Spiritual Warfare Deliverance Prayers by Derek Prince
Spiritual Warfare Deliverance Prayers by Derek Prince
Say this prayer and believe in the deliverance from demons attacking you. Also, deliverance from strongholds of the mind.
Jesus Christ, I affirm that You are the Son of God and the only door to eternal life.
I acknowledge that You died for my sins on the cross 2000 years ago and rose from the dead by the power of Your Holy Spirit.
That same Holy Spirit power is greater than all other powers and has already defeated Satan and his demons on the cross 2000 years ago.
Jesus, I renounce all arrogance, self-sufficiency and pride, which was the downfall of Satan. I have nothing and am nothing, except in You my hiding place.
Jesus, I confess all my sins, especially
__________________________________________________ .
I confess all my omissions, especially
_____________________________________________ .
I confess the sins of my ancestors, especially
Jesus, I apologize for all the sins and omissions which I have just now stated.
I promise to try (with Your help and the help of others) not to repeat these sins.
If I slip and fall, I will try to confess immediately, and turn to You for help.
With Your help I will refuse temptation and negative attitudes, especially rejection.
With Your help I will obey my doctor/mate/pastor/employer & not my negative feelings/thoughts.
With Your help I will be the friend that I need/want in my life.
With Your help I will take a shower, brush my teeth, make my bed, do my laundry, & eat fruit.
Jesus, I forgive everyone whether they deserve it or not, because You forgave me and held nothing back.
I now especially forgive ________________________________ .
Jesus, As you bring to my attention any occult activity, situation, or object that displeases you. I will repent and sever my relationship with it, even if it is very valuable.
Jesus, Thank you for becoming a curse on the cross for me, so that I may be freed of all curses that are due to my own sins or the sins of my ancestors.
Jesus, I take my stand, in Your name, Jesus, against all Satan’s demons. I trust that You will take care of the demons and also take care of me.
I resist the devil, in Your name, Jesus.
I speak to you that have control over me all tings from the kingdom of darkness and I bind you.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I command you to quietly go from me now under the feet of Jesus.
I expel you.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I command you never to return.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I close all gates/doors that allowed you entry.
Jesus, I adore and praise you for your deliverance of the demon of
Jesus, I adore and praise you for your deliverance of the demon of
Jesus, I adore and praise you for your deliverance of the demon of
Jesus, I adore and praise you for your deliverance of the demon of
Jesus, I ask You to fill with Your Holy Spirit those empty spots vacated by the demons who left so that when they try to come back there will be no place for them.
Jesus, Bless you Lord. Thank you Lord. My heart is full of joy and gratefulness.
Deliverance Prayers from hatred, resentment, bitterness Jesus, deliver me from my hatred, resentment and bitterness and I forgive all those who have ever hurt me and choose today to bless my enemies.
Jesus, come fill the holes in my heart with Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Credit = Father John Bertolucci from On Fire with the Spirit
By Parent
for Child Deliverance Prayers
Father God, in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, I am depending on You to provide a safe passageway to deliverance for my child, the same way You opened the Red Sea for Moses. I am waiting in great expectation for You to provide a hedge round about him/her the same way You placed a cloud and fire front and rear. I am waiting for You and Your angel to lead the way to permanent restoration, to become a blessing, especially to You and for the purposes for which he/she was created. Thank You Father God.
Prayer for Deliverance Scripture
Exodus 14:15-28 TLB 15 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Quit PRAYING and get the people moving! Forward, march! 16 Use your rod – Hold it out over the water. The sea will open up a path before you. All the people of Israel shall walk through on dry ground! 17 I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians (demons/ interference/self-righteous/misguided)
and they will go in after you. You will see the honor I will get in defeating Pharaoh (Satan) and all his armies, chariots and horsemen. 18 All Egypt (hell/enemies/opposition/ mindsets that omit God of the Trinity) shall know that I am Jehovah.”
19 Then the Angel of God, who was leading the people of Israel, moved the cloud around behind them. 20It stood between the people of Israel and the Egyptians. That night as it changed to a pillar of fire, it gave darkness(blindness/confusion/hindrance) to the Egyptians but light (sight/counsel/clarity/direction) to the people of Israel! So the Egyptians couldn’t find (overcome/harass/torment/terrorize/victimize/capture/enslave) the Israelis!
21 Meanwhile, Moses stretched his rod over the sea, and the Lord opened up a path through the sea, with walls
of water on each side; a strong East wind blew all that night, drying the sea bottom.
