Prayer for someone passing away

Losing a loved one can bring about a sudden feeling of shock and trouble. Reciting a traditional prayer for comfort can help to bring you consolation and reassurance. Here is a look at some great prayers for loss of a loved one.

Prayer #1

Comfort me with Your love O God
Wrap me up in Your strong embrace
Shelter me from the storm O Lord
Envelop me in Your tender care

By day I pour out my heartbreak to You
By night I give you my racing thoughts

In You I take refuge
In You I will not be afraid
For you hold me strong, You hold me safe

Calm my fearful heart O God
Still my anxious mind O Lord

For all my life is found in You
All my being is given to You
All my hope begins in You

Prayer #2

Lord, at the moment nothing seems to be able to help the loss I feel.
My heart is broken and my spirit mourns.
All I know is that Your grace is sufficient.
This day, this hour
Moment by moment
I choose to lean on You,
For when I am at my weakest Your strength is strongest.
I pour out my grief to You
And praise You that on one glorious day
When all suffering is extinguished and love has conquered
We shall walk together again.

Prayer #3

Our Father in heaven, may Your Name be honored. There is none greater than You. You are our refuge and strength. You are always ready to help in times of trouble. We praise You, Lord. We lift our hearts with praise. It is good to sing praises to You, our God; how delightful and how right! Lord, You are great and mighty in power. Your understanding is infinite. We thank You, Father, for the life of our loved one(s) who have gone on to be with You. Thank You for their time on earth and the impact they had on our lives. We are thankful to You and we bless Your Name.

Prayer #4

Father, You can count the stars and call them all by name. Your power is absolute. Your understanding is beyond comprehension. You support the humble and bring the wicked down into the dust. You comfort those who mourn. We declare that those grieving the death of a loved one; mourning will turn into dancing. We confess that You are their rock, fortress, and Savior in whom they will find protection. You are their shield, and the strength of their salvation. Father, You are their stronghold. As they call on You, You have promised to answer. We believe that You will be with them during this period of bereavement, rescue them from grief, honor them, and give them Your salvation.

Prayer #5

Father, we ask You to send Your peace to those persons who are mourning. Continue to surround them with family, friends and loved ones who will offer words of comfort. Give them sweet and restful sleep. Father, remove the spirit of heaviness, and give them garments of praise. In due time, bless their lives to overflow with laughter and joy again. As they take refuge in You, please help them to put their trust in You. Holy Spirit, we ask that You settle the hearts and minds of those who are feeling any guilt, resentment, bitterness, or anger. Help them not to look back but to press forward.

Prayer #6

Father, forgive the bereaved for any sins they have committed through thoughts, words, or deeds. Forgive them if they have not meditated on Your Word to find comfort. Father, forgive them if they have not been totally submissive to Your perfect will for their lives. Forgive them for any hurtful things they may have said or done to the deceased. Lord, help them to forgive the deceased if necessary. Please remind them of anyone they need to forgive; and help them to forgive quickly.

Prayer #7

Loving Father, I am finding it so hard to even get up out of bed to start the day, knowing that I have to face it alone and without the one I love so dearly – I know that without Your grace and sufficiency I could never get through the day – but I thank You that You have promised to be with me and to provide me with Your strength for the day as well as bright hope for tomorrow.

I can’t imagine tomorrow being anything but a day filled with pain – as I do not have my loved one beside me, but I ask that in Your grace You will give me the strength to get through today, step by step – knowing that You are there to carry me, even when my heart seems to fail from the grief and pain that I am going through.

Thank You that You have promised to carry our pain and thank You that Your grace is sufficient for every eventuality in our lives. Give me the strength and to cope with the loneliness I feel and help me to move forward in my life-plans, knowing that You are with me, to support and strengthen.

Give me hope for tomorrow – for my hope and my trust is in You, Lord. Hold me close I pray and thank You for always being with me and the great comfort that I have in knowing You, as my own dear Saviour and friend.

Prayer #8

Loving Lord and Heavenly king, I want to lift up some dear friends of mind that are going through much grief at the moment and are finding it so difficult to come to terms with all that has taken place in the last few days…

I humbly ask that You would come to them and provide the comfort they need to come to terms with all that has happened – and the strength to face the reality that things will never be as they were.

