Prayers to open meetings

“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.” Ephesians 6:18 NLT

Instead of back-building worry and anxiety as we attempt to forecast an unknown future, Paul begs us to “Pray about everything in every way you know how!” (Ephesians 6:18 VOICE). Stop to consider what the situations of our daily lives might look like if we paused to pray into them and about them more feverishly. Whether you are starting a business meeting, church service, or family event you can use these prayers to join together to ask God for guidance and blessing.

Prayer can change our situation. It can move the heart of God. And I believe sometimes prayer allows us to understand our situations, rather than affect the outcome. Our hearts change as we seek God’s wisdom and Truth.

King David, living in OT times, did not experience prayer the way we do today. Yet, even He knew that true peace came only from God. In Psalm 3, as he faces yet another terrifying and humiliating season of his life, he chooses to focus on God’s character and faithfulness. “O Lord, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me! Many are saying of me, ‘God will not deliver him.’ But you are a shield around me, O Lord; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head.” Psalm 3:1-3 NIV

Here are five powerful opening prayers to help focus our efforts on striving for the peace that transcends all understanding. Use them to begin asking God to bless and guide your time together! 

1. An Opening Prayer for a Meeting

Thank You for every seat that has been filled here, today. For each mind and heart that fills the presence of this room, we thank You. Only You truly know what we are setting out to accomplish today. We have an idea, a vision, hints, and daily instructions. We have talents, abilities, and time to work. However, only You can see in perfect detail the end of every beginning. Every project, every season, every life. Nothing is ever in vain, for even mistakes and missteps are used for good.

Your righteousness transcends all our efforts and understanding. Forgive us for our pride. The pride that puffs us up and the pride that threatens to unqualify us. Strengthen our confidence in who You have made us to be. Set us free from comparison in order to work together efficiently.

Bless this meeting today, all those present, as well as the lives of those we will encounter afterward. Ready us to make every moment count.

In Jesus’ Name,

2. A Prayer to Open an Event

Praise You for this event, and Your purpose for it. We know that when we gather together, You always have a divine agenda. We love You for that, Father. That even when we have done what You have asked, the results are so much greater than we ever could have imagined. Even in failed attempts, You blow us away with Your faithfulness to provide what we need.

Our prayer today is that Your will be done through this event. Take what we have prepared and multiply our efforts as only You can. Steer our intentions to align with Your righteous will. Remind us of Your faithful provision when our efforts fail us or fall short. May all glory go up to You when we reach the finish line and climb over benchmarks. Blanket us with Your peace today, Father. Keep us physically safe and guard our hearts and minds from pride and selfishness. Keep love at the forefront of our minds today, and the guiding light for all we set out to accomplish and celebrate.

In Jesus’ Name,

3. An Opening Prayer for Group Humility and Peace

As we gather together, we praise You for this day and Your purpose for it. Reset our agendas, as we sit in Your presence. For You assure us that where two or more gather in Your name You are here. Recalibrate our intentions and refocus our hearts. Your will for our lives does not always reflect our plans. Change them to reflect Your will. Help us to understand that we don’t need full clarity to walk into the unique purpose You’ve inlaid in our lives.

Lift our eyes to seek You first today, and always, surrendering our need to achieve, understand, and be known. Shift our perspective to seek Your peace above all else. In every situation we ponder in our daily lives, let the Holy Spirit translate Your commands. Give us renewed strength and godly courage to obey You without questioning. Forgive us for striving beyond our means, worrying, and forcing results.

Only You know what lies ahead. You are our good Father, just and righteous. Though our circumstances will be unfair from time to time in this life, You are always our unwavering protector and shield (Psalm 3:3). Keep the words of King David fresh in our minds, and renew our hearts to the tune of Your truth.“I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.” Psalm 3:5 NIV Let Your peace rain down on us today, as we seek You more than anything else.

In Jesus’ Name,

4. A Prayer for Group Peace and Understanding

As the events of the day continue to unfold, we seek Your clarity and Your peace. We know You are with us and for us as we gather together to seek Your counsel. Scripture reminds us the more we seek You the more we will find You. Lead our surrendered hearts to the path of Your peace today.

Come fully into our situation, both as a group and individually. And sort out the muddled feelings and distorted thoughts that plague us. Cover us with a blanket of honesty and patience that is not of this world.

Holy Spirit, translate our desires and pleadings, and may we understand the faithful response of our great Father. Jesus walked the earth to explain so much to us, and to save us from eternal suffering. Yet, on this earth He promised us that we would encounter much pain.

