Our world is filled with events and situations that can cause great fear and anxiety. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and live imprisoned by fear. We are promised in God’s Word that he is faithful and will protect us (2 Thessalonians 3:3). God wants us to let go of fear and to live life to the fullest! (John 10:10) When you are overcome by worry, use these prayers for protection to remember who God is and the protection he has promised you.
Table of contents
- 1 1. Prayer for Personal Protection
- 2 2. Prayer for the Protection and Safety of Family
- 3 3. Prayer for Children’s Security
- 4 4. “St. Patrick’s Breastplate” Protective Prayer:
- 5 5. “Priestly Blessings” Prayer from Scripture:
- 6 Prayers for Protection and Safety from the Bible
- 7 The Light of God
- 8 Grant me Protection
- 9 For Safe Travel
- 10 Guard Over Me
- 11 Protection from Wrongdoing
- 12 Protection from Thieves
- 13 Guard Me
- 14 Protect my Day
- 15 Protect my Journey
- 16 Let No Evil Befall Us
- 17 Be with Me Christ
- 18 The Cross of Christ
- 19 Protection from Heaven
- 20 The Watchful Eye of The Lord
- 21 Prayer Request: Post Your Own “Prayers for Protection and Safety”
- 22 Recent prayer requests…
- 23 Jacob’s Prayer for Protection from Esau (Genesis 32:9-12)
- 24 Jehoshaphat Fasted and Prayed for Protection from the Moabites and Ammonites and the Meunites (2 Chronicles 20:6-12)
- 25 Ezra Fasted and Prayed for Protection from the Enemy (Ezra 8:21-23)
- 26 David’s Prayer for Protection from his son Absalom (Psalms 3)
- 27 Stephen’s Prayer for the Protection (mercy) of His Murderers (Acts 7:60)
- 28 Paul’s Prayer Thanking God for Deliverance from Evil at Colossae (Colossians 1:9-14)
- 29 “The Lorica”
- 30 Personalized Well-known Passages As Prayers for Protection
1. Prayer for Personal Protection
Father, I come to You today, bowing in my heart, asking for protection from the evil one. Lord, we are assailed moment by moment with images on television, the internet, books and newspapers that leave us vulnerable to sin of every kind. Surround us with Your divine hedge of protection. Encompass us round about with Your strength and Your might. Let all who take refuge in You be glad, let them ever sing for joy. And may You shelter us, that those who love Your name may exult in You. For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O LORD, You surround him favor as with a shield. (Psalm 5:11-12)
Lord, I ask that You protect our minds. Father, the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace. (Romans 8:6) O God, set our minds on You. Let us not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds that we may prove what Your will is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2) Help us by the power of Your Spirit to think on whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything is worthy of praise, let our minds dwell on these things. (Philippians 4:8)
Strengthen us in the power of Your might, O God. Dress us in Your armor so that we can stand firm against the schemes of the devil. We know that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.(Ephesians 6:10-12)
You are our keeper, O Lord, the shade on our right hand. Protect us from all evil and keep our soul. Guard our going out and our coming in. From this time and forever. In Jesus’ name, Amen. – by Lynn Cooke
2. Prayer for the Protection and Safety of Family
Lord, I pray Your emotional, physical, and spiritual protection over my kids (grandkids). Keep evil far from them, and help them to trust You as their refuge and strength. I pray You will guard their minds from harmful instruction, and grant them discernment to recognize truth. I pray You will make them strong and courageous in the presence of danger, recognizing that You have overcome and will set right all injustice and wrong one day. Help them to find rest in Your shadow, as they live in the spiritual shelter You provide for them. Let them know that the only safe place is in Jesus, and that their home on earth is only temporary. – Ryan Duncan, Culture Editor at Crosswalk.com
3. Prayer for Children’s Security
Lord, I pray that my kids (grandkids) will develop an eternal perspective and purpose, not an earthly one. Help them to see life–and every challenge–through Your eyes, eager and unafraid to share with others the good news of Jesus wherever they go. I pray that they will set their minds on things above, not just what’s going on here, and that they will be rooted and grounded in Your love. I pray they will come to understand the extent of Your own love for them–that it surpasses all the head knowledge they will acquire in school. I pray they will be filled up with You from morning ’til night. – Rebecca Barlow Jordan
4. “St. Patrick’s Breastplate” Protective Prayer:
Celtic monks used it to start their day.The hymn was several stanzas long, and the last two stanzas were especially memorable and moving:
Christ be with me, Christ within me,
Christ behind me, Christ before me,
Christ beside me, Christ to win me,
Christ to comfort and restore me.
