Thanks God for all the blessings – Daily prayer for June 6. Let’s bear this in our mind that we are a blessing to our generation. Let’s depend on God for all the blessings today so we can bless others.
Bible Verse for Today
“I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possessions of the cities of their enemies.” (Genesis 22:16)
God’s word is powerful that it can bring abundant increase. When he speaks into your day, every situation of lack and shortage are being held back by him and then he will bless you. When you carry the blessing of God in you, his glory will shine on you wherever you go. Like the Israelites, they moved in the land of Egypt and they were growing very great that the Egyptians envied them.
A blessing from God will cause positive things around you to work for you and everything you do will be successful. For you to be a blessing and carry the blessing of God in you, you need to declare it every day because whatever you declare shall be established. And when God blesses you, nobody can curse you. Abraham believed God and he was blessed, he was not only blessed but his descendants too were all blessed. When God bless you, your relatives will partake in the blessing.
Thanks God for all the Blessings Prayer for Today
Lord I thank you for your continual blessing. Thanks God for all the blessings you give me. I thank you because I am a blessing. Help me to set my eyes, and my hearts on you afresh. Renew my spirit, fill me with your peace and joy. I love you and I need you, this day and every day. I give you praise and thanks, for you alone are worthy! Teach me to be joyful always, to pray continually and to give thanks in all my circumstances. Lord, I want more blessing. Blessing that can’t be hidden, a blessing that will broadcast you through me. I want you to bless me this day so that my enemies would be put to shame and I will reason to laugh. I believe you have done it Lord. Amen.
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Jesus prayed this prayer: “O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding these things from those who think themselves to be wise and clever, and for revealing them to those who become as children.”(Matthew 11:25) Have you thought about thanking the one who gives you “all things” could bring you more blessings, than complaining about less desirable events? How may you believe and (increase faith) to be positioned to receive these greater blessings.
Table of contents
Ask God for blessings and for answers to prayers, then follow through by going forward in being of service to others, who need and want it.
Think about what you can do for the Lord. The Bible says that everyone should thank and praise the Lord at all times. Remember one thing to do — and that is:
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and He will make your paths straight.”(Proverbs 3:5) “Strive to go in at the narrow gate… for narrow is the gate and straight is the way that leads to life, but few find it…”
Accept the blessings and gifts from God, but after you get what you wanted, don’t forget to thank Him.
Don’t overdo it: God doesn’t require us to sit in the church all day or on the floor thanking Him, but whenever He blesses with some gift we should say thank you.
Work on that habit of asking Him for every blessing and every requirement — but then forgetting to be thankful.
Don’t keep your thanks to the Lord always pending (like you’ll get around to it someday...) by forgetting to thank Him each moment.
Consider that if you don’t want to keep your answers pending:
that when the Lord satisfies you with any part of what you want or need, then be sure to thank Him immediately, to avoid “lagging-behind” in the future.
- Would you ever like God to keep your petitions, your prayers, and your blessings pending?
Remember when He has blessed you with so many things in your life, such as the air that you and I are breathing, then you should give your thanks.
Say three words after your everyday prayer before sleeping: “Thank you, Lord.” This will not harm you in anyway; in fact it will bring more and more blessings into your life — so thank God in all things, not just in the best of times. Try to be in a spirit of thanking Him at every turn, on every step, because there’s a great gratitude that we can show to our Father who made us — as our divine creator.
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Why is it hard to go to church even though I believe in God?
wikiHow Contributor
Many people struggle to make time for church. Try looking at it as a special time to share with God instead of as an obligation.
How do I become a prayer warrior for Jesus Christ?
wikiHow Contributor
A “prayer warrior” is an interesting description! It’s reminiscent of the verse that says, “fight the good fight of the faith,” and the Gospel metaphor of the “Armor of God.” One of our best pieces of “armor” in life is definitely prayer. A good way to start praying persistently is to set up an easy daily schedule. Praying at the same time every day (e.g meal times and before bed) is a good way to set up a solid prayer foundation. Other times could be first thing in the morning or on pubic transport.
Is there such a thing as an unknown sin?
wikiHow Contributor
No, God is all knowing and all powerful. If the Lord is all knowing, there is no such thing as an unknown sin.
How can I thank God for my good result?
wikiHow Contributor
Pray with thanks to him! If you want to thank God, just say “Thank you, Jesus!”
