Prayer for a future husband

Join Us!

Welcome to our 14 day journey in “Prayers for our Future Husbands”! We are so excited that you decided to join us for praying for your future husband. This is going to be awesome! And did you know that your future husband needs these prayers? He truly does.

So, of course you can just read these prayers but I would like to ask that you also write these prayers out in your own words in your journal, diary, notebook or whatever works for you. Then, after this 14 day journey, you can save those little prayers in a special box or chest. Then on your wedding day give them to your husband. He can read them whenever he’s having a bad day. He will really love this girls. You can hold onto these prayers forever! But we want them in your own words so that it’s really coming from you and the Lord.  Ok, ready to start?! Great!  Thank you again for joining! God bless.

Here are the steps simplified:

Step 1.There are 14 payers for you to pray for your future husband for 14 days.

Step 2.We want you as the reader, to read it,

Step 3.Pray it, and

Step 4. Write/or pray it in your own words.

Step 5. Save all your written prayers for your honeymoon! Give your husband one prayer a day on your special honeymoon, it will make it even more special. 😉

But after the 14th prayer it doesn’t have to end there. This 2 week journey is just a jump-start for you! After Prayers for our Future Husbands ends, you can continue to pray in your daily devotions, before you go to bed, when your sitting in the living room, when your doing dishes, ect. Whenever you remember to, just pray!
We hope you will join us in our 2 week prayer journey. Your future husbands need it ladies! 

P.S. We also made a 2 week prayer journey for future wives as well! It’s called Prayers for Becoming a Future Wife. Make sure to give that a try as well!

Big News! We now have a sequel to “Prayers for My Future Husband!” Check it out!

Prayers for My Future Husband
Part 2

Let’s Get Started!

prayer for a future husband

Day 1

Lord, I don’t know who my future husband will be but you do. So I willingly trust you with my life and his. I want to lift my future husband up to you this weekend Lord. Please give him a great weekend! Help him to enjoy his friends and family. Give him peace and rest from the hard work week. Help him to keep his eyes on you and to encounter your presence in a whole new way! I pray that he would be able to make the right choices and decisions when it comes to his plans this weekend. Help him to be a light and shining example to his friends this weekend. Lord, whatever he does let it be a reflection of his love for you and may he bring you glory. Please help him know you love him and are looking out for him. Thank you Jesus. I love you and want to bring You and my future husband honor.

Day 2

Lord, please bless my future husband today with the gift of friends. Please bring him godly mentors and companions that will spur him on in the pursuit of godliness. I pray especially that he would have examples of godly men to look up to. I ask that You would give him friends his own age who are seeking You with their lives. Please help him to be surrounded with the people that will draw him nearer to You and not farther away. And please give him friends that will bring laughter and joy into his life.

prayer for a future husband

Day 3

Dear God, please give my future husband vision and clarity today. Please inspire him with a strong vision for his life. Only you know exactly what his life will hold, and precisely what you want to do through him. Please remind him of that vision every day. Help him to rely solely on you for his strength, and to move forward with confidence. God, I ask you to help him love you more than anything else, running after you, unapologetically seeking you with all his heart. I ask you to give him passion and a selfless, unashamed boldness that can only come from you.

Day 4

Dear God,
Please help my future husband to be a hard worker. May he work to bring glory to you. Help him to be honest in business and everyday life too. No matter how big or small a thing is. Each and every day even right now help him to make wise choices that bring honor to you. Help him to have integrity and to stand up for what is right.

prayer for a future husband

Day 5

Lord I pray that my future husband would learn through day to day experiences and trials how to be a good leader. I pray that he would learn the qualities needed to make a great leader for his family and wife. May he learn integrity, strength of mind and above all, love. May he learn to be strong in his beliefs and not back down or give into the ways of the world. I know that being a leader requires boldness and humility, strength but lowliness of heart, wisdom beyond his years but also a meek spirit, I pray that he may learn this and more before he becomes the leader of our family. Bless his day and give him peace and joy. May he be filled with Your Holy Spirit and walk in truth and grace. Thank you for him Jesus! I don’t know who, or where he is or what he is doing right now but I pray for your everlasting joy to be with him. Let him laugh and be lighthearted today. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

