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Do you trust Jesus as your Saviour? This may seem like an easy question to answer when all is going well in your life, but when times get tough, can you still trust Jesus? Of course you can. It is important to know that you can. Tough times, persecution and rejection are all mentioned by Jesus as behaviour that we will experience as followers of Him. We have a Saviour who will never leave us or forsake us. It is us who most likely would turn away when times are good and feel as though we don’t need a Saviour.
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“Believe and confess with your mouth and you will be saved.” But, the word ‘believe’ means more than just believing. This word believe is the closest word for the word “pisteuo” in the Greek that the translators could find. The difference is that the word in the Greek means to trust and rely upon. (Romans 10)
Consider this challenge: A man strung a tight rope across the Niagara Falls and printed in the local paper that he would walk across the falls with a wheelbarrow full of rocks. The day came and the crowd was big and excited about the event. The Man came out with his new wheelbarrow and asked, “How many of you believe that I can make it across the tight rope and back?” The crowd cheered loudly and said, “We believe you can do it.” The man went on his way with patience of steel, made it to the other side and back with the wheelbarrow full of rocks. The crowd thundered with cheers. The man said, “How many of you believe I can push a man or woman in my wheelbarrow across and back?” The crowd got even more excited and cheered to see him take a person across Niagara Falls and back. The man was excited about doing his last event. The man said, “If you believe, raise your hands.” The cheering crowd lifted their hands high and cheered. He started asking for volunteers among them that believed to sit in His wheelbarrow to leave the safety and security of dry ground. Not surprisingly, no one volunteered. Although many believed he could do it, no one volunteered to sit in his wheelbarrow. All the ones that believed and raised their hands said, “You are crazy. I am not getting in that wheelbarrow.” Many say they believe in Christ but few choose to get into His wheelbarrow. When Christ asks you to “Trust me. Rely on me. Submit and depend on me; will you surrender your life to Him?” “Many are called but few are chosen.”
Check this, “You believe that there is one God; you do well:
the devils also believe, and tremble.” (James 2:19)
- Study this scripture because it shows that believing is not sufficient to get you saved. If Satan and his demons believe and understand that God exists, does that get them into Heaven with God? No, demons do not surrender their lives or their existence to His control and Lordship nor do they have a servant relationship to Him.
Verify this word use in most American English translations of the Bible. You will find that the Amplified Bible does translate the word “believe” with the true meaning of “trust and rely”, but do any others?
Find the Greek to English translation of “pisteuo” in the Strong’s Concordance #4100.
Read how Merriam Webster defines these words below.
- “be•lieve b be•lieved; be•liev•ing 1 : to have religious convictions 2 : to have a firm conviction about something : accept as true 3 : to hold as an opinion : (c)2000 Zane Publishing, Inc. and Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
- trust n 1: assured reliance on the character, strength,€1trust “tr or truth of someone or something 2: a basis of reliance, faith, or hope 3: confident hope 4: financial credit 5: a property interest held by one person for the benefit of another 6: a combination of firms formed by a legal agreement; esp : one that reduces competition 7: something entrusted to one to be cared for in the interest of another 8: care, custody syn confidence, dependence, faith, reliance (c)2000 Zane Publishing, Inc. and Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
- re•ly ri-“l re•lied; re•ly•ing : to place faith or confidence : depend (c)2000 Zane Publishing, Inc. and Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Look above for synonyms of the word trust translating it to confidence, dependence, faith, and reliance not just mere believing that something is in existence.
Having a faith, reliance and dependence that He will save me is something different than, more than, greater than just believing.
Examine how salvation is watered down; it is not mere believing that will save you.
It is trust, dependence and reliance; a hanging on, persistence. The ability to trust and rely is why
Jesus says
we must be like little children to enter the Kingdom.
Do as kids do with their parents?
They have confidence, dependence, faith, and reliance, like saying, “Feed me, clothe me, and give me what I need.”
- And, Receive the Holy Spirit as per The Bible as Jesus told his disciples and all his followers; this is for as many as the Lord shall call. In these last days God is pouring out His spirit upon all flesh, and His Children will receive the blessing.
