Prayer for someone you love to come back

by Ashley (Texas)

Oh, Holy Father. I ask for your guidance and help in my relationship that has just ended unexpectedly. He was the love of my life my best friend and for some reason things started to fall apart. We ended our relationship on bad terms and he will not speak with me.

I pray to you to let his heart and mind forgive me for what I did to him, even though what he did to me was much more worse. Give him the strength to see the wrongs he did to me and to finally have the will to tell me he’s sorry as I had told him I was sorry. I want our happy relationship that we once had back it was fun and loving. Oh, Holy Father strengthen our relationship so that we may at least be friends again, even though my heart still aches for him and his smile.

I want to know if he was also telling me the truth about not cheating on me ever when we were together, and I pray that it was the truth and that he truly did love me. Please Dear Lord, fill both our hearts with love, patience, joy, and happiness for one another. Help us find our way back to each others arms.

Also help him heal his bitter heart towards me and find the love he once had for me come back. Fill his heart and mind with the good things we had together and less on the bad.

I pray for him to know how much I still love, care and miss him each and everyday since we’ve been apart, and how much it hurts me that I no longer have a best friend by my side.

I pray to you, Oh Holy Father, to forgive both our sins and to grant us the happiness we truly deserve. But to give us one more shot at love and to rekindle our love for one another once more. Amen.

When you seem lost and everything is bleak, and the one person you love cannot love you right back, then you need to say that one prayer for someone to love you back. Who says prayers don’t work? Sure they work a great deal, but it is left for you to determine whether or not you will pray for that one person to love you right back.

My prayer is that as you go on your knees to pray, your prayers will be answered. Alright?

Relationships are beyond our power, no matter what we do or say, everything is still left to God to take absolute and perfect control of everything. Aside the fact that a God led relationship will culminate into a happy home, going through getting the man/ woman of your dreams through prayers seem to be the right thing to do after passing a lot of messages and you ain’t getting any response. Leave it all to God in prayer, okay?

Prayer for Someone to love you back

1 Dear Lord

There is this friend of mine that I truly cherish. I am not sure if he/ she feels the same way about me and I have been trying so hard to make him/ her realize that I have this special kind of affection in my heart. I think of him/ her every minute and it is difficult getting my mind off him or her. I know you know him/ her more than I do and I leave everything to you oh Lord. Please take control and make him/ her see my love and how I feel. I leave it all to you God, because you know my heart and my intentions. Help me!

2 Dear Lord

You are the God who provides everything according to your riches in glory. Please fill me with your love so I can love this friend of mine more than I do right now. I beg for your guidance and help to explore the depths of my heart to ascertain what I want from what I need. I ask for your assistance dear God, in this decision I am about to take. Release what stands in my way from seeing my true love. Make the one I love see me in the light of love and make every line fall in beautiful places for me. Make me love more oh Lord, and let me be a living testimony of your love. Thank you for everything.
prayer for someone you love to come back

Prayer is one of the most selfless and amazing things you can do for a person, especially someone that you love dearly. It is a way of being grateful and thankful for that special someone or a group of people you love to be with you. It is about taking out your time and focuses your energy and prays for the blessings of God on their behalf.

Oftentimes, when people pray, they will pray for things that they desire. They ask God for help, give them love, guidance, etc., just like a wish list. Take a step back from that and pray for someone else is not only taking you out of the center of attention, but also giving that person to God. When you pray for someone, you are performing a selfless act of hoping someone will be better, healthy, happy, and always be blessed. Not many people are willing to pray for other people. However, things can be a little different when it comes to people you love. We are willing to sacrifice and do something more for the ones that we love.

If you love a man, your boyfriend, your partner, fiancé, husband, significant other, pray for him. It is the best gift that you can give and the best thoughts you can have for him. If you love your children, pray for their safety as well as their wisdom. Your knowledge and tips will be incomplete, but God knows their situation and will bless him with the wisdom to navigate their lives. If you love your parents, pray for them and tell them that you love them all the time. Pray for your relationship that your parents will be blessed by God.

Whatever your situation, include prayer. Praying is not the only thing that you can do for your lover, but also your family members, your parents, your children, your friends, your neighbors, and also the people in this world.

So now that you know who you should pray for, but how are you going to do it? Here are a few good suggestions for you.


1. Pray that God will give you a relationship.

God’s word challenges us to ask and brings our needs before God. When your heart is in harmony with His, there are no limits on what you can ask. When it comes to a relationship, what are your deepest needs and desires? Let God knows and prays with your heart. Even if you are single or when you need a listening ear, just pray sincerely and God will send His blessings to you.

