Random prayer of the day

I have not spoken in secret or kept my purpose hidden. I did not require the people of Israel to look for me in a desolate waste. I am the Lord, and I speak the truth; I make known what is right. Isaiah 45:19, TEV

Lord our God, we thank you for giving us your love, for letting us draw nearer to what is right and good. May your Spirit penetrate everywhere, overcoming what is false and helping people everywhere to understand the true nature of your justice. Guard us on all our ways. Protect us when our bodies and our lives are worn down by sickness and distress of every kind. Grant us your help according to your truth and righteousness. Amen.


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An Act of Abandonment (by Saint Francis De Sales)

O my God, I thank you and I praise
you for accomplishing your holy
and all-lovable will without any regard for mine.
With my whole heart,
in spite of my heart,
do I receive this cross I feared so much!

It is the cross of Your choice,

the cross of Your love.
I venerate it;
nor for anything in the world
would I wish that it had not come,
since You willed it.

I keep it with gratitude and with joy,

as I do everything that comes from Your hand;
and I shall strive to carry it without letting it drag,
with all the respect
and all the affection which Your works deserve.



Father YAHWEH, Almighty LORD! Speak to us, admonish us in the Way of Your Holiness, Ready us in the The Ways of Righteousness, Thou are the Most Perfect and Pure, from Forever unto Forever ELOHIM, Supreme and Sovereign, Mighty to Love, Mighty to War, In the Presence of Your Awesomeness we Tremble, Yet You Warm us In The Bosom of Your Mercy and Love, Forever Oh Lord, Everlasting , we praise You! Hallelu YAH!

Father, How excellent are Your Ways, we are blessed from the cornucopia of Heaven, Providence provides for us continually, provision is made for our every need, The Household of Faith is forever overrunning in Goodness, Grace and the Abundant Life, there is no end to our Peace, there is nothing lacking and nothing needed, for Love has its perfect work in us and we are blessed to be points of charity and generosity with an unending overflow to share, Selah!

Father, how rich we are in Thanksgiving, praise pours from every portal of our beings, we are works of worship, to forever lift up our praises unto You, exalting Your Name above the Heavens, gratitude and gratefulness abound, appreciation in a constant state of awareness of how blessed we are, The Children of God, Saints of The Most High, The Body and The Bride of Christ, we the elect of God, for although millions will never know, Yet we have been chosen vessels of honor, Hallelu YAH!

Father, we have left none unforgiven, and thus we bow before You, asking Your forgiveness of all of our sins, before even our remorse can turn to guilt, repenting of everything unlike Your most Holy nature and character, inventorying every selfish and abominable thought, word, action or deed, leaving nothing amiss, that we might clear the temples of all the leaven of sin, disinfecting every crack and crevice of our souls and beings, that we might be purified and sanctified, Selah!

Father, Oh Father, we Thank You for the Gift of The Atonement, that Blood Sacrifice that was poured out upon Calvary, all of our sin debt paid in full, that we might wash in the streams that run ruby red with the wine of the communion, that which is the Balm of Gilead, The Blood of the Paschal Lamb. Father, we wash thoroughly, appreciating every drop, Yet amazed at the abundance of its wonder working power how it never stops giving freely of salvation, redemption, restoration, relief, and refreshing, Hallelu YAH!

Father, we never tire of rising, dripping in the Blood of the Anointing, in oneness of being with You, this Holy Communion, bought at such a dear price, and we are ever grateful, carrying about in our bodies the Hope of Eternal Life, serving in this ministry of Reconciliation, spreading this Gospel of The Kingdom of Heaven, sharing in this Labor of Love that seeks and saves the lost, sets the captives free, gives sight to the blind, makes the lame to walk, the dumb to talk, what a sweet salvation, Selah!

Father, may this and every prayer and meditation of the Saints be blessed, may our hearts and minds be of a Unity of One, One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, One Blood, One God, One Father of us All, Have Mercy. Father, all this we pray by Faith in the Name above every Name, Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The First and The Last, The Bright and Morning Star, The One Most True and Wonderful Son of The Living God Most High, Hallelu YAH! Amen


This generator will generate a short, randomized prayer for help or a random prayer for forgiveness depending on your choice. While some prayers could fit existing religions, they were not created with any specific religion in mind.

Each prayer is short, but covers a lot of elements. Those based on asking for aid tend to cover the type of aid needed, as well as various praises for the deity, while those based on asking for forgiveness cover a possible sin, admitting fault, and praising the deity as well.
There’s a wide variety of prayers in both categories, but the overall structure will always remain the same. This is mainly to keep it easier to randomize them, but there’s still plenty of differently flavored prayers overall.

To start, simply click on the button to generate a random description. Don’t like the description? Simply click again to get a new one.


Оценка 5 проголосовавших: 2


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