Sample invocations for business meetings

What to Do When Asked to Pray in a Public Setting

Invocation for a Public Meeting

After receiving more than 16,000 views of my previous hub “Sample Invocation”, I felt that another sample for a different context would be appropriate. This is based on more than 20 years of experience praying before local governmental meetings.

Preface to the prayer for the one giving the invocation: This prayer was designed for use as an invocation for a city council meeting. It can be modified to fit many other types of settings involving government bodies. As you prepare to modify it for your own use, keep these basic rules in mind:

  • Understand the context. Is the event purely secular (non-religious), or within your particular faith circle? Make sure you employ a prayer-style and vocabulary which everyone can relate to.
  • Be who you are. If you have been invited to pray, then do your best to represent your tradition or faith-community well. Make sure that you speak to God on behalf of the entire group.
  • Pray for what is appropriate, given the occasion–and then stop. A rambling or repetitious prayer soon becomes offensive. Be very careful to abide by whatever time restraints have been put upon you.
  • Make sure you pray in a voice that is slow and loud enough to be heard by everyone present. On the other hand, most people dislike a preachy or ranting tone in prayer.
  • Be genuine. Far better than simply mouthing eloquent words, aim at true communication with God.
  • There is nothing wrong with writing out your prayer beforehand. This will prevent saying something silly or unclear. If you read your prayer, put your heart and mind into the words you are saying.
  • Remember, you are asking God’s blessing on the gathering in some way. That alone is enough to take the assignment very seriously.

So, Here Is the Template:

Will you bow your head as I pray?

Dear wise and loving Father: First let me say, “Thank you” on behalf of all who are gathered here today. Thank you for your many and abundant blessings. Thank you for life itself, for the measure of health, we need to fulfill our callings, for sustenance and for friendship. Thank you for the ability to be involved in useful work and for the honor of bearing appropriate responsibilities. Thanks as well for the freedom to embrace you or the freedom to reject you. Thank you for loving us even so– from your boundless and gracious nature.

In the scriptures, you have said that citizens ought to obey the governing authorities since you have established those very authorities to promote peace and order and justice. Therefore, I pray for our mayor, for the various levels of city officials and, in particular, for this assembled council. I am asking that you would graciously grant them:

  • Wisdom to govern amid the conflicting interests and issues of our times
  • A sense of the welfare and true needs of our people
  • A keen thirst for justice and rightness
  • Confidence in what is good and fitting
  • The ability to work together in harmony even when there is honest disagreement
  • Personal peace in their lives and joy in their task

I pray for the agenda set before them today. Please give an assurance of what would please you and what would benefit those who live and work in and around our beloved city of Fresno.

It is in your most blessed Name I pray, Amen.

I hope that this will be helpful and provide some clarity. Enjoy.

Business meetings are held when there are certain topics or issues within the business that needs to be discussed. Business meetings are not easy to handle, especially in cases with multiple concerns and long discussions. With that, one way to make sure nothing is missed out is to write an agenda.

You may be asking yourself now, how to make an effective meeting agenda? Do I just list everything we need to talk about? What should be recorded and what is unnecessary? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We have compiled a list of examples of meeting agendas to help you learn what a business meeting agenda is and how making one can help you in your job.

Planning Meeting Agenda


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Business Development Meeting Agenda


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Size: 255 KB


Business Review Meeting Agenda


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Size: 21 KB


Sample Business Meeting Agenda


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Strategy Meeting Agenda


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Size: 195 KB


What Is a Business Meeting Agenda?

You might have heard about other types of agenda, such as a retreat agenda, or maybe you have seen free agenda examples while searching on the web for a format or outline.

A business meeting agenda is an outline of what needs to be discussed once you are in a business meeting. Business meetings often take hours or so depending on the purpose and urgency of the meeting. To have an organized meeting, business meeting agendas are used. With that, the possibility of leaving out a topic that’s important will be prevented.

How to Write a Business Meeting Agenda

Knowing what a business meeting agenda is, you might be curious on how to write one. Although there are free agenda examples available for use, it is different when you make something out of your own idea.

When writing a business meeting agenda, keep in mind:

  • Write the main topic to be discussed to avoid getting sidetracked by smaller matters.
  • Determine the main topics and subtopics, as needed to clarify the focus of the meeting.
  • Create an outline of all the topics and subtopics using numerals for better organization.
  • Review your final draft to avoid missing something. Step back and think about whether these agenda items sufficiently cover the heart of the matter.

Church Meeting Agenda


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Small Business Agenda


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Business Partnership Agenda


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Size: 49 KB


Business Team Meeting Agenda


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Annual Business Agenda


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Size: 182 KB


How to Set an Agenda for Meetings

Business meetings have to be planned and set before carrying it out. To set up an agenda for a business meeting, you have to let the people know the pertinent details. Here is how you can set it up:

  • Write the title of the business meeting
  • Include information for who, where, and when is the meeting for
  • Identify the business meeting objectives
  • Indicate a time schedule for the main topics of the meeting
  • Allocate time in case of a special guest
  • Schedule a time for questions and answers before ending the meeting
  • Review the agenda for errors

A Note of Advice

Remember to schedule the most important topics for the meeting.

Since meetings can are unpredictable, you have to be flexible with time without straying too far from the agenda example schedule. Prepare the agenda in advance to leave time for review, and be sure to share it with colleagues.

For a company to be able to update their employees regarding their status, regular meetings should always be conducted, mostly have it on a monthly basis. During meetings, the company also encourages their employees to speak up and give feedback and suggestions on how to make improvements to the company.

Meetings give chance for the employees to gather and exchange information with colleagues as well as their respective superiors. And for a meeting to flow smoothly and in an organized manner, the presider should always make use of a meeting agenda to guide them on the topics that need to be discussed. Here on our website, we have a collection of Meeting Agenda Template for you to choose from.