Lord I know that their grief seems to be overwhelming them and I am hurting for them, and know not what to do to help – and so I am coming to You to in prayer, to ask that You will meet each of them at their point of need and help them to turn to You at this sad time.

I pray that as the day passes Your healing touch will comfort and succour them in this time of distress and may this be a thing that causes each of them to draw closer to You, knowing that You alone can heal the broken-hearted and bring joy out of pain.

Thank You Lord for being there for me and into Your hands I place each one of these dear ones who have such sadness in their hearts – I KNOW in Whom I believe and an confident that You will bring good out of this situation – and to You be all the praise and glory, Amen

Prayer #9

Loving Lord I am filled with grief and sadness at the loss of my precious loved one – and yet that pain is tinged with gold, knowing that they trusted you as their Saviour and that they are now in Your presence.

I know that I am going to miss this precious one, who has been my strength and my joy for so long, and thank You for the precious times we had together.

Often Lord I expect my dear one to just be there, or walk through the door – and then remember that they have gone home to be with You. At times this is quite hard and yet I know that I must not grieve as those that have not hope in Jesus – but rejoice knowing that the day is coming when we will be together with You and You will wipe away all tears from our eyes – but at the moment my loss is like an open wound – and I pray that You will heal my brokenness and the loneliness I feel… and draw me every closer into Your arms of love my Lord and my God.

Thank You for all You are to me and may I rest in You in Jesus name, Amen

Prayer #10

My heart is reaching out to you,
For what you’re going through;
I’m thinking of you frequently
And praying for you, too.

If there’s something I can do,
Anything at all,
Think of me thinking of you,
And don’t hesitate to call.

Prayer #11

When someone we love passes away,
We ache, but we go on;
Our dear departed would want us to heal,
After they are gone.

Grief is a normal way to mend
The anguish and pain in our hearts;
We need time to remember and time to mourn,
Before the recovery starts.

Let’s draw together to recuperate,
As we go through this period of sorrow;
Let’s help each other, with tender care
To find a brighter tomorrow.

Prayer #12

If we could bring you back again,
For one more hour or day,
We’d express all our unspoken love;
We’d have countless things to say.

If we could bring you back again,
We’d say we treasured you,
And that your presence in our lives
Meant more than we ever knew.

If we could bring you back again,
To tell you what we should,
You’d know how much we miss you now,
And if we could, we would.

Prayer #13

If there was ever a time in my life I was weak, it was the days, weeks, and months after my daughter died. To know that God’s strength was at it’s best when I needed it the most gave me courage to take another breath. It seems impossible to “glory in my affirmities” when you don’t feel you have the strength to go on with your life, but God’s grace *is* sufficient. There is power through Christ Jesus to sustain you when nothing else can. You must allow Him to carry the burden – there are things too big for us to handle on our own. We cannot as mothers (and fathers) get through the loss of a child and retain any sanity without His help.

I don’t think it’s wrong to ask “why” – I have many times over the years. But you have to recognize God’s authority and know that whatever purpose there was for your child, it was fulfilled during the time you carried him or her. We don’t understand all of it, and honestly I don’t believe we have the capacity to. But I take comfort knowing that one day, God will hold me close and explain it to me in a way that I can understand.

Prayer #14

Praise God that He is close to those who are suffering. He knows the pain we’re going through and He keeps us from being consumed by it. I know without a doubt that had it not been for the grace of God, I would have come through my daughter’s death a bitter and downtrodden woman. But through His love and compassion, He saved me from being crushed by the weight of the burden I carried. My heart still aches for my baby and it’s been seven years since she died – the ache has dulled some with time, but I don’t believe it will ever go away completely. I still cry at times talking about her, but I rest in the knowledge that God is near and will continue to carry me if I allow Him to. It’s a choice – a conscious decision you have to make. You have to acknowledge that you need help getting through it, and God is the only answer.

Dianne Gray, head of the Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Foundation discusses the five stages of grief and the classic book, ‘On Death and Dying.’