Struggling for solutions amidst differing personalities can seem impossible. Thankfully, we are not expected to be perfect. Thankfully, we’re told in the Bible that we will all fall short. So, as we sit here today, let us release the bind of blame in exchange for accord. Help us to endure disagreement and strife with godly courage and love. Grant us peace in knowing we are pursuing Your purpose for our lives.

In Jesus’ Name,

5. A Prayer to Glorify God after Group Success

We are here today to celebrate great success! In a world full of chaos and calamity, we are embracing a moment of triumph in Your name and for Your glory. Once again, we have experienced the miracle of Your sustenance, as King David so appropriately penned in Psalm 4:7: “You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound.”

Father, our hearts, the very center of our humanity and our souls, are filled by You. In extreme emotion, this indescribable feeling is even more pronounced. We are aware that we could not see this great success come to fruition without the individual purpose You have put in each person here today. Thank You for bringing us together to accomplish this great feat for Your glory, though the odds were stacked against us as they often are.   

Guard our hearts from pride and selfish gain as we celebrate today. Let it fuel our faith in You as our provider and our sustainer. Filler of our hearts. May all glory for our achievements go up to You today and always.

In Jesus’ Name,

prayers to open meetings

Meg writes about everyday life within the love of Christ on her blog, She is a stay-at-home mom, freelance writer, blogger, and preparing to release her first book, “Friends with Everyone.” She resides in Northern Ohio with her husband of eleven years, two daughters, and their Golden-doodle.

This article is part of our larger Prayers resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can’t find the words to pray.

Prayer for Employment

Prayer for HealingPrayer for StrengthPrayer for ProtectionMorning PrayersGood Night Prayers

Now available is our new Daily Prayer devotional! An easy way to start your day with prayer; read today’s prayer and sign up to receive it by email.

Photo Credit: Unsplash/Samuel Martins

Here is a collection of opening and closing prayers that can be used
for meetings, sunday school classes, and prayer groups.

Also, we invite you to add your own opening or closing prayers using the form at the bottom of this page.

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another ” and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Opening Prayers

Prayer to Open a Meeting

Lord, as we gather today at this meeting we ask that
You will be in our midst. Help us to make decisions that will be
pleasing to You. Help us to be able to discuss the matters at
hand in a reasonable way, and to be willing to give up having our own way.

God let this meeting be productive and, as should be the case
in all areas of our lives, help us to keep You at the forefront of our minds

as we do the work set before us.


Prayer Before Sunday School

Jesus as we gather together to learn about You,
may You meet us here. Help all of the teachers to be able
to answer the questions posed, and help all of the children
listen and retain what they hear.

Help the students to be attentive, and the teachers
to be patient. May the lessons that are taught help to
instill righteousness in these children, and may the seeds
planted here continue to guide them throughout their lives.


Teachers Prayer Before Class

You, O God, are my strength, my patience, my light and my counsel.
It is you who make responsive to me the students confided to my care.
Abandon me not to myself for one moment.

For my own conduct and for that of my students, grant me the spirit
of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of knowledge and piety,
the spirit of holy fear of you, and an ardent zeal to procure your glory.

I unite my efforts to those of Jesus Christ, the master teacher,
and I beg all saints in Heaven to assist me in the exercise of my teaching ministry.


Prepare Our Minds

O God of truth, prepare our minds
To hear and heed your holy word;
Fill every heart that longs for you
With your mysterious presence, Lord.
Almighty Father, with your Son
And blessed Spirit, hear our prayer:
Teach us to love eternal truth
And seek its freedom everywhere.


Check out our prayer meeting ideas.

Closing Prayers

Prayer to Close a Meeting

As we close this meeting, Lord, we want to give honor to You.
Thank You, God, for the time we had today to discuss issues and make decisions.

May You bless each person who took the time to gather here today and let
Your hand of protection be on them throughout the rest of the week.

Let the work done here tonight come to fruition, and let it all be
for Your glory. Help us each to do our parts to bring the plans discussed to life.


End of Service Prayer

God we thank You for meeting us here tonight, and for delivering
Your Word through the speaker. May each soul in this place have been
touched through the songs and the preaching, and may each take to heart
the Word that came forth.

We pray that those seeking an answer received it, and that those
who needed a special touch were granted that touch. Bless each of us
and keep us safe until we are able to gather together again.