Team Meeting Agenda Sample


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Business Meeting Agenda Sample


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Formal Meeting Agenda Sample


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Size: 332 kB


Staff Meeting Agenda Sample


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Size: 39 kB


Sales Meeting Agenda Sample


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Size: 206 kB


The word agenda literally means “things to be done” in Latin. In meetings, an agenda is a list of topics that need to be taken up, beginning with the meeting called to order and ending with the meeting adjournment.

Why is it important to have an agenda in meetings?

  • Meetings without an agenda have a chance of leading to no direction and are less likely to be productive.
  • Preparing an agenda ahead of time will give the attendees a chance to prepare for the meeting, and at the same time, also give them an opportunity to contribute to the agenda by suggesting additional topics to be discussed.
  • Meeting agendas can provide the attendees with a written reminder of what the meeting will be about as well as the things that need to be accomplished.
  • With meeting agendas, employees have no excuse of not having an idea of thing things that will be brought up during the meeting.
  • Meeting agendas can assist in ensuring the meeting will move at a constant pace that will enable the presiders that all topics will be covered.
  • Agendas can give the employees a sense of determination and accomplishment when leaving the meeting.
  • Minutes of the meeting are also written on the agenda to evaluate the result of each topic and to bring up new topics that would need to be included on the agenda for the next meeting.
  • Agendas can encourage the participants to provide feedback to the meeting planner regarding the direction of the meeting and make necessary improvements for future meetings.

How should you write a meeting agenda?

  • Don’t write you agenda at the last minute. The earlier, the better.
  • Define the meeting objective by providing a short but clear summary of what will be discussed.
  • Prioritize topics by discussing first the most important issues that are very likely to consume a lot of time.
  • Indicate in the agenda a list of people and their respective responsibilities in the meeting.
  • Be guided by making use of agenda templates.

You may want to check out collection of Sales Meeting Agenda Template and Committee Meeting Agenda Template for more templates to choose from.

Board Meeting Agenda Sample


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Size: 106 kB


Committee Meeting Agenda Sample


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Size: 135 kB


Parent Meeting Agenda Sample


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Size: 22 kB


Annual Meeting Agenda Sample


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Size: 216 kB


Directors Meeting Agenda Sample


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Size: 2 MB


Our collection of meeting agenda templates save you the hassle of writing your own from scratch. These templates come in high resolution PDF, Doc, and Docx formats for easy editing. These templates can be accessed and downloaded easily for free. Simply choose the template that suits you best, download it on to your personal computer, and you’re ready to go.

You may also want to check out our collection of Weekly Meeting Agenda Template. But if you couldn’t find what you were looking for on this page, simply scroll down to the bottom and check out the links to other related templates on our website.

In the event that business meetings are needed to be conducted, winging it will not do since these are formal meetings. Thorough planning must be considered and creating a business meeting agenda should be part of the planning phase. An agenda will basically list down what is needed to be discussed during the meetings.

There is a wide variety of Meeting Agenda templates that you can go through in order to make your meeting formal in tone. These templates will give you numerous ideas on how you can create your own agendas. By using an agenda, you are sure to make your meetings run smoothly and you will be able to focus on the important details that are in need of discussion.

Church Business Meeting Agenda


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Size: 732 KB


Free Business Meeting Agenda Sample


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Size: 447 KB


Business Meeting Agenda Example


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Size: 3 MB


Small Business Meeting Agenda


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Size: 57 KB


Business Development Meeting Agenda


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Size: 121 KB


Why Use a Meeting Agenda?

When it comes to meetings, you want to make sure that no one’s time is wasted. You should ensure that you are clear with the objectives and everything has been planned ahead. Here are some of the reasons why agendas are important for meetings, both formal and informal.

  • An agenda can give an overview of what will be tackled during a meeting.
  • Participants of the meeting can focus on what is important since what is needed to be discussed has already been listed.
  • Given that these have been distributed before the meetings, participants can make all the necessary preparations for the meetings.
  • You can conveniently monitor if all the necessary topics have been discussed or not since the agenda also serves as a checklist.
  • Discussions are narrowed down, which can also help to refine the needed resolutions for the topics on the agenda.
  • Sticking to an agenda can help lessen any bottlenecks when you start executing your action plan.

You can also refer to the following agenda samples:

  • Daily Agenda Samples – These types of agenda can be used if you are doing a daily monitoring of the activities. This can be used as the tracker.
  • Sample Event Agenda – You can use an even agenda if there are events that need thorough planning.

Business Review Meeting Agenda


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Size: 21 KB


Business Meeting Agenda Sample


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Size: 74 KB


Business Strategy Meeting Agenda Example


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Size: 195 KB


Formal Meeting Agenda Sample


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Size: 113 KB


Annual Business Meeting Agenda


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Size: 91 KB


Tips for Making Your Own Business Agenda

  • List down all the topics that you need to discuss.
  • Prioritize the topics according to relevance to the meeting objective.
  • Allocate a specific time for each topic to discuss matters in a timely manner.
  • Let participants know if there is a need for them to do specific preparations for the meeting.
  • Specify the speaker for each topic so that participants will know how to address the speaker should they have any question or suggestion.

Using a Business Meeting Agenda Template

Discuss among your colleagues to ensure that all of you are on the same page about all the topics being discussed. Always ensure that each participant gets a copy of the agenda before the meeting and you also disseminate the information that was discussed in the meeting to them.

There are many different kinds of business meeting agenda featured on this page. You can choose and alter the agenda template according to the needs of the meeting to be conducted. They are pre-formatted and designed in a way to make it look professional and polished. They are downloadable in PDF format, which is compatible with almost all devices nowadays.

You may also refer to Conference Agenda.

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