God of the Universe, we worship you and call all of our bodies and minds into alignment with your Kingdom. Your Kingdom is free of pain. The pain in our bodies and the emotional pain that some of us are experiencing is not of God. We take authority over this pain and command it to leave.
We speak healing into the injured bodies of our brothers and sisters across the globe. Migraines and chronic headaches, back pain, TMJ disorder, menstrual pain, neuralgia, pain after surgery, whatever it is, God, we command it to glorify you: to be healed, leaving the body and spirit free to worship you in wholeness, Jesus.
We also speak healing over the emotions of millions of hurting people in the world, especially each and every hurting person who reads this prayer. Holy Spirit, embrace them with your grace and mercy and love. Heal us with the power of your unconditional love. Help us to know what might be hindering our healing. Help us to let go of our pain and to forgive anyone who has hurt us. You are bigger than pain and bigger than offense, Jesus. Thank you for helping us to become whole again.
Philippians 3:14 KJV I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Father, we lift up these prayers to you:
Thank you for Robin and her daughter in the UK:
Thank you for praying for us. Please pray for my daughter to recover from her illness. She has been admitted since last year. Only god can touch my daughter and bless her with a miracle. I plead and beg for I find myself doubting and being scared. I need the Lord to restore my family and bring us back together. My daughter is such a loving, caring and giving child, and seeing her in turmoil and in pain breaks our hearts. She does so much for charities and gives herself to others and now I find the doctors not being able to help. I need God to perform his promise and heal us all as a family. Amen. Thank you
Bless Sharon with favor in the Canadian visa department and with healing:
Please pray that I will get my ten years Canadian visa work permit, permanent residency, and a good job in Canada. I need healing for my heel and knee pain. Also need a closer walk with God. Spiritual and physical healing.
Lord, we pray for Jamie in Columbia, SC:
I very recently began my journey to build a genuine and lasting relationship with God. In the meanwhile I am uncomfortable communicating with God other than to say thanks for my blessings, as I feel asking of Him when I am not fully committed to Him is less than I feel He is worthy of and I can not bring myself to do that.
I have a 1 year old daughter who is my everything. Wednesday morning I am going to court after a lengthy battle (not custody related). I have spent hours preparing for this because of my lack of financial ability to obtain an attorney. This has by far been the most challenging, painful, and frightening experience I’ve ever been through. I have been mentally beat down, legally bullied, and have been stripped of the most important thing to me – my ability to protect my child and provide for her everything she is deserving of. Because the father of my child has a very expensive, very good lawyer he was about to have some very unjust and not in the best interest of our daughter ‘rules’ put into our original court order, limiting my ability to make decisions to protect her from unsafe situations.
I pray that God is with us Wednesday morning. I pray that he is in the heart and mind of the judge, allowing her to see what’s right here, to not be fooled by the trickery or an experienced lawyer. I pray that I am re afforded the ability to protect my daughter, to provide for her properly, to be allowed to give her the best, everything she deserves, and more. I pray that God gives me the strength, wisdom, and clarity to communicate effectively with the judge. I pray that God is with my daughters father and lawyer and puts it in their hearts to put our daughters best interest ahead of her Fathers best interest.
If I knew how to put in to words the extent of my gratitude I would. Thank you, so much.
Heal Glenda’s friend in North Carolina. We agree with her prayer for pain relief.:
My best friend is in the hospital and has been very sick for quite some time. Today she is in a lot of pain due to severe bladder spasms. She has Calciphylaxsis which can cause tissue to die. She has had surgery on both hips to remove dead tissue. Things are beginning to heal, but she is still dealing with so much pain. Please join me in my prayer that God touch her and heal her body and ease the awful pain. Thank you all and I ask that God richly bless each and every one of you in a very special way.
God, I pray that the power that you sent in healing my depression and bipolar disorder would rain down on Marian right now. Heal her mental and physical pains, Holy Spirit:
I’m Marian and I’m suffering from severe depression. I need prayerful brothers and sisters to help me. Please ask God to send guardian angels and Jesus to lift the burdens from me. Please. I also hurt from severe pain. Pray that the doctor can give me the best medication. Amen! Thank You
Heal Rick in Alabama:
In terrible pain from a collapsed disc low in my neck. Losing use of left hand. Haven’t slept more that 3 hours a night in 6 weeks.
We lift up Henry’s prayer request from Tennessee for his daughter:
This prayer is for my daughters weak spirit whom is sick from chemical imbalance and also suffers from depression and a periodic addiction. She is suffering tremendously. The state has taken one of her children and now trying to get the other. She is pregnant and has sought help and there is trouble for her there as well in fear of them taking that child as well. There is much spiritual pain. I hurt for her and my grandbabies. God’s intervention is desperately needed to save her from this agony along with the children. She does love them and tries very hard to care for their needs. Her sickness is strong and her light is dim. God please save them. Make her strong and victorious through the blood of Christ. Help her to fight off these demons. I pray my daughter be restored and her children returned. Through Christ precious name Amen
Thank you for providing for Grace and her family:
The bank wants to repossess my house though I have been paying the agreed amount. I am scared to live in the street with 4 children. I am a faithful tither.
I have tried to arrange with them but they declined my proposal. Please help.
From Johannesburg, South Africa to New York City in the USA, from Zimbabwe to New Zealand, Lord, you know the needs brought to you in private prayer requests. We trust you and your plan for our lives. We love you Jesus!
Do you need a prayer for surgery? Even if nurses take care of hundreds of patients and see them being wheeled into the operating room, we can never be too tired to send out a wish and a prayer for a successful surgery.
Here are 20 short but powerful prayers for nurses, doctors, and patients.
Table of contents
- 2 1Prayer For Guidance
- 3 2Prayer For Righteous Judgement
- 4 3Prayer For A Patient’s Recovery
- 5 4Prayer For A Patient’s Continued Health
- 6 5Prayer For After Surgery
- 7 6Prayer For Strength And Healing
- 8 7Prayer For Jesus’ Healing Hands
- 9 8Prayer For Quick Recovery
- 10 9Prayer For Recovery
- 12 10Prayer For Skill
- 13 11Prayer For Guidance
- 14 12General Prayer For Healing
- 16 13Prayer For A Successful Operation
- 17 14Prayer Before Surgery
- 18 15Prayer For Healing
- 19 16Prayer Before Surgery
- 20 17Prayer For Preparation Before A Surgery
- 21 18Prayer From Deuteronomy
- 22 19Prayer After Surgery
- 23 20Healing Prayer