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We were inspired by a post in our forums (which you can see below) to make some suggestions on prayers for someone who is in a coma. If someone you know is in a coma, our hearts and prayers go out to you! This must be an extremely difficult time for you and we really pray for God to be with you and your loved one! The first prayer that comes to mind for a situation like this is the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.  This chaplet was given to St. Faustina by Jesus. It is a powerful prayer that many pray for those who are very sick or dying.

Next is the St. Jude Novena. If you’ve never prayed a novena, this is the perfect time to start and the St. Jude Novena is perfect for this sort of tragic situation. St. Jude is the patron of impossible causes. Many, many people turn to St. Jude by praying for his intercession through a novena when there is a seemingly impossible situation such as a severe illness or coma.

Lastly, it is very important to pray for your loved ones’ soul. While we never know what will happen with a coma and if God will choose to heal someone or not, praying for his/her soul is the best thing to do. Pray that they will go to heaven and await you there where you will be reunited in the love of Christ.

We hope this is helpful to you during this hard time. We’re praying for you!

From our forums:

Hello, About a week ago someone very dear to me had an open heart surgery but he never woke up from it, he is still in a coma and his down left side is paralyzed. Things are not looking good at all and the doctors doesn’t know if it’s a stroke, swollen in the brain or what..
He is only in his mid twenties..

i have been praying for him but I’m starting to lose hope in his recovery.. I know that faith can make miracles happen but i am too tired and scared and am not capable of fully believe that a miracle will happen.

Please pray for him, please..

Thank you


Joining you with our Blessed Mother, and all the Saints to petition with us at God’s throne for the graces needed by everyone involved.

I am sorry for your tragedy. I will pray.

Thank you both for your prayers

They are going to withdraw the life support soon because the doctors says that the damages are so severe ( in both lobes of the brain) and they are irreversible..
He is in an other country at the moment, so rule differs, plus they are ot Catholics, but isn’t this act a sin? In my country it is considered a sin and is not even allowed by the law.
But in either cases, I want to thank you for your prayers for him, and would like if you could have a last prayer so that his soul will rest in peace.
Thank you so much once again

The Church does not require that people be left on extraordinary forms of life support. Removing machines that keep someone who would otherwise not be able to survive, and have not hope or recovery are not required by the Faith, we can allow nature to take it’s course. Either keeping someone on or taking them off extraordinary life support is a hard decision, but not sinful to consider of or do. It is not directly ending someone’s life.

Pope John Paul II explained the distinction between allowing to die and euthanasia in the following manner:

“Euthanasia must be distinguished from the decision to forgo so-called “aggressive medical treatment,” in other words, medical procedures which no longer correspond to the real situation of the patient, either because they are now disproportionate to any expected results or because they impose an excessive burden on the patient and his family. … To forgo extraordinary or disproportionate means is not the equivalent of suicide or euthanasia; it rather expresses acceptance of the human condition in the face of death.”
Evangelium vitae, n. 65.

My own poor prayers for you and all involved, as well as that the Angels lead him into paradise.

Thank you for explaining this to me. My knowledge is not that wide in things like that.
He passed away this friday, and it has been very hard on all of us.
But still praying for his soul.

Thank you for your prayers too, they are very much appreciated.
God bless you

The passing of a loved one opens a floodgate of emotions that can be hard to process. Some of us grieve immediately, while others take a while before they can accept the death of their loved one. The songs below can help those of us who are grieving, as they approach death from various perspectives.

Four Year Strong – One Step at a Time

The thing about grieving for someone who died is that you can’t just wake up one day and be over it. It takes millions of little steps to finally come to terms with losing someone you love. One Step at a Time is the perfect song that embodies that feeling. It’s was written as a tribute to guitarist Dan O’Connor’s brother who passed away from leukemia.

The saddest lines: I’ll never forget the day my heart fell from my chest

It was the moment that I said goodbye

And I laid your body to rest

I’ll never take this life for granted

I’m living it for two

‘Cause you’re always the one who sang the songs

And I’m singing this one for you

Saosin – Mookie’s Last Christmas

While it may not be obvious when you first hear it, it’s actually about the death of one of the band members’ dad. Justin Shekoski’s father was on his way home from one of Saosin’s shows, and he got into a car accident. The driver, Justin’s brother, survived, but his dad didn’t. It was 23 days before Christmas, hence the title.

