Did you know that the bible never talks specifically about intercession as one of the spiritual gifts? There are 4 scriptures in the bible that talk about spiritual gifts:
(1 Peter 4:10-11) “As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.”
(Ephesians 4:11-12) “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ”
(Romans 12:6-8) “Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith; or ministry, let us use it in our ministering; he who teaches, in teaching;he who exhorts, in exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.”
(1 Corinthians 12:8-11) “for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit,to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.”
Looking at these bible verses we see that the Gift of Intercession is not mentioned. Does that mean that it’s not a spiritual gift? No. What we do see is that in intercession we use many of the other gifts listed in the scriptures.
We are all commanded by God to pray but we know that some Christians actually have a gift of Intercessory Prayer. Just as we are all commanded to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone but some Christians have the gift of evangelism which makes it easier for them to carry out this command.
What is intercession? Simply put it is praying for others. Praying to God about others. Many times when we pray we tend to focus on ourselves but a true intercessor usually focuses on others.
How do you know if you have the Spiritual Gift of intercession? Well, as with the other spiritual gifts this is not something you can control. You either have it or your don’t and the sign of the gift is the fruit of its use. Here are a few things that you will see within yourself or others who have this gift.
- You have a deep concern for others who may be walking in a sinful path
- You have a deep concern for certain regions or areas that other don’t seem to notice. Do you know someone who is constantly asking you to pray for something that you don’t feel a particular interest in? For example, they always want to pray for the government. Not that this is not an important area to focus on but this is their constant request. That is usually a sign that they have been given the assignment from the Lord to pray for the government.
- You have compassion to the point of tears for persons or places that have no direct connection to you.
- You have knowledge about persons or places that are not directly connected to you.
- You have an ability to related to people or places that are not directly connected to you.
- You get lost in prayer and can pray for a much longer period of time that most.
- The first thing that you do or think when you hear about a problem is pray.
- When you pray words come out of your mouth with information that you didn’t know you knew.
- You are very sure within your heart that when you pray for certain things the prayer is being answered instantly.
- You have the ability to exercise more faith than others for miracles in prayer
- You are happy to pray for others and consider it a honor that they would ask you.
- You sometimes experience an emotional or even physical pain for others when praying for them.
- And the most important trait is that things happen or answers to prayers come very fast when you pray.
These are just some of the signs that you may have this gift. Looking at points you’ll see that during intercessory prayer you are actually using many of the spiritual gifts that are listed in the spiritual gifts list from the bible. You are using the gift of faith when you know that the prayer request is being answered immediately. You are using the gift of miracles when you believe for the impossible things . You are using the gift of a word of knowledge when you know things about certain situations that you have no way of knowing other than the Holy Spirit himself gave you revelation. The compassion you feel is the gift of mercy at work. So intercession actually employs many of the other spiritual gifts.
If you read this list and you’ve identified many of these traits within yourself, what do you do with it? Well, consider yourself privileged because you are about to partner with God – The Father, The Son & Holy Spirit to do some amazing things for the Kingdom of God. You’ll have an intimacy and understanding of the heart of mind of God like no other. You need to guard this and keep yourself from being tainted, defiled and used by others who would prostitute the gift for evil or their own selfish gain.
Pray and ask the Lord what He would have you pray and who you should connect with. Your greatest teacher and mentor in the gift is the Holy Spirit himself. He will guide you on what to pray. If you read the bible and worship through prayer and praise he will continue to grow you up in this area and mature you in this gift.
The Benefits of having the Gift of Intercession
- The greatest benefit is having intimacy with God. You’ll have a clear understanding of the heart and mind of Christ on certain issues. He will reveal things to you that He may not necessarily show to others (2 Kings 6:8-12).
- You will have the ability to affect the lives of others in a positive way that live miles away in other continents. People may never meet.
- You get to partner with God in creating change. How amazing is this?
- As you pray for others and see their success you will also experience tremendous joy because you know you were instrumental in making that happen.
- While you are praying for others God in turn will begin to answer your own prayer requests. This doesn’t mean that you should never pray for your own needs it just means that you will notice that your own prayer requests are being automatically answered. It’s almost as if the Lord begins to reward you for your service to Him by answering your prayer requests.
- You will develop a heart of gratitude. When you get a look at other peoples burdens your own problems will become miniscule in comparison.