1Prayer For Guidance

Heavenly Father, please take my hands and guide them. Grant me the strength to help my patients and their families. The skill to ease their suffering the understanding to diagnose their needs. The kindness of heart to care for them and reassure their fear. Please be beside me on each and every case as I rely on you the greatest of healers. Amen.
2Prayer For Righteous Judgement

Via iamzang.com
God, the greatest master of healing arts, bless us and guide us. Make us your instrument in alleviating the pains of your ailing servants. Make our eyes alert, our hands skillful and sensitive, and fill our mental faculties with keenness to make righteous judgment so that others may live. Amen.
3Prayer For A Patient’s Recovery

I said a prayer for you today, that God would touch you with His healing hand and give you the comfort and peace you need to get through.
4Prayer For A Patient’s Continued Health

I said a prayer for you today, and know that God must have heard. I felt the answer in my heart although He spoke not a word. I didn’t ask for wealth or fame (I know you wouldn’t mind). I asked Him to send treasures of a far more lasting kind! I asked that He’d be near you at the start of each new day; to grant you health and blessings and friends to share your way. I asked for happiness for you in all things great and small. But it was for His loving care I prayed for most of all!
5Prayer For After Surgery

Via catholic-christian.tumblr.com
O merciful Father in heaven, thank You for being with (name of person) while he/she was in surgery. Thank You for blessing the surgeon with the skill and knowledge needed to do his/her work and safely bringing (name person) through this operation. O gracious Father, bring healing to (name person) and bless him/her with the best care possible as he/she recovers. Continue to bless him/her with your tender care. Grant him/her patience during his/her recuperation, help him/her grow in strength each day, and bring him/her to full recovery quickly, without any setbacks. Amen.
6Prayer For Strength And Healing

At every moment of our existence your are present to us God, in gentle compassion. Help us to be present to one another so that our presence may be a strength that heals the wounds of time, and gives hope that is for all persons, through Jesus our compassionate brother.
7Prayer For Jesus’ Healing Hands

Via Pinterest.com
Heavenly Father, we pray that You will lay your healing Hands upon all those who are sick. We beg You to have compassion on all those who are suffering so that they may be delivered from their pitiful circumstances. In Jesus, we pray. Amen.
8Prayer For Quick Recovery

May the love of Jesus and His healing power touch you in a special way this very hour. May the Savior’s strong arms and prayers of special friends embrace and hold you close until your body mends.
9Prayer For Recovery

Today I lifted up your name before the Lord in prayer. I asked him to supply your needs, and keep you in his care. I pled with him to make you well, and take away your illness and pain, like the sunshine chases rain. Amen.


