Prayer for a new school year

prayer for a new school year

School started this week here in Texas. I’ve loved seeing my Facebook feed fill with all those sweet faces starting a new year at school. Some smiling, some obviously nervous and others clearly indignant to participate in this picture-taking ritual.

I wonder, though, what emotions are really swirling behind all those brave, smiling faces? What emotions are swirling behind OUR brave, smiling faces?

All these children facing big change this time of year. For some, just a new school year, maybe in a familiar school with familiar friends. Still, they will face new teachers, new subjects to learn, new expectations. Others may be starting in a new school, a classroom full of new faces, changes that may be difficult for them to face. Yet they each put on their brave face, turn their mouth into a smile and take steps (even if tentative, timid ones) toward the future, trying to hide the worry and fears, trying to keep the tears locked away until they get home.

This week, I watched one sprint out of the house, so excited to be back at school. With another, I felt his grip on my hand tighten as we searched for his cubby in a new classroom, his hand giving away the anxiety he’d hidden behind so much bravado.

And what about us? Are we any different? Maybe we’re not facing changes with the school year, but don’t we also put on that brave face and try to hide our real emotions? Don’t we also try to be so brave as we face difficult changes, the trials of our lives? Don’t we try to keep the tears locked away until we’re at home, alone?

As I prayed over my children this week starting new classes, I mostly wanted them to feel God’s presence with them. To know they are not alone as they step through this change, no matter how scary and lonely a new place can feel. We are never alone.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV)

Heavenly Father,
Be with all the students, teachers and parents as this new school year begins. You know the real emotions and fears hiding behind those brave, smiling faces. Give each one comfort and encouragement in the changes and challenges they face. Help them feel Your presence and know they are not alone. Help them to know You are always by their side, no matter what. Help us to know You more. Show us how to trust You to guide us through whatever we are facing. Amen!

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10 NIV)

prayer for a new school year
prayer for a new school year

Lord Jesus, we ask for Your help as we begin this new school year. Allow us to experience Your presence in the many blessings You put before us. Open our eyes to the new challenges and exciting opportunities that this new school year brings. Open our heart and mind to new friends and new teachers. Give us a generous spirit to be enthusiastic with our studies and courage to accept new opportunities. Help us to be attentive to one another and let us experience Your presence in our new friends. Jesus, inspire us to do our best this year! Amen

prayer for a new school year

Lord, Give us insight to see realistically “what is”; but make us dreamers and give us vision of all the possibilities for “what can be.” Use us as your instruments to form, inform, reform, and transform those who come to us. We ask this in your name, Jesus Christ. Amen

prayer for a new school year

Loving Creator, Map your goals for us in our hearts. Make our classrooms oases in the busy world. Make them places of warmth and trust. May our affirmation of our students enable them to know that their opinion counts. Free them to stretch themselves as they seek holistic growth in a safe, nurturing, Christian environment. Amen

prayer for a new school year

Dearest Father in Heaven, Bless us all and bless this day of new beginnings. Smile upon this staff and student body, And surround us, Lord, with the soft mantle of your love. Teach this community to follow in your footsteps, And to live life in the ways of Love, faith, hope and charity. We ask this through your name, Jesus Christ… Amen

God, I am not sure if you really exist. Accept me with all my doubts and fears and show yourself to me in such a way that I can somehow move forward. Show yourself to me as love, Show yourself to me as forgiveness Show yourself to me as new life, as the promise of a new beginning. Amen

prayer for a new school year

Lord God, You are a global God. Grace us and grace our students with global vision in our mission to spread your love. May we be trailblazers as we bring that “touch of magic,” that touch of your love, to those we meet each day. We make this prayer in your name, Jesus Christ. Amen

prayer for a new school year

Loving Father: Make us feeling people, who empathize with the many emotions which pervade our buildings each day. May we harness the energy of those feelings and use it in building a learning community of students, faculty, administrators, staff, and parents within the nurturing environment of our schools and homes. Amen

prayer for a new school year

May the blessing of the Holy Trinity go with us today. May God’s strength keep us secure. May Christ our true Wisdom guide our learning. May the Holy Spirit make us glad and good. May the enfolding of the Trinity hold us and bring us, at day’s end, safely home.  Amen.

