Dear God, today I pray that I wish I can earn money very quickly. I desperately need the money to pay all my debts.
I am confused how to get money. I don’t know how or in what way. I didn’t just sit all day, but I keep trying to find what I can do and i do it with work hard. But always I still have problems with money. I even tried to help my parents to buy their daily needs even though I know that my money is not enough for my own needs and pay my debt.
I have my own business but my business is not growing so I worked in the company, so that I can get a monthly salary. I tried to work with the best, although I know that I get no salary in accordance with what I’ve done. Most importantly at this time I can work and earn a monthly salary to be able to pay my debt even though not all of them. But it was my job makes me stressful
I feel very tired, and even despair. I do not know what to do to get that money and from where. Moreover, my previous business I do, I have to start from scratch again. And it takes a long time.
Dear God Jesus help me …… bless me ……. and give me a lot’s of luck ……. give me a miracle to be able to get a lot of money quickly (bless money) and pay all my debts and help my parents.
Thank you God for blessing me and my family right now, in Jesus name, I pray. God Blessings to all. Thank you Jesus. Please pray one for another in Jesus Holy name. God Bless. (Lucretia)
Return to Miracle Prayer and Prayer Request
Here are two simple prayers for a financial miracle. You may select any one that you like. Say this prayer with full faith, no matter how you are feeling now or what is your current state of affairs.
Table of contents
- 1 First Prayer For A Financial Miracle
- 2 Second Prayer For A Financial Miracle
- 3 New: 7 Gross Misconceptions About Money.
- 4 The Coin in the Fish’s Mouth
- 5 . Does Peter err in how he answers? Matthew 17:25, 27.
- 6 Comment:
- 7 . How much control over the situation does Christ demonstrate? How precise is this miracle? Matthew 17:27.
- 8 Comment:
- 9 . How carefully conceived is this miracle of miracle money? How does Jesus view His relationship with His disciples? Matthew 17:24, 27.
- 10 Comment:
- 11 Conclusion:
- 12 To know more of God’s power and ability, read my message on epikaizo and rayon.
- 13 What is epikaizo and how can a Christian experience it?
- 14 The Rayon Anointing – The Anointing that destroys the yoke of stagnation and delay.
First Prayer For A Financial Miracle
Dear Lord, I come before you, just as I am now.
I surrender my entire self before you my God.
I accept you as my Guide, Saviour and Healer.
O lord, please take charge of my life and affairs.
Please heal me, change me, and strengthen my body, mind and soul.
O kind one, please forgive me for my mistakes and sins and cover me with your grace.
Please fill my mind with happiness, love, faith and gratitude.
Only You are the answer to my problem and no one else. In You, I have my 100% faith.
I fully trust that this financial problem will be solved by you.
I humbly ask to please let your glorious miracle befall me so that I can pay off all my debts.
Please bless me with financial abundance and I promise to use the money always for the right purpose for self, my family, friends and those in need.
I love You, I praise You, I thank You.
I shall follow You every day of my life.
Video: Prayer For A Financial Miracle
Second Prayer For A Financial Miracle
Dear Lord,
I pray for your blessings that financial miracles may come my way the soonest. That I may be blessed with the finances we need,
Also give me wisdom and strength to stand strong through this storm. And may you protect me, guide me, shelter me, and feed me.
Lord, I pray for a financial breakthrough because I wish to pay my debts in full and be able to look after my family well.
Lord, I ask for liberation from poverty. Lord, I pray to you to open the doors of prosperity and abundance for me. I ask to be released from shackles of poverty and lack quickly.
In you I trust.
May your divine grace flow through my every action.
Video: Prayer For Help in Financial Problems
For maximizing the benefits of the Prayer
For a better connection with God / Almighty / Higher Powers / Universe / Lord, you can sit in meditation, go into the deep level and say this prayer for money. Meditation / Visualization / lowering brain frequencies to alpha or theta level can help reduce the resistance of logical mind. It may also help increase the level of faith with positive feelings which a prayer brings into play.
A good way to deal with Financial Difficulty
Financial difficulties especially debt trap can be extremely stressful.
Of course, to get a better grip over your money and finances, it may be good idea to consult a financial advisor who can give you expert advice on of how to manage your money and wealth. He may also suggest that what type of options available to bail you out of your specific situation.
It is quite possible that you may believe that you have it under control and nothing more can be done. But getting an expert’s opinion can sometimes make a world of difference.
