Praying for church finances

Lord God in heaven I come to you humbly asking you to bless me financially.  This is not hard for you to do because the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.  You are Jehovah Jireh the God who provides and I ask you to provide for me and my family and my friends.  We are in need of your help.

Lord I ask you to show me the areas in my life where I may not have been a good steward of Your money and I ask that you would bring conviction into my heart by the power of Your Holy Spirit.  Show me the areas where I need to improve how I handle your money so that I may honor You by using what You give me in a manner that pleases You.  I pray Lord that when I receive this financial blessings that you will send me in the next few days, I will tithe to the ministry that you will call to my mind the amount which You will put in my heart.  Lord I know that You are able to supply my needs according to your glorious riches in Christ Jesus.  I know that you are the God who gives me the ability to create wealth and I make a covenant with you today that when you send me this financial blessing I will praise you for it no matter how small it may be and I will continue to serve you with a grateful heart.

Lord I ask that you would cause me to have an undivided heart and mind towards you.  No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. I know that I cannot serve both You God and Money(Luke 16:13). Forgive me if I have misplaced my worship and my focus.  Bless me this day with the blessing that you gave our forefather Abraham.  Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain (1Chronicles 4:10).  In Jesus Name. AMEN.


Help me pray for my financial problem. I’ve been praying for God, asking him for financial help as i am up to my ears in debt.

I feel trapped and frustrated as i feel God has been ignoring my prayers. I work as a caregiver but it’s not enough to pay-off my debts and sustain my family.

I have faith that God will sustain me in everything i need, but seems my faith is, at times, lacking. I feel frustrated and even tempted to end my life.

Its like, God doesn’t hear me and is punishing me and i think thats the reason why he han’t answered my prayer. Help me pray for my financial miracle.

Return to Powerful Prayers for Prosperity

“It is by grace we have been saved.” (Ephesians 2:5) 

Many of us feel the tight bonds of our budget each month. How do we have faith that God will provide for us when we’re struggling to keep our lights on, gas in our car, and our growing children in clothes that fit? What about the ache to reach out to others when we lack the means to do it, or having to tell our kids they can’t join their peers because the budget is maxed out? 

Every day we debate ourselves over what to spend our money on. When the incorrect choices we make affect our family, friends, and responsibilities, we can turn to God in prayer… trusting that He is not waiting to mound a side of guilt on top of our conviction. He is waiting help us and guide us… even through the mistakes we continue to struggle with. Use this prayer to confess your challenges with money and ask for God’s help and wisdom!

Prayer for Finances

Father, praise You for saving us by Your indisputable grace. Nothing trumps Your just and loving hand. No poor decision we make, irresponsible purchase, or insurmountable debt can separate us from Your love. 

Paul reminds us in Ephesians that there isn’t anything we can do to gain or lose our salvation. The freedom Christ won us on the cross is what it is. Nothing we do or say can add or subtract from His sacrifice… or from who He is. 

Without a concrete Rock to stand on, we would drift along thinking that we somehow have the power to trump Your authority. Thank You for reminding us, through Your Word, that we do not. That You love us indisputably and always, whether we are precise accountants or frivolous spenders. You know who we are, and You know our heart’s intentions and our struggles. You are the only one equipped to balance and judge where we are at. You consistently say that we are Yours and remind us, through Your Word, of Jesus’ sacrifice for us. 

Father, we confess our financial challenges. In a society that lifts money up to such high importance, it’s extremely hard to battle our mind’s eye each day. Thank You for blessing us with money to spend, and help us to honor You with our choices. Forgive us for mindlessly buying things in dollar sections and store end-caps. Sometimes, there are things that we never knew we needed until the bright discount sticker catches our eye. Strengthen us in those moments to fight our impulses by yielding to the power of the Holy Spirit within us. 

Help us to see our finances through Your eyes. You have a purpose and plan for our lives, and every cent we’re blessed with to manage. Stir our hearts to seek Your counsel on everything from buying dessert to a brand new car. Urge us to seek You in Your Word, and prayerfully consider Jesus’ example on this earth. We confess that we don’t often stop to think about what You want for our wallet over what we want. When new trends are just a swipe of the credit card away, stir in our hearts to fight temptation. 

Jesus walked the earth simply, as a carpenter… without a flashy lifestyle. His miracles were something money couldn’t buy. Not then, and not now. God’s love and God’s plan look different for all of us, but His love does not rise and fall on a scale. He is everlasting, omnipotent, and sovereign. And He has chosen us. Created us. And called us good. 

Our purpose on this earth is to help others. Whether we struggle to part with our money, or have trouble accepting God’s generous blessing, help us to be laser-focused on our conversation with You. When we look around to compare our finances with others, it will always cause our hearts unrest. We don’t have the privilege of knowing people inside and out and from the moment of their creation like You do. We assume wealthy equals satisfied. But only Christ holds the key to all happiness. 

