Spiritual cleansing yourself

Spiritual Cleansing spiritual cleansing yourself

There are many benefits you can gain by performing a spiritual cleansing. Every single day people come face to face with negative energy in some shape or form with some being much more prominent and heavily affect you while others such as a grumpy coworker effect you minimally.

No matter what it is, there is negative energy in your life and in your body that will cause your spirit to become clouded with bad and harmful energy. It is always good to cleanse yourself as well as your spirit every now and then as there are many benefits to be gained by cleansing yourself spiritually.

By doing so will help promote balance which can help improve mental thinking, intellectual power and clarity and even help in building self-esteem.

Our Free Spiritual Cleansing Rituals

  • Easy Spiritual Cleansing Spell
  • Karma Cleansing
  • Aura Cleansing
  • Purification Spell
  • Hex Removal Spell
  • Breaking a Spell
  • Break a Love Spell
  • Curse Removal

The Process of a Spiritual Cleansing

When you are starting your spiritual cleansing, it is often a great idea to clean your body. Take a relaxing bath, using bath salts to truly cleanse deep down in your pores. Remember cleanliness is Godliness and is necessary in many religions before one can partake in meditation, prayers or spiritual practices. While you are lying there, relaxing in the suds meditate on everything you would like to cleanse or any aspect of your life that you believe needs cleansing. Some people like to write down the things that come to mind as not to accidentally forget something.

Balancing Your Chakras

Once you have cleansed yourself physically, you can begin with the actual spiritual cleansing process of the spirit. Balancing ones Chakras as well as extensive meditation is truly wonderful ways one can help clear the body of negative energies and restore ones aura. Chakras are featured in yogic and tantric traditions of Buddhism and of Hinduism that are supposedly the centers of the body where one takes in all forms of energy whether it is negative or positive.

The 7 Chakras

There are 7 chakras located up your spine from the base of your spine all the way to the crown of your head. This includes:

  • Crown Chakra
  • Brow Chakra, also known as Third Eye Chakra
  • Throat Chakra
  • Heart Chakra
  • Solar Plexus
  • Sacral Chakra
  • Root Chakra

There are also said to be seven chakras below going down the leg. There are numerous of techniques you can read about in books or find on the world wide internet which will all help you open and clean your Chakras, pushing and expelling out all negative energy. Breathing exercises are a very important part to Chakra meditation as well as the majority of all meditations as it will not only help you relax and enter a deep trance but it help you push out bad energy while taking in new energy as well as opening up new paths in the body. Like the Chakra techniques, you can participate in numerous other types of meditations that will help you balance and center yourself. Meditation can also help you think and comprehend why there is negative energy in your life and how you can minimize all negativity in your life.

Different Ways of Spiritual Cleansing

There are also other rituals and exercises that are used to spiritually cleanse your self, some of which also involve a form of meditation. Once on paper you then meditate, deeply envisioning all the negativity that is in your life. Then you envision everything negative catching fire, or dissolving, turning into dust and then the wind blowing it all away. Some find it necessary (depending on your religion or magical tradition) to feel the need to say a prayer to ones deity while others will say a mantra. Once you have properly meditated on it and feel like the time is right, you will light the list on fire, physically burning it. One of the rituals to say as the paper burns is “ I am the purified flame. My spirit is now cleansed totally and freed”.

spiritual cleansing yourself

There are times in life when you can feel bogged down and heavy — emotionally, physically, and even spiritually. Just as if you were covered in dirt, you’d take a shower, so when you’re covered in bad vibes from negative situations, or the state of the world, whatever — you need a deep cleaning then as well. Remember, if you want to make a difference in this world, you have to do it with fortitude. Strengthen yourself to make a change — turn to these methods to get back home to yourself and feel lighter, brighter, and more present.


Take A Cleansing Bath
One of the most relaxing ways to cleanse spiritually, is as simple as adding sea salt to your bath. Sea salt is known to spiritually cleanse crystals, homes, and even you! It balances your energy body while also proving you with energetic boundaries between you and others. Apply a nourishing oil to your body afterword for silky skin as an added benefit.

Concoct A Balancing Synergy
Create a blend of essential oils in a spray bottle to use when things begin to get heavy. Oils like frankincense, sandalwood, lavender, and lemon verbena could help to cleanse you and your space of negative energies. When you mix it, visualize clearing violet colored light filling the bottle. Make your intention to cleanse your space and yourself while mixing.

spiritual cleansing yourself

Use Protecting Symbols
For thousands of years, people have turned towards symbols to protect and cleanse their space. Symbols like the Evil Eye, the Hand of Fatima, and the Cross, have all been used to protect and clear energy that is unwanted. Adorn yourself or your space with these sacred symbols for added clearing and an overall lighter energy.