In Jesus’ name we pray.


Go Forth

Go forth in peace, for you have followed the good road.
Go forth without fear, for God who created You has made you holy,
has always protected you, and loves you as a mother.


The Dismissal

Now go into the world with confidence, trusting that Christ is walking with you.


“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.”

Read bible verses about Teachers or Missions.

It’s Monday.  Most of us have meetings to go to today or later this week.  Here is a prayer before a meeting.  It’s published on the St. Louis University Prayerbook, a site where members of the SLU community share prayers.

Heavenly Father, we come to you today asking for your guidance, wisdom, and support as we begin this meeting. Help us to engage in meaningful discussion; allow us to grow closer as a group and nurture the bonds of community. Fill us with your grace, Lord God, as we make decisions that might affect the students, staff, faculty, alumni and friends of Saint Louis University. And continue to remind us that all that we do here today, all that we accomplish, is for the pursuit of truth for the greater glory of You, and for the service of humanity. We ask these things in your name, Amen.

For other prayers on this site, see the Prayers by St. Ignatius and Others.

We ask that You would open our ears so that we may hear your voice. Open our minds so that we may receive Your eternal wisdom. Open our spirits so that we may know Your leading and guidance. And open our hearts so that we may receive Your wonderful love. We ask all this in the glorious name of Jesus. Amen.


Opening prayer for a meeting (a prayer suitable for a bible study, worship meeting or church service) Lord, May your goodness and love be present amongst us today. Come bless our gathering with unity, hope and vision. Lord, we pray for unity. Build in us all a deep respect for one another so that your church may be one. Lord, we pray for hope.


Prayer Request: Post Your Own “Prayers for Meetings” If you’d like, you can post your prayer below so the PrayWithMe community can help pray with you. Rules for Posting: All prayers are posted publicly through to this site. Don’t use full names or any other identifying information that you wouldn’t want out on the web.


Prayers #1. Lord, as we gather today at this meeting we ask that You will be in our midst. Help us to make decisions that will be pleasing to You.


Prayer to Close a Meeting. As we close this meeting, Lord, we want to give honor to You. Thank You, God, for the time we had today to discuss issues and make decisions. May You bless each person who took the time to gather here today and let Your hand of protection be on them throughout the rest of the week.


Prayer to Open a Meeting Loving heavenly Father, We come to you this hour asking for your blessing and help as we are gathered together. We pray for …


These prayers are to open and close a meeting in a parish, church, or Christian and Catholic school, or any other meeting where prayer might be used, such …


opening prayers Remember God’s promises! According to Christ’s words as recorded in Matthew 18:18-20, when we open a meeting or some kind of Christian gathering, we can be sure of one thing – Jesus is present with us.


Opening a meeting such as a seminar or church service in prayer is like laying a blanket of grace upon the ground. The love of Christ settles in the hearts and minds of all those present. Suddenly we come under the authority of God and the disputes, stress and apathy that we may have experienced during the week loses its grip on our lives.


Here is a prayer before a meeting. … Thank you for your prayer samples as I have to open our meetings in prayer now. It has helped me.

“Make every effort to preserve the unity the Spirit has already created, with peace binding you together.” (Ephesians 4:3) 

Here is a wonderful prayer to use to close a meeting, church service, or any type of gathering! Use your departure as a time to thank God and ask for His protection and blessings.

Father, praise You for the gift of unity that the Spirit creates in our relationships! You place others perfectly in our lives, and inspire us as Christians to work together with the gifts that we have been blessed with. When we look at this meeting through Your eyes, we see Your gifts fostered in us to further Your plans. 

Forgive us, Father, for the control and the credit that we grasp for in these meetings while planning and accomplishing projects together. We confess that honoring You through our work is not always at the forefront of our minds as we strive for end goals. In the spaces of our hearts that harbor envy and ambition, we prayerfully ask You to make room for humility and shared credit. 

The church doesn’t stand on any one person’s’ shoulders. Not one of us can further Your plans on our own. But together, we can complement each other’s strengths and cancel out our weaknesses. As a team, a unified body focused on the gospel of Christ, we can do great things in Your honor as we were purposed to do. 

SEE ALSO: A Prayer for Those Tired of Serving in Church

Thank You for the ideas that You spoke life into here today, and for the courage of each voice that stood to be heard. In each one of us lies a puzzle piece. One by one, as we stand and speak and work, we see our individual pieces moving into place. We continue to strive for Your will, piece by piece, until You call us home. 