Follow Jesus the Good Shepherd, and choose to be His sheep.
What do sheep do? Depend, follow, rely, trust your leader Shepherd, are you getting the picture? There is no value in just believing in God for even the demons from hell believe that Jesus saves and he is The Lord. Read James 2:19
Ponder this: God’s way is narrow
and few will find it. A person that believes may not enter, but he that relies, trusts, and depends will enter the Kingdom of God by the narrow gate.
- Ask God for discernment.This is why the church at large needs to get saved. “What is that?” many may ask while reading this. You might be thinking this, as well — but, “Yes, the church at large, the person sitting in the pew or chair next to you needs to develop a life of dependence, reliance, and trust on the Lord;” He is the source of true salvation and of discipleship. Trust and determine to be obedient; it’s more than just believing.
- Sit in God’s wheelbarrow. This would mean to trust, rely and depend on him for your life. Is your answer “no way!”. Why? It is the fear to let go of control of your life and to put it in the hands of another.
Count the cost:
this is the truth — He may cross
“with someone else” in his wheelbarrow — but not oneself. Do you see the difference? In the same way do you merely believe in Jesus or
- Trust, depend and rely in Him and put your life in His hands! Where do you sit with that statement? If you do not fully trust in Jesus, ask him right now: “Teach me to trust You!”, also Psalms 73:28, 115:10-11, 91:1-16. Make this a continuing process to rely on The Lord.
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How do I get the Holy Ghost?
wikiHow Contributor
Repent, be baptized on Jesus name. Simply ask him for it. It’s a free gift and wonderful gift.
How can I maintain my walk with God?
wikiHow Contributor
Meditate, study the Bible and pray.
What should I do when I feel like my trust in Jesus is faltering?
wikiHow Contributor
Ask for His help. Pray a lot. Be silent after you pray and ask Him to let you hear His voice.
Is Jesus a god too?
wikiHow Contributor
Jesus is God, too. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit make up the Holy Trinity. They are all one entity.
How should I trust Him when others trust Him but He still lets them get hurt?
wikiHow Contributor
Many people struggle with this. Remember, we live in a fallen world, sin has cracked and damaged it. Satan wants to make a Christian’s life horrible. But Jesus remains faithful.
I have faith in God and pray, but I don’t know if I am doing it enough. How can I change that?
wikiHow Contributor
There is no specific amount of times to pray. Keep a prayer in your heart and pray verbally regularly and you should be fine.
How do I ask God to be with my children?
wikiHow Contributor
Pray to Him, but do not pressure the children to join. If they don’t find Christianity to be the right religion for them, you shouldn’t be angry and force them. Let them choose their own path by being a guide, not an enforcer.
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- One may surrender to Him as master of your destiny everyday and Find the Energy of God.
- Jesus said, “Pick up your cross daily and follow me.”
- Receive the Holy Spirit as per The Bible; Jesus told his disciples and all his followers to wait on the Lord and receive the Holy Spirit. This blessing is for as many as the Lord Our God shall call (Joel).
“I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem, until you are endued with power from on high…”
- Trusting is not a one time event — but is a part of everyday life.
- Getting the reliance, hunger and thirst after the righteousness of the Lord may seem unsure (so, pray: “Lord I do believe, but you can help my unbelief.”) as it can take some people a time to be persuaded; faith is a gift of God, but you have to understand that “God’s grace is sufficient.” No, do not give up, but continue to trust in the Lord — and he will give you an assurance of your answer, peace and show the right path for serving the Lord, even in weakness, one may come out stronger after settling any doubts or problems.
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Say this simple prayer: “Jesus, I trust in Thee. Amen.”
When praying to the Eternal Father, offer Him the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of His Dearly Beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for the sins of the whole world.
Confess your sins to the priest.
Receive the Holy Eucharist.
Pray the chaplet of Divine Mercy.
Obtain a portrait of Our Lord, with one hand raised in blessing, while the other hand is touching his breast. This portrait will show 2 rays of light coming from the chest Of the Saviour. One is red, signifying His Holy blood; the other is white, signifying Holy water. Under the portrait is written “Jesus, I trust in Thee,” or “Jesus, I trust in You.”