22 So the people of Israel walked through the sea on dry ground! 23 Then the Egyptians followed them between the walls of water along the bottom of the sea – all of Pharaoh’s horses, chariots and horsemen. 24 But in the early morning Jehovah looked down from the cloud of fie upon the array of the Egyptians and began to harass them. 25 Their chariot wheels began coming off, so that their chariots scraped along the dry ground. “Let’s get out of here,” the Egyptians yelled. “Jehovah is fighting for them and against us.”
26 When all the Israelites were on the other side, the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand again over the sea, so that the waters will come back over the Egyptians, their chariots and horsemen.” (Close all doors/gates to the enemy, in Jesus name.) 27 Moses did and the sea returned to normal beneath the morning light. The Egyptians tried to flee, but the Lord drowned them in the sea. 28 The water covered the path, the chariots, the horsemen, and all the army of Pharaoh that chased after Israel through the sea. Not one (accuser/nightmare/enemy/plague/pre-existing condition/disease) remained alive.
Exodus 15:26
by Traci Morin, Touch of God Ministry of Healing and Deliverance Ministry in Texas. I am a Servant and Ordained Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Prayer for Deliverance and Healing – deliverance prayers from curse
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“You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” Psalm 32:7
Deliverance doesn’t come with an overnight guarantee. We can’t click it or pick it out of a line up, and it doesn’t always look the same for me as it does for you.
The dictionary definition of deliverance is “the act of delivering someone or something: the state of being delivered; especially: liberation, rescue.” We often think of countries that need to be vindicated, people suffering from famine who need food, or others that need to be rescued form afflictions or abuses. And we should most ardently pray and take action to deliver others from oppressive circumstances.
But there is a second part to the definition that struck a chord God has been speaking into my life about distorted thoughts, shame, and boundaries. It reads like this, “something delivered; especially: an opinion or decision (such as the verdict of a jury) expressed publicly.” What if the opinion we hold of ourselves is sometimes the very thing we need to be delivered from? The critical pressing of modern-day life may threaten to distract and strip us of our Christly identity, a past decision may haunt us—even though it happened so long ago that we’re the only one still able to re-play it. An unjust outcome… tarnished reputation… failed attempt… whose perspective are we filtering our throughs through?
Jesus is our Deliverer (1 John 4:4). Our salvation is found in His sacrifice (John 10: 9-11). He died so that we would no longer fall victim to or be bound by shame, distorted thoughts, or dysfunctional boundaries. Let’s pray, today, that our deliverance, whether it be from what physically, mentally, or spiritually ails us, lies in the capable hands of Jesus, our Healer.
Today, as begin our prayer, we praise You, for You say we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). This world is hard. It threatens to crush us in many ways. Physically, we cannot always outrun the ailments of our bodies. Sickness and injury take hold of us, and we are not always healed to the original state of our health. Mentally, we are bombarded and pulled at by unfiltered thoughts threatening to run away with our self-esteem on a daily basis. Spiritually, You promise us a battle in this life. John 10: 10-11 reminds us, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Bring our hearts to focus on Your Truth at the start of each day, expecting a battle, but also deliverance.
Father, in overwhelming moments help us to recall the truth of Psalm 32:7, “You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” Remind us of the greats of faith that have gone before us in bravery, with courageous faith in Your protective hand of deliverance.
David defeated Goliath against all odds, and even after being not the run for his life from King Saul cried out to You in faith to deliver Him. Even after he made terrible mistakes, but You delivered David, loving him still. For Paul, who tortured and had other Christians killed, You never left him even in his own jail cell. What we don’t understand is how much You love us regardless of our faults and fears. Help us to believe and strengthen our faith in Your love, for the one who is in us is greater than the one who is in the world. (1 John 4:4)
Galatians 5:1 calls us to action, to stand firm in our faith. “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Help us turn from shame, make a way for kindness, and rise up for those who can’t speak for themselves and find a way to make sure those who are burdened by distorted thoughts of who they are. Equip us, through the lessons of our own deliverance, to become ambassadors for Your love. For You assure us when we seek You, we will find You, when we seek You with all of our hearts. (Jeremiah 29:13)
Father we are grateful that You hear us and care for us beyond our understanding. “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles.” Psalm 34:17 We prayerfully proclaim deliverance in our own lives, and in the lives of those suffering next door to us, and around the world. We cry out to You in faith that You will deliver us from our physical pain and mental anguish. “Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress.” Psalm 107:6
Help us to let go of our timeline and embrace Your process and Your perfect timing. We live in a “have to have it now” world, but Your ways surpass the convenience of free shipping and next day delivery. Give us the faith and patience to embrace Your process and purpose for our lives, remembering Isaiah 43:18-19, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”
When others mislabel us, give us the grace to pray for and empathize with them, but maintain the truth of what You say about us, and who You say we are. May we always remember to love others above all else (1 Peter 4:8) but have the inner strength to discount and discern lies from Your Truth. Kids aren’t the only ones that are bullied and teased. Tune our ears to Your voice of grace, love and kindness, as we respond and react to the attacks of others. Heal our distorted thoughts and broken-down boundaries. Help us to shield our hearts from shame and separate our mistakes and missteps from our magnificent purpose in life.
