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Demonstration of Jewish prayerBlessed is HaShem, the G-d of Israel.
18 hari yang lalu
A Jew demonstrates how the 3 daily prayers are performed – Shmoneh Esrei.
Jewish Prayer – الصلاة اليهودية – כריעות בשמונה עשרהMidEast American
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Liked this video? Want more content, better video quality? Partner with me by becoming a Patreon supporter: ✵ Patreon: …
Jewish prayer in a synagogueOnline videos from Israel, Middle East & Jewish World
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Praying the Word of God helps us hit the mark, aligning us with His will. We’ve created a series of one-page, downloadable prayer guides designed to guide you as you pray the Scriptures for:
- Israel: targeted requests to help you pray for the nation of God’s people
- The Jewish people: specific Biblical ways you can bless and intercede for God’s people around the world
- Jewish Voice Ministries International: invest in this ministry by lifting us up to God in prayer
- Our Outreaches: though each outreach location is different, there are some vital needs that remain constant regardless of where we go
Pray for Israel
Do you want to know how to pray for Israel in greater detail and depth? Jewish Voice Ministries has put together this Intercessory Prayer Guide for Israel that provides focused, targeted requests to help you pray for the nation of God’s People. We hope this prayer guide can help both Messianic Jews and Christians pray their support for Israel.
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Praying for Jewish People
You love Israel and the Jewish People. You want to bless them and pray for them, but sometimes it’s difficult to know just what to pray. Here is handy list of detailed, biblical ways you can pray for Jewish People around the world.
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Praying for Jewish Voice
The ministry of Jewish Voice is upheld by the prayers of our partners. We are so grateful for your prayer! We can’t do it without you and your prayers! Here are some specific ways you can invest in the ministries of Jewish Voice by lifting us up to God in prayer.
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Praying for Outreaches
Your prayers for our outreaches make a big difference! Though each outreach location is different, there are some vital needs that remain constant regardless of where we go. Here are some specific ways you can pray.
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Blessing Scripture Statements
These blessing decrees are based on Scripture. Believe and declare them over your life. Personalize them, memorize them, share them, and pray them over others. You are blessed!
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Table of contents
- 1 Support and Prayer for Israel
- 2 Praying for Jewish Voice Ministries
- 3 1. Prayer for Personal Protection
- 4 2. Prayer for the Protection and Safety of Family
- 5 3. Prayer for Children’s Security
- 6 4. “St. Patrick’s Breastplate” Protective Prayer:
- 7 5. “Priestly Blessings” Prayer from Scripture:
- 8 Prayers for Protection and Safety from the Bible
Support and Prayer for Israel
Declare Israel’s identity:
“For the sake of His great name the LORD will not reject His people, because the LORD was pleased to make you His own” (1 Samuel 12:22).
For this is what the LORD Almighty says: “After He has honored me and has sent me against the nations that have plundered you—for whoever touches you touches the apple of His eye” (Zechariah 2:8).
For the LORD’s portion is His people, Jacob his allotted inheritance (Deuteronomy 32:9).
You shall also be a crown of splendor in the LORD’s hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God (Isaiah 62:3).
You shall be called Hephzibah , and your land Beulah ; for the LORD will take delight in you, and your land will be married (Isaiah 62:4).
They shall call them the Holy People, the Redeemed of the LORD; and you will be called Sought After, the City No Longer Deserted (Isaiah 62:12).
Intercede for Salvation for Israel and Jewish People Everywhere:
- For Israel to turn to the Lord so the veil may be taken away (2 Corinthians 3:11-16), and for their spiritual blindness to be removed.
- Pray based on the Lord’s promise that all Israel will be saved, as it is written: “The Deliverer will come out of Zion, And He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob; for this My covenant with them, when I take away their sins” (Romans 11:25-27).
- Proclaim also God’s promise that “He will cleanse them and give them a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh” (Ezekiel 36).
Pray for Israel and Her People by Calling on the Lord Regarding:
- Her leaders
- Those who protect her
- Her allies—may the United States be one!
