Prayer for wedding couple

Bidding prayers are for a Catholic wedding. The prayers are also known as prayers of the faithful, and are done after the blessing and exchange of rings. There are generally four to six bidding prayers given. These prayers are designed to benefit the community and church as a whole. However, there can be some directed toward your personal situation — for example, a prayer for lost or sick family members.

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Prayers For Wedded Couples

Having one or two of your prayers focus on married couples and their vocation is one idea for bidding prayers. You can make them your own and write your own, but some examples can include:

“Let us pray for married couples, that their marriages will be a continuing source of grace and joy, that they will always be faithful, and that they will be able to reach out in love to others.”

“Lord, in your mercy,

Let us pray for all families. May children everywhere experience the love of God in their family life, and may their parents give them the security and happiness which they need.

Lord, in your mercy.”

Family and Deceased Relative Prayers

Another version of the bidding prayer could be for the family that came to support you on your wedding day. Also, you can pray for the deceased relatives that are missing the wedding day. If you have specific names of relatives then you can use those in the prayers as well. Examples include:

“We pray for our friends and family present with us to witness this special day.

Lord graciously hear us.”

“We pray for passed friends and family who would have been so proud to have been here today. May they rest in peace and may perpetual light shine upon them.

Lord graciously hear us.”

For the Church and the Community

One type of bidding prayer that is expected from the church is a prayer for the community and the church.

“That the Catholic Church throughout the world might become the voice of the poorest, speaking to governments about justice for all.

Lord Hear Our Prayer.”

“For the poor and needy within our own communities: that our leaders may not ignore the needs of those who are on the margins of our society.

Lord Hear Our Prayer.”

For the young people of our world: that, as they decide for their future, they may always look towards Christ’s values to bring them joy and hope.

Lord Hear Our Prayer

For The Sick

Bidding prayers for the sick is another type of prayer for the wedding. If you have family and friends that are sick and struggling, you can add their names in the prayers. These types of bidding prayers are also heard during Sunday Mass. Traditional bidding prayers for the sick include:

“We pray for those in need, for sick people, for those in hospital, and for those

with any other problems.

Lord Hear Our Prayer.”

“God our friend, we pray for our families and friends. May we be able to help

each other just as you love and help us. (Especially we pray for…)

Lord Hear Our Prayer.”

“Compassionate God, give your strength and healing to all those who are sad,

lonely, or sick. And bless all those who try and help them. (Especially we pray


Lord Hear Our Prayer.”

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