- Intercession is actually a doorway to many of the other spiritual gifts so God can actually activate many other gifts within you when He choose to do so for His glory.
- You’ll change. True intercession is praying the will of God. If and when you pray something or think about praying something that is not His will, you will instantly know it. As a result, you’ll change your prayer request and then your prayer will be answered. A prayer prayed under the influence of the Holy Spirit and according to God’s Word is one that is answered 100% of the time. When your request conforms to His will it will be answered so you’ll notice that you are the one who changed. God didn’t change His mind, He changes you and your request to line up with His will.
Some things you need to me mindful of as you grown in the Gift of Intercessory Prayer
- 95% of the things that God will reveal to you is just meant for you to pray about it . It’s not to be shared with others. Don’t be a blabber mouth or God will stop showing you things and use someone that He can trust. Imagine if you had a friend and every time you tell them something they run and tell everyone else, the information could end up in the wrong hands or someone could get seriously hurt. Eventually you would just stop telling them anything, right? Same thing with God – He’ll stop telling you if you don’t know how to keep your mouth shut.
- If you feel the need to share what God has shown you, be sure to ask the Lord before you do it. People may not be in the place spiritually, emotionally or mentally to receive what you will share with them.
- Most of what you do will be in secret. I’m convinced that the rewards for the intercessors in heaven will be great because they are doing so much in the body of Christ and no one knows about.
- Guard your gift and keep your eyes open for others who having discovered that you have the gift will try to use you to get what they want because they can’t get it through their own prayers. If you get a check in your spirit about a certain individual or group, disassociate yourself.
- Remember that you are operating in the spiritual realm when you go into intercession so be careful and don’t take on assignments that God has not specifically told you to do. You could put yourself in danger and cause the enemy to retaliate and attack you. Pray before you take on assignments. There’s no shame in stepping away from things that you feel you are ill equipped to handle. Better to be safe than open the door for some attack on your physical body that came about because you stuck your foot where it didn’t belong.
- While other intercessors can help to mentor you in the gift, there is no greater teacher than the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:13). Your mentor can only teach you what they know and they don’t know everything! (1 Corinthians 13:9) God may teach you something that He hasn’t taught them.
- Be careful not to become self righteous because you now have wisdom and knowledge about certain things that others don’t. Remember that you have the insight for a specific purpose – to pray. Others may not carry the same burden because God has not laid this on their heart and may appear disinterested. It doesn’t necessarily mean that they are not connected to God. It just means that that burden is for you and not for them.
We hope that this article has helped you. Let us know in the comments below if you have questions about this gift and we’ll try to answer them.
Here are some other items if you have the gift of intercession that would be helpful to you as well:
Join an Intercessory Prayer Line
You can Setup your own intercessory prayerline for free
You can jump in and pray for some of the prayer requests on our website
Find other ways that you can serve using your gift
God Bless You. More on Intercessory Prayer
Intercessory prayer is simply praying on behalf of others—and when this is teamed up with a prophetic gift it can be powerful.
Prophetic prayer occurs when we pray with insights (prophetic revelation) received from the Holy Spirit. We may receive these insights during prayer, or pray about revelation that has already been received.
Table of contents
- 1 We can all pray prophetically. However, a prophetic intercessor is not only equipped with insight from the Spirit—the prophetic intercessor becomes the vessel through whom the Spirit Himself prays.
- 2 The Ministry of Prophetic Intercessory Prayer
- 3 Specific Signs Related to a Prophetic Intercessory Prayer Gift
- 4 The Prophet-Intercessor
- 5 Is Intercessory Prayer a Spiritual Gift?
- 6 Intercessory prayer is a significant ministry—and eternity will reveal the fruit and power of the hidden work of prophetic intercession.
- 7 Prayer Warriors! The School of Intimacy and Prayer is Open
- 8 I saw miracles and breakthrough in answer to prayer, but I also made mistakes, and had a lot of growth pain as a prophetic intercessor.
- 9 For Help Using Intercessory Types of Spiritual Gifts:
We can all pray prophetically. However, a prophetic intercessor is not only equipped with insight from the Spirit—the prophetic intercessor becomes the vessel through whom the Spirit Himself prays.
‘In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.’ (Rom 8:26-27)
The Ministry of Prophetic Intercessory Prayer
Anna is a Biblical example of a prophetic intercessor. She poured years into her God-given assignment of praying in the temple, leading up to Jesus the Messiah’s birth. (Luke 2:36-38)
It has often been said, that not all intercessors are prophets; however, all prophets are called to intercede. And in the Bible, we see specific examples of those in a prophetic office who took time to intercede for those people and situations they ministered into.