Bless all of us in this meeting today. Each of us have a life outside of these walls. There are very real hurts that some are coping with, and needs of others that we ache to help with and meet. Take that stirring of love that we feel for each other and guide our steps to be faithful friends and extensions of Your love to those that You have seated beside pf and across from us today. As we bow our heads and lift up our plans to You, we pray that You bless our hearts and minds to know we have done well in Your eyes. We pray for your assurance that we are operating within Your will. 

Lord, we believe that You will provide for us. We look forward to the ways that You will surprise and amaze us with Your faithfulness. The lives that You will touch and the people in this room You will use to brighten dark spaces and lift sad hearts. Our passion for discussion today is fueled by You, our Father, who with the same note of passion created us to be light to the world… color to dullness… life to dead places… and love to lost faces. Bless our work and our time. Guide our steps and our progress. Grant us the power of Your Holy Spirit to work together because it’s impossible to see past our human stubbornness without You. 

Bless us Lord, as we leave here today, to take Your passion with us. Fan its flame after we part and inspire our best contributions. Remind us always of Your love, as we see our plans unfold and accomplish the goals we set here today. 

SEE ALSO: 5 Prayers to Pray for Your Church

Through the power of the Holy Spirit that dwells in us through our belief in Jesus, our Lord and Savior, inspire our hearts to seek You in Your Word daily. Grow us both individually and together, as we seek the peace of Your presence. Help us to walk faithfully and fiercely after Christ, reflecting His love. May we always lift our progress up to You, who holds the honor and glory for who we are and what we do. Use our lives, Lord, to reach those who desperately need to know You love them. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Meg Bucher writes about everyday life within the love of Christ on her blog, “Mom” is the most important calling on her life, next to encouraging others to seek Him first… authentically. A dance mom, occasional substitute teacher, and youth worship leader, she can often be found having some kind of an adventure in the small little lake town she resides in with her husband of ten years, two daughters, and their doodle-dog.

Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/vadimguzhva

SEE ALSO: 3 Simple Prayers You Need to Pray Regularly

This article is part of our larger Prayers resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can’t find the words to pray.

Prayer for Healing

Prayer for the SickMiracle PrayerPrayer for StrengthPrayer for ProtectionMorning PrayersGood Night PrayersShort PrayersThe Lord’s PrayerSerenity PrayerA Birthday PrayerPrayer for ForgivenessPrayer for Guidance





Разберем возможности и процесс развертывания Apache OpenMeetings — Open Source-сервера видеоконференций, не требующего для использования клиентского программного обеспечения.

Рано или поздно, но перед компанией любого масшта­ба встает вопрос о необходимости систем видеокон­ференций и/или систем, обеспечивающих проведение вебинаров как для обучения персонала, так и для пре­зентаций и непосредственно видеоконференций. Оста­новимся на OpenMeetings — Open Source-сервере веб-видеоконференции, не требующем для использования клиентского программного обеспечения.

Сравнение вариантов

На данный момент на рынке имеется много продуктов, как платных, так и бесплатных, для организации видеокон­ференций. Они разделяются на следующие.

Аппаратные системы

Это решение для видеоконференцсвязи с уже установлен­ным программным обеспечением на основе специализи­рованного оборудования, оно изначально готово к исполь­зованию, что называется, «из коробки». Это могут быть как видеотелефоны, так и разнообразные групповые ВКС-системы. Все они состоят из похожих компонентов:


  • Сервер видеоконференцсвязи MCU (Multipoint Control Unit).
  • Различные вспомогательные модули: » системы освещения;
  •  показ презентаций и совместной работы над доку­ментами; » средства записи сеансов ВКС; » специальная мебель;
  • пульты дистанционного управления камерами и ВКС-оборудованием;
  • шлюзы (gateway) для подключения стороннего обо­рудования.


  • кодек, аппаратный модуль для кодирования-декодиро­вания медиатрафика;
  • средство отображения (встроенный в терминал мони­тор или внешние ЖК-экраны);
  • средство воспроизведения звука (встроенные в систе­му динамики, спикерфоны, выход на внешние системы звукоусиления);
  • средство захвата звука (микрофоны, спикерфоны и вход для конгресс-систем);
  • средство захвата видео (одна или несколько PTZ-камер, веб-камеры либо встроенная камера); средство захвата контента (DVI/VGA-вход на кодеке, документальные камеры, возможность чтения файлов с флеш-карты).

