Prayer for burial service

by Rev Kevin C O’dunn (Tampa, Florida)

Date ________

Time___:___(Time Zone)

Longitude and latitude

Heavenly Father, You created the oceans and the sky and have blessed us — who live upon Your earth, with the power to sail the sea and soar in your heavens. Those called to ships and flight, are rare among Your sons and daughters, their risks are many and their sacrifices of home and hearth are well known. But the blessings they receive are far beyond earthly comfort; for within their risks is the true witness of Your profound perfection, — No matter how high the winds, no matter how steep the seas, Your divine hand is present and the wisdom of Your guidance crafts our souls.

Today Dear Father we have ventured aboard the (Insert Name of Vessel) _______________ and now drift above the amazing and ordered wilderness of the (insert body of water) ________________ to return one of Your favored sons/daughters, (Name of deceased) __________, to you. (First Name) _______ was born of Mother just as Your Son Jesus was born of Mary. _________ lived a life of (Lifes work) ____________ and bore witness to Your most magnificent secrets and now Greg has chosen to rest with You in the fluid of Earths womb.

(The ashes are released)

Dear God, restore confidence and laughter to this family and these friends and let them celebrate the life they shared with (First name) __________. And let us all take comfort in the sacrifice, made for us by You, through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Service written by
Captain KC ODunn, ULC
Ordained Minister of Universal Life
Aboard the Research Vessel Suncoaster,
Florida Institute of Oceanography

Return to A Soldiers Prayer

by Rev Kevin C O’dunn (Tampa, Florida)

Date ________

Time___:___(Time Zone)

Longitude and latitude

Heavenly Father, You created the oceans and the sky and have blessed us — who live upon Your earth, with the power to sail the sea and soar in your heavens. Those called to ships and flight, are rare among Your sons and daughters, their risks are many and their sacrifices of home and hearth are well known. But the blessings they receive are far beyond earthly comfort; for within their risks is the true witness of Your profound perfection, — No matter how high the winds, no matter how steep the seas, Your divine hand is present and the wisdom of Your guidance crafts our souls.

Today Dear Father we have ventured aboard the (Insert Name of Vessel) _______________ and now drift above the amazing and ordered wilderness of the (insert body of water) ________________ to return one of Your favored sons/daughters, (Name of deceased) __________, to you. (First Name) _______ was born of Mother just as Your Son Jesus was born of Mary. _________ lived a life of (Lifes work) ____________ and bore witness to Your most magnificent secrets and now Greg has chosen to rest with You in the fluid of Earths womb.

(The ashes are released)

Dear God, restore confidence and laughter to this family and these friends and let them celebrate the life they shared with (First name) __________. And let us all take comfort in the sacrifice, made for us by You, through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Service written by
Captain KC ODunn, ULC
Ordained Minister of Universal Life
Aboard the Research Vessel Suncoaster,
Florida Institute of Oceanography

Return to A Soldiers Prayer
The funeral service performed by the priest, by which the Church escorts the member of the temporary life of his member to eternal life, prayerfully interceding with him for forgiveness of sins and rest in the Kingdom of Heaven.

A funeral service is performed on the third day after death, in the church or at home, where the priest is invited. At the same time, all the mourners accompany the deceased pray with lighted candles, marking the Everlasting Light of eternity. At parting kisses an icon on the chest and brow (corolla) of the deceased.

There is also a part-time burial service called wires. It occurs, usually, when for some reason there is no possibility to sing the deceased in the temple or at home. To order a correspondence burial service, you need to have a death certificate. The priest gives the coroner who ordered the funeral, permissive prayer and burial ground: the corona should be placed on the forehead (forehead) of the deceased, put expensive into the right hand, and sprinkle the earth crosswise from the head to the legs and from the right shoulder to the left one before closing the coffin. If the burial is already completed, then the earth crosswise falls on the grave, and the whisk and the road should be buried in it not deep. In the case when the grave is for any reason unavailable, the roadway and the whisk should be burned, and the earth and ash scatter on any tomb on which the cross is installed.