So if you have a prophetic calling, I encourage you to read and be inspired by the list in this article, even if you do not see yourself as a prophetic intercessor.
Following are some of the signs that I have observed (and personally experienced) in those who have a calling to the ministry of prophetic intercession. The first three signs are common to all of those who have a calling to the ministry of prayer:
- You believe that God has called you to pray and you love to pray more than most people do
- You place a high value on prayer and sometimes wonder why (or get frustrated when) others do not share it
- You have seen significant answers to your prayers
Specific Signs Related to a Prophetic Intercessory Prayer Gift
If you are called to the ministry of a prophetic intercessor, you will find that you relate to some or many of the following additional things:
- You tend to pray more at times when you feel urged by the Holy Spirit (you may know this as a ‘burden’ of prayer).
- Prayer is easy for you when you sense that the Holy Spirit has given you a specific burden or assignment. However, you find it harder to pray when people assign prayer to you as a task, or give you lists and times to pray (unless you feel drawn by the Spirit to these). In the past, you may have been intimidated by those who are ‘task intercessors’, who happily spend hours praying over lists. However, God is calling you to embrace your particular gift and calling and see it as He does—highly valued and powerful.
- You receive revelation from the Holy Spirit concerning what to pray and how to pray. You may receive prophetic insights concerning the situation you are praying about, to pass on or to pray further into.
- You may be more spontaneous in the expression of your prayer gift than others who are gifted in prayer.
- You have a strong sense of intimacy with the Holy Spirit when you pray—and this fuels your prayer life.
- Travail is familiar to you—a sense of birthing the purposes of God—and you may have experienced wordless groans or weeping in your prayer times. In this, you can identify with Hannah (1 Samuel 1:10-13) and Elijah—who prayed for rain in the birthing position (1 Kings 18:41-44).
- You do not always need to have specific knowledge about what you are praying for. Sometimes you pray in the realm of ‘mystery’. (1 Cor 14:2) It is enough for you to know that the Spirit has called you to prayer.
- When you have a prayer assignment, it may feel as though you are personally involved and invested in the situation. You may have a sense of identification in the Spirit with those you are praying for. You may feel what they are feeling, or sense God’s heart towards them, such as compassion, grief or mercy.
- You know the ‘secret place’ of prayer. Your prayer life is often hidden, and sometimes not understood or appreciated by people. However, your reward is found in the Presence of God.
(As with all prophetic gifts and ministries, the ministry of prophetic intercession flourishes in local church community and benefits from oversight. It is a temptation for those with a prophetic prayer ministry to isolate themselves, especially if they feel misunderstood.)
- You experience a deep sense of satisfaction in prayer—especially in being at the right place, at the right time for your God-given assignment to pray on behalf of a person, group, region or situation.
- You may be sent by God to be in certain places at particular times to intercede on behalf of a situation, person or region, especially if you are a prophet-intercessor operating in a ‘prophetic office’ ministry.
- Your journey has been lonely at times. Even those around you who love prayer do not always understand the dynamics of prophetic intercessory prayer. You may have experienced some unusual manifestations of the Holy Spirit whilst praying (Rom 8:26-27), that others do not understand. (Note: It is very important that we focus on the fruit of the prayer, and the message of the prayer, rather than manifestations, when communicating to others).
- One of your challenges has been to learn to fully release the burden of the Spirit in prayer—not to hold onto it. You have also had to learn not to personalise or hold onto the emotion that identification (point 11) can sometimes bring with it.
- You prefer prayer meetings that have some room for listening to and being led by the Holy Spirit in prayer.
(Note: This does not mean that other types of prayer meetings are wrong—we must always honour others who lead prayer meetings, regardless of their culture, methods or emphasis. They are not wrong—just different to us)
The Prophet-Intercessor
The ‘Prophet-Intercessor’ is someone who has a five-fold ministry office of a prophet (Eph 4:11-13), and who also has a primary calling and gifting of intercessory prayer. As mentioned in point 14, above, a prophet-intercessor may be stationed or sent by God to specific places to pray and make prophetic declarations.