Day 6

Dear God, I pray that You would bless my future husband as he seeks out the answers to the questions that arise in life. Help him to know that as the Author of all things You have all the answers. And, Lord, help my husband to not be afraid of what the answers might be, but to know that all things have a place in Your plan. Teach him to pursue truth with zeal, but at the same time, Lord, let him accept that he can’t find the answers to some questions on this side of heaven. And, Lord, when the answer is not available this side of heaven, please show him how to hope in You.

prayer for a future husband

Day 7

Dear God, please help my future husband to love your word, the Bible. Help him to study and learn from it every day. Guide him and give him wisdom when he reads so that he will be able to teach and guide our family someday. Help him to be meditating on it all the time and to not just hear it, but be doing what you tell him to be doing in it as well. Thank you Jesus. Amen.

Day 8

Dear God, please give my future husband strength and wisdom today. Please give him the strength to face the temptations the world lays constantly before him. Help him in his battles and struggles, and please let him know you’re beside him at all times. Help him grow stronger in you every day. Please grant him wisdom in his decisions in life right now. In everything, please let him pursue wisdom from you. Also, please let him have a wonderful day today.
Thank you so much for everything you’ve done, are doing, and will do in his life.

prayer for a future husband

Day 9

Lord, please bless my future husband’s Sunday. Let him find rest and peace when he hears your word today. Lord I pray that he would love his family and want to have his own family when he’s married. I pray that he would have a loving heart toward children and that he is soft, gentle and caring. Teach him the abilities that make a great father. Help him to learn now so that when he is a father he will be amazing. Give him amazing leadership skills and a heart to serve his family. Let him recognize the importance of this role and help him to embrace his calling as a future husband and father. Thank you, Lord. Amen.

Day 10

Dear Lord, I pray that You would give my future husband the humility to ask for help when he needs it. Teach him to turn for help when he needs it rather than trying to face his problems on his own. When he is fighting sins (as I know he will), please show him that in the end, asking for help is worth the momentary humiliation if it means overcoming his vices. Amen.

prayer for a future husband

Day 11

Dear God, please help my future husband to be a good leader in whatever position you may have him to be in now and in the future. Our home, his work, church, etc may his life and the things that he does be about bringing glory and honor to you. May the other people around him see you through him and want to come to know you. Especially in our home help him to lead our family in a godly way. And give him wisdom and discernment and help in making any hard decisions that might come our way. Thank you Lord. Amen

Day 12

Lord, please bring my future husband the gift of joy and happiness today! Let his heart be light and care-free. Don’t let the troubles of life or this world bring him down. Let him enjoy life to its fullest today and everyday! Let his laugh be heard and his smiles be seen. Let him be a shining joy to all around him. I pray that his family would encourage him and build him up so that he may do the same for others. Let the clouds of depression and worry see his joy and pass over him. Bring him peace and comfort so that he can experience the fullness of Your goodness Jesus. Thank you Lord! Amen.

prayer for a future husband

Day 13

Jesus, I pray that you would bless my future husband with the gift of a loving, sweet and tender heart. Let him learn now while he is single to be a loving husband. Help him want to bless others and have a caring attitude. Teach him how to help others while they are hurting. Give him compassion. Let him know how to complete me when I’m stressed or upset. Let him know the right words to say and how to comfort me. And Lord please give him loving friends and family to surround him with so that he never feels alone. Bless his day today and help him feel content and loved! Thank you Lord. Amen.

Day 14

Lord I pray for strength in my future husband. Help him be strong against the wiles and evils of this world in our day and age. Lord I pray that he would feel strong enough to take on anything this life has to offer him with You by his side. Give him a noble heart, a steadfast spirit and a passionate pursuit for holiness. Let him embrace his calling as a Christian leader in the 21st century and let him know the depth of influence that he has on others. Jesus, give him a fierce love for righteousness and a healthy fear of You, God. Thank you for him Jesus. Who ever he is, wherever he is, thank you for him. I surrender my thoughts and questions, doubts and fears in regards to my future husband. Lord, take control of my love life, I entrust it to You. Please be the King of my heart, be all my hope and dreams. I love you Jesus. Thank you for all that you are doing in my life and in that of my Future Beloved’s! Amen.