Non-baptized (including infants), heterodox and heterodox, also killed in the commission of a crime and a suicide, are not being performed. In the latter case the deceased can be sung, if he committed suicide in a state of insanity or insanity. To do this, relatives can ask for written permission from the ruling bishop, submitting a petition with the attached medical report on the cause of death of their loved one.

According to a special order, a funeral service is performed in the days of Easter Sunday: instead of sad funeral prayers, the solemn hymns of the Holy Pascha are celebrated with the Feast of the Resurrection of Christ and all those who believe in Him. If it is not known whether the person was singing out or not, you should order a part-time funeral service.


The funeral service performed by the priest, by which the Church escorts the member of the temporary life of his member to eternal life, prayerfully interceding with him for forgiveness of sins and rest in the Kingdom of Heaven.

A funeral service is performed on the third day after death, in the church or at home, where the priest is invited. At the same time, all the mourners accompany the deceased pray with lighted candles, marking the Everlasting Light of eternity. At parting kisses an icon on the chest and brow (corolla) of the deceased.

There is also a part-time burial service called wires. It occurs, usually, when for some reason there is no possibility to sing the deceased in the temple or at home. To order a correspondence burial service, you need to have a death certificate. The priest gives the coroner who ordered the funeral, permissive prayer and burial ground: the corona should be placed on the forehead (forehead) of the deceased, put expensive into the right hand, and sprinkle the earth crosswise from the head to the legs and from the right shoulder to the left one before closing the coffin. If the burial is already completed, then the earth crosswise falls on the grave, and the whisk and the road should be buried in it not deep. In the case when the grave is for any reason unavailable, the roadway and the whisk should be burned, and the earth and ash scatter on any tomb on which the cross is installed.

Non-baptized (including infants), heterodox and heterodox, also killed in the commission of a crime and a suicide, are not being performed. In the latter case the deceased can be sung, if he committed suicide in a state of insanity or insanity. To do this, relatives can ask for written permission from the ruling bishop, submitting a petition with the attached medical report on the cause of death of their loved one.

According to a special order, a funeral service is performed in the days of Easter Sunday: instead of sad funeral prayers, the solemn hymns of the Holy Pascha are celebrated with the Feast of the Resurrection of Christ and all those who believe in Him. If it is not known whether the person was singing out or not, you should order a part-time funeral service.

In recent honors, and especially in the deceased person’s death, when he is represented in a respectable form, there is a deep symbolic meaning, rooted in the Gospel, especially in the narratives of the burial of the long-suffering body of Christ the Savior (Matthew 27, 59-60, 15; LX46, 23; INN 53, 19). These works of compassion are associated with the spiritual needs of man and reflect the ancient church tradition.

Burial of Ashes in the Garden of Hope, St Peter’s Churchyard

St Peter’s churchyard offers a wonderful tranquil space close to St Albans city centre. Members of the local community and visitors alike appreciate relaxing in and walking through this green oasis. It is also a place rich in history and wildlife interest. It is above all else a sacred space, having been the site of a church for over a thousand years. Today it continues to offer inspiration and a peaceful place for reflection, contemplation and prayer.  

The Garden of Hope is an area within St Peter’s churchyard that has been specially set aside for the burial of ashes and as a Garden of Remembrance. It has been recently restored and re-planted, and is cared for by a partnership between St Peter’s own volunteer gardeners and the grounds maintenance team from the City and District Council. The regulations governing the care and conservation of the area are those of the Diocese of St Albans within the Church of England.

The Garden is open to other residents of St Albans as well as to parishioners of St Peter’s who may wish to request a burial of ashes. Please contact the Church Office and an appointment will be made for you to meet with one of the ministers from St Peter’s to discuss arrangements and plan a date for a short service of prayer to accompany the burial of ashes. Standard fees for this are set by the Church of England nationally and are currently £151. In addition there is a fee for the work preparing the ground, currently £55.

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