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,
Christ in hearts of all that love me,
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.
I bind unto myself the Name,
The strong Name of the Trinity;
By invocation of the same.
The Three in One, and One in Three,
Of Whom all nature hath creation,
Eternal Father, Spirit, Word:
Praise to the Lord of my salvation,
Salvation is of Christ the Lord.
5. “Priestly Blessings” Prayer from Scripture:
Numbers 6:22-27 is known as the “Priestly Blessing” or sometimes the “Aaronic Benediction.” There are seven requests made in this prayer.
The LORD said to Moses, “Tell Aaron and his sons, ‘This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them: “’The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.”‘ “So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.”
1. The Lord bless you…
The word “bless” means to “provide favor or benefit.” Father, we pray that for our children. You are the Eternal God. Please place Your great kindness and advantage on those we love. May they be approved and favored by You.
2. and keep you…
The Hebrew word “keep” means to “watch, guard, defend.” This is a prayer for protection. Father, my children are not perfect. They are going to make mistakes. But please watch over them and guard them again mistakes of youth that are unalterable. Please defend them against temptation. Protect them against Satan who desires to devour them.
3. the LORD make his face shine upon you…
This is a request for God’s presence.Father, as a parent I know that I can’t be with my children all the time, but You can. Just like they feel the warmth of the sun shining on them, please allow them to experience Your presence. Thank You for being with them wherever they go.
4. and be gracious to you…
Grace is God’s undeserved favor. He gives us what we don’t deserve. Father, thank You for Your gift of grace. I pray that gift to be poured out on my children. Following that great gift of salvation, please show them your kindness and love in all the endeavors of their lives.
5. the Lord turn his face toward you…
Here is a request for God’s fellowship.Father, thank You, that because of their trust in Jesus, the Holy Spirit lives in my children. Please walk with them in a powerful way. Enable them to submit to the Spirit’s control day by day and moment by moment.
6. and give you peace.
The Hebrew word for peace used here is “shalom.” It means “completeness, wholeness, and contentment.” Lord, please calm my children’s fears; soothe their anxious souls. Keep them complete and whole in their thinking, emotions, desires, and actions.
7. So they will put my name on ___________ (the name of your child/children).
This is a request of identification. Lord, please place Your holy mark on my children. Set them apart to be used by You. I love them but You love them more. You love them with an everlasting love. May they represent You well on their earthly journey. And when their journey is completed, welcome them home to live forever with You.
(notes by Ron Moore, The Journey)
Prayers for Protection and Safety from the Bible
“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” – 2 Thessalonians 3:3
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” – Psalm 46:1
“My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.” – John 17:15
‘And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” – Matthew 6:13
“Because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay. You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” – Psalm 16:10-11
Read more Bible verses about protection.
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May the Lord look over us all, and guide us towards safe harbors. Whether you are needing protection for physical safety or protection for spiritual warfare, God promises to be our provider and strength!
Our collection of prayers for protection include general prayers asking the Lord to look over us, as well as prayers for protection in specific circumstances. Use these 14 prayers throughout the day as you seek safety and experience the powerful ways God provides.
The Light of God
The light of God surrounds us,
The love of God enfolds us,
The power of God protects us,
The presence of God watches over us,
Wherever we are, God is,
And where God is, all is well.
