by A C (Usa)
Dear Lord, God, Above all Gods, You are our Father, and I know that you watch over your creation. This is your world. Earth is your footstool. We on earth are people you created. Lord, when we feel depressed and confused over all that is happening around us, help us to remember that You are there . You comfort us and fill us with your peace. Let us know that you are there in the storms , and the storms of our lives. Calm our fear, and give us peace. When we are hurting, and sick, and we don’t know what to do, please be with us, and give us patience to endure the pain that we are dealing with. Let us remember that Jesus suffered on the cross for us, and our suffering is only a portion of what He suffered. Let us remember to think of you when we suffer ,and think of Jesus , the Son. You care for us, because I know that you are loving, kind , and good. You are wonderful, our teacher, our hope, and our lives depend on You. You give us breath, life and truth. Thank you Jesus, and the Father , for taking care of your children. Save us from the evil one. Amen
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Terrorist attacks hit us hard. These prayers for peace and comfort are a collection of sympathy messages and support for survivors from people all around the world, via Facebook and Twitter.
Prayers for Peace and Comfort After a Terrorist Attack
“There are things that we don’t want to happen but have to accept, things we don’t want to know but have to learn, and people we can’t live without but have to let go,” is one of my favorite quotes in Words of Comfort When Your Heart is Broken. We don’t want to accept the terrorist attacks, but we have to. Our hearts and souls rail against the suffering of the survivors and their families, against the death of innocent bystanders. The first thing we can do is offer prayers for peace and comfort after a terrorist attack. Then we need to look for ways to help, to be Jesus’ hands and feet. To minister, serve, and bind wounds.
I send my heartfelt sympathy and condolences to the survivors after the terrorist attacks in Paris and Beirut. My heart is broken for the deaths of innocent people, for the suffering of the survivors, for their families, and for the citizens. I’m deeply saddened by the news of terrorist attacks in Paris, Beirut, and other parts of the world, and I want to spread messages of comfort, peace, and healing.
Table of contents
- 1 Prayers for Peace and Comfort After a Terrorist Attack
- 2 Answered Prayer for Peace
- 3 More Prayers for Peace
- 4 Saint Francis of Assisi
- 5 St. Theresa Prayer
- 6 Serenity Prayer
- 7 May I Be At Peace (Saint Teresa of Avila)
- 8 Prayer of Saint Francis de Sales
- 9 Calm and at Peace
- 10 Peace of Mind
- 11 Prayer for Peace in the Home
- 12 World Peace Prayer
- 13 U.N. Day of Prayer for World Peace
- 14 Prayer for Peace of Mind
- 15 Prayer for Healing Stress
- 16 Verses:
Prayers for Peace and Comfort After a Terrorist Attack
My heart is broken for Paris, for all the citizens, and for France. May God be with each one of you, may He even now begin to heal broken families and wounded souls. We stand with you. We bow our heads and send prayers for peace and comfort. We send our love and sympathies, and we want you to know that you’re not alone in your suffering.
I’m sharing two collections of prayers for peace from Facebook and Twitter, after the Beirut and Paris terrorist attacks…
Facebook Prayers for Peace and Comfort
Waking up to a disaster, the terrorist attacks that happened in Paris. Prayers go out to the people in Paris that have lost their loved ones. We are with you France. – Nathan King.
As I read about the terror attacks in Paris, France, my heart, thoughts, and prayers go out to the victims and their loved ones, says Srikith G Nath. My prayer goes up for those who survive. For the victims, that they will find the strengths to cope with the tragedy. May they press on, and find wisdom to reconstruct their lives for the path ahead of them.
I pray that lives lost in such a senseless tragedy will be a turning point for the community and the world at large:
- That at all levels of governments, leaders will enforce justice and ensure that such a crime will never happen again
- That humanity will be inspired to stand together and help protect every single person regardless of his/her creed, culture, colour, custom and country of origin
- That we will never stand by and do nothing against the forces of evil. We will stay vigilant and do our part to help look out for the world around us and keep it safe and secure for all our children and children’s children.
