by Kim (TN)
LORD, most merciful Father, hear my prayer. I am in desperate need of a job. I have applied for jobs and had what I thought were excellent interviews, but ultimately did not get the job.
I know in my heart that it is because You have a mission for me, LORD. Open my eyes, my ears and my heart so that I may hear Your message. Let me have the faith to do what You instruct me to do.
I am Your humble servant and I know You have a plan for me that is far better than what I have for myself. I pray for courage, confidence and patience, because I admit I am getting scared. I have sinned many times in my life, LORD, and I beg you to forgive me.
Lead me to live a righteous life from now on. Hear me, LORD, please! I need You to intercede. Show me the way. Please lead me there soon, LORD.
Thank you for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me, LORD. Thank You for my health, my family, my puppies/kitties and my home. Forgive my many trespasses. Show me that I will be on Your right side when You come back. Please help me, LORD.
Return to Prayers for Employment
“I give thanks to you, because you have answered me. You are my savior.” Psalm 118:21 (GW)
As I glanced around the hospital waiting room, my thoughts drifted back to three days prior when my brother called from his attorney’s office.
“Leah, I have to have surgery right away. My neurologist told me I have a brain tumor, and my surgeon has strongly advised I get my will and finances in order, just in case …”
The MRI revealed an 8-cm mass silently sitting on top of my brother’s brain stem. The possibility of things going wrong had been clearly communicated. The words “paralysis,” “blindness” and “vegetative state” invaded our conversation that day.
So there we were – three days later and four long hours into surgery – with at least four more hours to go.
Internally I was a mess, but trying my best to get a grip and keep my emotions in check. As I looked around the waiting room, I noticed no one was crying. No tears. No sorrow.
Instead of seeing doubt and despair, I watched faith in action.
Family and friends praying together, speaking words of hope and encouragement. Sharing stories and reminiscing over all the things they loved about my brother.
In that moment, I realized it was not the time to crumble in fear. It was time to stand firm in faith. To pray like never before. To trust God was with us. To ask for a miracle. And, yes, even to be thankful. Thankful that:
God was sparing my brother’s life.
God was providing an excellent neurologist and surgical team.
God was bringing family and friends together for support.
God was comforting us in the midst of a crisis.
As we waited together, we tried not to focus on the worst but to believe God for the best. Although we knew modern medicine had its limitations, we held to the truth that God has no limitations and is certainly able to do immeasurably more. And He certainly did …
Doctors speculated my brother would be in ICU for at least two or three days. God intervened and he left the ICU a few hours after surgery.
Doctors speculated my brother would be in the hospital for two weeks. God intervened and my brother was released from the hospital just two days after surgery. Two days!
Doctors speculated my brother would need extensive physical therapy. God intervened and my brother hasn’t needed any physical therapy.
God not only answered our prayers, but He exceeded our greatest expectations.
Doctors were blown away by my brother’s recovery. Although they didn’t use words like “miracles” or “the power of prayer,” our family certainly did. Over and over again!
I can still remember the first words my brother spoke to me after surgery. Still hooked up to an IV with part of his head shaved and his body swollen, he slowly whispered, “Thank you, God.”
Although physically weak, my brother was spiritually strong and in his own way responded like today’s key verse: “I give thanks to you, because you have answered me. You are my savior” (Psalm 118:21).
When our family celebrates Thanksgiving this year, we have even more to be thankful for: Our health. Each other. Miracles and answered prayers.
As Thanksgiving approaches, what are you thankful for? What story has God given you to share with others about His faithfulness in your life?
Don’t be tempted to keep your miracle hidden. Instead, share your story over and over again, because God deserves the glory that will come from your testimony.
Heavenly Father, Thank You for answering my prayers and performing miracles in my life every day. Just the fact that I woke up this morning and can take a breath is a gift from You. Help me to never take my health and loved ones for granted. Help me to always stand in faith and keep my focus on You when unexpected circumstances arise. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Psalm 9:1b, “I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” (NIV)
1 Chronicles 16:34, “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.” (NIV)
If you want to learn to pray more faithfully and fervently in the midst of uncertain circumstances, you’ll want to get a copy of Max Lucado’s book, Before Amen: The Power of a Simple Prayer.
Join Leah DiPascal on her blog today as she shares 5 Ways To Pray For Healing.
Are you or someone you love dealing with a health crisis or ongoing health problems? Although you may feel physically weak right now, ask God to strengthen and show you how to become spiritually stronger in Him today.
Write down all the ways your personal health story is revealing God’s glory to others. As you pray in faith for healing, also thank God for the parts of your body that are working in perfect order.
© 2015 by Leah DiPascal. All rights reserved.
