Pray for my father

by Daisy (Uk)

Recently, we have found out that my father may of been diagonsed with cancer. It has filled my family with dread, they are scared of the unknown as am I, but I know if have the Lord by my side. Neither of my parents are unfortunately Christians and I pray to my dear God that he can bless there hearts, I ask for protection in this is difficult time and that you will help my parents fragile state of minds. We are all scared, as my dad grows weak it crushes me to see him so ill. Can you please help in this time of heartache ask for strength and love and that my parents and siblings with feel Jesus Chrit warms arms around us in times of pain. I hope and pray that one day they can love God in the way that you and I do.

Thankyou so much,
In Jesus’s name,

Return to 7 Daily Prayers to Get You Through The Week

This past week has really been an emotional one for my family and I.

As I type this, I’m sitting on the sofa bed that has been our friend for 8 days while my father laying in the hospital bed. Three IVS running through his right hand, countless of daily blood sugar tests, pills and shots taken daily.

To honor his wish, I won’t disclose his real condition but it got something to do with his diabetes.

As his daughter it truly breaks my heart to see him in pain…to see his sufferings. Him, the one man in my life that I look up to as my own hero in laying helplessly held prisoner by this hospital bed. He needed me to help feeding him, to give him his drinks through a plastic straw, to wipe his tears when he apologized.

You know someone deeply love you when they are more worried about your own well being even when they are in a lot of pain.

“Have you eat yet?” He would asked me daily “You should go to sleep…don’t you have to go to work tomorrow?” when it is him who needed to rest and recuperate.

There has been many many tears shed this week.

“I’m sorry I’ve troubled you and your brothers…” his voice cracked and tears seep from the corners of his eyes.

“NO! Stop saying that, Papa…” My own tears would be blurring my eyes as I fought back my own tears. “As your children it is our responsibilities to care for you.” I would squeezed his hand tighter.

After the scare of his heart attack back in 1999 where he was ‘gone’ for 15 seconds, dealing with hospital hasn’t been easy for me.

He stayed in this very same hospital for a whole month after his bypass surgery back in 2000.

In this past week I’ve only seen my boy for short times as I would go to work and madly rushing back to the hospital to be with my father after work. Usually by the time I get home my son would be asleep. Also, my brothers and I are taking turns to stay in the hospital at nights with him.

How I miss my son…but right now my father needs me, needs us as a family to wrap him with our love and care.

In these past 8 days…I could barely focus on anything else but my father’s condition. We got him a birthday cake although he can only blew the candles a day after his actual birthday, after he left the ICU. It made him happy and my heart was swollen with so much love for this man.

Thank you to those who had prayed and sending him well wishes through twitter and facebook also emails. My family and I are strong believer in the power of prayers.

So thank you dear friends!




Lifestyle and travel blogger, founder of Single Moms Indonesia on a quest of finding joy in everyday life and living life to the fullest with kindness, compassion, grace and a bit of sass.

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