Программные системы

Программные аналоги представляют собой программное обеспечение для видеоконференцсвязи, которое уста­навливается на компьютер или мобильное устройство, выступающее в роли терминала или даже сервера ВКС. Для захвата и воспроизведения медиаданных использу­ется встроенное либо внешнее оборудование: камера, микрофон, гарнитура, динамики, а также различное USB/ PCI-X периферийное оборудование, включая PTZ-камеры, карты захвата, спикерфоны. Ассортимент периферийных решений для ПК значительно шире и богаче, чем у аппа­ратных систем.

Программные решения легко масштабируются в отличие от аппаратных, для которых придется покупать дополни­тельное оборудование для расширения (если сразу не было приобретено), в большей степени они просты в установке и настройке, а все дополнительные функциональные воз­можности обычно уже интегрированы в них или их легко ин­тегрировать в отличие от аппаратных.

В качестве терминала ВКС может выступать как обычный компьютер, так и смартфон, ведь кроссплатформенность -еще одно преимущество таких решений.

Так как мы пытаемся сэкономить финансовые средства, будем рассматривать программные системы, они значитель­но отличаются в ценовой системе. А именно нас интересуют бесплатные продукты, готовые для внедрения в компаниях.

Одной из таких программ является OpenMeetings. В жур­нале «Системный администратор» №6/2009  уже писали об этом продукте, но с тех пор многое изменилось в про­грамме и оставлять ее без внимания нельзя.

Обзор OpenMeetings

Система веб-конференций Apache OpenMeetings позво­ляет организовать проведение аудио- и видеосовещаний в многоточечном режиме, когда к серверу подключены де­сятки человек. За несколько лет проект сменил несколь­ко команд и лицензий, в том числе был в Google Code (под лицензией Eclipse Public License). Последняя его дис­локация — инкубатор Apache, соответственно, поменялась и лицензия — на Apache License 2.0. Последняя официальная версия на момент написания статьи 3.0.7.

Главный плюс — для видеосовещания не требуется установка дополнительного ПО, достаточно веб-браузе­ра с плагином для поддержки технологии Flash (см. рис.1). Предусмотрена возможность записи и последующего проигрывания совещаний и экспорта в AVI/FLV-файл, им­порт в конференцию документов более чем 20 форматов и изображений. Участники могут скачать загруженный файл и совместно редактировать, вводя текст поверх оригинала, рисовать и помечать интересные места.

Особенности системы:

  • Интеграция с СДО Moodle и другими СДО: возможность создавать вебинары прямо из курсов Moodle, перехо­дить из Moodle в вебинары без повторной регистрации и авторизации.
  • Устанавливается на собственный сервер заказчика.
  • Поддерживает режимы аудио- и видеоконференции нескольких участников или выступления одного участ­ника.
  • Белая доска: позволяет делать пометки и зарисовки, отображать картинки, видеозаписи и текстовые доку­менты для участников вебинара.
  • Демонстрация слайдов и презентаций.
  • Модерация и управление доступом к вебинару.
  • Функция записи видеовстречи.
  • Функция демонстрации рабочего стола докладчика.
  • Обмен файлами.
  • Голосования и опросы.
  • Система имеет плагины к таким популярным продук­там, как 1С-Битрикс, Moodle, Joomla, Drupal.
  • Также имеется возможность интегрировать систему VoIP и SIP, OAuth2. Полный список на сайте.
  • Поддерживается доменная авторизация через Active Directory или LDAP.

Интерфейс OpenMeetings переведен на несколько язы­ков, среди которых есть русский. Встроенный редактор локализованных сообщений (Language Editor) позволяет при необходимости скорректировать перевод. Внешний вид можно изменить с помощью тем.

Построен OpenMeetings с использованием технологий Java и XML. Для организации сервера задействуются веб­сервер Apache Tomcat, Open Source Flash/RTMP Server Red5, В качестве базы данных могут быть использованы MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2 или Apache Derby.

Установка OpenMeetings

Установку OpenMeetings сложной назвать нельзя, процесс просто требует должной внимательности, в последующем эксплуатация особых хлопот не вызывает.

Требования к оборудованию невысоки, минимальные, ко­торые указаны на сайте, — компьютер с процессором 1 ГГц CPU и 1 Гб ОЗУ. Мы станем использовать ОС Debian 8 (Jessie). Будем считать, что система уже установлена и настроена. Все действия мы будем проводить из-под учетной записи су­перпользователя root.

