Tithing prayer

Tithes and offerings: Prayer to provoke blessings of tithing

Posted on December 3, 2008 Updated on December 2, 2008

Read Malachi 3:10 Genesis 14:17-24

Many have job; many cannot work. Thank God for His gift of life for the privilege of your job or business!

Lift up the seed/tithe and pray: Lord you gave me the opportunity, good health, the brain wisdom and strength to work. I recognized and worship you with this tithe as the source of all my iincome.

Take this tithe as a symbol of my submission to your divine omnipotence. Abraham paid tithe to Mechizedek, the high priest!

Lord Jesus, I pay any mortal man! Lord Jesus, you are my High Priest. Accept this Tithe to your priesthood now!

It is not to my pastor or any mortal man! Lord Jesus, you are the High Priest. Accept this Tithe now and grant that my source of income shall not run dry! By this Tithe, I hereby acknowledge that you are the possessor of heaven and earth.

Accept it Lord and pour me out a blessing! Father, rebuke the devourer from whatever angle! Father increases my income and decreases my expenditure!

Lord, Lord, blocks that unnecessary spending of money and wastage! Lord, baptized me with your favour and mercy Lord! Deliver me from losses of any kind and saturate my life, family and ministry with blessing money cannot buy!

Yes saturate my life with blessings that all my income put together 100 times cannot buy! Lord, I am a Thither! Let no man say they made me rich!

Lord make me rich like you did to your servant Abraham, the father of faith. Let my obedience fight for me this day and this month in Jesus name.

LIFT UP THE TITHE AND PRAY IN TONGUES NOW. Thank you Lord for hearing me again in Jesus name.

Begin to worship the Lord now.


The Passion of Geelan, still we remember you as son of god. We trust you as our savior. The passion you took for the humankind is solitary heart to forget. For the well-being of all, you almighty showed the way to life and eternity. How many people may live on earth may not be a sinner. Nevertheless, for those sins, you forgive them and show the right path for divinity. My, lord you are eternal and are present within us for the well-being of humankind. We may reach you with our divine love to follow your path and reach that eternity very soon.

My tithing is not just an offer to you my lord. This is what you have provided me, and my ancestor from the past. I am cheerful and proud to offer you with my full heart. My tithe is too small in front of god, I offer in this church today as my prayers to the almighty son. Amen, your grace will follow us. For those who believe in you and follow your path may be blessing them with glory. The humankind has many more things to do in prayers and offers. The offering is for the divine love and it will serve the community we live in.

Jesus saves us by those who contribute by tithes. Since, the Kingdom of god may fill with lot of tithes and serve the needy. This is not a privilege to be here in this church and contribute my tithes. This is my offering as prayer to the divinity of the Christ whose passion has many more lessons to learn. My lord, you give us all things we desire. You know we are following your path and you will serve for the well-being with the offering we give to you.   

My prayers are to help the needy, today in this church or in front of my lord, I am proud to offer my first tithes. Please accept my offers and I am thankful for what I am now. My offering is with my heart and I know god accepts all those who give him with full heartedly. This is the way we follow your way to eternity. We all know, we cannot satisfy you for the sins we have committed in the past. Since, the time our ancestors have followed the son of god and presently we do follow you with great devotion.    

Ashuha, accept my tithes. This is not a wealth, I have amazed out of sin or from my ancestors. This is my cheerful offering and a small contribution to this church, which is my own earning from hard work. The seed you saw has given us more than enough. When comes to offer you it is too small for the mankind to fulfill you. The church may contain many offering boxes. They may fill in such a way it may be helpful to serve the poor’s, living across the world. Amen.