- Her challenges
- protection from the ongoing threat of war and terrorism from her enemies
- pray for God to deal swiftly and justly with those who hate Israel and the Jewish People, and who seek to destroy them
- pray for God’s solutions and provision for border disputes, housing and water shortages, incoming refugees, and other troubling internal issues
- Her resources
- pray for the boldness of Christian and Messianic Believers around the world through their advocacy and prayers for Israel
- pray for a deep unity in the Spirit among all Believers in Israel that allows for an effective working together regardless of political ideologies
- pray for the protection and effectiveness of ministries within and outside Israel such as Jewish Voice who are reaching out to Jewish People with the Good News of Yeshua, discipling new Believers, and establishing congregations
- pray for and praise God for His faithfulness to her, and for His ongoing commitment to His many promises on her behalf
Last but not least, pray for the peace of Jerusalem and all Israel—a cry that will find its ultimate fulfillment in the Sar Shalom—The Prince of Peace, Yeshua Himself. — Psalm 122:6
Praying for Jewish Voice Ministries
Proclaim the Lord’s Blessing and Fulfillment of Our Vision:
Jewish Voice Ministries is dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus) to the Jew first and also to the Nations throughout the world, according to Romans 1:16.
We are also dedicated to equipping the Church by providing education about the Hebraic roots of Christianity, the Church’s responsibility to Israel and the Jewish People, and how to share Yeshua with the Jewish People.
In addition, JVM partners with several other Messianic ministries to establish and operate Messianic Jewish Bible Institutes around the world to train leaders for Jewish ministry, as well as the establishment of the Messianic Career Institute. — Ephesians 4:12
Key Verses to Pray:
“Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it” (Habakkuk 2:2).
“May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our hands” (Psalm 90:17).
Pray through and declare all of Psalm 91, which is a conditional covenant between God and His people. Pray that we as a ministry would consistently and consciously dwell in the Presence and provision of the Lord, and that as we abide in Him and declare Him boldly as our God in whom we trust (vs. 1-2), we would continually be blessed by the protection the Lord promises for us in the rest of the Psalm – protection from the enemy’s schemes, from illness, terror, and harm; not only for us but for all that pertains to us and our ministry, including our partners and prayer partners!
Other Prayer Points:
For our leadership:
- Pray for godly leadership, wisdom, clarity of vision, and protection for Jonathan Bernis, our Jewish Voice Board, and our other JVM leaders.
- Pray especially for the Lord to impart to us a focused understanding and passionate application of the Lord’s call to us as a ministry in these End Times, and the corresponding anointing, strategies, and resources to fulfill it
For our staff and ministry as a whole:
- For each of us to experience and sustain a vibrant relationship with the Lord
- For every aspect of our ministry to be fruitful and Spirit-led
- For effective and productive business practices
- For deep unity of vision, mission, and relationships
- For blessing, favor, and shalom not only on us, but on all of the wonderful friends and partners of Jewish Voice
Also pray for:
- The Lord to continue to use us to bring blessing and unity throughout the Messianic movement, and the Body of Messiah as a whole
- Boldness and fruitfulness as we proclaim the Good News through television, print, and online media
- Protection, stamina, and courage for our Global Outreach team; and salvations, healings, and encouragement for those we minister to as we bring the Good News in person to international locations through our medical outreaches and Hear O’ Israel! Festivals
- Effective follow-up through planting new congregations to nurture and disciple new Believers. Pray also for the building up of existing congregations
- Supernatural faith leading to supernatural effectiveness in every area of our ministry
- Pray for the Lord to be glorified in every aspect of our lives and ministry! May His will be done and His Kingdom come in and through us
Keep tracking with us through our Prayer Points emails and our prayer blog—and PRAISE the Lord as well, as together we see the answers to our prayers!
Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the body of believers and in Messiah Yeshua through all generations, for ever and ever! Amen (Ephesians 3:20-21).
Our world is filled with events and situations that can cause great fear and anxiety. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and live imprisoned by fear. We are promised in God’s Word that he is faithful and will protect us (2 Thessalonians 3:3). God wants us to let go of fear and to live life to the fullest! (John 10:10) When you are overcome by worry, use these prayers for protection to remember who God is and the protection he has promised you.