Ladies this was the last day in our journey of Prayers for Our Future Husbands. Thank you for joining us and following along! The Lord has truly blessed our time spent writing these prayers. I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. Again, thank you for joining us. May God truly bless you and your future husband! We love you all so much. God bless!

prayer for a future husband

A reader asked me for a guide to praying for her future husband. Answering her question proved a little harder than I first thought it would. Maybe it’s because I didn’t start praying specific prayers for a husband until after I met Steve. Or maybe it’s because I realize that though most people eventually do marry, not everyone who wants to marry will. Still, we’re called to pray—about everything. So what should prayer for a husband look like?

Give Thanks for All Things

My mom used to encourage me with Matthew 6:33 when I’d call (at least once a week) to complain about still being single. She always took me back to that verse: “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” She even encouraged me to give thanks for the difficult circumstances.

“Give thanks for not having anyone ask me out?” I’d say, with not just a little anger and emotion. “Yes,” she’d say gently, but firmly. “Thank God for this opportunity to praise Him, to grow in your faith, to grow in your dependence on Him. Give thanks for the things you most want Him to change.”

The Bible says:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:6–7).

We’re supposed to ask for a husband humbly (that’s what supplication means—asking for something humbly) and with thanksgiving. I know how hard it can be to give thanks in the midst of doubt, fear, broken relationships, disappointment, and more. How can you feel thankful when you’re hurt, angry, and frustrated?

Thankfully, we don’t have to feel it. The verse just says give thanks. When I’m anxious (and most need this verse!), saying “thank you” always starts as an act of the will. And often I have to pray for the grace to do that! But obedience has the benefit of producing good fruit.

“Seek first His kingdom,” she would say. And I’d cry, and we’d pray, and the more I did that, the more I submitted my unmet longings to God. My pain led me to pray, and giving thanks protected me from bitterness. Spending time talking with God created the opportunity for Him to soften my heart, shaping my desires to conform to His. My heart needed to soften, primarily because my pride was keeping me from being like Him.

I don’t know what changes God wants to make in you. We’re all different. But there is great work to be done. None of us are perfect. We all stumble in many ways (James 3:2), and we all have areas where we need to be more like Him. If you daily submit to His process, even in the pain, He will change you.

Your Will Be Done

What if God answers your prayers differently than you want Him to? He is able to transform the desires of your heart to align with His and to satisfy you completely. We may never be able to understand this with our finite minds, but the Holy Spirit makes it possible to grasp it in our spirits, so that we may pray with Jesus, “Thy will be done.”

I’m amazed that God doesn’t ask us to begin there, or require us to deny that we have real requests and desires. Not only does Philippians 4:6 instruct us to “let requests be made known to God,” Jesus modeled that in His prayer in the garden. Paul E. Miller talks about this in his book A Praying Life:

Read the Gospels and you’ll discover a passionate, feeling man. Thank God we have a Savior who is in touch with the real world, who prays that he will not drink the cup of his Father’s wrath, who cries out on a rough wooden cross, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me’ (Matt. 27:46). Jesus neither suppresses his feelings nor lets them master him. He is real” (p. 123).

It was only after Jesus prayed, “If you are willing, remove this cup from me,” that He prayed, “not my will, but yours be done.”

The whole point of prayer is to grow in relationship with God. The more we talk and listen, the more God shapes the conversation. As we grow closer to Him, our desires shift from what we want—what we think we most need—to what He wants. His desires become our desires.

As David Platt writes in his book Radical:

gift of grace involves the gift of a new heart. New desires. New longings. For the first time, we want God. We see our need for him, and we love him. We seek after him, and we find him, and we discover that he is indeed the great reward for our salvation. . . . e are saved to know God. So we yearn for him” (p. 39).

Keeping Our Eyes on Him

Some 70 to 80 percent of high school seniors say marriage is extremely important. And 80 to 90 percent of Americans eventually marry. But what if some of the people who don’t marry really wanted to? How do we reconcile what’s statistically probable with what’s supernaturally possible?