2. Pray that God will grant you patience and insight to wait for the right person.

Things may not happen immediately right after every prayer. Sometimes, God is planning for someone better to come into your life, you will never know because God always has a better and bigger plan for you. After your prayer, have the patience to wait for miracles to occur. And during the time of your wait, ask God to change you, nourish you, and fill you so that you are empowered and prepared for whatever that God has planned for you.

3. Pray that God will be working to rid anything unhealthy in your life.

Sometimes, we can notice the sin that we made, but sometimes we simply can’t. And as you seek to enhance your love life, make sure to ask for God’s help to recognize and heal all the unhealthy things in your life that are not in alignment with His best. It can be because of your bad habit or your negative characters that people do not want to be around you. So pray to God and seek to get to the bottom of your sins and ask for His healing power to be at work.

4. Pray that God will shape your heart and nourish interactions with others.

In life, you will notice that some people seem to have the charisma and everyone loves to be around him or her. On the other hand, there will be someone that people hate to be around with and they will do everything to avoid being with that person. Thus, pray for God to open your heart to loving and edifying others the way it was meant to. Pray God to enrich your relationships and for you to learn how to love and not just being loved.

5. Pray that God will bring healing to your past so that you can embrace the future.

One of the most important keys to a loving relationship, regardless of whether it is with your significant others or your family members, is to let go of the past. It is easy to get stuck in the past and unable to let go. When you are paralyzed by your past, you cannot move forward to a better future. Even when you have a great lover who is willing to spend the rest of her life with you, if you are stuck in the past, the relationship may suffer because of what you hold on to. Therefore, pray and ask God to relieve you from your past, allow you to let go and move forward in life for a better and more loving relationship.

6. Pray that God will protect and you emotional guidance.

You can pray for anything because God is almighty and hence, pray for Him to protect your emotional world and guide you through tough times when you most needed it. Love is a journey with ups and downs. When people fail in their relationship, whether it is a love relationship or a friendship, mainly it is because they do not know how to manage their emotion and let their emotions cloud their head. So pray for God to guide you for a healthy interaction in all of your relationship.

7. Pray that God will bless you with a great love life.

At the end of the day, you want to ask for God’s blessings in your relationship, especially your love life. It is impossible for us to control other people to live up to our expectation and become who we want them to be. You cannot control your lover to be like what you desire because everyone is unique and different. Thus, it is best to pray for God to bless you with a great love life rather than trying to change those who are around you to become who you expect them to be.

What If Someone You Love is Stuck in Sin?

The above are the suggestions of how you can pray for someone you love. Now, what if someone you love is stuck in sin and you would like to help him or her, but you have no idea what you can do? Turn to God and ask for His help. It is heartache to see those that you love struggle with an abusive relationship, drugs, gambling, alcohol, and more. Most of the time, there is no way you can change the person’s thought, not without God’s help. So turn to God and ask for His help. Pray for someone you love who stuck in sins.

Here’s how you can pray for them…

First, pray for the Lord to be with them. One of the first things you can do is to pray that God is with the person and watch over them wherever they are. God will guide them and show them direction and lead them to a healthy life.

Second, pray for the person to start working in their lives. You must have the faith and pray that God to start working on their lives. You may not see it immediately, but you have to believe that something deep within is slowly changing and that person will eventually change and lead a new and better life. Furthermore, you can pray for God to open their heart, mind, and spirit to the love, grace, and healing that only He can bring.

And third, pray as if it has already come to pass. You must have the faith and believe that God is already working on that person and is guiding him or her to a brighter life. Give God the praise and the glory for the victory over the person’s life as if it has already happened.

How Prayer Makes Your Relationships Stronger

When you pray for someone you love to be blessed, what truly happens is that you change your thought patterns and you are actively engaging yourself with that person. Scientists have shown that when someone prays with deep beliefs, their brainwaves will go into a conversation mood as if they are talking to someone. This will ultimately shape the reality. Meaning to say, when you pray for someone or you wish him or her to be good, what really happens is you are creating the reality in your mind.

As a result, your response will change. You will start to think about that person differently and you will perceive him or her differently. And when your thinking changed, your reality will change. This is why prayer can make your relationship stronger.

Prayer is just like focusing your thought on a certain subject. When you pray for someone, you are focusing your thoughts on him. As a result, it will become a new reality and your outer life will change.

Plus, as what you have learned above, when you pray, you must also pray as if God has already made that happen. This is because you choose to believe in God and that He will hear your prayer and fulfills your request. When you believe that things will become better, you will operate from a more optimistic mindset and act as if things are working out for you instead of against you. Therefore, it builds the bond between you and the person who you prayed for.

For instance, think of someone who irritates you. it can be someone you have a strained relationship with or who just rubs you the wrong way. Now, do you pray for that person? Or do you just complain, resent, grumble, and nag? So does praying or nagging works? Yes, science has already proved this. So why do you want to nag, complain or resent? Rather, choose to pray for the people that you love and whom you want to change.