10Prayer For Skill

Dear God, These strong gloved fingers which I flex, this human hand which holds the knife, sterile now and steady – need thy guiding skill to help another life. Bless now this patient – thine and mind – who, under thee entrusts to me a precious life! God of the surgeon’s tireless strength, the surgeon’s finite skill, grant that I may be guided to do thy will. Amen.
11Prayer For Guidance

Dear God, These fragile hands that cut the flesh, steady them as if at rest. Bless this patient yours and mine whose very life is your design. Almighty God I do pray guide my hand as I work today! Amen.
Also Read: 35 Nurse’s Prayers That Will Inspire Your Soul
12General Prayer For Healing

Pour out, thy healing Angels, thy heavenly host upon me, and upon those that I love, let me feel the beam of thy healing Angels upon me. The light of your healing hands, I will let thy healing begin, whatever way God grants it, Amen.


13Prayer For A Successful Operation

Loving Father, I entrust myself to your care this day. Guide with wisdom and skill the minds and hands of the medical people who minister in your Name, and grant that every cause of illness be removed. That I may be restored to soundness of health and learn to live in more perfect harmony with you and with those around me. Through Jesus Christ. Amen. Into your hands, I commend my body and my soul. Amen.
14Prayer Before Surgery

O Jesus Christ, Messiah and Lord, grant me joyful acceptance of the surgery which awaits me, and let this be the relief and cure which I seek. Make skilled the work of the surgeon and that of his team for it is unto their knowledge and skill that I give myself for healing. I pray You, O Lord, that this procedure will be without complication, and that my recovery will be speedy and complete. Amen.
15Prayer For Healing

O God, the source of all health. Fill my heart with faith. Be near me in times of weakness and pain Although I know You are in control, I am apprehensive about what faces me. You made me, loved me, and have provided my surgeon with needed skill to perform a miracle in my behalf. Sustain me by Your grace that my strength and courage may not fail. Heal me according to Your will. Amen.
16Prayer Before Surgery

Loving Father, as I face this new experience in these different surroundings, I come to You for courage, wisdom and peace of mind. I know that Your Healing Power is here both in me and my doctor. I trust his skill and wisdom, and he tender care of the nurses. Dear Lord, take over this operation and let Your Power be felt through all these forces. Let Your Perfect Wholeness be mine, that I may live to glorify You in every area of my life. I pray all this in the Powerful Name of Jesus, my Lord and Saviour. Amen.
17Prayer For Preparation Before A Surgery

Lord Jesus, help me as I prepare for this operation. In Your love, guard and protect me through the skills of the doctors and the care of everyone else. Bring me back to health and full recovery. Lord Jesus, I praise You forever and ever. Amen.
18Prayer From Deuteronomy

Via hopehelphealing.com
Lord, help me suffering to lead me to return to You with a repentant heart; ready to follow Your commands and praise Your Name for Your patience with me. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Also Read: 50 Best Bible Verses for Nurses
19Prayer After Surgery

Via prayersbyemail.com
Blessed Savior, I thank you that this operation is safely past, and now I rest in your abiding presence, relaxing every tension, releasing every care and anxiety, receiving more and more of your healing life into every part of my being. In moments of pain, I turn to you for strength. In times of loneliness I feel your loving nearness. Grant that your life and love and joy may flow through me for the healing of others in your name. Amen.
20Healing Prayer

Lord Jesus, heal me. Heal in me whatever You see needs healing. Heal me of whatever might separate me from you. Heal my memory, heal my heart, heal my body, heal my soul. Lay Your hands gently upon me and heal me through Your love for me. Amen.

We hope that you found an appropriate prayer for surgery and that your patients go home happy and healthy.
For comments and suggestions, feel free to post in our FB page!
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Sai Baba of Shirdi
has given an assurance through his
11 Vachan
or 11 promises or assurances that he is always there for his devotees. There are countless devotees of Sai Baba, and it is but natural that out of these countless devotees some might be in pain due to illness and disease.
I have especially for these devotees composed this short Vedna Haran Stotra or a Prarthana or prayer to Sai Baba seeking relief from pain and suffering.
Sai naam param sukhdai l
Jagat guru sada sahaie l
Sai naam japo din raat l
Sabhi dukh vedna jaati ll
साईं नाम परम सुखदाई l
जगत गुरु सदा सहाई l
साईं नाम जपो दिन रात l
सभी दू:ख वेदना जाती ll
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