1. Prayer for Personal Protection
Father, I come to You today, bowing in my heart, asking for protection from the evil one. Lord, we are assailed moment by moment with images on television, the internet, books and newspapers that leave us vulnerable to sin of every kind. Surround us with Your divine hedge of protection. Encompass us round about with Your strength and Your might. Let all who take refuge in You be glad, let them ever sing for joy. And may You shelter us, that those who love Your name may exult in You. For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O LORD, You surround him favor as with a shield. (Psalm 5:11-12)
Lord, I ask that You protect our minds. Father, the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace. (Romans 8:6) O God, set our minds on You. Let us not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds that we may prove what Your will is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2) Help us by the power of Your Spirit to think on whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything is worthy of praise, let our minds dwell on these things. (Philippians 4:8)
Strengthen us in the power of Your might, O God. Dress us in Your armor so that we can stand firm against the schemes of the devil. We know that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.(Ephesians 6:10-12)
You are our keeper, O Lord, the shade on our right hand. Protect us from all evil and keep our soul. Guard our going out and our coming in. From this time and forever. In Jesus’ name, Amen. – by Lynn Cooke
2. Prayer for the Protection and Safety of Family
Lord, I pray Your emotional, physical, and spiritual protection over my kids (grandkids). Keep evil far from them, and help them to trust You as their refuge and strength. I pray You will guard their minds from harmful instruction, and grant them discernment to recognize truth. I pray You will make them strong and courageous in the presence of danger, recognizing that You have overcome and will set right all injustice and wrong one day. Help them to find rest in Your shadow, as they live in the spiritual shelter You provide for them. Let them know that the only safe place is in Jesus, and that their home on earth is only temporary. – Ryan Duncan, Culture Editor at
3. Prayer for Children’s Security
Lord, I pray that my kids (grandkids) will develop an eternal perspective and purpose, not an earthly one. Help them to see life–and every challenge–through Your eyes, eager and unafraid to share with others the good news of Jesus wherever they go. I pray that they will set their minds on things above, not just what’s going on here, and that they will be rooted and grounded in Your love. I pray they will come to understand the extent of Your own love for them–that it surpasses all the head knowledge they will acquire in school. I pray they will be filled up with You from morning ’til night. – Rebecca Barlow Jordan
4. “St. Patrick’s Breastplate” Protective Prayer:
Celtic monks used it to start their day.The hymn was several stanzas long, and the last two stanzas were especially memorable and moving:
Christ be with me, Christ within me,
Christ behind me, Christ before me,
Christ beside me, Christ to win me,
Christ to comfort and restore me.
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,
Christ in hearts of all that love me,
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.
I bind unto myself the Name,
The strong Name of the Trinity;
By invocation of the same.
The Three in One, and One in Three,
Of Whom all nature hath creation,
Eternal Father, Spirit, Word:
Praise to the Lord of my salvation,
Salvation is of Christ the Lord.
5. “Priestly Blessings” Prayer from Scripture:
>Numbers 6:22-27 is known as the “Priestly Blessing” or sometimes the “Aaronic Benediction.” There are seven requests made in this prayer.
The LORD said to Moses, “Tell Aaron and his sons, ‘This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them: “’The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.”‘ “So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.”
1. The Lord bless you…
The word “bless” means to “provide favor or benefit.” Father, we pray that for our children. You are the Eternal God. Please place Your great kindness and advantage on those we love. May they be approved and favored by You.
2. and keep you…
The Hebrew word “keep” means to “watch, guard, defend.” This is a prayer for protection. Father, my children are not perfect. They are going to make mistakes. But please watch over them and guard them again mistakes of youth that are unalterable. Please defend them against temptation. Protect them against Satan who desires to devour them.
3. the LORD make his face shine upon you…
This is a request for God’s presence.Father, as a parent I know that I can’t be with my children all the time, but You can. Just like they feel the warmth of the sun shining on them, please allow them to experience Your presence. Thank You for being with them wherever they go.
4. and be gracious to you…
Grace is God’s undeserved favor. He gives us what we don’t deserve. Father, thank You for Your gift of grace. I pray that gift to be poured out on my children. Following that great gift of salvation, please show them your kindness and love in all the endeavors of their lives.
5. the Lord turn his face toward you…
Here is a request for God’s fellowship.Father, thank You, that because of their trust in Jesus, the Holy Spirit lives in my children. Please walk with them in a powerful way. Enable them to submit to the Spirit’s control day by day and moment by moment.
6. and give you peace.
The Hebrew word for peace used here is “shalom.” It means “completeness, wholeness, and contentment.” Lord, please calm my children’s fears; soothe their anxious souls. Keep them complete and whole in their thinking, emotions, desires, and actions.
7. So they will put my name on ___________ (the name of your child/children).
This is a request of identification. Lord, please place Your holy mark on my children. Set them apart to be used by You. I love them but You love them more. You love them with an everlasting love. May they represent You well on their earthly journey. And when their journey is completed, welcome them home to live forever with You.
(notes by Ron Moore, The Journey) Must-See Version of Psalm 91 Has Taken Us by Storm from biblestudytools on GodTube.
Prayers for Protection and Safety from the Bible
“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” – 2 Thessalonians 3:3
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” – Psalm 46:1
“My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.” – John 17:15
‘And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” – Matthew 6:13
“Because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay. You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” – Psalm 16:10-11
Read more Bible verses about protection.
What are you praying for protection over today? Comment below to join our large praying community.

This article is part of our larger Prayers resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can’t find the words to pray.
Prayer for Healing
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