St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John,
Like unto the prophet Jonas, as a type of Christ,
Who was guarded for three days and
Three nights in the belly of a whale,
Thus shall the Almighty God,
As a Father, guard and protect me from all evil.
Grant me Protection
Grant, O Lord, Thy protection
And in protection, strength
And in strength, understanding
And in understanding, knowledge
And in knowledge, the knowledge of justice
And in the knowledge of justice, the love of it
And in the love of it, the love of all existences
And in that love, the love of spirit and all creation.
For Safe Travel
God’s Angels guard and keep you
All the way that you must travel
Till earth’s days are past
When blossoms fade and
Time is fleeting fast
In times of purest joy
Or pain and fear
God’s Angels guard
And keep you safe.
Guard Over Me
Jesus, I will arise; Jesus do thou accompany me;
Jesus, do thou lock my heart into thine, And let my body and my soul
Be commended unto thee.
The Lord is crucified.
May God guard and protect my senses
So that misfortunes may not overcome me.
In the name of God the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost.
Learn about the Hedge of Protection Prayer.
Protection from Wrongdoing
You thieves, I implore you to be obedient like Jesus Christ,
Who obeyed his heavenly Father unto the cross,
And to stand without moving out of my sight,
In the name of the Trinity.
I command you by the power of God
And the incarnation of Jesus Christ
Not to move out of my sight, like Jesus Christ
Stood on Jordan’s stormy banks to be baptized by John.
And furthermore, I implore you, horse and rider,
To stand still and not to move out of my sight,
Like Jesus Christ did stand when he was about
To be nailed to the cross to release the
Fathers of the church from the bonds of hell.
Thieves, I bind you with the same bonds with which Jesus
Our Lord has bound hell; and thus ye shall be bound;
And the same Words that bind you shall also release you.
Protection from Thieves
God be with you, brethren; stop, ye thieves,
Robbers, murderers, horsemen and soldiers,
In all humility, for we have tasted
The rosy blood of Jesus.
Your rifles and guns will be stopped up with the
Holy blood of Jesus; and all swords and arms are made harmless
By the five holy wounds of Jesus.
There are three roses upon the heart of God;
The first is beneficent,
The other is omnipotent,
The third is his holy will.
You thieves must therefore stand under it,
Standing still as long as I will.
In the name of God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
You are commanded and made to stop!
Guard Me
Like unto the cup and the wine, and the holy supper,
which our dear Lord Jesus Christ gave unto his dear disciples
on Maunday Thursday, may the Lord Jesus guard me in daytime,
and at night, that:
No dog may bite me,
No wild beast tear me to pieces,
No tree fall upon me,
No water rise against me,
No firearms injure me,
No weapons, no steel, no iron cut me,
No fire burn me, No false sentence fall upon me,
No false tongue injure me,
No rogue enrage me, and that no fiends, no witchcraft
Or enchantment can harm me. Amen.
Protect my Day
Blessed be my protection when I go out during day or night,
That thou mayest not let any of my enemies, or thieves, approach me,
If they do not intend to bring me what was intended from your Holy Altar.
Because God the Lord Jesus Christ is ascended into Heaven in his living Body,
And so shall my body and wellbeing be protected on this journey.
O Lord, bless me and watch over me day and night.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Protect my Journey
In the name of God I go on this journey.
May God the Father be with me,
God the Son protect me, and
God the Holy Ghost be by my side.
Whoever is stronger than these three persons
May approach my body and my life; yet
Whoso is not stronger than these three
Would much better let me be!
Let No Evil Befall Us
O God, You are the preserver of men, and the keeper of
our lives. We commit ourselves to Your perfect care on the
journey that awaits us. We pray for a safe and auspicious
Give Your angels charge over us to keep us in all
our ways. Let no evil befall us, nor any harm come to our
dwelling that we leave behind. Although we are uncertain
of what the days may bring, may we be prepared for any event
or delay, and greet such with patience and understanding.
