Prayer new job opportunity

(Beira, Mozambique)

Dear Father

Thank you for the love you have for me, thank you for blessing me and for the favor over my life. I lack nothing, though i may not have all i want Father you always meet me at every point of need.

This season i come to you through Jesus Christ and ask Father that you might guide me to a new employment opportunity that will fulfill my needs and desires, a job that will allow me to use the skills and knowledge that i have acquired over the years.

I ask Lord that the job shall be mentally satisfying, financially satisfying and that it shall not bring me apart from my family.

Your plans are to prosper me, to give me a hope and a future and as your son I know that Father it is your desire for me to live in abundance.

Your thoughts are higher than my thoughts, you are the alpha and the omega and you know what is good for me better than i know what is good for me, so this morning i ask that your wisdom will lead me to the right employment opportunity, the right door will be open to me a door that none other can open but only you my God.

I bless your Holy name Father you are worthy. I place my request into your hands with full confidence that you have already answered my prayer and i thank you Father for the new job that i am walking into, I receive it in the name of Jesus, you are a loving Father.

I pray in the name of Jesus

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I know a lot of people are concerned about employment … This is a Christian Science healing. More about healing prayer at

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