Prayer for my baby

by Yamy (Zion IL. Chicago)

Hi my name is Yamy I’m a mother of 3 and am currently pregnant with my 4th, I am 3 months and a few days, I just went to the doctor today to do what is called a BUN test which determines if your baby is healthy or not, well the results of the ultrasound came back abnormal, so I was sent for a 2nd test to have liquid moved from my placenta to do further testing, it could be possible that the results come back negative, which I pray they do, I am asking for prayer for my baby to be fine and healthy, that those results come back negative, I am a strong believer of God and I have faith, I just would like some extra prayer from strong believers as well, please pray that everything comes back ok and that my baby that is a blessing from God is a perfectly healthy baby… I would really appreciate it, thanks you all for your prayers, god bless all… God is a great God and a powerful one amen!

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Dear God,

Thank you for my amazing little boy.  Thank you that you are knitting him together perfectly inside of me.  Pregnancy is an amazing thing that only You could have created and I am so thankful to be experiencing it.  Thank you for Your perfect will and Your perfect timing.

Lord I pray that Andrew and I will be good parents.  I pray that we will love our little boy unconditionally.  I pray that our marraige will grow and become stronger as we raise our family.  I pray that we will set a good example of a healthy, Godly relationship for him.  I pray for calmness in the new challenges coming our way and I pray for peace of mind that we are doing okay.   I pray that we would learn from our mistakes and be joyful and thankful for our successes.

I pray that this little boy feels unconditional love, not only from us as parents but also from You. I pray that You will walk with him through life.  I pray that he will learn to rely on You and turn to You in times of trouble.  I pray that he has a servant’s heart and will learn compassion for others, be quick to listen and slow to judge.  I pray that he is allowed to make mistakes and, if its Your will, fall away from You so he can understand grace and mercy when you pull him back towards You.  I pray that he truly understands forgiveness. 

I pray that he is adventurous and not afraid to fail and that he finds a passion in life to drive him.  Whether it is sports, academics, music, or missions, I pray that as parents we support him and encourage him to follow his dreams.

Lord I pray for his relationships with others.  I pray that he finds Godly men to mentor him and he creates lasting and deep friendships with others.  I pray that he learns to treat women the way his daddy treats his mommy – with respect and love.  I pray for his wife – that she too can grow up knowing You and that their relationship is glorifying to You.  I pray that he will pass on a legacy to his own children and teach them how to love and serve You.

Most of all I pray that he will simply learn to love You with all his heart, mind and soul and that he finds Jesus as his saviour and friend.   I pray that he learns intimacy with You in prayer and quiet time and is able to feel the nudges that You give him.  I pray that his love for You would be evident in his life and his actions.  I pray that he will be able to lead others towards You in whatever unique way that You provide for him.  

God,  You are amazing.  Thank you for your constant grace and mercy.  Protect my little boy over these next 8 weeks.  I can’t wait to meet him.


Baby #3 arrived in our home last Tuesday.

He’s sweet, a little sad, and, as the nurse described him, “a tank”. He has not struggled with weight gain and is not underweight. He is for the most part a healthy, normal 8-week-old boy.

When Baby M left our home, we mourned him hard. When Baby Z left, we mourned him even more, knowing how physically fragile he was and not knowing how well he would be cared for. Each time, we told ourselves that we would not have done anything differently. We would not have chosen to love them less in order to lessen our pain on their leaving.

Sometimes I fear that we will lose that attitude. I was afraid that we would not love Baby S as much as we loved our other babes. With each baby’s departure, I become more aware that each moment of bonding and loving them will make the pain more intense when they leave.

It brings me joy to find that there is no way not to love these little ones. That first time that they peek open their eyes just to make sure it’s you before they snuggle in closer, you can’t help but love them. When you notice they smile a little more for you than for someone else, you can’t help but love them. When you learn painful pieces of their past and see how they’ve grown and thrived anyway, you can’t help but love them. When you find yourself becoming the expert on how best to care for them and what makes them happiest, you know that you’ve started down the Mommy road and there’s no going back.

prayer for my baby

Oh, the baby hands. God just makes these little ones so irresistibly cute. And do you see the adorable chunk on those cheeks?

My ability to bond and love foster sons has not yet changed. If it ever does, that will be the day we will have to reconsider foster care. Until that day, I’m going to love them despite the pain and sacrifice involved, because that’s what my Jesus does for me, and I want to be just like him.

What is changing is my prayer for these babes. I get tired of what feels like constant hellos and goodbyes. I desire to pour into one child long term. But I also want to meet each of these kids where they are and be the person who can meet their needs while their futures are up in the air.

I had the awesome privilege for the first time with Baby S of meeting a birth mom. I have had a chance to see how much this baby is loved, and it is helping me to be able to pray more whole-heartedly for reunification and healing for Baby S’s family. My prayer has been steadily evolving from “Lord, heal his family but really let me be his mommy, because I’ll take good care of him,” to “God, please, no matter where he goes, let him have a heart that loves you and people to teach him about you with their words and the way they love him.”

I was snuggling Baby S while I was reading from my Bible yesterday, and I came across a beautiful verse at the end of Psalm 138 that I’ve adopted as my prayer for little Baby S:

“The Lord will work out his plans for my life–for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever. Don’t abandon me, for you made me.”

Psalm 138:8 (NLT)

The ESV footnote paraphrases the verse this way: “As God has begun to care for me, so he will finish the job all my life long.” No matter who is parenting my foster sons, God is faithful, and he will not leave them. I pray that he would walk with my babes, care for them, and love them forever, no matter where they go.

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