How to Trust God Completely
Trust is a state of mind that takes most of us a significant amount of time to develop but is easily broken with words and actions. With trust being so hard to develop between people, how much harder is it for us to trust in a God we cannot see or touch? Today, I’m sharing 4 practical steps to trust God completely with you.
Faith plays an important role in our ability to trust God completely. In order to really believe some of the messages the bible gives us about perfect peace and trust God completely, you need faith. Faith that God is real and listening. Faith that He loves you and wants to take care of you. Faith that he hears you when you cry out to Him during those anxiety filled moments. Faith that when He said “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid”, He meant it.
And like faith, trust is something that takes a little time to develop. You aren’t going to wake up one day and begin trusting God with everything you are and everything you have. Because the fact is, doubt is constantly floating around in our heads and the key to defeating that doubt is being aware of it and being armed and ready to defeat it. So let’s get right to these 4 practical steps to trust God completely.
1. You have to make a decision not to worry
The first step is simply making an intentional decision to trust God. This is so much easier said than done. But the only way to truly trust God is that you have to decide to trust God. And you can’t trust God if you’re worrying about the things you’re trusting Him with. The thing is, worry and trust are mutually exclusive. Friend, until you actively decide to begin trusting in God, you will not be ready to complete the next 2 steps.
But beware! Chances are once you make this decision, you’ll soon find yourself having to practice it regularly. The devil will begin to hit you with situations and stressors that cause you to worry and be anxious and you’re going to have to remind yourself of the decision you’ve made.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)
2. You need to constantly monitor your thoughts and feelings
Friend, the war against the evil one begins in your mind and like I said earlier, chances are you’ll start waging that war even more once you make a decision to trust God completely. Those feelings of dejection, rejection, fear, anxiety, worry and every other negative thought that crosses your mind daily are how the devil tries to separate us from Heavenly Father. You have to begin training yourself to notice when you’re falling into those negative thought patterns, take them captive and bring them to obey Christ.
This can be even harder if you’re struggling with mental illness because not only are you battling with emotions, but you’re also struggling the physical manifestations of your illness and feelings of helplessness in your situation. So for the friend reading this who’s battling mental illness, an additional part of this 4 step process for you is being aware of your “safe space”. Where can you go – physically or mentally – and what are some things you can do to give yourself the space you need to ask the Holy Spirit to help you fight those thoughts? Because the fact of the matter is, you can’t do it by yourself and Heavenly Father is just waiting for you to lay your burdens at His feet
“For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete.” (2 Corinthians 10:4-6)
Now how do you take those thoughts captive? That’s the next step of this process.
Download the Perfect Peace Pack – a screen saver with the 4 practical steps, 10 bible verses for when you feel anxious, plus a phone download and printable prayer for when you feel anxious.
3. Saturate your heart and mind with the word of God
In order to take those worrisome thoughts captive, you need something to replace it with. Reading the Word of God is such an important part of our walk with Christ and this third step is different/interesting because it’s a proactive step. You have to be reading the word of God on a regular basis, as opposed to waiting until the moments you need it to look it up.
“Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance…” (Ephesians 6:13-18).
Every other part of the armor of God that’s described by Paul is a defensive weapon. Weapons that protect us from the attacks of the evil one. The only thing we have to attack the devil with is the word of God. Each time you spend time in the word of God, studying and memorizing it, you are strengthening your sword for fighting against the devil. Having the word of God in your heart will help you overcome the sly whisperings of the devil. Which leads us to the last step.
4. Replace the negative thoughts and feelings with the promises of God
Once you take those thoughts captive, the next step is to replace them with the promises and plan God has laid out for you. This is why memorizing scripture is also critical for your journey in Christ. You want to have the word of God stored in your heart, readily accessible as ammunition against the devil. You may be thinking “How do I remember the verse I need when I need it?” Friend, that’s the job of the Holy Spirit. And that’s not me telling you that, Jesus said it:
“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you” (John 14:26).