Bless us O Lord, that we may complete our journey safely
and successfully under Your ever watchful care.
Be with Me Christ
The cross of Christ be with me;
The cross of Christ overcomes all water and every fire;
The cross of Christ overcomes all weapons;
The cross of Christ is a perfect sign and blessing to my soul.
May Christ be with me and my body during all my life
At day and at night. Now I pray, I , pray God the Father
For the soul’s sake, and I pray God the Son for the Father’s sake,
And I pray God the Holy Ghost for the Father’s and Son’s sake,
And I pray God the Holy Ghost for the for the Father’s and the Son’s sake,
That the holy corpse of God may bless me against all evil things, words and works.
The Cross of Christ
The cross of Christ open unto me future bliss;
The cross of Christ be with me, above me, before me,
Behind me, beneath me, aside of me and
Everywhere, and before all my enemies,
Visible and invisible; these all flee from me
As soon as they but know or hear.
Enoch and Elias, the two prophets, were never
Imprisoned, nor bound, nor beaten and came
Never out of their power; thus no one of my enemies
Must be able to injure or attack me in my body
Or my life, in the name of God the Father, the Son,
And the Holy Ghost. Amen!
Protection from Heaven
The blessing which came from heaven,
From God the Father, when the true living Son was born,
Be with me at all times;
The blessing which God spoke over the whole human race,
Be with me always.
The holy cross of God, as long and as broad
As the one upon which God suffered
His blessed, bitter tortures, bless me today and forever.
The three holy nails which were driven through
The holy hands and feet of Jesus Christ
Shall bless me today and forever.
The bitter crown of thorns which was forced upon
The holy head of Christ, shall bless me today and forever.
The spear by which the holy side of Jesus was opened,
Shall bless me today and forever.
The rosy blood protect me from all my enemies,
And from everything which night be injurious to my body
Or soul, or my worldly goods.
Bless me, oh ye five holy wounds, in order that all my enemies
May be driven away and bound,
While God has encompassed all Christendom.
In this shall assist me God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
Amen. Thus must I, , be blessed as well and as valid
As the cup and the wine, and the true, living bread which
Jesus gave his disciples on the evening of Maunday Thursday.
All those that hate you must be silent before me;
Their hearts are dead in regard to me; and their tongues are
Mute, so that they are not at all able to inflict the least injury
Upon me, or my house, or my premises:
And likewise, all those who intend attacking and wounding me
With their arms and weapons shall be defenseless,
Weak and conquered before me.
In this shall assist me the holy power of God, which can make all arms or
weapons of no avail. All this in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen.
The Watchful Eye of The Lord
A watchful eye is caring for me. I am protected, safe, and free.
He is here watching, I am happy to be, He is here watching, watching over me.
I’ve been a lost lamb, just caring for me. I thought I had no one caring for me.
I was so lonely, tired and worn, but I looked around and this thought was born.
He is here watching, watching over me. Look little lamb, look around and see.
Look little lamb, He said , I am watching over thee. Drink from the water so pure and so clean.
Taste of the water, and then you will see. Open your eyes now, you are all clean.
See little lamb, you are white and all new. See little lamb, I will watch over you.
How kind dear sir, to watch over me. I am all white and clean and all new. You are so kind sir,
to help me dear sir.
Thank you for watching, watching over me. I feel protected, safe, and free.
For the Lord He is watching, He is watching over me. I stayed near his feet,
I was helpless and small, but he watched over me, that I should not fall.
Come little lamb, follow me to the water. You can drink from it there. I will help you not falter.
He knew that my knees were all tired and sore, from falling and falling, again on the floor.
Come little lamb, you can try it again. I know that you’re weak, but I’ll help you to stand.
You speak so kindly, I said to the man. You speak so kindly, You’ll help me to stand.
I took a little drink, where he showed me the water, and I started to cry,
my tears rolled down in the water.