Why would anyone trust God when they don’t understand him?
wikiHow Contributor
The truth is, no one completely understands everything God does because God’s ways and thoughts are higher than ours. When you think about it, we trust in a lot of things we don’t fully understand. Much about how the universe and the human body work are mysteries to the human mind. A god whose person and actions could be fully understood wouldn’t be God — he’d simply be a god of man’s own making, small enough and petty enough to be controlled.
I want to be able to pray in my Sunday School and Mission Meetings but I feel like I freeze up and can’t speak. How do I get over this fear?
What can I give God to let him know I am thankful?
wikiHow Contributor
All he really asks for is your love. In the bible, Psalms 22: 37, 38, Jesus told us to love Jehovah our God with our whole heart, soul, and mind. So the best thing you can give him to let him know how thankful you are is your heart. Obey his commandments and tell him in prayer that you are thankful.
How can I start believing in God?
wikiHow Contributor
Start praying daily to build a relationship with god, then research your chosen religion and follow its traditions to grow your spiritual life.
How can I stop struggling to thank God?
All I can say is that prayer goes a long way. Maybe you can start by writing a list of all the things you are thankful for so that when you are going to pray, you will already know all the things you would like to include in your prayer.
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- If not every moment then at least after your every day prayer like before you go to bed – say, “Thank you, Lord.” Those words will add loads and loads of blessings to your life. When a problem arises begin praising in advance, for the answer is already prepared.
- Try to think of something else to be thankful for each day, and say that you are thankful for it in your prayers and praises.
- Even in difficult times, thank God for the opportunity to depend on Him even more.
- The eyes with which you are viewing this are God’s blessing — and the ear with which you are hearing is the Lord’s blessing. Everything that we have in our lives is the blessing of the Lord, and so is the grace of the Lord, which He never keeps pending, or in waiting.
- Then why should we keep any of the thanks of which the Lord is worthy pending.
- Deal fairly and be helpful, because “the measure that you measure out will be measured back to you!” especially when you don’t expect it…
- Never forget to say thanks to Him; He feels so happy when His children thank Him.
Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. (Proverbs 3:3)
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Father, there are times when sorrow, worry, doubt, fear and anxiety overwhelms me. Thoughts of the future, the past, and whether everything will work out in the end, play over and over in my mind.
I wonder when my dawn will come, and if things will ever get better, for I don’t see a way. These thoughts break my concentration of all that I need to complete within my day. I am distracted from the joy and happiness You promised, that is renewed every morning.
Psalm 18:2 The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.
Remove all obstacles to my blessings
Tear down those strongholds in my life, break every evil chain that tries to mislead me. Help me to be focused on my present, dear Lord, and let worry fall by the wayside.
Let my heart be filled with joyful praises unto You, each and every day. May I stand strong in faith, knowing Your Promises for me and my life will be fulfilled. For You are the God of truth and the blessings are on their way.
Tear down those strongholds in my life, break every evil chain that tries to mislead me. Click To Tweet
James 1:6 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.
Psalm 91:2 I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
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They will rain down upon me, abundantly and overflowing and I will stand in awe of You and praise Your Holy name with thanksgiving in my heart.
Lord, teach me to wait patiently on You as You work things out for me. Give me the strength to trust You in the midst of the storm and I decree, declare and claim that abundant blessings are going to flood my life.
In Jesus mighty name! Amen and Amen!
Psalm 7:1 O LORD my God, in thee do I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me:
Psalm 25:1, 2 Unto thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul. O my God, I trust in you. Let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me.
Lord, tear down those strongholds in my life, break every evil chain that tries to mislead me. Click To Tweet
I’m a young Christian, from South Trinidad, seeking the wisdom of the Word and God’s blessings on my life. A journey, that’s just begun, but living to the Glory of God.
Prayer to thank God – Thanking & Thanksgiving for all blessings
Prayer to thank God – Thanking & Thanksgiving for all blessings. Heavenly Father, we come before you today, not to ask for anything but humbly giving thanks for all You have done for us. We appreciate You, oh Father, for sending Your Son to die on that old rugged cross to redeem us of our sins. Thank you my Lord Jesus, for enduring so much pain and suffering for our salvation. We pray that we will be blessed with the same kind of strength to endure life for Your sake.Although we all are sinners, I ask you to forgive me every day for what I might have done wrong, that I might not have noticed. Even though we all come short of the glory of God, I thank you for the sacrifice of your only son Jesus Christ for all our sins. You and only you know us Father and you know if our hearts are true. So once again, I thank you with all my heart and soul. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
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