When you find yourself feeling anxious or worrying, you can start by saying this prayer for when you feel anxious . Then ask for the Holy Spirit’s help in remembering some bible verses that will help you remember the peace that God was promised us. A good place to start is with these 10 bible verses for when you feel anxious. Those are some verses that will remind you of God’s peace in your life. I sometimes like to remind myself of God’s promises when I begin worrying about the outcome of different situations and problems.
So, are you going to practice these 4 steps to trust God completely once and then wake up every day automatically trusting God? Nope. Absolutely not. You’re going to have to constantly remind yourself of these steps, and make a conscious effort to practice them. That’s why you should download this perfect peace pack that has a handy screen saver with the 4 steps, 10 bible verses to keep close for when you feel anxious and a phone download and printable prayer for when you feel anxious.

You may be thinking to yourself – “How do I know where the promises of God are exactly?” Praying the promises of the cross is a prayer journal that I’ve personally been using and love. In it, Arabah walks you through 40 days of praying 40 different promises over your life. You’ll be armed with an ammunition of 40 promises from God to constantly remind you of His plans for your life by the end of the 40 days.
That last step is important because as you start practicing replacing worry and anxiety with the promises and word of God, those promises will slowly become your default mindset which leads to the beginning of your journey to trust God completely.
4 Step Process to Trust God Completely in Action
Before you go, let me share a story with you; a story that illustrates these steps of how to trust God completely in action. Almost a year ago the screen on an iPad I had only had for 4 months broke. I had been debating with myself for weeks if I should replace the screen or not, and as a graduate student, the thought of shelling out almost $400 for a device is a pretty big deal. I finally deciding to send it in to get fixed because the broken screen was really starting to bug me.
2 days after I received my newly fixed iPad back, I took it with me to church. One of my routines is to go grocery shopping right after church. I planned to get my nails done on this day, so I took my iPad in with me. I went grocery shopping and then home after getting my nails done.
Only to discover that my iPad didn’t make it home with me.
I started off being pretty calm. I went online to find my iPad, but it was offline so that didn’t work. I I looked through my grocery bags, and in that car but couldn’t find it anywhere. I realized I must have left it somewhere while I was out but I had no clue where. As I got in my car to begin my search, I started praying that I would find it. I mean, I just spent $400 on the iPad!!!! Plus it was a gift. So I prayed to God that I would find it because I wasn’t ready to part with it.
As I began driving, I noticed that I was doing two things – speeding and worrying. In that moment, I had to physically have a conversation with myself that went something like this “Ok Tega. You can’t say you’re trusting in God to find the iPad and then worrying about it. That doesn’t work. If you’re worrying, then you don’t trust Him. If you really trust Him, then you know it’s all good. If I don’t find the iPad then maybe He just doesn’t want me to have it right now and that’s His will. Philippians 4 says be anxious for nothing, so just let it go.
I intentionally slowed down to drive at the speed limit and I made a decision to trust God completely. And then I was enveloped by this incredible sense of peace. In that moment and the moments that followed, I really was ok with the idea of losing that iPad. To cut the long story short – turns out I left the iPad sitting in a cart, outside in the parking lot. And a wonderful worker at the store found it and took it to customer service for me. I still pray for him when I think about this story.
Don’t forget to download the Perfect Peace Pack.

Let’s break down that talk I had with myself:
- I made the decision to trust God when I left my apartment looking for the iPad
- I recognized that I was worrying even though I said I was trusting God because I was monitoring my thoughts and actions.
- Knowing Philippians 4:6-7 allowed me to complete step 4
- I replaced that feeling of worry with the word of God by reminding myself that the word tells us to be anxious for nothing.
I believe that this story would have ended differently if I had not trusted God completely. See, in the life of a Christian, there’s no such thing as a coincidence. There’s only God placing things and people where they need to be (Tweet that).
I shared this story to show that doubt, anxiety, worry, they’ll all come your way. They are a normal part of the flesh; the real battle is finding ways to replace those negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions with positive ones. This 4 step process will help you in your journey to trust God completely.
Ok, now let’s chat. What are some things you do or tell yourself to help you trust God completely? Leave a comment below and let’s share ideas!