It is amazing to me how the Lord is mindful of my little life. He asks so little but is willing to give us so much. I know the Lord has been watching out for us and, lately, this has been especially evident concerning my job. During my interview they asked me a math question. It would have been a rather easy math question for someone who was not being eaten up with interview jitters, but the jitters were gnawing on the math part of my brain and I completely blanked. (The math part of my brain must be the most delicious because the jitters always strike there first.) I sat there dizzily scribbling pointless numbers on a paper pad, pretending to be figuring something out. The strange thing is that I heard someone say “Two” in the room. I thought it was the interviewer, but that couldn’t be. Realizing that my random scribbles were never going to give me a solution, I surrendered, looked up and said “Two”. Imagine my surprise when the interviewer told me that was right! I don’t think the Lord would have forgotten me, but I am sure glad Mom McEwen looked at the clock and said a quick prayer for me at that time, because I have a testimony that He is mindful of our prayers. (Also if there is anyone qualified to send math help via the spirit it’s Mom!)

The timing for this job was perfect when it came, and it is perfect now when I am leaving it. For those of you who didn’t hear, I was approved for the Enhanced Voluntary Separation Program at work, Squee!!! (Everyone is going to have to start calling me ‘Moneybags McEwen’;) ) I was really surprised when I found out. The program seemed more like it was designed for tenured faculty, not lowly staff members like me, but I applied anyway because I knew I was leaving this summer. It has worked out wonderfully! I will be able to work until it is time to leave for Bryce’s internship. (a different miracle for a different post 🙂 ) I do not think for a moment that I would have been selected for this program if we had not been paying our tithing. The timing worked out too beautifully to have been coincidence or something I could have worked out myself.

Thank-you everyone, for your prayers in our behalf. I know that our Heavenly Father hears them! He is mindful of things as small as a math question for a little secretary (and not even a BYU secretary!!!) He knows me, He knows you and He knows things neither of us know right now. I have been thinking about my favorite chapter of scripture, 1 Peter Chapter 1. Where is says that whatever happens in this life we can rejoice because of our faith with is greater than gold. If He cares about something as measly as a severance check for me, something that will pass away like the gold in this chapter, how much more does He care for the part of me that is eternal? I cannot send a thank-you card to Him for these blessings, but I can strive to increase my faith and be more mindful of eternity, and less mindful of the world.


The Passion of Geelan, still we remember you as son of god. We trust you as our savior. The passion you took for the humankind is solitary heart to forget. For the well-being of all, you almighty showed the way to life and eternity. How many people may live on earth may not be a sinner. Nevertheless, for those sins, you forgive them and show the right path for divinity. My, lord you are eternal and are present within us for the well-being of humankind. We may reach you with our divine love to follow your path and reach that eternity very soon.

My tithing is not just an offer to you my lord. This is what you have provided me, and my ancestor from the past. I am cheerful and proud to offer you with my full heart. My tithe is too small in front of god, I offer in this church today as my prayers to the almighty son. Amen, your grace will follow us. For those who believe in you and follow your path may be blessing them with glory. The humankind has many more things to do in prayers and offers. The offering is for the divine love and it will serve the community we live in.

Jesus saves us by those who contribute by tithes. Since, the Kingdom of god may fill with lot of tithes and serve the needy. This is not a privilege to be here in this church and contribute my tithes. This is my offering as prayer to the divinity of the Christ whose passion has many more lessons to learn. My lord, you give us all things we desire. You know we are following your path and you will serve for the well-being with the offering we give to you.   

My prayers are to help the needy, today in this church or in front of my lord, I am proud to offer my first tithes. Please accept my offers and I am thankful for what I am now. My offering is with my heart and I know god accepts all those who give him with full heartedly. This is the way we follow your way to eternity. We all know, we cannot satisfy you for the sins we have committed in the past. Since, the time our ancestors have followed the son of god and presently we do follow you with great devotion.    

Ashuha, accept my tithes. This is not a wealth, I have amazed out of sin or from my ancestors. This is my cheerful offering and a small contribution to this church, which is my own earning from hard work. The seed you saw has given us more than enough. When comes to offer you it is too small for the mankind to fulfill you. The church may contain many offering boxes. They may fill in such a way it may be helpful to serve the poor’s, living across the world. Amen.


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