Whether we seek careers or possessions to heighten our visibility in society, none will ever satisfy or compare to Jesus’ love. Help us to follow Christ in our daily lives. Prayer is life changing, that You promise us. We lift up the bills that puzzle and scare us to You. Guide us, direct us, and equip us to trust You more and more in the daily direction of our financial lives. 

Thank You for providing for us, Father. Just the fact that we are skimming over these words is prove that You’ve provided for another day for us. Bless our finances, and help us to seek You first in everything, each day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

praying for church finances

How are you applying this Prayer for Finances to your life and spending? Comment below and recieve encouragement and support from our large praying community!

Meg Bucher writes about everyday life within the love of Christ on her blog, “Mom” is the most important calling on her life, next to encouraging others to seek Him first… authentically. A dance mom, occasional substitute teacher, and youth worship leader, she can often be found having some kind of an adventure in the small little lake town she resides in with her husband of ten years, two daughters, and their doodle-dog.

Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/OcusFocus

By Chuck Lawless

Something’s amiss in the North American church when believers average giving about 2-3 percent of their income to the church each year. Such shallow giving limits our ministry possibilities and hinders our getting the gospel to the nations.

If you want to increase the giving in your congregation, consider these steps:

  1. Teach what the Bible teaches. While some debate whether the New Testament teaches a tithe (10%), it is clear God expects believers to give cheerfully (2 Cor. 9:7), regularly (1 Cor. 16:2), and sacrificially (Mark 12:41-44). If we don’t teach this mandate intentionally and passionately, we should not be surprised when our congregations don’t give. Fear of teaching about financial stewardship results only in a greater need to teach about it later.
  2. Model sacrificial giving. Years ago, my wife and I made a commitment to give more – not less – to the work of God any time we worry about finances. For us, financial worry is typically an indicator that either (a) we aren’t spending and saving wisely, or (b) we aren’t trusting God like we should. Our philosophy is that we should give to God’s work until it hurts – that is, until it stretches us our faith. Only then am I comfortable challenging others to give more.
  3. Passionately and clearly cast a God-sized vision for your congregation. God’s people are not opposed to giving; they are opposed to supporting a weak or unclear purpose. Churches that seek dollars simply to keep their doors open to minister to their own people aren’t likely to garner support from a young generation committed to the nations. Ask your congregation to state your church’s vision in a single sentence; if most can’t do it, I suspect you’re missing out on financial support as well.
  4. Teach budgeting and spending – not just giving. I’m amazed by how many of my  students operate without a budget. For some, debilitating debt is already keeping them from the mission field. Others live from  week-to-week, yet pay too little attention to their spending habits. God’s people will give more to His work if we help them first learn to budget and spend well.
  5. Train children and students to give. I tithe today is because my first pastor taught me to do so. From my first paycheck as a grocery stocker at age 16, to my first paycheck as a pastor ($45 per week in 1981), to my most recent paycheck as a seminary dean, I still hear my pastor say, “Give God the first part, and trust Him with the rest.” What began as a step of obedience, and at times was a step of faith, has now become an act of worship. God has never let me down.
  6. Promote incremental increases. Sometimes, the concept of giving a certain percentage is frightening to folks who have given only minimally. Rather than challenge them to leap into a tithe, challenge them to increase their giving incrementally. Each increased percentage may still be a step of faith. Even an extra $5.00 per family per week can strengthen your church’s work.
  7. Tell the stories of changed lives. If you want your church to give more, show them what God is doing through the church. Plan testimonies in the services. Invite missionaries to speak. Highlight a different church ministry each month. Ask staff members to send regular emails, putting the spotlight on transformed lives. Ministries themselves seldom attract more dollars, but changed people do.
  8. Lead your church to drip with financial integrity. Review your church’s process for receiving and distributing funds. Who counts and deposits the funds? How are the records handled? How are expenditures approved? How many people sign checks? Are the books audited annually? The work we do is God’s work, and anything less than absolute integrity will lack His blessing.
  9. Challenge the church with a “Day of Sacrificial Giving.” Invite your church members to give one week more than they’ve ever given. For some, that might mean giving a tithe for the first time. For others, that might mean increasing their giving for one week to the breaking point – to a point of faithful discomfort. Some will develop a pattern of increased giving from this one challenge.
  10. Guide your church to pray as Jesus taught us, “Give us this day our daily bread.”  This simple and direct prayer recognizes that all we have is a blessing from God. Perhaps if we prayed this way each day, we would remember that nothing we have is really ours – and consequently be willing to give back to God more that is His already.

What other ideas would you add?

Chuck Lawless currently serves as Professor of Evangelism and Missions and Dean of Graduate Studies at Southeastern Seminary. You can connect with Dr. Lawless on both Twitter and Facebook.

praying for church finances

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