Prayer for the job i want

Dear St Jude

Please help me get the job that I am waiting to hear back from. I will always be grateful for this blessing and vow to work harder than ever to ensure that I achieve success in this position. I will work honestly with intregrity and with all my heart.

I believe that this job will suit my abilities and will give me the opportunity to showcase my talents that have been graciously given to me by god.

Thank you for all your support and success that I have achieved over the years and now I am just looking to broaden my outlook and step outside my comfort zone and achieve success in a challenging field.

I pray that you will interceed for me to god to help and ensure that I am selected for this job.

With a humble heart I pray to you, Jesus and Mother Mary to ask god on my behalf for this blessing.

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Dear heavenly Father,

Bless me with the job that I recently applied for. I have wanted to do this job for years ; however I never sought to apply for a position because of my life situations. I will have an opportunity to do something I love and get paid for it if picked for the position.

My husband is very supportive and he is excited about me taking the job if it’s offered to me. Please let my resume stand out so I can receive a phone call for an interview. Give me the courage and confidence to impress the person interviewing me and let me land the job and pass the training class. Thank You!

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Dear Lord,

Thank you for giving me the chance and the courage to get through the second round of interviews. You have guided me so far, all these years, all my experience, all the skills and talents you’ve given me. I am forever grateful. Please help me with this job.

I really wish I can get it. Please guide me down this road of life, because without you, I feel truly lost, and the future seems obscured in darkness. If I don’t get this job, please give me a peace of mind and the hope to keep looking. I know you are there for me, and you will lead my life to better days. Thank you for all that you’ve done for me!

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Dear Lord,  

02 I Want To Be More Like You

03 Prayer – To Be More Like Jesus

Thank you and praise your name for blessing me with my job. Today, before I enter the work place I pray that You would saturate the atmosphere with Your Spirit, Your Presence, Your Peace, so that everyone works there or come into the area may sense and feel Your Spirit.

When I am faced with challenging situations or difficult people at work help me to not react negatively, but help me to remain calm as you speak through me, think through me, and love through me. Bless me to have a respectful and good relationship with all those in whom I work. May we work together in harmony, collaboratively, respecting each other’s opinions and differences. May we celebrate our agreements and disagree amicably on our differences, allowing no division or strife among us.

As I go each day to the job You have provided, help me to let the light of Jesus Christ shine so much through my life, that others around me may see the light of Christ and want You too. Help me to stay away from derogatory conversations, course ungodly jokes, gossip, or anything that would be a reproach upon You, or my life as a Christian. Help me to be an example of Christ always reflecting truth, integrity, righteousness, and the peace and love of God in all I say or do. Christ glorified!!!

Open  doors for me to share the Gospel to those around me on my job. Speak the words through me, as you move on their hearts to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. May all those in authority in my work place have the wisdom of God in how to operate, orchestrate and manage. I ask for no less than Godly favor for all of the believers as a demonstration of your blessings to those who belong to Your family of  faith.

In Jesus Name, thank you in advance for your eternal love and rich blessings on the job.

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