prayer for a new school year

Lord, keep us strong so that we can carry out your works: feeding the hungry, visiting the sick, clothing the naked and being a voice for those who suffer persecution. Bless us this year, so that we may all experience rich friendships, authentic success, and purpose in all we do. Amen

prayer for a new school year

Lord God, In our work as Catholic students and teachers, let us reach out to all, remembering that anonymity is not acceptable for anyone in our communities. May we live our lives so that people recognize you in us…so that wearing the cross would not be incongruous to those who know us. May those in our schools be “pearls” to us, valued for the unique beauty they bring to our communities. Amen

Creator God, May our lives be quilted together in love made visible, as we laugh, love, labour, and learn together. Enliven our spirits that our inner beings may give form and strength to all we do. Finally, grant that we who serve in Catholic schools may love you much, may love one another, and may never forget why we came! Amen.

prayer for a new school year

Loving God, Look upon these students. Let them enjoy their learning and take delight in new discoveries. Help them to persevere in their studies and give them the desire to learn all things well.  Look upon these teachers. Let them strive to share their knowledge with gentle patience and endeavour always to bring the truth to eager minds. Grant that students and teachers alike may follow Jesus Christ, the way, the truth, and the life, forever and ever. Amen

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It’s that time of year where new clothes are purchased and organized  supplies are awaiting the big event; the first day of school.

Whether you or not you are sad to see the summer come to a close, a new school year is upon us all.

It’s a fresh slate and a time of new opportunities.

As a parent of two children heading to school, I am especially sensitive of this experience and am looking for ways to ease the transition for us all.

But before I do anything else, I am committing to pray every day starting August 1st for my children’s new school year.

Will you join me for 30 days of prayer for your child and the new school year?

So get your tissues ready {or maybe I am the only one who is teary in sending the kids off to school}, and hit your knees. Let’s dedicate 30 days to pray for the new school year.

Day 1- Spiritually

Pray that your child will understand the Gospel and learn to apply biblical principles to every aspect of life.

Day 2- Relationship to the teacher

Pray that your child will develop a deep respect and appreciation for his/her teacher and will act respectful of all authority figures.

Day 3- Relationship to peers

Pray that your child will develop a close bond with his peers and that he/she will choose friends wisely.

Day 4- Wisdom

Pray that your child will develop the ability to discern right from wrong and put it into practice on a daily basis.

Day 5- Conviction

Pray that your child will be convicted by sin and be found out when he/she does wrong.

Day 6- Honesty

Pray that your child will desire to be honest, even when it’s hard or when he/she gets into trouble.

Day 7- Kindness

Pray that your child will treat others with kindness, even when it is not popular.

Day 8- Compassion

Pray that your child will be compassionate, and show the love of Jesus to those who are hurting.

Day 9- Being a servant

Pray that your child learns to be a servant and sees the beauty of being the hands and feet of Jesus.

Day 10- Humility

Pray that your child learns to be humble and not to brag about his/her success.

Day 11- Desire to learn

Pray that your child will develop a love of learning and desire to be a life-long learner.

Day 12- Strongest subject

Pray that your child will be challenged in his/her strongest subject and will be pushed out of his/her comfort zone.

Day 13- Weakest subject

Pray that your child will make progress and tremendous growth in an area of weakness.

Day 14- Confident learner

Pray that your child will be confident in his/her abilities as a student.

Day 15- Learning issues exposed

Pray that any learning issues or suspected weakness will be brought to light.

Day 16- Emotional growth

Pray that your child will mature in emotional stability and be comforted as their faith deepens in understanding.

