I do if I feel my house is haunted?
wikiHow Contributor
Any of the blessings or rituals stated above, usually through an ordained minister or priest with holy water or anointed oil.
Do I have to pay for a house blessing?
wikiHow Contributor
Usually you do not have to pay for a house blessing but in some cases you may have the option to give an offering in exchange for a blessing.
What type of blessing is it when someone walks around a home a few times sprinkling salt or sand?
wikiHow Contributor
Salt covenant. It’s a Christian house blessing, wherein you walk the perimeter of your yard or house with kosher salt and ask for protection and anything else for your home.
Is it true that I can bless my apartment with my family members, if a clergy member is not available at the time needed?
wikiHow Contributor
Anyone can bless their home. Religious clergy is not required to bless your home. We were all created by the same creator who created the religious clergy. Therefore all of the creators creations are holy.
How do I bless my children to so that no harm comes to them?
wikiHow Contributor
You can bless your children to help them get away from harm if it comes their way, but they cannot entirely avoid harm. Everyone suffers, and everyone will have personal struggles. The best thing is to be there for them and pray every night for God to bless them and give them the strength and hope to get through the next day.
Can I do it on my own?
wikiHow Contributor
Not if you are Orthodox Christian or Roman Catholic. Other faith traditions (and even other Christian traditions) may not require a priest or minister’s presence.
Can old carpet and flooring be blessed or should it be removed?
wikiHow Contributor
A home can be blessed in any condition, but for safety and appeal, old carpet and flooring should be replaced to create a most positive atmosphere.
Who do I contact to have a new home opening ceremony to have my house blessed?
wikiHow Contributor
You may contact your local church and request a priest to bless your house.
Is a gift expected when I am invited to a house blessing?
wikiHow Contributor
No, but it is welcome. Also giving a rosemary plant to put outside a door is a very old custom, or a bundle of white sage. That was customary in the Middle Ages, and many people are bringing that back.
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- You might like to put in some holy pictures into your house.
- It would also be very fitting to have a little party afterwards to celebrate the blessing.
- Smudging is also a great way to increase positive energy in your home. You need a sage smudge stick (or other variation of a smudge stick but sage is most common) and to burn and wave the smoke throughout the entire home.
- The Spanish have an old custom of hanging crosses above bedroom doors, to scare away evil spirits and protect the people in the house. If you are Christian, this is a good idea, if you live in a house with a painful past.
Things You’ll Need
Holy water (optional)
Scripture (optional)
A rosary chaplet or any other kind of prayer beads (optional)
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Father God, the God who is in Heaven, the God who created the Heavens and the Earth, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in Israel, the one true living God, the Father of Jesus Christ, the God who said, “Let there be light” in the beginning and there was light. Father God, this is a prayer going up to you to bless the house where this prayer is being played. Father God, we want you to do a deep cleansing, a deep blessing over this house. Father God, to do this blessing you have to first remove the cursing so, Father God, I ask you now to search this house where this prayer is being played. Do a search. I want you to look at the house. If there are any demons hovering over this house, if you find and see any demons lurking in the roof of the house, if you see any demons following the persons living in this house, if you see any demons in the rooms standing/watching the persons in this house, if you see any demons abiding in any of the objects that’s in this house, if you see any demons in the mirrors, if you see any demons under the ground of this house, Father God, if you see any demons living and abiding in this house, Father God, identify all of them. Make records of how many and start sending in armies of Angels to fight off and to destroy these evil spirits living in this house. Send your Angels right now, Father God. Have your Angels to destroy every single demon that has been hovering over this house and living and abiding in this house where this prayer is being played.
Father God, every organization that these demons have formed when they were in this house and abiding in this house, every little thing they used to gain access in this house, any type of portals, doorways, destroy them, Father God.
So after you bless this house it will not be cursed again. Father God, after your Angels have defeated and removed every single demon that was around and abiding and living in this house, quickly put a shield over this house where this prayer is being played. This shield is to protect of the demons that Satan might send to re-curse this house. The demons will not be able to get through the shield. Father God, have Angels, other Angels, outside the body of the shield that’s outside this house so if any demons try to even come near the shield, your Angels will prevent them from even touching or trying to penetrate the shield to get through.
Have those Angels, Father God, be standing guard. Father God, spill the blood of Jesus Christ on the ground of this house. Have the blood of Jesus to remove every corruptible thing, all curses that have been placed on the ground that this house is on. Have the blood of Jesus Christ to break those curses. Release the full power of the blood of Jesus Christ on the ground of this house was built on. Father God, take the blood of Jesus Christ and pour it on the roof of this house destroying every curses and corruptible thing that was placed or that was abiding in the roof of the house. Father God, take the blood of Jesus Christ and put it on every door in this house, every bedroom door, every kitchen door, every basement door. Every door in this house, put the blood of Jesus Christ’s seal on every door, even the front door of this house.
Father God, you cease control over this house. No longer are Satan’s demons in charge. Father God, since you are in control and now that all the evil spirits have gone and removed, and are removed now, now you can start to bless. Father God, put your hand over this house. Put your hand over this house, Father God, and let your anointing power and glory flow from out of your hands throughout this whole house. Bless it, Father God. Send blessings to this house. Make this house become a magnet for blessings in every way, in every form. Pull, Father God, pull nothing else but blessings to this house where this prayer is being played. Father God, let the blessing not stop. Let the blessing be continuous and continuous, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I thank you, Father, for blessing this house in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.
Prayer to Bless our Homes
Adonai, we bow before You, Oh Lord, our God. We surrender our all to You. Bless our homes today, Oh loving Father, give our families eternal love, joy, peace and happiness in their lives. Bless us with prosperity, success and favor wherever we may go.
Bless our homes today, Oh loving Father, give our families eternal love, joy, peace and happiness. Click To Tweet
2 Chronicles 7:15 Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayer that is made in this place. For now I have chosen and consecrated this house that my name may be there for ever; my eyes and my heart will be there for all time.
Bless our household members: may only great things come their way. Let no evil befall them. Let temptations just slip away as they cling to You. Lead them into the plain path of righteousness, protect and cover them under the precious blood of the Lamb wherever they go.
Bless our household members: may only great things come their way. Click To Tweet
Psalms 127:1 Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.
Proverbs 24:3-4 By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.
Guide them accordingly, Oh heavenly King, let Thy will be done. Draw them in, Oh loving Father; may they turn from their wicked ways and eternally seek and crave Your goodness, mercies and everlasting love. And as they walk with You daily, Oh Merciful Savior, bless them abundantly… let it rain, let pour and let it flood, in the precious Name of Jesus we pray, Amen!
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.
bless my family abundantly… let it rain, let pour and let it flood, in the precious Name of Jesus! Click To Tweet
What about you? What would you like to add for your family? What are your needs? What are you giving thanks for? Please let us know in the comments below!
Worship Song
Your Presence is Heaven to Me by Israel Houghton