Prayer for infertility

Рождение ребёнка – это великое дарование, это бесконечное счастье, и что самое главное – это продолжение жизни на земле. К сожалению, приходится констатировать, что в последнее время, проблема мужского и женского бесплодия стала весьма распространённой. Множество семейных пар, в силу физиологических причин, не могут испытать это счастье, и поэтому прибегают к помощи докторов и современной медицины, которая, как показывает практика, отнюдь не всегда даёт успешный результат, а именно долгожданную беременность. Нередко, потратив огромные деньги и годы на лечение бесплодия, не получив в итоге желаемого результата, отчаявшиеся супруги обращаются к Всемогущему Господу, с молитвой о даровании детей, видя только в Боге надежду и спасение. Каждая молитва о рождении ребёнка при бесплодии, произнесённая устами истинно верующего человека непременно будет услышана Всевышним, и помощь обязательно придёт. Примеров тому множество.

Подготовка к молитве

Перед тем, как обращаться к Господу и Святым, и читать молитвы при бесплодии о даровании детей, супругам следует духовно очиститься, и избавиться от всех греховных мыслей. Необходимо проявлять доброту и любовь к окружающим людям, не забывать о смирении, держать посты, посещать Храм для исповеди и причастия. Только с «чистым» сердцем и светлыми помыслами, можно приступать к молитве. Каждая молитва от бесплодия, впрочем, как и любая другая, должна непременно начинаться с обращения к Господу Богу о прощении своей души, поскольку каждый человек, живущий на земле – грешен. В каждом из нас присутствует в той или иной степени и гнев, и зависть, и корысть, и злоба, иными слова всё то, что мешает нам быть ближе к Богу. Возможно именно из-за нашей греховности, святые не всегда слышат наши мольбы и просьбы. Чтобы произнесённые молитвы были услышаны, просящий должен впустить свет в свою душу.

Приобретите в церковной лавке молитвослов, в нём содержится сразу несколько молитв о даровании беременности. Выберите молитву, которую будите читать, возможно, не одну, а несколько. Чаще всего, о даровании детей молятся Пресвятой Богородице, Великомученице Евдокии, а также Матроне Московской, как одной из самых известных Свято заступниц. Молитва святым Иоакиму и Анне — родителям нашей Пресвятой Богородицы, также имеет великую силу. Произносите молитвы вслух перед иконой, непосредственно обращая свой взор к лику Святого. Читать молитвы следует утром и на ночь.

prayer for infertility

Welcome to 31 Days of Prayer During Infertility.

Please scroll down to read Day 1: Praying for Patience.

  • Day 2: Pray for Strength
  • Day 3: Pray for Comfort
  • Day 4: Pray for Wisdom
  • Day 5: Pray for Freedom from Jealousy & Envy
  • Day 6: Pray for Confidence
  • Day 7: Pray for Mercy
  • Day 8: Pray for Your Marriage
  • Day 9: Pray for Faith
  • Day 10: Pray for Sufficient Finances
  • Day 11: Pray for Courage
  • Day 12: Pray for Endurance
  • Day 13: Pray for Hope
  • Day 14: Pray for Clarity
  • Day 15: Pray for Peace
  • Day 16: Pray for Gratefulness
  • Day 17: Pray for Freedom From Fear
  • Day 18: Pray for Joy
  • Day 19: Pray for Wise Decisions
  • Day 20: Pray for Your Future Children
  • Day 21: Pray for Trust
  • Day 22: Pray for God’s Glory
  • Day 23: Pray to Obey
  • Day 24: Pray for Grace
  • Day 25: Pray for Discernment
  • Day 26: Pray for Contentment
  • Day 27: Pray for Integrity
  • Day 28: Pray for True Belief
  • Day 29: Pray for Community
  • Day 30: Pray for Your Specific Situation
  • Day 31: Pray for Others

When I decided to do a 31 Day series, I knew I wanted it to be something that would encourage and strengthen other women going through infertility. I thought about what I struggle with and what I could do to ease the burden of this journey- even a little bit.

I realized I needed to do a series on prayer because it’s something I struggle with. My prayers regarding my infertility usually go like this: “Dear God, please give me a baby. Please let this treatment work. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. Amen.”

There’s nothing wrong with a prayer like that; those types of prayers have their place. But I want my prayers to be more than a checklist of things I hope God gives me. I want to learn more about who God is and, most importantly, deepen my relationship with Him.

Each post will consist of a Bible verse, a brief meditation on the day’s topic, and some suggested Scriptures for further study.

I hope you’ll join me in seeking God during the next 31 days!

Day 1: Pray for Patience

“This vision is for a future time.  It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled.  If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place.  It will not be delayed.” – Habakkuk 2:3 (NLT)

Praying for patience is scary.

By definition, patience assumes a wait. So by asking God for patience we’re surrendering to the wait.

I don’t like waiting.  I want what I want- right now!

But Habakkuk 2:3 tells us that God’s vision for our life will happen on His timetable.

God is not running late. Everything is going according to (His) schedule.

He knows it may feel slow to us, but He promises He’s not delayed.

He asks us to wait patiently. To trust that He what He has planned for us will actually happen.

As you pray today, ask God to help you wait patiently for His plan to be fulfilled.

31 Days of Prayer is available as an a Kindle eBook, a PDF eBook, and as a printed workbook.   All options come with all 31 devotionals plus additional prayer journal pages that are exclusive to the book.   Each journal page includes journaling prompts and more Scripture for further study.  You’ll also receive access to more content that isn’t available on the blog- like booklists, playlists, Scripture memorization cards, and computer wallpaper downloads.  You can purchase the workbook and Kindle book from Amazon, and the printable PDF is available here.

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My wife and have been trying to have children from a while, but we have been unsuccessful. Currently, my wife is undergoing a certain treatment and the doctor is very optimistic. I, too, remain optimistic, but a little insurance can’t hurt. What sort of prayer would you suggest?


Very often, the Rebbe would advise people in your situation to be meticulous in the observance of the laws of Family Purity. If you have not yet committed to observing this mitzvah, now is a perfect time to do so. If you do observe the laws, perhaps it’s time for a refresher course. Either way, your local rabbi and rebbetzin will be able to assist you in this matter.

While there is no specific prayer or blessing that addresses your situation, there are three special times for a woman to pray for children: 1) After she immerses in the mikvah, as per the mitzvah of Family Purity, while she is still in the water. 2) After she lights the Shabbat or Jewish holiday candles and recites the blessing, while she is still covering her eyes. 3) While she is making challah.

(Not so coincidentally, these are the three mitzvot that are especially associated with women… Follow this link for more about these mitzvot.)

May I also suggest that you contribute to a charity that provides assistance, financially or otherwise, for couples that are experiencing infertility. Bonei Olam is one such organization that I can recommend. In the merit of helping other couples have children, may G‑d bless you with your own…

Last but not least, many many suffering from infertility as well as other troubles visit or send a note to the Rebbe’s resting place in Queens, NY, asking the Rebbe to pray on their behalf. Many thousands have had their prayers miraculously answered as a result. Click here for more about the Rebbe’s “Ohel,” including information how to visit or email a blessing request.

I hope this has been helpful.

Chaya Sarah Silberberg,

Оценка 5 проголосовавших: 2


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