Why are you crying, He said to me then? I have been crying, again, and again.
Oh Master can you help me? I have lost a hold, of my children over yonder, who are a part of my fold.
Can you call them dear Master. To see if they’ll come To your water dear Master,
Please see if they’ll come.
You hold me in safety, with comfort and care. You speak to me gently, I have nothing to fear.
You are so kind dear Master. I am happy with thee. Even though I falter, You are still with me.
I am a little lamb, all torn and weak, But I will be happy to sit at your feet.
Submitted by A.C.
Prayer Request: Post Your Own “Prayers for Protection and Safety”
If you’d like, you can post your prayer below so the PrayWithMe community can help pray with you.
Rules for Posting: All prayers are posted publicly through to this site. Don’t use full names or any other identifying information that you wouldn’t want out on the web.
Don’t post with ALL CAPS, and try to use proper spelling and grammar.
If you can, help pray for others and post comments of support.
Recent prayer requests…
Tap below to see prayers from other visitors to this site.
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- Victory over my enemies- I am.praying that my enemy doesn’t have victory over me. And that all false words and vicious lies return back to them is twofold. I… …
- Praying against spiritual attacks of all kinds- O Lord I pray that you save me from all the spiritual attacks that I am experiencing. I am seeing and hearing people that I… …
- Protection over my relationship- Lord as I come to you today I ask of you to guide my family from evil put ur wings over my family for protection… …
- Deliverance and Being Saved- Pray for my son’s strength and deliverance for people that mean him no good. Pray that they turn their hearts to God and get their… …
- Protection and Successful Delivery- God’s Protection of my family and my wife’s successful delivery of the baby boy in May 2019 …
- Help me- I am requesting the community to join me in prayer for restoration of broken relationship with partner and friend and also so that he will… …
- Protection for Family & Prisoners- Dear Father: We pray for the protection of our children and Grandchildren…protect them from the evil one. Turn their hearts, eyes and minds to you!… …
- Loving Mary- Please pray for my dear angel and her kids Mary that Gods loving arms grace kindness blessings protection salvation healing bless our relationship bless them… …
- Remove- I am in the 40+ and have only cheaters around me. Whenever I talk to them openly and they realize and things get back to… …
- Weird Bug’s keep showing up- Oh Lord protect me and my roommates from the evil that seems to be in this house. rid us from these bug’s that keep showing… …
- Loving Mary- Please pray for my dear angel and her kids Mary that Gods loving arms grace kindness blessings protection salvation healing bless our relationship bless them… …
- Protection- Please pray for protection and safety for Nick while riding a motorcycle race this coming Sunday. Thank you. …
- Deliverance- Deliver me from those chains of witch craft that are sent to me. I send it back to the pit of hell .in Jesus name… …
- Protection, guidance and marriage- Please pray with me, I lost my baby that was due in April, cause of death is unknown. My family’s relationship is broken, and I… …
- I’m running out of time- I was recently physically assaulted & my car vandalized twice in the last month and poisoned the Friday before last by the same Cartel that… …
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- Please help me keep my home- Pls pray Chinea in Housing Court will help me keep my savings, my apartment & Section 8 subsidy permanently & obtain a free atty as… …
More prayers posted in: Daily
God is the great Protector. His name in Hebrew to describe this is Jehovah-Nissi. He is the One who defends, delivers, covers, preserves, shelters and watches over us. Sometimes we need to call upon Him in our prayers for protection. Here are ten short prayers for protection that you might want to consider.
Jacob’s Prayer for Protection from Esau (Genesis 32:9-12)
“… Please deliver me from the hand of my brother”
And Jacob said, “O God of my father Abraham and God of my father Isaac, O Lord who said to me, ‘Return to your country and to your kindred, that I may do you good,’ I am not worthy of the least of all the deeds of steadfast love and all the faithfulness that you have shown to your servant, for with only my staff I crossed this Jordan, and now I have become two camps. Please deliver me from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau, for I fear him, that he may come and attack me, the mothers with the children. But you said, ‘I will surely do you good, and make your offspring as the sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered for multitude.’”