Day 17- Sensitivity

Pray that your child will have a tender spirit and be will to help those in need.

Day 18- Evangelical spirit

Pray that your child will be excited to share the message of Jesus, no matter the cost.

Day 19- Become a good listener

Pray that God will open the ears of your child to hear the teacher and an open heart to listen to others.

Day 20- Self-control

Pray that your child will learn self-control and have the discipline to use it in even the toughest of situations.

Day 21- Think before speaking

Pray that your child will learn to guard their tongue and to think about words before speaking aloud.

Day 22- Guarded mind

Pray that your child will have a guarded mind and thoughts of the Lord will be planted, and not be easily uprooted.

Day 23- Softened heart

Pray that your child has a softened heart towards the gospel and will hear the good news with open ears.

Day 24- Quick to forgive

Pray that your child will be quick to extend grace when a wrong has been done to him/her.

Day 25- Slow to anger

Pray that your child will have a long fuse and not anger easily.

Day 26- Joy

Pray that your child will experience the joy of the Lord and not look for happiness in the things of the world.

Day 27- Strength

Pray that your child will have the strength to do what is right and do grow in physical strength as well.

Day 28- Safety

Pray that your child will be safe in sports, and on the playground.

Day 29- Protection

Pray that God will protect your child from harm’s way.

Day 30- Balance

Pray that your child will learn to balance responsibilities in school, home, and life with God’s help and strength.

Grab a printable copy of the 30 Days of Prayer for the new School Year FREE for subscribers to Faith Along the Way!

Mom’s Back-to-School Printable pack is exclusively for subscribers, and will be e-mailed to you in a welcome e-mail. Be sure to check your spam box if you don’t see it right away!

How do you prepare your children for back-to-school?  What are your prayers for your children as they start a new year?

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About Sarah Ann

Welcome to Faith Along the Way! I am a redeemed child of God and perfectly imperfect in every area of my life. Wife to Hubs, we’ve battled the storms of Cancer, infertility, adoption & Autism together the past 10 years and praise God for his continued guidance. I hope you’ll join us on this journey through life as we trust God with faith along the way.

School started this week here in Texas. I’ve loved seeing my Facebook feed fill with all those sweet faces starting a new year at school. Some smiling, some obviously nervous and others clearly indignant to participate in this picture-taking ritual.

I wonder, though, what emotions are really swirling behind all those brave, smiling faces? What emotions are swirling behind OUR brave, smiling faces?

All these children facing big change this time of year. For some, just a new school year, maybe in a familiar school with familiar friends. Still, they will face new teachers, new subjects to learn, new expectations. Others may be starting in a new school, a classroom full of new faces, changes that may be difficult for them to face. Yet they each put on their brave face, turn their mouth into a smile and take steps (even if tentative, timid ones) toward the future, trying to hide the worry and fears, trying to keep the tears locked away until they get home.

This week, I watched one sprint out of the house, so excited to be back at school. With another, I felt his grip on my hand tighten as we searched for his cubby in a new classroom, his hand giving away the anxiety he’d hidden behind so much bravado.

And what about us? Are we any different? Maybe we’re not facing changes with the school year, but don’t we also put on that brave face and try to hide our real emotions? Don’t we also try to be so brave as we face difficult changes, the trials of our lives? Don’t we try to keep the tears locked away until we’re at home, alone?

As I prayed over my children this week starting new classes, I mostly wanted them to feel God’s presence with them. To know they are not alone as they step through this change, no matter how scary and lonely a new place can feel. We are never alone.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV)

Heavenly Father,
Be with all the students, teachers and parents as this new school year begins. You know the real emotions and fears hiding behind those brave, smiling faces. Give each one comfort and encouragement in the changes and challenges they face. Help them feel Your presence and know they are not alone. Help them to know You are always by their side, no matter what. Help us to know You more. Show us how to trust You to guide us through whatever we are facing. Amen!