Первым делом добавим репозитории Oracle Java и Adobe Flash Player:


trusty main


trusty main

deb jessie contrib non-free deb jessie contrib

Установим сертификат репозитория:

 #  apt-key adv –keyserver hkp:// –recv-keys EEA14886

Обновим систему:

Устанавливаем Oracle Java:

#  apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

Соглашаемся с лицензией и продолжаем установку:

#  apt-get install oracle-java8-set-default

Проверить установленную версию Java можно командой:

Для работы с офисными документами установим LibreOffice:

 #  apt-get install libreoffice

Самое главное в работе серверного ПО — библиотеки, для сборок пакетов установки, ставим их:

 #  apt-get install imagemagick gdebi libgif4 libgif-dev synaptic zliblg-dev liboil0.3 libart-2.0-2 unzip make install build-essential libfreetype6-dev

Начинаем устанавливать ПО (необходимо точно исполь­зовать указанную версию, т.к. она 100% рабочая). Ставим SOX, программа для работы со звуковыми файлами:

# cd /opt

# wget tar xzvf sox-14.4.2.tar.gz

# cd /opt/sox-14.4.2

# ./configure

# make && make install

Ставим Swftools, пакет программ командной строки для создания и работы с файлами SWF: Если ОС x64:

# cd /opt

# wget  dpkg -i swftools_0.9.0-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb

Если ОС х86:

 #  wget  dpkg -i swftools_0.9.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb

Блокируем версию, чтобы случайно не обновить, т.к. раз­работчики не дают гарантий, что будет работать с другой версией из-за неполноты опций:

 #  echo “swftools hold”  | dpkg –set-selections

Устанавливаем Adobe Flash Player, мультимедийная плат­форма для воспроизведения векторной анимации, видеоро­ликов в веб-страницах и интерактивных приложений:

 #  apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree

Для работы с LibreOffice используется маленькая библио­тека — jodconverter, которая, к сожалению, давно не обн­ляется, но работает при этом отлично. Она подключается к LibreOffice через TCP сокет и отдает ему файл на конвер­тирование, в ответ приходит отконвертированный файл. Все это работает гораздо быстрее и правильнее, чем все вышеперечисленные Java-библиотеки.

# cd /opt

# wget  unzip

FFmpeg — набор свободных библиотек с открытым исход­ным кодом, которые позволяют записывать, конвертировать и передавать цифровые аудио- и видеозаписи в различных форматах. Он включает libavcodec — библиотеку кодирова­ния и декодирования аудио и видео и libavformat — библиоте­ку мультиплексирования и демультиплексирования в меди-аконтейнер. Название происходит от названия экспертной группы MPEG и FF, означающего fast forward.

 #  apt-get -y –force-yes install autoconf automake libass-dev libfreetype6-dev libgpac-dev libsdl1.2-dev libtheora-dev J libtool libva-dev libvdpau-dev libvorbis-dev libxcb1-dev J libxcb-shm0-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev pkg-config texi2html J zlib1g-dev nasm libx264-dev cmake mercurial libopus-dev

Нужно собрать правильно библиотеки FFmpeg, лучше ис­пользовать готовый скрипт, который предоставила Apache:

 #  wget J 3smodificationDate=1443530338096sapi=v2

Запускаем скрипт установки и ждем завершения:

Устанавливаем базу данных MariaDB — ответвление СУБД MySQL, разрабатываемое сообществом:

# apt-get install python-software-properties

# apt-get install software-properties-common

# apt-get install mariadb-server

При установке стандартно вводим пароль root два раза. Создаем базу данных:

# mysql -u root -p



#  quit


DATABASE – имя базы данных;

openmeetings – имя пользователя базы данных;

localhost – хост, где стоит сервер баз данных;

123456 – пароль пользователя базы данных.

И завершающим действием будет скачивание и установ­ка OpenMeetings:

# mkdir /opt/red5307

# cd /opt/red5307

# wget unzip

# chown -R nobody /opt/red5307

Скачиваем и устанавливаем коннектор для соединения OpenMeetings и MariaDB:

# cd /opt

# wget

копируем в…

 #  cp /opt/mysql-connector-java-5.1.36.jar /opt/red5307/webapps/openmeetings/WEB-INF/lib

Дальше настраиваем OpenMeetings для подключения к mysql:

# cd /opt/red5307/webapps/openmeetings/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF

# mv persistence.xml persistence.xml-ori

# mv mysql_persistence.xml persistence.xml

Редактируем файл /opt/red5307/webapps/openmeetings/ WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/persistence.xml. Изменяем линию 81:

, Url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openmeetings


, Url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/DATABASE

Изменяем линию 86:


Изменяем линию 87:



DATABASE – имя базы данных;

openmeetings – имя пользователя базы данных;

localhost – хост, где стоит сервер баз данных;

123456 – пароль пользователя базы данных.