Create An Herbal Bundle
Many people know burning white sage helps cleanse a home. However, white sage is actually becoming endangered and should only be used in closed practice with the Native American tribes who use it. Good news — there are many other options to cleanse and clear your space that you can harvest yourself! Rosemary, rose, cedar wood, and thyme are just a few that grow in abundance. Combine these herbs in a bundle and light one end to let the smoke cleanse yourself and space.

spiritual cleansing yourself

Call on Crystal and Gemstone Energy
Crystal and gemstone energy is powerful, sacred, and beautiful. Wear obsidian to protect yourself against negative energies. Having smokey quartz in your space will transmute any negative energy into positive. Amethyst will also help to clear out any negative energy in your way.

Write It Out and Act
Write out the relationships, situations, and thoughts that do not serve you and burn the list. Breathe out all the bad stuff and visualize it all fading away. Now, focus on what brings you strength, love, and hope. You can cleanse yourself as much as you’d like, but if you are not proactive in bettering your situation, it will only go so far. Self-care can be scary sometimes, it can be ended a relationship or a job, it can be stepping into the unknown. However, it will always serve you and put you deeper on your soul’s path.

spiritual cleansing yourself

Take a deep breath when you need to feel clear and follow these steps. You are powerful — you can eliminate any energy or situation that you don’t want around. The first step to becoming empowered and being able to live your purpose is to be clear and free. Live it. Happy cleansing!

Written by Ani Ferlise

A wild woman living amongst the trees in Oregon, I can be found listening to classic rock, talking with my cat Patrick Swayze, and playing with crystals and herbs. I am the Creative Copywriter, creating content filled with how to enjoy the little things and the magic of every day life. I live my life by Bob Dylan’s quote: “All I can do is be me, whoever that is.”


Do you find yourself tired at the end of the day? Are you struggling to access emotions? Do some interactions leave you feeling drained of all your energy?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be overdue for a spiritual cleansing session. This practice removes negative energy and enforces positive endurance. This practice of spiritualism, will give you the reset you need.

New to spiritual cleansing? Let’s explore this practice in its entirety. Here, we’ll go over the meaning of cleansing, ritual steps, and a few methods of cleansing your aura!

What Is Spiritual Cleansing?

Before we can go into the details of cleansing, we should first define what it is. Spiritual cleansing is the ritualistic practice of absolving yourself of negative energy. It is the habit of continually reaffirming the purity of your spirit.

In the practice of spiritualism, all things are composed of prana – universal energy. Albert Einstein theorized that the entire universe is made of energy. This energy vibrates on different frequencies. Lower frequencies reveal solid objects, such as humans, rocks, animals, etc. Higher frequencies vibrate so quickly they tend to be invisible to the human eye.

Every human body is comprised of multiple forms of prana. Low vibrations make up the physical form. High vibrations surround the body. This high energy spans 4-5 feet outside the body, scientifically known as an electromagnetic field. Within spiritualism, we refer to it as an aura.

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Knowing Your Aura

Your aura is the holding place of your spiritual self. This elastic body can be altered through interacting with other auras:

  • If you were to pet an animal, have a good conversation, or hold a newborn, you would be partaking in positive energy. Your aura will absorb this positivity and be strengthened by it.
  • If you are in a relationship with a toxic person, dominated by someone else’s will, or in an unhealthy environment, your aura will absorb negative vibrations. These vibrations can fragment and weaken your aura.

All of these interactions feature an absorption of energy. While positive energy will strengthen you, negative will weigh you down. Remember, even if you remove yourself from an unpleasant situation, you will still carry negative vibrations without your aura.

By mindfully releasing unhealthful energy, you can clear your aura of any gunk that is weighing you down. This process is what we call a spiritual cleanse.

How To Do A Spiritual Cleanse

There are multiple ways to go about a cleanse. Although many methods differ,  the process always has the same goal. It’s about ridding your aura of negative energy, no matter which way you go about it.

Each spiritual cleanse will include:

  • Entering into a spiritual state
  • Acknowledging any held negativity
  • Meditating on the negatives
  • Releasing this energy from the aura
  • Reaffirming spiritual purity

1. Entering Into A Spiritual State

Every spiritual cleanse will begin by entering into a heightened state of being. This is a period of  preparation for the oncoming ritual. This includes meditation and taking stock of the current moment. Through adopting a present mindset, you actively connect to your own flow of energy.

2. Acknowledging the Negativity

Once you have entered into a heightened state of awareness, you have to identify the negativity that you wish to release. These can be audibly named, mentally acknowledged, physically written out, etc. What’s important is that you know what it is you’re trying to get rid of.

