Praying for a baby boy


O Zachariah (A.S.)! We give you the good news of a Son whose name is John; we have bestowed the same name to none save him.

Talisman No 21: This topic is about those couples who have submitted a lot of Prayers to God for the baby boy but still their prayers are not approved due to lack of faith. There is another reason; most of parents access the inexpert people for getting spiritual solution for baby boy but they misguide them. And if once they are misguided by inexpert people then they cannot pray to God full attention and believe, their own lack of faith become a reason of delay in the acceptance of pray. Remember! Each lawful pray can be quickly approved through true guideline. That’s why if you want the instant approval of your pray for baby boy then there is a best and quick spiritual solution for you. Prophet Zachariah and his wife were old and childless parents but they were hopeful that their pray for baby boy will must be answered. So they recited the specific name of God and then submitted pray to God which was answered quickly and the good news of a son reached toward them. The name of their Son was John (A.S.) who became owner of their inheritance. That’s why the spiritual experts of pray for all performed the powerful meditations in search of that name of God by which Prophet Zachariah’s Pray request was instantly approved in the court of God. When the Spiritualist of Pray for all world found that Great name of God then they recited that name of God in billions and personally observed the most powerful spiritual effects of this great name of God. After this wonderful observation, they noticed that their prayers are getting fast approval with the reference of this greatest name of God then they began to utilize the spirituality of this name of God in the preparation of the talisman for baby boy. Now it’s an open offer for parents, if you need this most powerful Talisman for baby boy which is prepared by the Spiritual Experts of Pray for all world then it’s compulsory to attribute it to the name of parents then you can get it from us. One more thing, the name of the owner of this talisman will also be announced in our pray program from 3 to 7 Friday. If you want to know more details about this talisman then you can contact us through Email.

In addition, if you are facing multiple problems in your life like Domestic Problem, Marriage Obstacles, Job Issues, Health Disorder, Family Disputes or many other problems in your life due to the black magic, evil eye or spells of magic then you can find the best and free spiritual solution for your each problem as well as spiritual protection of home and family from our website pray for all.

Note: If you need to join our Pray Program for getting rid of your all problems then get free Ism e Azam of your name from the spiritualists of Pray for all and follow the procedure of our Pray Program and submit us your Pray Request. After receiving your Pray Form, Spiritual Leaders of Pray For All and Millions of People will Pray to God for you to resolve your problems.

Pray: God may accept your each lawful Pray and bestow you a best reward in the hereafter, Ameen.


There are 2 conditions to get this talisman.

(1). Free through oath (2). Payment


Oath: o god! I have prepared myself that i will adopt 2 new good deeds which will be beneficial for mankind and will remove 2 bad deeds from my life forever. I will also guide minimum 5 people to praise god and i am bound to fulfill this oath in one month. In case, if i could not fulfill this oath then i will pay its amount.

Note: You can get only one talisman through one oath. If you need more than one then you have to submit new oath for each. This talisman will never show its spiritual effects without oath.


If it’s impossible for you to perform this oath due to any personal reason then the second condition is to pay its amount which is fixed 1400. This talisman will show its perfect spiritual effects whether you get it free through oath or payment.


If you want to get this talisman free through oath then click on the free button below, if you want to pay 1400 then click price button, fill order form and submit us. After receiving your order form, we will contact you through Phone/Email and after attributing this talisman to your name, it will be posted to your required address within 24 to 48 hours in any city of Pakistan. After receiving this talisman, encarved it on silver plate or frame it and hang in your house. You can make a plastic coating and keep in your purse.


You have to pay its fixed amount through western union and then submit us your order form. This talisman will be sent to you through email, after receiving your talisman, download it and take a print.

For Male: +92323-4028555

Female: +92323-7718185-7

Skype: pray.all

Dear God,

Thank you for my amazing little boy.  Thank you that you are knitting him together perfectly inside of me.  Pregnancy is an amazing thing that only You could have created and I am so thankful to be experiencing it.  Thank you for Your perfect will and Your perfect timing.

Lord I pray that Andrew and I will be good parents.  I pray that we will love our little boy unconditionally.  I pray that our marraige will grow and become stronger as we raise our family.  I pray that we will set a good example of a healthy, Godly relationship for him.  I pray for calmness in the new challenges coming our way and I pray for peace of mind that we are doing okay.   I pray that we would learn from our mistakes and be joyful and thankful for our successes.

I pray that this little boy feels unconditional love, not only from us as parents but also from You. I pray that You will walk with him through life.  I pray that he will learn to rely on You and turn to You in times of trouble.  I pray that he has a servant’s heart and will learn compassion for others, be quick to listen and slow to judge.  I pray that he is allowed to make mistakes and, if its Your will, fall away from You so he can understand grace and mercy when you pull him back towards You.  I pray that he truly understands forgiveness. 

I pray that he is adventurous and not afraid to fail and that he finds a passion in life to drive him.  Whether it is sports, academics, music, or missions, I pray that as parents we support him and encourage him to follow his dreams.

Lord I pray for his relationships with others.  I pray that he finds Godly men to mentor him and he creates lasting and deep friendships with others.  I pray that he learns to treat women the way his daddy treats his mommy – with respect and love.  I pray for his wife – that she too can grow up knowing You and that their relationship is glorifying to You.  I pray that he will pass on a legacy to his own children and teach them how to love and serve You.

Most of all I pray that he will simply learn to love You with all his heart, mind and soul and that he finds Jesus as his saviour and friend.   I pray that he learns intimacy with You in prayer and quiet time and is able to feel the nudges that You give him.  I pray that his love for You would be evident in his life and his actions.  I pray that he will be able to lead others towards You in whatever unique way that You provide for him.  

God,  You are amazing.  Thank you for your constant grace and mercy.  Protect my little boy over these next 8 weeks.  I can’t wait to meet him.


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