Скачиваем готовый скрипт запуска сервера от разработ­чиков:

#  wget J 3smodificationDate=1443596054913sapi=v2

# mv red5?version=3 red5

# cp red5 /etc/init.d/

Делаем его исполняемым:

#  chmod +x /etc/init.d/red5

Запускаем все сервисы:

# /etc/init.d/mysql start

# /etc/init.d/red5 start

Дальнейшая установка происходят через веб-интер­фейс. Переходим на сайт установки по адресу: http:// localhost:5080/openmeetings/install. Далее все понятно, опи­сывать не буду. Единственный момент, на который нужно обратить внимание, — это параметры пути сервисов для ра­боты OpenMeetings:

>   swftools_path – /usr/bin

>   imagemagick_path – /usr/bin

>   sox_path – /usr/local/bin

>   ffmpeg_path – /usr/local/bin

>   office.path – /usr/lib/libreoffice

>   jod.path – /opt/jodconverter-core-3.0-beta-4/lib

Для работы необходимо открыть порты на файрволе: 5080, 1935, 8088. Дальнейшие настройки производятся через веб-интерфейс в разделе «Администрирование»:

  •  Создание и редактирование пользователей.
  • Мониторинг подключенных пользователей.
  • Создание организаций, для распределения пользовате­лей.
  • Создание шаблонов комнат совещания по умолчанию.
  • Редактор языков, для правки перевода.
  • Конфигурация LDAP, здесь прописывается только путь к файлу настроек, для подключения и считывания дан­ных. В самом файле есть два типа подключения: Active Directory и LDAP. В зависимости от этого и указываются атрибуты поиска.
  • Настройка OAuth2, по умолчанию есть три примера: Yandex, Google, Facebook. Можно легко добавить свои.
  • Резервное копирование и подробная инструкция по его выполнению.
  • Настройка серверов кластера.
  • И, самое главное, настройка конфигурации системы. Из основных настроек выделю параметры для smtp сервера (smtp_server, smtp_port, system_email_adddr, email_username, email_userpass), название системы (, URL путь к системе (application.base. url), временную зону (default.timezone) и размер загру­жаемого файла (max_upload_size). Остальные настрой­ки системы можно посмотреть на официальном сайте.

Сама по себе система неприхотлива. Она одинаково подой­дет и для проведения конференций с большим количеством участников, и для беседы тет-а-тет, для проведения семи­наров и обучения. Неоспоримые плюсы — бесплатность, открытость и низкая нагрузка на канал. Для каждого поль­зователя, подключенного к видео, требуется минимальная пропускная способность (достаточно 64 кбит/с). Из недо­статков можно отметить высокую нагрузку на процессор пользователя, так как каждый клиент самостоятельно деко­дирует видеопотоки (что одновременно и плюс — так как сни­мает всю нагрузку с сервера).

Источник: журнал Системный администратор №(158-159)

Вам необходима настройка сервера видеоконференций — мы произведем настройку для вас, подробности

Нет похожих статей.

Here is a collection of Prayers for Meetings of any kind: Business meetings, Sunday school meetings, church or family meetings, and prayer meetings.

Opening Prayer for Meeting

Lord, we are meeting today to conduct matters
of business. Guide our hearts and our minds in the
spirit of fairness, right thought and speech. Impart your
supreme wisdom upon our activities so that our affairs
may reach a successful conclusion. Thank you for being
our source of guidance today. Amen!

Read our full collection of Opening and Closing Prayers

Prayer to Come to an Agreement

Dear God, we seek your help with our affairs today.
Bless this meeting with your divine intelligence, and
help us to make the best use of our own. We are
of diverse opinion here. Yet we wish to mend our
differences and reach agreement satisfactory to all.

Please share a little of your wisdom with us to help
us do right by all concerned. Thank you for your
Heavenly blessing. Amen!

Sunday School Meeting

O God, we thank You for this privilege of meeting
today in Your house. Help us worship You
acceptably. Bless Your word to us all.