The saddest lines: We count the days left, 23

And all I know

Honestly, could I be protected

With you suddenly gone

The feeling that you were honest before

I can’t shake it

Bloc Party – Signs

Signs has such a surreal quality that sounds almost like a lullaby. In this song, the protagonist has already known that there was something wrong with his lover. Sadly, he wasn’t able to prevent her death. In turn, he sees signs all around him about her still being around. He likes to believe that she’s not dead, just sleeping – something he tells himself to help him remain close to her.

The saddest lines: I could sleep forever these days because in my dreams I see you again

But this time fleshed out fuller face in your confirmation dress

It was so like you to visit me to let me know you were OK

It was so like you to visit me, always worrying about someone else

Pearl Jam – Light Years

Light Years was written by Pearl Jam as a tribute to their friend Diane Muus from Sony Music. According to Eddie Vedder, Diane was a great person whom they suddenly lost without having a chance to say goodbye. He says that it taught him that if you have good friends, you have to love them while they’re still around.

The saddest lines: And wherever you’ve gone

And where ever we might go

It don’t seem fair

Today just disappeared

Your lights reflected now

Reflected from a far

We were but stones

Your light made us stars

Alice in Chains – Black Gives Way to Blue

Alice in Chains wrote this song as a tribute to their late frontman, Layne Staley. Staley died of an overdose in 2002, and the band decided to dedicate a song to him. Jerry Cantrell explains that the song is about the experiences the band went through. It’s about moving forward together despite everything. And while things were quite dark for the band at the time, things were beginning to get a little lighter.

The saddest lines: I don’t wanna feel no more

It’s easier to keep falling

Imitations are pale

Emptiness all tomorrows

Haunted by your ghost

Lay down, black gives way to blue

Lay down, I’ll remember you

Green Day – Wake Me Up When September Ends

Green Day frontman Billie Joe Armstrong wrote this song as a tribute to his father, who died of cancer on September 1, 1982. He couldn’t handle his grief, so he ran home and locked himself in his room. When his mother knocked on his door, he told her to wake him up when September ends. The song was written seven years after his father’s death, which is why the lyrics go, “seven years have gone so fast.”

The saddest lines: Summer has come and passed

The innocent can never last

Wake me up when September ends

Like my fathers come to pass

Seven years has gone so fast

Wake me up when September ends

Counting Crows – A Long December

A Long December is about the death of Adam Duritz’s friend, Jennifer. She was involved in a car accident and didn’t make it. It sparked in him the awareness of his own mortality and made him reflect on his life. He says that it’s a song about looking back on your life and seeing the changes happening. And while not everything will turn out great, he is hopeful at least for the possibility that things will get better.

The saddest lines: A long December and there’s reason to believe

Maybe this year will be better than the last

I can’t remember the last thing that you said as you were leavin’

Now the days go by so fast

Chris Cornell – Wave Goodbye

Chris Cornell was a good friend of singer Jeff Buckley. So when Jeff Buckley died from a swimming accident, Chris’ grief was evident. His friend’s death inspired him to write a song about how much he misses his friend and how he wished he could have said goodbye. In 2017, Chris Cornell committed suicide, which makes this song all the more haunting.

The saddest lines: Words get tangled on your tongue

And you stumble on your feet

When you miss somebody

And everywhere you think you see them

Walking down the street

When you miss somebody

When you miss somebody

You tell yourself a hundred thousand times

Nobody ever lives forever

So you give it one more try

To wave goodbye, wave goodbye

Modest Mouse – Ocean Breathes Salty

While there’s no clear word on who this song is about, Modest Mouse lead singer Isaac Brock says that this song is about death. It plays as a song being sung to someone who has already passed away, with the protagonist pondering on what could happen in the afterlife and asking the departed about what life is like in the world of the dead.

The saddest lines: Well that is that and this is this.

Will you tell me what you saw and I’ll tell you what you missed,

when the ocean met the sky. (You missed, you missed)

You wasted life, why wouldn’t you waste the afterlife?