A prophet who is an intercessor will have a greater level of authority in prayer and prophetic ministry, than a prophetic intercessor. He or she may be used by God to minister through prophecy and intercessory prayer in significant arenas—these may include nations or regions, governments, education, business and church movements.
Is Intercessory Prayer a Spiritual Gift?
Is prophetic intercession, or intercessory prayer, a spiritual gift? I personally believe so. The prophetic intercessor is graced and anointed to pray. One way of looking at this, is to see prophetic intercessory prayer as an expression of the prophetic gift.
Our God who created the snowflake and fingerprints gifts His people in many unique ways. Those of us who are prophetic intercessors know, when we find others who have a like calling, that we have found one of our own ‘tribe.’
Some examples: Moses intercedes for Israel (Exodus 34:8-9), Daniel for the Jews (Dan 9:3-19), Jeremiah for Jerusalem (Jer 14:20-21) and Elijah prayed for the drought he prophesied to begin and end (James 5:17-18)
For insights about different prayer gifts, I highly recommend Intercessors Discover Your Prayer Power, by FEMRITE, T; ALVES, E; KAUFMAN, K. 2000. Ventura : Regal.
Prayer Warriors! The School of Intimacy and Prayer is Open
When I began to experience a significant anointing of the Holy Spirit for prayer 20 years ago, I did not know how to navigate many of the encounters with God I was having.
I saw miracles and breakthrough in answer to prayer, but I also made mistakes, and had a lot of growth pain as a prophetic intercessor.
Since then I have been a prayer leader, have been a minister on a prophetic team, and by God’s grace have developed in ministry as a prophetic writer and teacher.
Now I’m passionate about helping others on the same journey I’ve been on. And this week, a long-held dream has come to reality.
I’ve just launched the Enliven School of Intimacy and Prayer with the first series of topics, and I extend you a warm welcome to join me!
Currently on the Prayer School are self-paced video lessons on:
- Intimacy with the Holy Spirit
- Introducing Prophetic Prayer
- Praying the Mysteries of Heaven
- The Gift and Ministry of Prophetic Intercession
- Angels and Encounters (started)
Also included are bonus e-Books and downloadable PDFs and worksheets.
Over the next few weeks I will be adding more lessons on: intimacy with the Holy Spirit, the prayer of travail, angelic intervention, the power (and how to’s) of weighing up encounters and prophetic insights received in prayer.
You can find out more or enroll in the School of Intimacy and Prayer here. Alternatively, you can view all online courses here.
More help for prophetic intercessors:
Prophetic Intercession, its Power and Pitfalls
8 Signs You May Have a Gift of Prophecy
8 tips For Personal Intercessors
© 2016 Helen Calder – Enliven Ministries: In the David McCracken Ministries family
In a discussion on 1 Corinthians the topic of gifts was being explored. Most people felt that prayer isn’t a sprirtual gift. But most people don’t pray much and have difficulty praying. There are a few who have no difficulty and pray a lot for others. Would you consider this to be in one of the categories of spiritual gifts or just something that some people have any easier time with, like Bible reading?
17 Responses to “Is Prayer a Spiritual Gift?”
- 1 Gary Zimmerli
Jeff, it’s a great question! Is prayer on any list of spiritual gifts? I look at it this way: since it is so hard for so many of us to pray (we don’t even know how we should pray), and since our salvation is wholly a work of God, I think anybody who can pray (whether publicly or privately) can only pray honestly and properly through the working of the Holy Spirit within that person. In that way, it could be said that it is a spiritual gift.
- 2 roger mugs
i think there are those gifted to do it more than others – sure. But in general i dont know that I’d call it a gift any more than reading the bible is a gift. We’re all supposed to do them both and they become easier with practice… i think…i dunno.. this isn’t particular well thought out.
- 3 Iris
Prayer, especially Intercessory Prayer, is often thought of and taught as a “spiritual gift” or “gifting.” However, no where in Scripture is this concept supported. Talking with our Lord is neither hard nor difficult — as the brother is correct who quotes the fact that the Lord knew we could not do it right — so He does it for us. When we participate, it is simply enjoy Him and thinking with Him. We make it too hard and make a big deal out of it, when it is one of those “already done’s” you Calvinist are so good at understanding. Just join and enjoy.
- 4 Scripture Zealot
Thanks for the comments. I usually keep it to myself, but praying has always been easy for me. I don’t have any advice for people who have difficulty with it.