My prayer and hope is that this heinous crime will not bring about any negative reaction and outcome but that it will start a new day of peace, kindness and compassion. – Srikith G Nath.
We cannot isolate ourselves from what is happening in different parts of the world… the constant violence and battles and this morning the news of terrorist attacks in Paris. Let us unite ourselves with the many people who are suffering and the victims of violence. We pray for their families and we pray for their countries. – Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle.
Prayers for Peace and Comfort After Terrorist Attacks
Respect and prayers for the victims of last night’s terror attacks in Paris. Politics aside, let’s not forget the real people lost, the sacrifices made by these poor souls and their families, because humanity can’t get it’s act together and get along. – Rev. Nix Eradicatus.
Sending prayers for those who are suffering in Paris because of this very tragic incident. May God give them strength during their time of great loss and grieving. My thoughts and prayers are also with these people who keep on generalizing the whole Muslim population and Islam in blaming terrorism without even educating themselves on the religion. Learning other beliefs doesn’t mean you are betraying your own, it just helps you understand and respect other people more. World peace! – Zhia Kate.
Please dear Lord, protect us from this evil that continues to haunt us. Please give those that are Yours the wisdom and the power to use the technology that is already in place, and to create new technology and prevent further tragedies. I also ask that You send Your comfort and healing to those that this has touched both in physical and in mental capacity. I ask these things in the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. Amen…. Doris Ann Williamson.
If you’re grieving loss after a terrorist attack, read How to Survive the Grieving Process.
Why send prayers for peace and comfort after a terrorist attack?
“After posting prayers for Paris, France, and our world someone issued a post about prayer as a waste of time and energy,” said David Weekly on Facebook. “The important thing is to get involved in justice work. Double-blind studies indicate that prayer effects both the one praying and the one unknowingly prayed for in ways we do not understand. Beyond this, prayer is not passive; it is one dimension of compassion. Practical acts of care, including working for justice are extensions of prayer for many people of faith.”
One of my favorite theologians, Fred Rogers, said “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” May we be helpers today.
Twitter Prayers for Peace and Comfort After a Terrorist Attack
The sun rises in this beautiful city, we remember the people that have died and the families that have lost loved ones… Our thoughts are with you all… PrayForParis. – David Beckham.
Praying for everyone in Paris right now. Lord please restore this city to safety. Give them peace and protection. – Hillary Scott.
The reports from Paris are harrowing. Praying for the city and families of the victims. – Hillary Clinton.
Heart is heavy – praying for Paris concert goers and hostages from EODM concert. Can only pray. – Juliette Lewis.
Prayers for Comfort and Peace After Terrorist Attacks
I can’t even begin to express what I feel… All my thoughts and love goes to Paris on this very sad night. – Molly Ringwald.
Extremely saddened by the cowardly and brutal act on innocents. Prayers and thoughts with the families. #prayforparis – Hrithik Roshan.
Heartbreaking to hear about the #ParisAttacks. Can only pray for peace. I hope justice will be served. – Varun Dhawan.
Deeply sad to see what happened in Paris, the city which is a symbol of love and beauty has been turned into a cauldron of hate #Prayers4Paris. – Vivek Oberoi.
Sending prayers and love for our dear friends in Paris. #Prayers4Paris – Hugh Jackman.
My prayers are with the victims and hostages in the horrible Paris attacks. May God be with you all. -Donald Trump.
I mourn with you. I pray with you. I stand with you. America must lead in the world. We must wage and win this fight against Islamic terrorism. – Carly Fiorina.
For more prayers for peace and comfort for survivors of terrorist attacks, read Practical Tips and Prayers for Grieving Widows.
Your prayers for peace and comfort after terrorist attacks are welcome below.
Photograph © Andrew Pieper, 2012
Sunday evening, a dear friend’s wife passed into eternity following a massive stroke. Cec and Shirley were married for 57 years. I haven’t figured out a way to hold a hand or send a hug via cyberspace, but that’s what I want to do. As much as he and I love words, my friend and his family don’t need them right now.
