Prayers for Women – At a Loss for Words
Most women have no trouble communicating. Studies indicate women speak twice as many words as men. So why do women sometimes have difficulty praying out loud, particularly in front of others? It would seem that conversing with God often leaves women at a loss for words.
While there is a willingness to pray, some women choose to remain silent allowing the “more eloquent” individuals to address God. God never values one person (or their prayer) above another. We are, however, given guidelines that guarantee any women’s prayer will be priceless before God.
- Express your love and appreciation for God’s power (Psalm 18:1–6). Begin by thanking God for things that are humanly impossible to provide (creation, peace, grace, the Holy Spirit, salvation).
- Make your “conversation” a joyful attitude towards others (1 John 4:7–8). A self-righteous attitude stops prayer dead in its tracks! It’s still gossip when you share the “juicy details” with others in the name of prayer. Pray with a compassionate heart and watch God breathe joy into your words.
- Trust God to hear every precious word you utter, allowing His peace to envelop you (Isaiah 26:3–4). Each prayer comes to life when we speak with assurance, free from worry, having peace that surpasses all human comprehension.
Prayers for Women – It’s Not About You
When we understand the importance of attitude, we can focus next on the priority of our prayers. By design, God gave women an abundance of emotions which they use to connect with people. While men are often methodical problem-solvers, women are relational caregivers. A woman’s prayer often centers upon how a situation relates to her. All emotions (and fluctuating hormones) place the emphasis on her need to establish or preserve relationships. By changing the “primary object” of any prayer, women tap into greater prayer effectiveness.
- Prayer requires patience as well as surrendering our rights (Hebrews 10:35–36). As women, it’s easy to become impatient — with family conflicts, broken friendships — even God. “Doesn’t God know how upset I am? I lack the composure to deal with all this.” Surrender your timeframe to Him, offering your patience as a prayer of trust.
- Pray specifically for the person who irritated you the most today. When we extend unmerited kindness to another it transforms two lives, not just yours. I guarantee you, at the end of the day your kind words and thoughts will free you from any “I wish I hadn’t . . .” guilt (Ephesians 4:31-32).
Men cannot fulfill God’s good purpose for them without the influence of women (1 Corinthians 11:11). Men face temptation and evil continually. Instead of praying
after his bad behavior, pray
before , seeking his protection and good wisdom from above. A woman’s tongue is only three inches long, but it can destroy or strengthen a full-grown man (James 3:5–6).
Prayers for Women – Structured or Non-Structured
Women utilize their time by multi-tasking. Yet we still struggle to find time to pray. Knowing that God is merciful, we hope that He’ll excuse us “just one more day.” Ultimately, we realize that, if we don’t take time to converse with God on a regular basis, our lives unravels quickly (illness, finances, separation). How then should we pray?
- Pray faithfully, seeking the Holy Spirit’s help (Ephesians 6:18; Romans 8:26). A few words spoken from the heart speak volumes. God is faithful as we depend on Him daily for answers.
- Choose a place of rest, free of distractions (Matthew 11:28–29). Through those tender moments of communication, we experience the gentleness of a Father-daughter relationship.
- Expect distractions, but practice self-control, remaining steadfast in prayer (1 Peter 1:13; 5:7–8). When we will to pray…God’s will is done!
When we follow these guidelines, our prayers will always be fruitful (Galatians 5:22–23).
Learn how to pray for others!
– We have all
and deserve God’s judgment.
, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him.
, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He
for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was
, and
rose from the dead
according to the
. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your
, declaring, “
Jesus is Lord
,” you will be saved from
and spend eternity with God in heaven.
What is your response?