Bless our pastor and people, in the name
of Your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.!

School Board Meeting Prayer

Loving and Gracious God, you are indeed the giver of all good gifts
and we thank you today for all your blessings, for the successful outcomes
of our school events and for all our staff members, both the teaching and
support members.

We ask that you bless them abundantly and we continue to seek your wisdom,
guidance, courage and strength. Be with us in our deliberations and help us
to be wise in the decisions we make for the good of all those who have placed
their trust and confidence in our leadership.

Give us insight to lead with integrity that our decisions may reflect what is
right and good. Keep us from short-sightedness and pettiness. Help us to make
decisions that are for the good of all and guard us from blind self interest.
Dear Lord, grant us the humility to always seek your will in all that we do and say.

All Glory be to you, loving God, now and always through Christ and the Holy Spirit
forever and ever. Amen.

Hosting a prayer meeting? Check out these great Prayer Meeting Ideas.

Family Meeting Prayer

Our family gathers today in joyous occasion,
thanks to our Lord who looks after us all.
Bless this happy meeting and may we all
be praised in Your gracious name!

Prayer Request: Post Your Own “Prayers for Meetings”


If you’d like, you can post your prayer below so the PrayWithMe community can help pray with you.

Rules for Posting: All prayers are posted publicly through to this site. Don’t use full names or any other identifying information that you wouldn’t want out on the web.

Don’t post with ALL CAPS, and try to use proper spelling and grammar.

If you can, help pray for others and post comments of support.

Recent prayer requests…

Tap below to see prayers from other visitors to this site.

  • I’m now worried about my husband at work- My husband has a meeting with the boss tomorrow at Canada Post b/c he made a mistake and now I’m worried about him and his… …
  • Pray for my son’s to meet good and decent women- Sacred heart of Jesus please let my son’s meet up with decent women who will change their lives and make them happy for life. Sacred… …
  • Guidance- Dear Heavenly Father I need lots of direction in life and I’m extremely tired of being alone please help me find a woman to marry… …
  • Meeting Boss- O Lord Jesus Christ, I pray for Thy intentions regarding my meeting with my employer Jason Allen Alexander so that he pays me salary. Amen. …
  • Prayer- God bless sporting, chambering, the manner of as the earth with my friends and I and sisters in all the churches in the town I… …
  • Prayer for my son’s to meet good women- Please pray for my son’s to meet good women who will change their lives for the better and make them happy. In the name of… …
  • Prayer for my son’s to meet good women- Please pray that my son’s will meet good women who will change their lives for the better and make them happy. …
  • Breakthrough for church growth and personal- Lord I pray for a supernatural growth in our church from this day forth. Let Your holy and loving presence fall on all those who… …
  • Career guidance- I pray for God’s guidance and favour as embark on career development. May my goals be achieved, may I make the correct decisions, may God’s… …
  • My marriage in falling apart- I’m really worried an extremely emotional for the past eight and a half years on my marriage to John Visconti it’s never been a normal… …
  • Finding love- Lord help me bear the weight of solitude and loneliness. Give purpose to my life and courage to see the good things around me. My… …
  • Perseverence- I have a meeting with my department boss tomorrow. My relationship with prior person who held that position seemed better for whatever reason(s). I hope… …
  • Relationship- Lord am in love with a man for 4 years and we were very happy with each other and suddenly something happened and now he… …
  • Healthy Baby- Please keep my pregnant daughter in your hands. Fill her with love for the new baby and bring prosperity to this little family. Thank you! …
  • Ministry in Egypt- Pray for Our Ministry in Egypt , Our Ministry name is (New Seasons) our Ministry meeting every Saturday , Pray for The Holy Spirit Presence… …
  • Special Silent Request- God would arrange a meeting for someone I have been praying for–would love to see what God has been doing in this families life: if… …
  • Praying request for my VISA interview- Hi Brother/Sister, Kindly pray for my VISA interview results to be positive for my US work permit. and for my mother’s health Thanks …
  • God’s Favour- I have a meeting with the financial advisor at the college I was accepted into and I would like if some of you would pray… …
  • Marriage need saving- My husband is a person who fusses about everything and always talks mean to me each day, I never fuss or talk harsh to him… …
  • For my life- Please, God helps you know about my life. I need this house to help to find something the end of this month. I need husbands… …

More prayers posted in: Meetings

Оценка 5 проголосовавших: 3


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