I talked about this before in my post “Plenty of Men to Go Around.” Never-married women are a lot like Peter walking on the water. Peter wasn’t supposed to be able to walk on water. And when he made that fact his focus, along with the storm and treacherous waves around him, he did what you’d expect. He sank. But when he fixed his eyes on Christ, he did the unexpected.

For many women, getting married would seem just as miraculous. Praise God that He hasn’t changed—He’s still the same wonder-working God who walked with Peter on the water. He still does the unexpected. But we have to do our part. We have to keep our eyes on Him.

In the process, He may change our attitudes, our expectations, our habits, our health—whatever needs changing. He can do anything—He’s God. You can trust Him and count on Him. He is faithful. Faithful, but not predictable. Things may not turn out how you want.

In C.S. Lewis’ The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, Susan asked Mr. Beaver about Aslan saying, “Is he—quite safe?” Mr. Beaver replied, “Safe? Who said anything about safe? Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.” You can know that wherever your journey with Him leads, it will be good.

Believe God is able. Trust Him. But know that believing and trusting aren’t the same as setting yourself up for bitter disappointment if He doesn’t answer you the way you hope He will. God is calling us to faith, like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who said:

O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. If this be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But if not, be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up” (Dan. 3:16–18).

The God we serve is able to bring you a husband. But even if He does not, will you continue to trust Him and His goodness?

Before You Pray for a Husband . . .

When I first started writing this article, I was thinking in terms of a list of traits to ask for and specific verses to pray. But the more I wrote and prayed, the more I realized that God’s leading in our prayer life is individualized. Each of us is unique, and His work in us differs from person to person. That’s not to say you can’t pray for a godly husband who meets the requirements of the “husband verses.”1 I think you should.

But I also think you should ask God to show you how to pray given your story and this particular moment in history. This morning I was praying about this article and wondering how God might lead me to pray if I were still single. I realized that before I could pray for a husband, I’d need to pray that this generation of men would be transformed by God’s power to rise up as men capable of the commitments of marriage.

Given all the bad news about men, it occurred to me that even before we arrive at praying for men as suitors, we need to pray for men as our brothers in Christ. Many of them are spiritually limping. I believe we should be asking God to raise up a generation of godly men who are not only willing to take on the challenge and calling of being godly husbands and fathers, but who are also able to do so.

Whatever season of life you’re in, you need to pray, because prayer is about relationship with God. Whether single and praying about your desire for a husband; or later, if you’re married, praying about your desire for a baby; or praying for your (or your husband’s) need for a job; or if you never do marry praying about serving faithfully while celibate, the need to pray never ends. Jesus told His disciples they “always ought to pray and not lose heart.” It’s never too soon, or too late, to start.

How does this article encourage you in praying for your heart’s desires—whether for a husband or something else? In what unique ways can you pray, according to “your story”?


1The “marriage verses” are the passages that lay out the job description husbands and wives are called to. They include Ephesians 5:22-28, Colossians 3:18-19 and 1 Peter 3:1-7. They’re the standard for what makes a good mate. As you read them, you’ll realize men aren’t the only ones who need prayer. Don’t just pray for your future husband, pray for yourself—the future wife. A big part of marriage prep for women is praying through the “wife verses,” especially Proverbs 31 and Titus 2.

This post is adapted from Candace’s article, published on Used with permission.
prayer for a future husband

Several years ago, I found the 31 Days of Praying for Your Husband challenge on a blog that I followed. As I was reading through the post it occurred to me, even though I did not have a husband, I should be praying for my future spouse. I could take the thirty-one day challenge and pray for my future husband. Since I was twenty-one, I have been doing this prayer challenge every few months, lifting my future spouse up to the Lord in prayer. Over the years it has helped shape a young girl’s romanticized dreams, into a young woman’s practical heartfelt desire.

In Ephesians 6:18, Paul instructs all believers to pray for one another. This includes earnest prayer for your husband or future husband. It is good for him, it is good for you, and it is good for the spiritual health of your home, or the home that you will have one day (Proverbs 31:11-12). Satan desires and seeks to destroy your husband ( future husband ), particularly his character and his leadership. So bless your future husband, or the husband that God has already brought you together with, by praying for him!

This prayer challenge is near and dear to my heart, and has taught me a lot. I’m thrilled to share it with you! I hope that this will encourage you to pray for your future spouse, or the man that God has already blessed you with.