By specifically naming what weighs you down, you can connect with that energy and see the root cause of your negative vibrations.

3. Meditating On the Negativity

Once you identify the objects of the spiritual cleanse, it’s time to consider the context of each item. Individually, explore each component and ask yourself why it holds such an influence. It is through understanding your objects that you are better equipped to rid yourself of them.

4. Releasing the Energy

Once each object is explored, they must then be cleansed from your psyche. This can be accomplished in multiple ways:

  • Visualize the negativity dissolving into dust.
  • Use a spoken mantra. Verbalize that this negativity will no longer hold power over you.
  • If you are religious, you can call on your chosen deity to help cleanse this item.
  • Physically destroy a representation of the item through burning, shredding, dissolving, etc.

You can use one — or a combination — of these methods. The important thing is to establish that this negatively will no longer hold power over you.

Remember, cleansing yourself of negativity is more difficult than you might think. It may take multiple tries to fully cleanse your spirit. Don’t expect perfect results on the first try! Give yourself the space to fully approach each item with a open mindfulness.

5. Enforcing Spiritual Purity

While the negative is being purged, the positive is given room to shine. Your aura needs to be strengthened after being weighed down by unhealthy vibrations. This can be accomplished through affirmations.

State that you have been purified, and that your spiritual body is free. Affirm that you are a vessel of good energy and a conduit of wellness.

This mantra helps further remove your psyche from all that would harm it. By enforcing your purity, you establish power over your own energy flow. It is within this power that you further open yourself to positive energy.

Specific Rituals of Spiritual Cleansing

There are multiple methods to personalize your cleansing experience. The most popular options are:

  • Taking A Salt Bath
  • Smudging through Sage

Immerse Yourself In A Salt Bath

This is one of the most common ways of practicing spiritual cleansing. It’s especially helpful for beginners. This could be because bathing is a literal visualization of the cleansing process. You are removing impurities in an object intended for cleaning. Thus, the mindset for purity is already established.

There is actually a historic precedent of purity baths. There is a reason that nearly every religion includes water. For Christianity, there is the rebirth into Christ through baptism. In Judaism, there is the ‘Mikveh,’ which is a ritual bath. It’s used for establishing spiritual purity.

The Importance of Salt

To help enforce a holy experience, dilute your bath with salt. Use unrefined products, such as Himalayan crystals or sea flakes. Don’t use common table salt, which is iodized and refined. Most of the natural minerals have been stripped away and cannot serve you.

Add in two to three handfuls of your chosen salt and fill the tub to your liking. The volume of water is not important. Just make certain that the temperature is not too hot. If you go over 100° F, you can speed up your nervous system. This will heighten your vibrations and disturb the ritual.

Refrain from Physically Cleaning Yourself

When using a bath to cleanse your aura, you shouldn’t be using any bathing products. This bath needs to be different from physical bathing. It is a holy ceremony that must be separated from a daily shower.

Thus, this is not the time to use oil based soaps. Don’t use your lathered shampoos, or leave-in conditioner. Instead, take this time to connect with yourself. You must focus to enter into an elevated spiritual plane!


Smudging, also known as clearing, is a practice of burning bundles of herbs for purification. The released smoke changes the ionic composition in the air around you. This change alters your mindset, and creates a sense of calm. You clear any bad energy from a space and create a pure environment.

Smudging is practiced in numerous religions. In history, the Christian burning of frankincense, the Buddhist burning of incense sticks, and the Native American burning of assorted plants are all examples.

Smudging is used in hundreds of cultures. Many Native American tribes use smoke rituals. Some burn tobacco, sage, pinion, sweet grass, and even deerstongue. Herbs that are purifying for one tribe are taboo for others.

You can smudge with your own choice herbs. This cleansing process is a healthy ritual that will positively stimulate your aura.

Creating a Personal Smudging Ceremony

Keep this in mind when establishing your smudging ceremony. Although many spiritualists choose sage as their sacred herb, you can branch out to others . Do your research and find what best fits your aura!

Research can even better inform your cleansing process. Through discovering the past, you inform your present. By knowing the history, you honor everyone who practiced this ceremony. You open yourself further to positive prana. You prepare yourself for a more mindful experience.

Spiritual Cleansing Clears Your Aura

We live in a world that places a lot of demands on us. Spiritual cleansing is needed when life gets too overwhelming. You can cleanse as often as you wish. It will always bring you on a path towards mindfulness and healing.

Remember that you cannot control your spiritual journey. It takes time and practice to reap the full benefits of a cleanse. But once you start this journey, you will gain insight with each session.


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