Jehoshaphat Fasted and Prayed for Protection from the Moabites and Ammonites and the Meunites (2 Chronicles 20:6-12)
“O Lord, God of our fathers, are you not God in heaven? You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. In your hand are power and might, so that none is able to withstand you. Did you not, our God, drive out the inhabitants of this land before your people Israel, and give it forever to the descendants of Abraham your friend? And they have lived in it and have built for you in it a sanctuary for your name, saying, ‘If disaster comes upon us, the sword, judgment, or pestilence, or famine, we will stand before this house and before you— for your name is in this house—and cry out to you in our affliction, and you will hear and save.’ And now behold, the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir, whom you would not let Israel invade when they came from the land of Egypt, and whom they avoided and did not destroy— behold, they reward us by coming to drive us out of your possession, which you have given us to inherit. O our God, will you not execute judgment on them? For we are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”
Ezra Fasted and Prayed for Protection from the Enemy (Ezra 8:21-23)
Then I proclaimed a fast there, at the river Ahava, that we might humble ourselves before our God, to seek from him a safe journey for ourselves, our children, and all our goods. For I was ashamed to ask the king for a band of soldiers and horsemen to protect us against the enemy on our way, since we had told the king, “The hand of our God is for good on all who seek him, and the power of his wrath is against all who forsake him.” So we fasted and implored our God for this, and he listened to our entreaty.
David’s Prayer for Protection from his son Absalom (Psalms 3)
O Lord, how many are my foes!
Many are rising against me;
many are saying of my soul,
there is no salvation for him in God. Selah
But you, O Lord, are a shield about me,
my glory, and the lifter of my head.
I cried aloud to the Lord,
and he answered me from his holy hill. Selah
I lay down and slept;
I woke again, for the Lord sustained me.
I will not be afraid of many thousands of people
who have set themselves against me all around.
Arise, O Lord!
Save me, O my God!
For you strike all my enemies on the cheek;
you break the teeth of the wicked.
Salvation belongs to the Lord;
your blessing be on your people! Selah
Stephen’s Prayer for the Protection (mercy) of His Murderers (Acts 7:60)
And falling to his knees he cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep.
Paul’s Prayer Thanking God for Deliverance from Evil at Colossae (Colossians 1:9-14)
And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
“The Lorica”
I bind to myself today – God’s Power to guide me, God’s Might to uphold me, God’s Wisdom to teach me, God’s Eye to watch over me God’s Ear to hear me,
God’s Word to give me speech, God’s Hand to guide me, God’s Way to lie before me, God’s Shield to shelter me, God’s Host to secure me,
Against the snares of demons, against the seductions of vices, against the lusts of nature,
Against everyone who meditates injury to me, whether far or near, whether few or with many.
Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ at my right, Christ at my left, Christ in the fort, Christ in the chariot seat, Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks to me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me.
Personalized Well-known Passages As Prayers for Protection
Based upon Psalms 91:9-16
Holy God, I have made You my dwelling place, the Most High, who is my refuge and I trust that because of this no evil shall be allowed to befall me, no plague come near my home. For he will command his angels concerning me to guard me in all my ways. On their hands they will bear me up lest I strike my foot against a stone. I will tread on the lion and the adder; the young lion and the serpent I will trample underfoot. I rest upon your promise: “Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.” Amen
Based upon Psalms 140:1-5
Deliver me, O Lord, from evil men; preserve me from violent men, who plan evil things in their heart and stir up wars continually. They make their tongue sharp as a serpent’s, and under their lips is the venom of asps. Selah
Guard me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked; preserve me from violent men, who have planned to trip up my feet. The arrogant have hidden a trap for me, and with cords they have spread a net; beside the way they have set snares for me. Selah
Based upon Ephesians 6:13-17
Dear Lord, as I put on the full armour of God, I know that when the day of evil comes, I will be able to stand my ground, and after I have done everything, I will stand. I will stand firm, with the belt of truth buckled around my waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with my feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, I will take up the shield of faith, with which I can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. I take on the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
An excerpt from 1889, C. F. (“Fanny”) Alexander (1818-1895), version at the request of H. H. Dickinson, Dean of the Chapel Royal at Dublin Castle.