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10 NIV)

    The end of August ushers in the beginning of the school year for many, and we are reminded to pray for our children and for their studies throughout the upcoming year. As a mother with two in college, one in high school, and three more being taught at home, I have much to pray for, including myself and all their teachers. The following are prayers to begin a school year.


    “God of wisdom and might, we praise you for the wonder of our being, for mind, body, and spirit. Be with our children as they begin a new school year. Bless them and their teachers and staff. Give them the strength and grace as their bodies grow; wisdom and knowledge to their minds as they search for understanding; and peace and zeal to their hearts. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”


    It is a beautiful and charitable thing to pray for all students. Pray for your children, and for other people’s children. Here is a wonderful prayer for students.

    “Lord, Our God, in your wisdom and love you surround us with the mysteries of the universe. Send your spirit upon these students and fill them with your wisdom and blessings. Grant that they may devote themselves to their studies and draw ever closer to You, the source of all knowledge. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.”


    Most of us know the Guardian Angel Prayer by heart. Some of us have prayed it every morning (or every night) with our parents. It is a short prayer, and is very easy for children to memorize. If your kids don’t know it yet, maybe you could teach it to them this year!

    “Angel of God, my guardian dear; to whom God’s love commits me here. Ever this day be at my side, to light, to guard, to rule, to guide. Amen.”


    Teachers have a great responsibility, and they need our prayers, too. Remember to pray for those who instruct your children! If you are a homeschooling mom, you can pray this prayer for yourself and for the other homeschooling moms that you know.

    “Lord God, your spirit of wisdom fills the earth and teaches us in your ways. Look upon these teachers. Let them strive to share their knowledge with gentle patience and endeavor always to bring the truth to eager minds. Grant that we may follow Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, forever and ever.”

    Do you pray for your kids in a special way as they begin a new school year?

    Was it helpful to know that there are special prayers like this out there?

    Share your thoughts with us! We want to hear from you.


    This article has been updated and was originally published in August 2016. © The Catholic Company





    This week in Iowa and in other states across our nation, many students are beginning their first week of school. I know that for many parents, a lot of anxiety comes with the beginning of a school year. Our minds are filled with questions such as, “Will my child learn enough this year?” “Will they be influenced in good or bad ways?” “Will they be successful during this year of school?” “Will they learn the right things?”  These questions and anxious thoughts seem to be involved in parents of public and private school students and of home school kids. In other words, none of us parents are immune from worrying about our children’s education.

    We live in a culture that is constantly debating what children should and shouldn’t learn and when they should learn all these things. We are consumed with statistics about achievement and school environments, teachers and curriculum. While information is good, sometimes I feel that it can add to parents’ worries.

    This year, I am trying to take these anxious thoughts and worries to the Lord, the one who knows my children and me, cares for us, and knows exactly what is best for our family. He can see through all of the school options and statistics and methods to know what is perfect for each one of my kids. And even better yet, he cares! He truly loves each of my kids!

    After all, he says in I Peter 5:7, “Cast all your cares upon him because he cares for me.”

    I thought I would share my prayer for my children with you in hopes that it would encourage you.

    Lord, I give this school year to you. I pray that each of my children will learn exactly what is right for them to learn. Help them to master new skills and increase in their love of learning. Prepare them for what you have for them in their futures. Protect them from what is harmful to them and expose them to good things only. I pray that they will have good attitudes and a willingness to work hard. I pray that they will show respect and obedience.  Please give our family peace during this school year. Thank you for loving them, protecting them, and caring for them.

    A few other verses that really give me comfort in parenting are these:

    Psalm 94:19 When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, your consolations delight my soul.

    Isaiah 54:13 All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.

    I hope that this school year is your best one yet!

    Annie Boyd

    Annie Boyd was raised on a farm in Iowa. She graduated from The University of Northwestern in St. Paul with a degree in elementary education. She is married to her high school sweetheart, and they have five children. She loves being a stay-at-home mom and homeschooling her kids. She blogs with her family over at

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