So I was wondering what it might be classified as. As Gary said, it’s still wholly a work of God of course and there are a multitude of weaknesses.
After writing the post and reading your comments I was reminded of Colossians 4:2 which is for everyone.
Jeff - 5 tc robinson
In all the lists of spiritual gifts, prayer is never mentioned as a spiritual gift. Everyone can and ought to pray.
The believer already has the Holy Spirit as a prayer partner, no special fit needed (Rom 8:26).
- 6 Deodath
I had difficulties in praying….but very active in reading the Bible. I decided to pray and ask Jesus to give me the power to make prayers…..I see that there is a big improvement on my side!…..so whether it is a gift or not the only thing i know is that if you pray for it you will be granted as we can not do anything without Him (Jn.15:5)
- 7 Scripture Zealot
Good point Deodath. We often forget to pray for things we would like to improve on that are things that God would like us to do in the first place.
Jeff - 8 Andy Anderson
Luke 11:1-4
“Jesus’ disciples had undoubtedly logged many hours in prayer by the time this exchange occurred. But after watching Jesus pray, they were keenly aware that something was different about the way He prayed. There was such a stark contrast that asking specific questions in an attempt to fine–tune their skills wasn’t adequate. They needed a complete overhaul. So they said to Him, “Teach us to pray.” In other words, “Let’s start from the very beginning.”
Jesus’ response is somewhat surprising. The typical response to such a question today is, “It’s easy. Prayer is just talking to God.” Or you might hear someone say, “You don’t learn to pray. You just pray. No one can teach another person to pray. It must come from the heart.”
Jesus didn’t trivialize their question. He took it seriously. His answer gives us the impression that He was waiting for them to ask. It was a lesson He had been looking forward to teaching for some time. And much to our surprise, He began by giving them the exact words to say, “When you pray, say …”Stanley, C. F. (1996). The glorious journey. Nashville, Tenn.: T. Nelson Publishers.
- 9 Scripture Zealot
Nice quote Andy. That makes me think.
Jeff - 10 Andy Anderson
You’re welcome Jeff 🙂
- 11 Allan Walker
It’s hurts. Our church had a dispute about this and it looks like some members may end up leaving the church.
One believes that prayer is a spiritual gift
and the other doesn’t believe it because there is no scripture to back it up.I believe that intercessory prayer is a gift because it takes a special impartation from God and all gifts are imparted from God. And that person can stand in the gap for others that are weaker and unsaved that don’t even know how to pray even as Jesus tought how to pray.
Prayer in general I believe is our comunication with God and must be developed and is enhanced through our devotion and relationship to Christ.
Someone email me if you can support general prayer as being a gift with scripture verses please!
- 12 Jai
Blessings to all. From what i gather, praying has to be a spiritual gift. Praying to God is about a relationship with him and we are encourage to speak as talking regularly to a friend. This is true however when interceding on behalf of others or just praying with someone we must understand 2 things:1. Prayer is about speech. Which not many have the wisdom of wording that persuades or converts. 2. These words should be from the Holy Spirit which gives us that gift of speaking. What makes someone feel the power of Christ in a prayer just as they can see the power of Christ when someone teaches them from the Bible? (remember teaching is a gift according to the Bible). Praying is a gift given us by the Father in which can be used to minister to others and from experience used to turn hearts to Jesus.
- 13 Scripture Zealot
Thanks for the comment and stopping by.
Jeff - 14 britney
Hey guys, so I’ve always had a pretty good prayer life, bit i do think some people are stronger in it than others. God listens to all, not disputing that and prayer is so very powerful and is a gift from God that we can communicate with him. But, I remember when I prayed for two agnostic friends,there was always this doubt that it wldnt happen almost so i didnt have to give my hopes up, but then I realized, this is God! He brought the Israelities out of Egypt, he defied death, he created the Universe, he defied laws of nature nothing is impossible for him! I prayed for my friends leaving all doubt behind and just trusting his will for them, and within a matter of weeks they came to my church and both are baptized! It’s so amazing.