Image: Bernie Condon / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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The most important thing to remember is that God answers prayers according to His word. Praying for Protection is easy once you know what scriptures to pray and where to find them. You also need to identify the root of the problem. Why are you in need of protection? Is it that you are afraid of something or someone? Are you in need of protection from a spiritual attack? Is it that you are in need of protection to keep you safe from unemployment? Finding out the source will help you to determine what you need to pray.
Usually we seek a hedge of protection when there is fear, a lack of feeling secure or intimidation. The following scriptures will help you to identify the root and you will see which bible verses you need to pray.
Remember, God honors his word. So, all you need to do is pray the scriptures as they appear.
Genesis 28:15 ~ “And, behold, I am with you, and will keep you in all places where you go, and will bring you again into this land; for I will not leave you, until I have done that which I have spoken to you about.”
Exodus 14:13,14 ~ “And Moses said to the people, “Fear you not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will show to you today: for the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you shall see them again no more forever. The Lord shall fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.”
Deuteronomy3:27 ~ “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and He shall thrust out the enemy from before you; and shall say, “Destroy them.”
Psalms 16:8 I ~ “I have set the Lord always before me: because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.”
Psalms 18:2,3 ~ “The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in Whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from my enemies.”
Psalms 23:4 ~ “Yes, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for You are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me.”
Psalms 32:7 ~ “You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall compass me about with songs of deliverance.”
Psalms 34:6,7 ~ “This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. The angel of the Lord encamps round about them that fear Him and delivers them.”
Psalms 46:1,2 ~ “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the middle of the sea.”
Psalms 69:29b ~ “Let your salvation, 0 God, set me up on high.”
Psalms 91:1,2, 10,11,12 ~ “He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God in Him will I trust. There shall no evil befall you, neither shall any plague come near your dwelling. For He shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. They shall bear you up in their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone.”
Psalms 121:8 ~ “The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore.”
Psalms 138:7 ~ “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you will revive me: you shall stretch forth your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand shall save me.”
Proverbs 3:26 ~ “For the Lord shall be your confidence, and shall keep your foot from being taken.”
Proverbs 18:10 ~ “The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous run into it, and are safe.”
Isaiah 41:10 ~ “Fear not; for I am with you: be not dismayed; for I am your God: I will strengthen you; yes I will help you; yes I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness.”
Isaiah 43:1,2,3 ~ “But now says the Lord that created you, 0 Jacob, and He that formed you 0 Israel. Fear not: for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name; you are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you: when you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned: neither shall the flame kindle upon you. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior: I gave Egypt for your ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for you.”
Isaiah 54:17 ~ “No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of Me,” says the Lord.”
Matthew 10:29,30,31 ~ “Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? One of them shall not fall on the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are numbered. Fear you not therefore, you are of more value than many sparrows.”
John 10:28,29 ~ “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand. My Father, which gave them to Me, is greater then all; and no man is able to pluck them out of My Father’s hand.”
Philippians 1:6 ~ “Being confident of this very thing, that He which has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.”
2Thessalonians 3:3 ~ “But the Lord is faithful, who shall establish you, and keep you from evil.”
Hebrew 13:5b,6 ~ “For He has said, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you.” So that we may boldly say, “The Lord is my Helper,” and I will not fear what man shall do to me.”
Here is another prayer based on Psalm 91 for a Hedge of Protection
Here is how you Put on the Armor of God in Prayer