31 Days of Praying for Your Future Husband.

Day 1 | Pray that your future husband will grow spiritually and consider his accountability before the Lord. Pray that he will guard his heart by developing spiritual disciplines—Bible reading and study,prayer, meditation, scripture memorization, etc. (2 Peter 3:18; Prov. 4:23)

Day 2 | Pray that your future husband’s relationship with God and His Word will bear fruit in his life. Pray that he will be a man of wisdom and understanding, fearing the Lord. (Prov. 3:7, 9:10; Ps. 112:1)

Day 3 | Pray that your future husband will be humble and quick to agree with God about his sin. Pray that his heart will be tender toward the voice of the Lord. (Ps. 51:2-4; Micah 6:8)

Day 4 | Pray that your future husband will grow in leadership skills in your relationship—protecting and providing for you. Pray that he will lead you wisely and love you sacrificially, so that God will be glorified in your marriage. (Eph. 5:25-29; Col. 3:19)

Day 5 | Pray that your future husband will be faithful to his wedding vows. Pray that he will have a desire to cultivate your relationship as a sign of his loyalty and commitment to you, and as a picture of Christ’s love for the Church. (Prov. 20:6; Gen. 2:24)

Day 6 | Pray that your future husband will love righteousness and hate wickedness, especially the evils of the culture. Pray that he will recognize and avoid wickedness in his own life, and if necessary, take a clear, strong stand against evil. (Prov. 27:12; John 17:15; 1 Cor. 10:12-13)

Day 7 | Pray that your future husband will safeguard his heart against inappropriate relationships with the opposite sex. Pray that his heart will be pure and undivided in his commitment to you. (Prov.6:23-24, 26; Rom. 13:14)

Day 8 | Pray that your future husband will work hard to provide for your family, to the best of his ability. Pray that the character qualities necessary for a successful career and ministry will be a growing part of his character – persistence, decisiveness, strength, an analytical mind, organizational skills, positive relationships with people, determination, etc. (Rom. 12:11; 1 Cor. 15:58)

Day 9 | Pray that your future husband handles finances wisely, will have discernment concerning budgeting and investments, and will be a good steward of his money in regard to giving to the Lord’s work. Pray that money will not become a source of discord in your family. (Prov. 23:4-5; Rom. 12:13;Heb. 13:5)

Day 10 | Pray that your future husband will cultivate strong integrity, and not compromise his convictions. Pray that his testimony will be genuine, that he will be honest in his business dealings, and will never do anything that he needs to hide from others. (Prov. 20:7; 1 Tim. 1:5, 3:7; Eph. 6:10-12)

Day 11 | Pray that your future husband will have a humble, teachable spirit and a servant’s heart before the Lord. Pray that he will listen to God and desire to do His will. (Prov. 15:33; Eph. 6:6)

Day 12 | Pray that your future husband will yield his sexual drive to the Lord and practice self control. Pray that your sexual intimacy together will be fresh, positive, and a reflection of selfless love. (Prov. 5:15, 18; 1 Cor. 7:3; Song of Solomon 7:10)

Day 13 | Pray that your future husband uses practical skills to build your family and make wise decisions for your welfare. Pray that he will serve unselfishly. (Gal. 5:13; Phil. 2:3-4)

Day 14 | Pray that your future husband will speak words that build up you and your family, and reflect a heart of love. Pray that he will not use filthy language. (Prov. 18:21; Eph. 4:29)

Day 15 | Pray that your future husband will choose his friends wisely. Pray that God will bring him men who will encourage his accountability before God, and will not lead him into sin. (Prov. 13:20; Prov.27:17)

Day 16 | Pray that your future husband will choose healthy, God-honoring activities. Pray that he will not live in bondage to any questionable habits or hobbies, but that he will experience freedom in holiness as he yields to the Spirit’s control. (1 Cor. 6:12, 10:31; 2 Tim. 2:4)

Day 17 | Pray that your future husband will enjoy his manliness as he patterns his life after Christ and strong men in the faith. Pray for his physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual strength. (Eph. 3:16; 1 Peter 2:21; 1 Cor. 10:11)