Yes, today I am deciding to follow JesusYes, I am already a follower of JesusI still have questions
“I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.” – Song of Solomon 8:3
Love might just be the most powerful entity that affects both the emotional and mental states. In other words, love can alter the way we act and think about a particular individual/entity. A mother’s love for her child is always unparalleled and a man’s always so possessive of the attention his lady shows. We can even call that jealousy and from experience, the greater the love, the greater the jealousy. That said, God is an extremely jealous Father. He is also an all-encompassing family that offers so much more in our times of need. So, His love compels Him to be with us through thick and thin. And since we’re our Father’s children, we can’t help but emulate such characteristics. Still, attention must be paid to the fact that tempering the love of God with ours leads to an eternal bond between people. And in favor of such blessing, we have the following love prayers that work quite well.
Table of contents
Prayers for Love and Relationships
God, I stand before you today once more as one of Your beloved. And my presence here is because of my significant other (husband, wife, spouse). I plead that You strengthen the love between us so that it may last for eternity. Our bond will be unbreakable like the promise You made to Abraham. Lord in the Heavens, any hurt or pain causing complications that’ll cause problems in this relationship—Father, completely remove it and replace it with happiness and gleeful acceptance. I thank You for listening to my prayer of love and In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.
Prayer for Love to Return
God, I thank You for granting me the resolve to stand before You today in acceptance of my faults and wrongs. I know I have treated him/her badly and the pain I’m feeling is due to my levity on the part of his/her feelings. Please, God, I pray for an opportunity from You to apologise for my wrongdoings. He or she is the other half of me—the one that makes me whole. Father, I believe he or she is my completion and I pray that he returns to me. With open hands, I’ll welcome him/her into my warm embrace. Thank You once again for another miracle, Amen.
Prayer about Love for Others
Loving You is the best thing that has happened to me Oh Lord. You have stood by me ever since the fateful day that I accepted Your company. You have showered me with Your pure love, blessings, miracles, and divine protection. In fact, this prayer is only due to Your power. By which, You kept me alive to see today and to make a request. I pray, Father in Heaven that You open the eyes of my family and friends. And for the ones who love You like I do, Father keep both their eyes and mine open to Your devotion and adoration. I bless Your divine name for this deep and short prayer for love. In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.
Prayer for Love and Happiness
Looking back Lord, I understand that happiness is key to having a love-filled relationship. And from my experiences also, I know You hold that key. God, I want You to open the door of joy in our lives so that this relationship will endure. It will easily endure ups and downs and the trials of time. Let me breathe in the aroma of sweet love and fully immerse myself in the happiness given by my partner. Father, I give thanks to Your name over the answered prayers, Amen.
Prayer for the One You Love
Love is the emotion that drives me here Lord. I love him/her enough to pray on his/her behalf and You love me enough to make level all my worries. Father, I need You to take good care of “Name”. He/she, despite the act, is always in need of Your favour and I pray that You show him/her more than enough. He/she shall be protected, raised heads about others, and miracles will be performed in his or her life. Praises be sung about Your everlasting mercy, and In Jesus Name, Amen.
Prayer for Love and Marriage
As required by every child Lord, I bring my beloved to ask for Your blessing. He or she has been faithful, caring, and patient—so, I stand before You today, basking in Your glow as I ask that he/she be the one for me. I want a peaceful and joy-filled marriage that’ll be inseparable. Love shall be shared between us and there will be calm always. Father, prosperity in the areas of procreation, financial stability, and spiritual awareness shall complement our love. I thank You for Your daily attention to my needs, Amen.
Bible Verses for Love
A few bible verses compiled for your consumption daily.
“Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” – Genesis 2:22-24
The relationship between man and wife has been established from the beginning. Such meetings with your significant others are thus ordained by God.
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” – Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Completion cannot be attained without a significant other. In fact, life isn’t so simple without your other and the verse above explains what that is about.
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.” – 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
This is the kind of love that our Father has towards us. It’s also the kind of love that we should emulate towards each other (significant other, friends, and family).
“A friend loves at all times.” – Proverbs 17:17
The word “friend” isn’t limited to your close pals only. It’s a position that can be filled by God, your partner, and family.