Along with the advice of a finance professional, it’s important to maintain your cool and a balanced mind with the help of spirituality.
You’ll discover that the financial expert’s advice and help, coupled with sincere prayer will provide you with the hope and motivation you will need to overcome your present financial problems.
For more prayers, please click on the links below:
- Prayer for Unexpected Income
- Prayer for Healing
- Money and Abundance Prayer
- Prayer for Good Career Success
A Request to Dear Reader,
For the benefits of others who are struggling with their financial limitations, please share your good experiences and prayers in the comments box below.
You are welcome to share this Prayer For A Financial Miracle on social media by clicking the share button in this post.
Miracle Money – How to receive miracles
Miracle Money is a vital topic that is recurrent in Christianity and a largely misunderstood one for that matter. This article is however not written to create another arguement on Miracle Money – there are too many already. But note that your level of understanding of any biblical concept determines your experience. I believe in seeing a cup as half full rather than half empty. Hence, the scripture says, ”with God, ALL THINGS are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)
New: 7 Gross Misconceptions About Money.
Miracle Money then is very much possible. My prayer is that your faith will be stirred and released to produce miracles in every area of your life and not just miracle money as you go through this article.
Miracle Money
Many questions often come to my mind when I see people bluntly refuseing to believe in the possibilities of God – the God who made Elizabeth who was called barren fruitful; who made barren Sarah the mother of many nations and the list continues. Why is it so easy for you to believe that Philip and John disappeared and appeared elsewhere in the Bible than it is to believe that God can cause money to appaer in your bank account if He wills so? Why do men condition God and determine the way He oughts to act?
There are many instances of miracle money in the Bible besides those of Elisha and Elijah with the two women but I will like to focus on Jesus Christ taking into consideration the present dispensation of grace (in case you are reading this before the rapture).
The Coin in the Fish’s Mouth
A glaring instant of miracle money is the apparition of the coin in the fish’s mouth.
You need to truly understand why God may choose to perform miracle money.
The miracle of the coin found in the fish’s mouth (miracle money) (Matthew 17:24-27) may be among the least dramatic of Christ’s miracles, but it is certainly instructive. The context involves the paying of the Temple tax, and not surprisingly, only Matthew, the former tax collector for Rome, reports it. Although he did not collect this particular tax, it still interested him. His account of Christ’s life tends to highlight the King and His Kingdom. Why, then, should the King be subject to a tax? Is He not the Son of God, the Heir of all His Father’s house?
Coming to Capernaum, the tax collector asks Simon Peter, “Does your Teacher not pay the temple tax?” and Peter replies in the affirmative (verses 24-25). This tax was not a Roman civil tax but a religious one supporting the Temple in Jerusalem. God inaugurated this tax in the wilderness, instructing Moses to take a half shekel from every male twenty years and older (Exodus 30:11-16). It provided for the work of the Tabernacle and later of the Temple, including during the time of Christ. This tax was not an evil one per se, helping to cover legitimate costs of the worship of God, but as with almost all taxation, the money was often misused.
. Does Peter err in how he answers? Matthew 17:25, 27.
Peter appears concerned that Jesus would not be esteemed a good Jew if He did not pay the tax. Not wanting to bring dishonor and danger on Him, he acknowledges Jesus’ liability to pay the taxes as if He were a mere son of Israel. His reply implies that Jesus had paid the tax and would continue to do as every devout Jew should. When Peter enters the house, Jesus immediately asks him about taxation: “From whom do the kings of the earth take customs or taxes, from their sons or from strangers?” This demonstration of Christ’s knowing what Peter had discussed elsewhere proves to the disciple that His divine omniscience is not limited by distance.
Peter answers the question with the only possible answer, “From strangers,” and Jesus replies, “Then the sons are free.” He refers to Peter and Himself as both sons of the Father, the Sovereign of the Temple, and therefore, free from the tax. However, rather than cause offense, Jesus arranges for the money to be found in a most miraculous way.
Technically, Peter errs about the legality of taxing the Son of God, but Jesus uses the principle of not needlessly offending a brother (Luke 17:1-2) to positively express His divinity and spiritual power: He performs miracle money miracle. Christ is so considerate that He would rather pay any amount, however unjust or objectionable, than endanger God’s work by unnecessarily provoking negative comments that would hurt its credibility, saying, “lest we offend them” (Matthew 17:27). His example should inspire us for when we feel slighted or taken advantage of (Romans 14:21-22).
miracle money
. How much control over the situation does Christ demonstrate? How precise is this miracle? Matthew 17:27.