Day 18 | Pray that your future husband will have an eternal perspective—living in light of eternity. Pray that he will reject materialism and temporal values and put God first in his life. (Matt. 6:33; Deut. 6:5; Eph. 5:16; Ps. 90:12)

Day 19 | Pray that your future husband will be patient and a man of peace. Pray that he will not give in to anger, but will allow the Holy Spirit to control his responses. (Rom. 14:19; Ps. 34:14)

Day 20 | Pray that your future husband will yield his mind and thoughts to the Lord. Pray that he will not entertain immoral or impure thoughts, and that he will resist the temptation to indulge in pornography. (Prov. 27:12; 2 Cor. 10:5)

Day 21 | Pray that your future husband will learn how to relax in the Lord and, in his greatest times of stress, find joy and peace in his relationship with God. Pray that he will submit his schedule to the Lord. (Neh. 8:10; Prov. 17:22; Ps. 16:11)

Day 22 | Pray that your future husband will practice forgiveness in your relationship and with others. Pray that he will recognize any roots of bitterness, and yield any resentment and unforgiving attitudes to the Lord. (Eph. 4:32; Heb. 12:15)

Day 23 | Pray that your future husband will be a good father—disciplining your children wisely and loving them unconditionally.  (Eph. 6:4; Col. 3:21; 2 Tim. 2:1-2)

Day 24 | Pray that your future husband will have a balanced life—that he will balance work and play. Pray that he will fear God, but also gain favor with people he knows at work and church. (Luke 2:52; Prov. 13:15)

Day 25 | Pray that your future husband will be courageous in his stand against evil and injustice, and that he will stand for the truth. Pray that he will protect you and your family from Satan’s attacks. (Ps. 31:24; Eph. 6:13; Ps. 27:14)

Day 26 | Pray that your future husband will discover and live his God-given purpose. Pray that he will offer all his dreams to the Lord, and pursue only those goals that will bring God glory and count for eternity. (Jer. 29:11; 1 Cor. 10:31)

Day 27 | Pray that your future husband will understand the importance of taking care of his body—the temple of the Holy Spirit—for the glory of God. Pray that he will practice self-control by making wise food choices, and get sufficient exercise to stay healthy. (Rom. 12:1-2; 1 Cor. 6:19-20, 9:27)

Day 28 | Pray that your future husband will be a man of prayer. Pray that he will seek and pursue God in purposeful quiet times. (1 Thess. 5:17; Luke 22:46; James 5:16)

Day 29 | Pray that your future  husband will surrender his time and talents to the Lord. Pray that his spiritual gifts will be manifest in his career, at church, and in your home. (Eph. 5:15-16; 1 Cor. 12:4, 7)

Day 30 | Pray that your future husband will serve God and others with pure motives. Pray that he will obey the Lord from his heart, and glorify Him in everything. (1 Cor. 10:13; John 7:17-18; Col. 3:23-24)

Day 31 | Pray that your future  husband will recognize the lies of the Enemy in his life. Pray that his attitudes and actions will be guided by the truth as he brings his thoughts into captivity to the Word of God (John 8:44; 2 Cor. 10:4-5)

Have you done this prayer challenge before? If not, will you give this challenge a try?

With Love,

O Jesus, lover of the young, the dearest Friend I have, in all confidence I open my heart to You to beg Your light and assistance in the important task of planning my future. Give me the light of Your grace, that I may decide wisely concerning the person who is to be my partner through life. Dearest Jesus, send me such a one whom in Your divine wisdom You judge best suited to be united with me in marriage. May her/his character reflect some of the traits of Your own Sacred Heart. May s/he be upright, loyal, pure, sincere and noble, so that with united efforts and with pure and unselfish love we both may strive to perfect ourselves in soul and body, as well as the children it may please You to entrust to our care. Bless our friendship before marriage, that sin may have no part in it. May our mutual love bind us so closely, that our future home may ever be most like Your own at Nazareth.

O Mary Immaculate, sweet Mother of the young, to your special care I entrust the decision I am to make as to my future wife/husband. You are my guiding Star! Direct me to the person with whom I can best cooperate in doing God’s Holy Will, with whom I can live in peace, love and harmony in this life, and attain to eternal joys in the next.

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