Dear god i am sorry for my sins

Confession of My Sins

Dear God, I am sorry for sinning,

Sorry for disobeying You,

Sorry for not doing those good

Deeds which I was supposed to do.

I’m sorry, God, for being weak.

As I am weak, to You I’ve come,

To let You know that I’m sorry

For the sins I brought with their outcomes.

I’m sorry, Dear God, please forgive.

Forgive my mistakes that I have done,

And forgive me please, O’ Allah,

Those good deeds that I used to shun

For every wrong thing that I had whispered,

For any sin I said aloud,

For every sin my hands have chosen

While I was feeling lost yet proud

For every wrong thought I shared or hid,

For every Muslim I may have hurt,

For every single mistake I did,

Since the time of my date of birth.

I beg You, God, to please Forgive

Forgive me for all the wrongs I did,

Forgive them to the small mistakes

I did when I was once a kid.

Dear God, let my sins be footprints

Washed away by the waves of the sea

A sea of tears that beg Allah

To forgive me and grant me Mercy.

Dear Allah, please make my sins the cause

Of Your Joy when I return to You,

As Your slave who sincerely begs You

For Your Forgiveness and Your Mercy.

I beg You to, please, forgive me

O’ Allah, the Most Forgiving One –

I’ve left my past mistakes and sins,

And to You (Allah) I humbly run.

Whether we are seeking forgiveness for our own sins or asking God to help us forgive others, prayer is the first place to start when seeking restoration and healing. The below prayers can help guide your thoughts and words as you seek being forgiven or help in forgiving others. It is a big step to seek out forgiveness and you have taken a bold step in faith!

Before we jump into specific prayers for forgiveness, you may want to take some time to consider what God commands of us concerning forgiveness and why it’s so critical to be able to forgive. Visit our article: What Does the Bible Say About Forgiveness?

Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/DedMityay

Whether we are seeking forgiveness for our own sins or asking God to help us forgive others, prayer is the first place to start when seeking restoration and healing. The below prayers can help guide your thoughts and words as you seek being forgiven or help in forgiving others. It is a big step to seek out forgiveness and you have taken a bold step in faith!

Before we jump into specific prayers for forgiveness, you may want to take some time to consider what God commands of us concerning forgiveness and why it’s so critical to be able to forgive. Visit our article: What Does the Bible Say About Forgiveness?

Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/DedMityay

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