In the same ways I ache for my friend, I hurt for those affected by the terrible storms in Oklahoma. Again, no words seem adequate, beneficial, or necessary. But I know my heart has been turned to the Father since the reports started coming in, just as it was turned toward the Father when I first learned of Shirley’s stroke.
I invite you to join your prayers and heart with mine:
God of all comfort, today we come to You once again without words. We trust You when we hurt. We look to You even when we don’t understand. And this day, we bring our dear ones to You.
We come to you today as Emmanuel, asking You to be near to those who are hurting. Touch them in ways they can feel, know, and understand. We come to you as Healer, asking You to touch each life with tenderness and power. We come to You as Redeemer, asking You to pour grace upon grief and truth across terror. We come to You as Father and Friend, asking You to carry and sustain those who can bear no more.
Oh God, we read that Your mercies are over all Your works. Cover these dear ones with Your mercy today. Lighten the load of those who face terrible tasks. Ease the pain of those who face the unspeakable. Make Yourself known to those who don’t know You. And grant each one Your peace that passes understanding. Deliver them from evil. Protect them, strengthen them, and keep them in Your name—the mighty name of Jesus in which I pray with tears, AMEN.
If you have words of comfort or specific prayer needs, feel free to post them here. Thank you for sharing and praying.
On this page you’ll find powerful prayers for peace. Everyday life can bring challenges and discomfort, which can kick us out of our peaceful place. Ideally, we would be free of worry and stress and be able to enjoy our life, family, work and hobbies, carefree. Being burdened with worries can deprive of us of our energy and life purpose.
We tend to stress over many different matters of life, both big and small. This can include where to move, who to marry, what job to accept, how to spend leisure time, etc. But worry is a form of sin, for it means you are not trusting God. All areas of your life are of concern to God. Without these trials, we wouldn’t have any victories.
Our Lord has promised us peace in these times of trial. He has provided a way for us to come to him in our times of need. The peace he can provide us can guard our minds and strengthen us. In his presence there is peace.
Romans 15:13 – May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The world can be cruel and unfair at times. We see good things happen to good people. God doesn’t cause them, but he is capable of blessing us with his peace. Practice the presence of God and pray. You can find peace by praying and meditating on what is holy. The act of praying allows you to think on purity, excellence and truth; this fills your heart with good.
Romans 8:6 – The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.
Answered Prayer for Peace
I want to let the Holy Land Prayer group know how very grateful I am for giving me the chance to have my prayer request laid on Our Lord’s Anointed Stone with the lit candle. I was thrilled to see the pictures of them both. Although I couldn’t be in the most holiest place on earth physically I feel I was there spiritually and that Jesus was listening. I felt comfort and at peace. Thank You so much for giving me this opportunity and I will let my relatives and friends know about this super website.
You are capable of speaking to God with the quiet thoughts in your head and with the deepest feelings in your heart. Within these chambers of our soul is where God gives us answers in return; he gives us answers to our prayers through our thoughts and feelings. To stay in tune with the Lord and interpret his incites more easily, stay consistent in prayer and explore the scriptures. Ignoring the Lord’s insights will lead to more confusion in your life and a lack of peace.
Prayer is both a privilege and power given to us by God. Pray consistently and God promises to pour out his spirit upon you.
More Prayers for Peace
Saint Francis of Assisi
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;
Where there is hatred, let me sow charity;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is error, the truth;
Where there is doubt, the faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light; and
Where there is sadness, joy.
O, Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying to ourselves that we are born to eternal life. Amen.
St. Theresa Prayer
May today there be peace within
May you trust your highest power that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance.
It is there for each and every one of you.
Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as he did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that he will make all things right if I surrender to his will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with him forever in the next.
May I Be At Peace (Saint Teresa of Avila)
May I be at peace.
May my heart remain open.
May I be aware of my true nature.
May I be healed.
May I be a source of healing to others.