In the United States today, so many people are unemployed. Some are fearful of being laid off. Others wonder about promotions. Many are looking for better jobs. There are a number of issues facing our country today regarding employment. Here are 7 prayers that you can pray about specific needs in the workplace.
Table of contents
Prayer for Work
Most Merciful Father,
I’m at my wits end, Lord. I feel like I have tried every avenue to find work and yet I have not gotten a single phone call about my applications that I have sent out. Lord, I want to provide for my family. I want to make a steady income that can pay my rent/mortgage and provide meals for my spouse and children. Lord, you know what is best for me and I lay these burdens at your throne now. You are good all of the time, Father, and I am placing my trust in you this day. I love you Lord! Amen
Jobs at Risk
Blessed Lord,
You already know before I speak what I am going to say. Nothing I say is a surprise to You and yet You yearn for my voice daily. I love You, God, because You love me as Your own child. I bring you a huge burden today, Lord. My company is downsizing because they are losing money. O gracious Lord, my department was told about potential lay-offs. I plead with You now, Father. Please keep my position safe. I am scared for my future, Lord. I pray for Your peace that truly passes all understanding. Give me an ease of mind as I continue to work at my job. Lord, if I am laid off, it is because You have allowed it and I pray that You would have another open door ready for me to walk through. You are King, Father, and I trust in Your will this day. Amen
Possible Promotions
Wonderful Lord,
You have blessed me with so much, Father. I have a wonderful family and church family. I thank you for Your love and I must lay a burden at Your feet. Father, You know about the promotion that I may get. Lord, it would be a huge blessing to receive it. I am not putting my faith in money, Lord. My faith is in You only. If You allow me this promotion, I will use it faithfully as You see fit. I will be responsible with it and pay off existing debts and I will continue to tithe at church. Father, I am giving this completely to You and whatever Your decision is, I will thank You because You are loving, gracious and generous even in poverty. I love You, Abba Father. Amen
Career Decisions
“While there are many problems facing us all at our jobs, we have one ultimate solution and that is to trust fully in God.”
Loving Father,
I praise You because You love me in spite of all of my failures and weaknesses. You wash me in Your Word and clean my soul up more with each passage I read. Father, I bring You a burden this day. I feel like I am stuck in a dead end job with no possibility of promotion. I am barely floating above water right now. You have blessed me with other talents that I could potentially use in other career fields. Father, if You are willing, I pray for You to open a door to a different career for me. I would love to use the talents You have given me to provide for my family. Where You lead, I will follow. I praise Your name, Lord! Amen
Am I Transparent?
Holy Lord,
Blessed be Your name always. You have set my feet on a solid rock, Jesus Christ. I thank You, Jesus, for Your bravery and love that saved me from my sins on the cross. I will praise You forever! Lord, I feel like a doormat at work. I have tried to promote ideas to better the work environment while cutting down on costs. Management usually pacifies me with words they will not follow through on. They say, “we will consider it” but I know they forget about me as soon as they walk away. Father, You have provided me this job and I am grateful for it. I pray that you will soften the hearts of the leadership there. I don’t even care if they reject every idea of mine, Father. I just want to them to actually care and consider my suggestions. I just want to be seen as a person and not an object to make them money. I love You, Lord and I will follow You wherever You lead. I love You! Amen
Struggles with Co-workers
Beautiful Lord,
You are abounding in grace and mercy for Your children. I am so thankful that You call me Your child. Lord, work is getting stressful because of the environment I am in. Father, there are many people who hate You there and they make my life miserable because they know that I love You. I trust in James as it says, “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds.” (James 1:2) I realize the benefit of being persecuted for believing in Jesus and I gladly accept whatever comes my way. Lord, I pray that You would soften the hearts of my co-workers. I will keep planting seeds, Lord. I pray that they will let you water them. I love you, Father. Amen
Tragic Circumstances
Oh Merciful Father,
My company has lost a great man to a tragic accident and his life was taken from him. Father, many people at work really loved this man and everyone is lost right now. Father, I pray for strength while I am grieving. Lord, use me to show Your love to all of those hurting at my job. I want to be the light that shines in the darkness, Father. I really need Your strength though. Carry me, Lord, as I help carry others through this difficult time. You are my strength when I am weak, Lord. I love You, Father. Amen
While there are many problems facing us all at our jobs, we have one ultimate solution and that is to trust fully in God. God knows what is best for us in all circumstances. I pray that you will trust in God fully with your employment burdens, wants and needs as you continue to live a life worthy of the calling. God bless you all.
Take a look at this article which gives some life application on trusting the Lord
Trust the Lord Bible Verses and Life Application
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