There are things in other people’s lives that you would like to change. The problem is that you cannot change them. You can only change yourself. We always want other people to change, but we simply can’t, not without the help of God. And when you turn to God and ask for His help, pray and let God do His work, you will change. The fastest way to change a bad relationship to a good one is to start praying for the other person. When you do this, it will change you, and as a result, it can change the other person.

This is just like the saying, “If you can’t fight them, join them.” There is no way you can change someone, but you can always choose to change yourself to impact other people to change. This is a vital subject in a relationship because we often deal with people who have different characteristics and habits than us. We want other people to change, but not us. And this is how prayer can help.

Prayer for Finding Love

Remember that God is almighty God and He can help and fulfill whatever you asked for. If you have no idea what to say when you pray for someone you love, here is an example for you:

“Almighty God, hear this prayer. Almighty God, hear this relationship prayer. As You are first in my heavenly heart and mind and spirit, so do I desire a companion for my earthly heart and mind and being. Guide me to the partner You know is perfect for me. Help me walk in faith until that time of our first meeting. Show me how I can become a partner worthy of love. Then guide me through every stage of our relationship, so that, as we move ever closer to You, we grow closer to each other in Love, in Joy, and in Faith. Thank You, God, for hearing my prayer. Amen!”

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prayer for someone you love to come back

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Dua To Make Someone Come Back To You

Bismillah hir Rahman Nir Raheem

“With The Name of ALLAH, The Beneficent and The Merciful

Sallallahu ‘Ala Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam”

Islamic lovely wazaif are very effective to raise spousal attraction for your loved one heart which showers a blessing of great influence on your better half. Islamic dua for him come back is that In which love is the best procedure through which there is deducting of misunderstanding, misbehavior, lack of trust, lack of confidence, lack of honest due to which there is not creating of problems in the mind of couples through which their lives become longer or long which comes from the positive thinking between them. Love creates attraction and affection between couples or partners and through which want to get him/her back by using anyways. In Islam, we have the power to get lost love back using Islamic dua for lost love in Urdu, Arabic, English etc. We know that if you have lost your beautiful love then have expectation that love filing is lovely Allah will bring my boyfriend back/lost love/ ex-love back very soon but for it some time we have to repeat Ayah is the singular form of surah powerful dua for lost love back and when we use quranic wazifa for lost love back then sure it will give a positive power to bring back our lost lover and Insha Allah will help to get our lost love back is success.

its very easy to make someone come back to you with the help of Quranic dua. Couples get very sad when they lost their love. Here in this post, you will get a proper solution to your problem Insha Allah. “Dua to make someone come back to you” is very effective and useful for couples. This Islamic dua will help you in a situation where your partner starts to avoid you. You will get desired results very soon. Dua is an strong source to make Allah ta’ala to listen to your wishes. We are sharing our youtube video with you so you can make your loved one to come back.

The Islamic dua for love back is that in which Parents or father and mother disagree with child or youngsters due their decision making because youngsters use below Dua for getting love back in Urdu choose or choice our life partners or couples. Parents want to marry there where Read Quran, Surah Furqan Ayat 54 bad Namaz-e-Isha 41 time awal before- after Shareef 6 time read after then dua to Allah for marriage /nikah. Please pray each & every Muslim & Muslimah & pass away Misfortune from this world they decide to marry their younger or child also according to their choice but children or younger wants to marry there who love or affairs with that human either male or female. So, regarding this problem we have to use Muslim surah to solve this type of problem in simple or easy way or manner is that both the holy book the Quran through this book he solve or finish the different types of problem or troubles which are relating to human or people, in this way strong dua for someone back is accepted by the Allah .

Dua to make someone come back to you

Wazifa to make someone come back to you

Islamic wazifa for husband is in which Ayat comes from the word of Ayah, wazifa to improve increase love between husband and wife wazifa is formulae for solving any types of problem which can’t be solved in easily way Through which we obtained our result in Wazifa For Love Work Like Fire is the Islamic Dua/Prayer for Lover Who want to their lost love back,want to marry with lover, Love someone and make them own they may read this wazifa only for Marriage Purpose, not for other relations. For More Wazaif Like very simple way through which we can create or origin of many things is we think I start with name of the Allah then the work is hard or easily able to succeed as soon as possible similarly the Islamic dua for love back is accepted by the Allah because Allah is the most beneficent and the most merciful for all.

Dua To Make Someone Come Back To You is a powerful source to get your lost love back easily. This Powerful dua to make someone come back is a method by which you can get your loved one back by the proper Islamic method. Everybody here knows that dua is the most powerful source of success. If you are really thinking to get help then you are seeing below an option to consult Molana Ji on whats-app. You need to click that button and you can directly consult to Molana shab on WhatsApp.

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