Grant us the courage to be brave and courageous as Jesus was when we walked this earth, yet kind and compassionate at the same time. Make the impossible possible in our lives as we seek Your will in our lives over our own vindication and defense mechanisms. Help us to remember this powerful truth: “Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray.” James 5:13
Deliver us, Father, from the everyday attacks on our conscious, health, relationships, and beyond. From what can see coming and would never expect, protect and deliver us from anything that threatens to throw us off Your course for our lives. Give us strength to love people that are seemingly unlovable without compromising our character as Christians. Build a confidence in us that is unstoppable and immovable but guard our hearts from pride. Deliver us from our distorted thoughts, sickness, debt, sadness, struggles, hunger, pain, fear, oppression, conflict, and unbelief, for we proclaim Your Peace over our lives through prayer, today.
“Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” Ephesians 6:10
Help us to put on Your armor, daily, Father.
In Jesus’ Name,
Meg writes about everyday life within the love of Christ on her blog, stay-at-home mom, freelance writer and blogger, Bible study and children’s worship team leader, she resides in Ohio with her husband of ten years, two daughters, and their Golden-doodle.
Photo Courtesy: Thinkstock
This article is part of our larger Prayers resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can’t find the words to pray.
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5 Jul 2015
I pull down the stronghold of confusion in my life in the Name of Jesus.
Every seat of confusion in my life, be broken down in the Name of Jesus.
Let the storm of confusion within my mind be still in the Name of Jesus.
Every cloud of confusion that has enveloped my mind, fade away now in the Name of Jesus.
I reject every storm of confusion, and claim a sound mind in the Name of Jesus.
Every power that wants to destroy my life, I command you to be destroyed in Jesus’ Name.
Every faulty foundation in my life, receive the fire of God in the Name of Jesus.
I fire back every arrow of mind destruction fired into my life back to the sender in the Name of Jesus.
My mind, receive divine touch of God and be relieved in the Name of Jesus.
Lord strengthen me in my inner mind with Your fire and Your power in the Name of Jesus.
I pull down every stronghold of uncontrollable thought in my life in the Name of Jesus.
I cast down every evil imagination in my heart in the Name of Jesus.
I bring into captivity every area of my thought life to the obedient of Christ in the Name of Jesus.
I break the power of evil remote control over my thought in the Name of Jesus.
I seal off every doorway of evil uncontrollable thought in my life with the Blood of Jesus.
I scatter into pieces every evil imagination against me in the Name of Jesus.
I command all imaginations contrary to my prayer life to be defeated in the Name of Jesus.
I cast down and bring to naught every demonic imagination against me and my family in Jesus’ Name.
I immune my spirit, soul and body against every vain imagination in the Name of Jesus.
I cast out, plunder and frustrate every satanic imagination against my life in the Name of Jesus.
Lord, I pull down every stronghold of the enemy over my life in the Name of Jesus.
I pull down and roast every demonic ladder the enemy is using to climb into my life in the Name of Jesus.
I come against every evil pronouncement made against my life in the Name of Jesus.
I arrest and bind every satanic notebook written against my life in the Name of Jesus.
I cancel and nullify every imagination of enemy upon my life in the Name of Jesus.
I take captive every evil thought in my heart in the Name of Jesus.
Blood of Jesus, cleanse my heart from every evil thought in the Name of Jesus.
My heart be delivered from every evil thought in the Name of Jesus.
I shield my heart with the fire of God from every evil thought in the Name of Jesus.
Heavenly thoughts fill my heart in the Name of Jesus.
You my mind, in the Name of Jesus, you will not push me to hell.
You habitation of darkness in my heart, be desolate in the Name of Jesus.
Every evil attack on my mind be defeated in the Name of Jesus.
You my mind, receive the touch of fire of God in the Name of Jesus.
In the Name of Jesus, I will make it in life.
I command satanic table upon which he exhibits its evil in my heart to receive the fire of God in Jesus Name.
Sting of death release my mind in the Name of Jesus.
Sting of fear and failure release my mind in the Name of Jesus.
I command every heavy burden in my mind to roll away and be burnt to ashes in the Name of Jesus.