May I dwell in the Breath of God.
Prayer of Saint Francis de Sales
Do not look forward to what might happen tomorrow. The same everlasting Father who cared for you today will care for you tomorrow and every day. Either he will shield you from suffering or he will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations.
Calm and at Peace
I become quiet and focused on the Spirit of God.
Alone with the presence of God, I feel a great serenity.
I rediscover how refreshing it feels to be calm and at peace.
I feel as if waves of peace are washing over me and clearing away any tenseness and anxiety.
I know that I am eternally one with God.
In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.
Peace of Mind
Dear God I ask for peace of mind. I pray that I am calm, collected and tranquil at all times today. I rest and relax in your presence. I let go of all anxious thoughts. I stop rushing and start praying. I let go and I let God. In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.
Prayer for Peace in the Home
Heavenly Father,
Our house is a place where we welcome you.
We give you freedom here.
Dwell within our family, may we feel you near.
Laugh with us, and dine with us, we listen out for you.
And when we sleep watch over us, we give ourselves to you.
We greet you every morning, we wake with you each day.
Please fill this home with heavens peace and lead our hearts to pray.
World Peace Prayer
Dear God, I pray for world peace.
Jesus you said, “I, when I am lifted up on the earth, will draw all men to myself.”
As I lift my thoughts to the high consciousness of peace, I help lift the thoughts of all people throughout the world to peace.
God, what a blessing it is to know that I can contribute to the peace of this world through prayer.
My prayers reach out to unfold all nations and people of the earth.
I know that the same presence of peace that is within me resides in people everywhere – no matter who they are, or where they live.
No matter what religion we profess, each person has been created with the peace of God at the center of his or her being.
God’s peace harmonizes all seeming disagreements and dissolves all differences.
God’s peace brings great freedom to all.
My prayer and my vision of the world is of a peaceful planet.
As I hold to this prayer and vision, I remember that peace begins with me.
I pray, in Jesus Christ name, Amen.
U.N. Day of Prayer for World Peace
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.
But I say to you that hear, love your enemies; do good to those who hate you;
bless those who curse you; pray for those who abuse you.
To those who strike you on the cheek, offer the other also;
and from those who take away your cloak, do not withhold your coat as well.
Give to everyone who begs from you, and of those who take away your goods,
do not ask them again. And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.
Prayer for Peace of Mind
Precious Lord, I give you praise for your abundant mercy and grace in all things. I want to thank you for your faithfulness even though at times of fall short in this life. Please grant me peace in my mind, body, soul and spirit. I ask that You heal and remove everything that is causing stress, grief, and sorrow in my life.
Please guide my path through life, and make my enemies be at peace with who I am, for I am Your child. Let your peace reign within our family, at my place of work, businesses and everything I lay my hands on.
I ask these things in your name, Amen.
Prayer for Healing Stress
Father, please grant me peace of mind, and calm my troubled heart. My soul is so uneasy. I can’t seem to find my balance, so I stumble and worry constantly. Give me the strength and clarity of mind to find my purpose and walk the path You’ve laid out for me. I trust Your love, and know that you will heal this stress that I just can’t seem to shake. Just as the sun rises each day against the dark of night, please bring me clarity with the light of the Holy Father. Amen
John 16:33 – I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
Psalm 94:17-19 – Unless the Lord had given me help, I would soon have dwelt in the silence of death. When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.
Psalm 23 – Surely goodness and love will follow me all of the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
John 14:27- Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
Psalm 119:50 – My comfort is in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life.
Isaiah 26:3 – You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.
2 Thes 3:16 – May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.
Psalm 46:1-3 – God is our shelter and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not be afraid, even if the earth is shaken and mountains fall into the ocean depths; even if the seas roar and rage, and the hills are shaken by the violence.
Philippians 4:6-7 – Don’t worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking him with a thankful heart. And God’s peace, which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:8 – Whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, of good repute, excellent worthy of praise. Let your mind dwell on these things.
Romans 14:17 – For the kingdom of God is righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.