God help me with my relationship

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god help me with my relationship

“Most people who desire God look for the God state too far from home, but the seed of spiritual greatness is in the heart of all. The spiritual exercises help one find a comfortable relationship with the Eck, the Holy Spirit – and with all life.”
— Harold Klemp —

“Faith will help put us together on the same direction. Faith is building a relationship with God where he is in control. It is about believing although we do not always see. Do we love God with all our heart, mind, and soul? Can we follow his voice?”

— Phil Mitchell

“Viewing Adam and Eve as priestly representatives in sacred space who brought the alienation of humanity from God’s presence may lead us to frame differently our questions about our current status in the present. This will be explored in the next chapter. At the same time, it changes nothing about the need we have for salvation and the importance of the work of Christ on our behalf. Perhaps, however, it will help us to remind ourselves that salvation is more importantly about what we are saved to (renewed access to the presence of God and relationship with him) than what we are saved from. This point is significant because too many Christians find it too easy to think only that they are saved, forgiven and on their way to heaven instead of taking seriously the idea that we are to be in deepening relationship with God day by day here and now.”

— John H. Walton

“We have endless books about whether Jesus existed, or whether the Jesus we have learned about is really accurate and historical or mythical. We have endless complicated tracts on fine technical issues, but we don’t explore Jesus’ way to happiness and peace, or try to understand his feelings about God and creation of how he views our relationship with God, or his attitude toward human weakness. Understanding these things could help us immensely in our own search for inner peace and a meaning to life.”

— Joseph Girzone

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god help me with my relationship

god help me with my relationship god help me with my relationship god help me with my relationship


by Susan (South Africa)

Dear God, I ask of You, in Your name, please help me with my relationship situation. Please enter our hearts and make us one. Please help me to understand and to know whatever happens is Your Will and for me to accept the things I cannot change.

Please take away the anger, the hurt and let love shine through us. Let us love one another like we used to. Bless me and my partner, help us to succeed and to respect each others need. To treat each other faithfully and in kindness.

Help us to overcome our difficulties. Please touch the heart of my partner, fill it with much and true love for me. Make our complicated relationship uncomplicated, help us to work together and to listen to each other.

Let love be unconditional. Guide us God and be with us each step of the way. I trust in You God and I believe in You. Thank you God, never leave our side. Amen


Well I don’t know where to start but it was April when everything started to drift apart. We where a beautiful happy couple. We enjoyed each other we had a true blessing. But when God sees something that isn’t right he is going to change it. God opened my eyes definitely. We were dating for over two years and I loved him dearly. But April 2013 came and that’s when our perfect relationship started to crumble. We would argue and I would use bad language. And I wanted to stop but he just kept drifting away.

So after a month of failure we took a “break”. It was suppose to give us space so we can miss each other but resulted in the end of our relationship. During one day of our break I decided to text him because I bought a cross for him to hang in his car. I asked him questions like did he miss me and he said yes but his texts were short so I asked him was the break hurting or helping us. He replied to both that night. He ended our relationship. I felt the deepest pain and lost.

Here this man who I gave my heart to rip it apart. I felt like how could God send me such a blessing and take it but that’s the thing he didn’t. The reason this happen was because God wanted me to prove my faith and trust in him. I never realized how much I need God and I see that he wanted me to be aware. God separated us so that we could find and focus on God individually and praise him in the most high. I never felt that we put our own selfish needs before God but God will allow you to see your wrongs so you can fix them before its too late.

So after the breakup I felt so empty and was in need of answers. I felt like giving up on everything. But I knew that I am a child of God and with him anything is possible so I researched, prayed for deliverance and forgiveness, fasted and became closer with my Lord. I prayed that God would show him the right path, soften his heart, and to allow him to remember that what we had is a true blessing.

When July rolled around his family invited me over for the fourth. We talked and it was peaceful.  I knew that God was getting ready to send me my miracle. A couple days later we got lunch and I felt like it was baby steps closer to what I was praying for. Toward the end of July a couple days ago, he called me up and told me he doesn’t want to let me go and wanted to be with me and realized our blessing.

God is GOOD. I rejoiced!!! The key here is that I grew closer to God put him first and did not worry !!! I trusted Gods judgment and believed in his will and he brought us back together. We promised each other to remain abstinent until marriage. God will continue to bless us as we praise him in the most high. Never give up on God; he never gives up on you.

A Skeptics Guide to Faith Philip Yancey | Zondervan

What on earth are you missing? In A Skeptic’s Guide to Faith, previously titled Rumors of Another World, Philip Yancey writes: ‘I am where you are–an ordinary person trying to figure things out. I love, I experience beauty and pain, my friends die, I weep, I live. And as I live I try to figure out if there is a God, and what difference would that make . . . This book comes out of my own search and is written on behalf of those who live outside of belief—that borderlands region between belief and unbelief.’ How many times have you heard someone say, ‘I’m spiritual but not religious?’ Or perhaps you’ve had that thought yourself. For some people, religious faith seems to come easily, but for others it comes in a swirl of doubts and questions. In A Skeptic’s Guide to Faith, Philip Yancey confronts the questions head-on, from the stance of a skeptic. He asks, ‘Is the visible world around us all there is?’ and then examines the apparent contradictions. If this is God’s world, why doesn’t it look more like it? Finally, the book considers how two worlds–the visible and invisible–might affect our daily lives. Does faith really make a difference day to day? A Skeptic’s Guide to Faith reads like a conversation, inviting those skeptical of religion and turned off by the church to consider the possibility of an unseen world coexisting with our visible world. According to Yancey, ‘A thin membrane of belief separates the natural from the supernatural.’ What makes it so hard for some of us to cross that membrane? Look inside to find out.


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