Bone Thugs-N-Harmony – The Crossroads

The Crossroads is dedicated to Eric “Eazy E” Wright, a rapper and music mogul who died of AIDS in 1995. The song is a tribute to all the people the members of Bone Thugs-N-Harmony have lost – from family members to fellow gang members to friends they met in the music industry.

The saddest lines: What’s up with murder y’all, see my little cousin was hung

Somebody was really wrong, everybody want to test us dawg

Then miss sleazy set up Eazy to fall, you know why we sinnin’

And Krayzie intended on ending it when it ends

Wanna come again, again and again

Now tell me whatcha gonna do

Sinead O’Connor – Nothing Compares to You

Sinead O’Connor may not have written this song, but it still had a huge impact on her. In the video, Sinead is seen shedding a tear near the end. This is because she strongly associated the song with her mother, who died a car accident in 1985. Sinead’s relationship with her mother was rife with conflict, but it didn’t make mean the singer didn’t grieve at her passing.

The saddest lines: All the flowers that you planted mama

In the back yard

All died when you went away

I know that living with you baby was sometimes hard

But I’m willing to give it another try

Nothing compares

Nothing compares to you

Shangri-Las – Leader of the Pack

While this song sounds upbeat, it’s actually about a teenage love gone wrong. Leader of the Pack is about a young girl who falls in love with the leader of a motorcycle gang. The girl’s parents don’t approve, and so she breaks up with him. Sadly, he gets into a motorcycle accident as he speeds off into the rain. The girl is left devastated and states that she’ll never forget him.

The saddest lines: I felt so helpless, what could I do

Remembering all the things we’d been through?

In school they all stop and stare

I can’t hide the tears, but I don’t care

I’ll never forget him, the leader of the pack

Eric Clapton – Tears in Heaven

Tears in Heaven was written by Eric Clapton originally for the 1991 film Rush. However, as he was writing, he was also able to incorporate lyrics about a tragedy in his life. In March of 1991, Eric Clapton’s son fell from the 53rd floor of an apartment in New York. He had said he wanted to write a song about his song, and thus Tears in Heaven was created.

The saddest lines: Would you know my name

If I saw you in heaven?

Would you be the same

If I saw you in heaven?

Puff Daddy and Faith Evans feat. 112 – I’ll Be Missing You

I’ll Be Missing You is a tribute song to Notorious B.I.G., who was a rapper and close friend of Puff Daddy. He was shot to death in 1997, at the age of only 24. Notorious B.I.G. was signed to Puff Daddy’s record label at the time. Puff Daddy says that when he wrote I’ll Be Missing You, he felt like he was finally able to talk to him.

The saddest lines: Seems like yesterday we used to rock the show

I lace the track you lock the flow

So far from hanging on the block of dough

Notorious they got to know that

Life ain’t always what it seem to be

Words can’t express what you mean to me

And though you’re gone

We still a team

The Beatles – Let It Be

While many people seem to think that the Mother Mary in the song is a biblical reference, Paul McCartney states that it’s actually a reference to his own mother. He says he was inspired to write this song when he had a dream during a difficult time in his life. In his dream, he saw his mother, who was somehow able to bring him peace. His mother had already passed away ten years prior, and yet her presence was still able to calm him.

The saddest lines: And when the night is cloudy there is still a light that shines on me

Shine until tomorrow, let it be

I wake up to the sound of music, Mother Mary comes to me

Speaking words of wisdom, let it be

We hope these songs are able to help you get through the death of someone you love. Leave a comment below about other songs that were able to help you come to terms with the death of someone close to you.

Dear God,

I know I don’t see things the way most people do.

I know I’m not perfect and not even sure if you’re true.
I come to you for help; I have nowhere else to go.
I pray for help for a friend that I love so.
I wish I could have her pain, sickness, and strain.
I wish her to be happy, healthy, and without pain
I would for her give my life to make all this go away
I pray for her and I love her in every way.
If you can find the time to hear my prayer
please take her pains and any illness
she may have and give it to me for if
I can take these burdens from her it will
help show just how much I do care.
One Lost Soul

Thank you and Amen

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