Jesus’ miracle of miracle money consists, not only in His omniscience—knowing that the fish would yield the necessary money—but also in the fact that the first fish that took Peter’s hook contained the precise sum required. The purpose and pleasure of Christ’s will—which all creation obeys—guided that single fish out of multiple schools in the lake to Peter’s hook. Christ, the Lord of Creation, controls all things, even the sea’s fish and the earth’s silver.
In describing Christ as the Word, the apostle John writes, “All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made” (John 1:3). Paul confirms this in Colossians 1:16, “For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.”
Using His spiritual power, He makes a fish produce the exact amount of silver coin to pay the Temple dues. This miracle reminds the disciples that He is indeed the omnipotent Son of God who controls all creation.
God can perform miracle money in your life as a way to show you that He is your Provider – that He cares for you. He could also perform miracle money to lift up your faith.
. How carefully conceived is this miracle of miracle money? How does Jesus view His relationship with His disciples? Matthew 17:24, 27.
The Greek word behind “tax” (NKJV) or “tribute” (KJV) in verse 24 is didrachma, equivalent to the Jewish “half-shekel,” the Temple rate paid by every male Israelite above age twenty. Those responsible for collecting these half-shekels came to Peter. Unlike tolls, which were duties on goods, the Temple tax was levied on individual Israelites. The collected money, paid into the Temple treasury, defrayed the cost of Temple services. The Jews were much more willing to accept this collection than to pay the despised publicans who extracted taxes for Rome.
The miracle’s preciseness is seen in the coin found in the fish’s mouth, a full shekel (two didrachmas)—half a shekel each for Christ and Peter (“for Me and you”; verse 27)—the exact amount to satisfy the requirement. In this way, Jesus puts Himself alongside Peter as sharing His position and relationship as a son of the Kingdom. All true Christians fill this amazing position: They are no longer servants, but sons in Christ (Galatians 3:26). With His brethren Jesus shares His family relationship to His Father (John 20:17).
This account contains two principles. The first is doctrinal, teaching Jesus’ place in God’s Kingdom as the rightful Son. The second is moral, showing that greatness in the Kingdom derives from service and humility. Jesus’ phrase, “lest we offend them,” should motivate us to employ meekness and wisdom.
I hope this message on miracle money has lifhted up your faith. I f so, comment below. Tell us your experience. My team and I are praying for you. May you not just experience the miracles of God like miracle money but may you come to know God more in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
To know more of God’s power and ability, read my message on epikaizo and rayon.
What is epikaizo and how can a Christian experience it?
The Rayon Anointing – The Anointing that destroys the yoke of stagnation and delay.
Financial Prayer
The Bible says quotes Jesus in the Book of Mark:
“But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’ For it is the Gentiles who strive for all these things; and indeed your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”(Mark 6:30-24) However, there are times when we do need to ask God for additional help, especially during extreme difficulties. Try this prayer when you need a financial boost:
Heavenly Father,
I come before you today to ask for a financial blessing to improve my life.
My faith keeps me strong, and I know you will provide for me and the people I love.
I do not seek a large sum of money.
I do not trouble you for unneeded comforts or luxury.
I only ask for enough money to relieve my financial woes and ease this stress.
Give me the means to do your work, and spread your Love.
I have so much to give, if only I were allowed the chance.
In your name I pray, Amen
You may also want to consider tithing what you can to the Church or to a charity. Generosity is greatly rewarded, though it must be done smartly too. Reflect on this prayer:
“Dear God, Make me a cheerful giver of all my tithes and offerings. I chose to receive all of Your promises and blessings as I am obedient to Your Word. Help me to remember the poor, knowing that I am lending to You and You will repay. Let me give with an attitude of gratitude and worship. I have nothing without You and I will take nothing out with me–only souls. I love to give! Help me to hear the exact amount and to whom to give of my offerings. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
Here is another powerful financial prayer:
Dear God, source of Love and Life who brings abundance to all,
Please bring prosperity to me and my family now.
We ask that these basic needs be filled:
Money to pay our bills,
Income to meet our mortgage (rent),
Enough to feed us healthy food,
And more than enough for health care and wellness.
Beyond the material needs, please uplift our souls.
Inspire our creativity and resourcefulness.
Guide us in improving our lives.
Please help us to hold on to faith
And let us find peace. Amen.
Send this prayer or your own personal prayer in faith today through Holy Land Prayer and we will pray for you at the holiest site on Earth, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.