There’s a term called “Prayer Warrior”-people dedicated to prayer, and experience spirutial warfare (although it’s all around us) and seem to experience it first hand (not saying others dont at all). We all pray, we are on spiritually attacked to some degree, and am not discrediting anyone or minimizing what anyone’s going through. The Bible does say that to some God gives the gift of faith. And maybe, with that comes the whole gift of prayer. I do believe that some people are more intuned with prayer than others depending on your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. my personal opinion is that prayer is a spiritual gift, (my opinion guys, not saying im right) but none the less, anyone can pray. And God hears all and answers all maybe not when we expect, but it’s all abouthis will. Either way guys, agree, disagree, love eachother, and don’t get too caught up in the issue. We’re all Christians here, and serve the same God. Blessings to everyone - 15 tom woods
There have been times when i felt compelled by the spirit to pray for someone specifically and with them. I have to wait sometimes but when it happens i have to do it. There have been times when i have been moved by the spirit to lay hands on people for a specific need and name it in prayer. When this first started happening I was very unsure of myself especially naming specific things i was led to pray for. Whether this is a spiritual gift in and of itself i cant say but it is definitely a part of other gifts named in scripture. Discernment of spirits comes to mind, also the fruits of the spirit, peace love joy compassion and so forth. The point is that when the holy spirit leads us to pray in the name of Jesus care is the first thing and meditation is at the forefront of any spiritual endeavor. It must be done in line with Gods will and the prompting of the spirit must be carefully listened to and done in all the fruits of the spirit to the edification of the one prayed for in the glory of God and not the person praying. In this light I do think it is a spiritual gift. Remember the examples of intercessory prayer like eph 3:14 where paul prayed specifically for the needs of the church in ephassus(sorry dont know how to spell that) but the point is that paul was led to pray for them by the holy spirit. I know that is a short and a bit incomplete answer but i hope the point came across. Hugs in the name of Jesus and that all will be made clear through the holy spirit in you .
- 16 Scripture Zealot
Thank you for your reply tom. I see what you’re saying. What I’m referring to is just plain ability to pray a lot and loving doing it. It seems that so many people have trouble with praying and it’s never been a problem for me. I don’t understand why it is for others, but then I have loads of weaknesses too, and my praying isn’t anything like some people’s.What you’re speaking about may be discernment with intercession. (Oops, I re-read and saw that you said that. Godly minds think alike?) I don’t suppose all of God’s gifts have to be exactly the ones named in Scripture, although they should certainly be along those lines.
I do feel that God has given me insight into what to pray for people, but it’s always people I know and for something that I can see in them or something along the lines of things they may have said. We need to pay attention, but the Spirit can help us be sensitive to those things. I’m probably not as bold as you to come right out and do it if it’s a more immediate need. I admire you for that. Many of the things I pray about often take weeks, months or years to come to fruition. I don’t mind praying over and over because it’s worth it if it comes about and praying according to God’s will usually does for another believer.
I better stop. Thanks again for commenting.
Jeff - 17 David
02/06/2013 I remember right after I got saved in April of 1978 I started getting called on to pray. I was a nervous wreck. In fact I would get sick at my stomach if I even thought someone was going to call on me to pray. I never refused & I never told anyone to please not call on me to pray. I can just imagine what people thought when I prayed but it never stopped them from calling on me. One day I prayed to God & told Him that if He would honor my prayers, I would never refuse to pray when called on & I would hope to honor Him with all my prayers. For 34 years I have kept that promise & love to pray in secret & outloud. I truly believe in intercesserory prayer. I always considered it a gift from God & one of my spiritual gifts. Am I wrong? Maybe
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Within the Church we need people who believe God can move mountains, that He can do that which is seemingly impossible. These people spur others on to trusting God for great things, often taking us out of our comfort zones and shaking up our status quo. They often have one of the following gifts. Click on the gifts to learn where these gifts are listed in Scripture and possible definitions. (Use the browser’s back button to return to this post.)
These gifts come with a persuasion that God is all-powerful. Consequently, people with the above spiritual gifts usually spend much time in prayer asking God to accomplish that which He is able to do.
These gifts are therefore being grouped together as intercessory types of spiritual gifts. The focus of prayer is that which could distinguish the gifts from each other.
faith –
persuaded that God can fulfil His promises; prayers are more for God’s will to be done based on who He is and what He has said He would do
healings –
persuaded that God can make people whole whether that be physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually; prayers are more for restoration
miracles –
persuaded that God can do that which is humanly impossible; prayers are more for the extraordinary
While these are fine lines of distinction, all requiring deep conviction of what God can do, they are all gifts that require the person to constantly seek after God, interceding for Him to move in certain ways.
For Help Using Intercessory Types of Spiritual Gifts:
- Resources for Prayer Ministry