Blood of Jesus, replenish my heart in the Name of Jesus.
You powers that corrupt my desire and my mind, be roasted in the Name of Jesus.
You strongman of evil imagination paralyzing the good things in my life, be paralyzed in the Name of Jesus.
Lord, preserve my mind with Your fire in the Name of Jesus.
Lord, put Your laws into my mind in the Name of Jesus.
All the good thoughts that the strongman has paralyzed in my life, receive life and be restored back into my life in the Name of Jesus
I locate every evil tree in my mind with the fire of God in the Name of Jesus.
I uproot every hidden evil tree in my mind in the Name of Jesus.
You evil fruit in my life, die in the Name of Jesus.
You planter of evil tree in my life, be roasted in the Name of Jesus.
Lord, begin to plant good things in my life and let the good fruits begin to manifest.
I bind and cast down the spirit of uncertainty in my mind and I render its activity null and void in my life in the Name of Jesus.
Holy Ghost, occupy every area vacated by spirit of uncertainty in my mind in the Name of Jesus.
Lord, every damage spirit of uncertainty has done in my life be repaired and restored in the Name of Jesus.
I refuse to give space to spirit of uncertainty in my life in the Name of Jesus.
I recover and possess every good thing lost to the spirit of uncertainty in the Name of Jesus.
Throughout the days of my life, the gate of hell shall not prevail over my life in the Name of Jesus.
You power of hell, release all my belongings that are under your control in the Name of Jesus.
As for me and my house, our names will not enter the kingdom of hell in the Name of Jesus.
You spirit of death, you will not prosper in my life in the Name of Jesus.
I release the life of Christ into my life in the Name of Jesus.
My mind, I command you to think alright in the Name of Jesus.
All mind control spirits, be bound in the Name of Jesus.
You producer of evil thought in my life, somersault and die in the Name of Jesus.
Holy Spirit, renew my mind to glorify God in the Name of Jesus.
Lord, soak my mind with heavenly revelations.
I gathered together every area of my mind that have been scattered in the Name of Jesus.
Every area of my life and area of my mind in satanic cage, be released in the Name of Jesus.
I plead the Blood of Jesus into my mind and into the whole of my life.
I fire back every arrow of the enemy fired into my life in the Name of Jesus.
I command you my mind, go back to your resting place in the Name of Jesus.
O Lord, help me to locate any spiritual disease in my mind.
I release myself from the grip of the spirits: – Pride – Carnal Imaginations – Vanity – Deception – Greed – Fear – Wicked Imaginations – Ignorance – Violence – Bitterness – Arrogance – Mind Blankness – Envy – Forgetfulness – Laziness – Depression – Mind Darkness – Confusion – Mind Dullness – Turmoil
– Self-importance – Condemnation – Incoherence
Father in the Name of Jesus, I locate every evil tree in my mind with the fire of God in the Name of Jesus.
You powers of darkness, loose your control over my mind in the Name of Jesus.
Let my carnal mind which is at war with God be conquered and be at peace with God in the Name of Jesus.
I cast down every vain imagination working against my mind in the Name of Jesus.
Let every wild, untamed and restless thoughts be captured and brought into submission under the feet of Christ.
By Mountain of Fire & Miracles Ministries
Prayer Points are from the works of Dr Olukoya.
If you are sick and tired of the enemy harassing you, you have come to the right place. We kick the devils behind and we don’t take prisoners. We shoot and ask questions later.
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Fire power
From Wikipedia Fire power is a military capability to direct force at an enemy. It is not to be confused with the concept of rate of fire which describes cycling of the firing mechanism in a weapon system. It is also not limited to any particular sort of weapon, such as artillery, but involves the whole range of potential weapons. The concept is taught as one of the key principles of modern warfare wherein the enemy forces are destroyed or have their will to fight negated by sufficient and preferably overwhelming use of force as a result of combat operations.
We started a prayer progamme called sustained fire in the ministry. We will be praying daily from 11pm central time to about 12.30am. Praying fervent, hot prayers continually and on a daily basis will demolish any stronghold, solve any problem and bring down any mountain. Join us saints
Through the ages fire power has come to mean offensive power applied from a distance, as there is an immediate dissonance with the thought of one-on-one close quarters combat. Fire power is thus something which is employed to keep the enemy forces outside such ranges where even having superior numbers he can be defeated in detail or be sapped of his will to continue combat, and thus surrender his forces to the force projecting greater fire power.
The term fire power is also commonly used to describe the collective offensive capabilities of a military force.
The War has already been won but the battle ranges on. We are on the winning side. You will not be a casualty in this battle in Jesus name. You will win. Continue reading →