Illustration 9 Powerful Healing Prayers For Cancer Patients – Nursebuff with Prayers For Cancer Patients And Families
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Stones that Kill Cancer – prayers for cancer patients and families
Stones that give out low level natural radioactivity are an effective medication for cancer, suggests Jay Gutierrez.
It clangs Breathtaking, but the Native American Medicine man, who has been published in” The Townsend Newsletter ,” backs up its statement of claim with twenty years of research and example analyzes that include the disappearance of a intelligence tumor in under four months. And as phenomenal as it announces, sucking stone-irradiated sea, as well as taping stones over a tumor area, can see cancers wholly vanish.
The process is announced radiation hormesis( Hormesis is derived from the Greek command” to rouse “)
The theory of low level radioactivity originated with Virchow and his nineteenth century cellular pathology subjects. The hypothesis include an indication that low-level stress, like ionizing radiation, animates cellular, molecular, and organic, protective, biological responses to decrease the incidence of cancer and other effects of ill health.
University of Missouri Professor, biochemist T.D. Luckey’s Hormesis with Ionizing Radiation( 1980, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL) offer lengthy scientific data. It includes more than 1200 experimentations that goes back to the turn of the century. Feels demonstrate that: the effects of modest radioactivity additions on viruses and bacteria through floras and animals up to vertebrates, above the natural background, result in healthier, longer life spans, fewer illness, faster convalescence, and more offspring, of which more survive.
” This kind of healing has been going on for thousands of years, excuses Gutierrez.” In the U.S, it was used in the 1910 s through the 40 s with great success. But because of abuse and after Nagasaki and Hiroshima, we became radiaphobic .”
He illustrates the gigantic discrepancies between man-made radioactivity( X-ray radioactivity, microwave radiation, cell phone radioactivity) and the natural radiation stones,” When you’re talking about man-made and natural radioactivity, you are talking about two different things ,” speaks Jay.” The natural stones give off all the rays: alpha, beta, and gamma and are completely harmless .”
Gutierrez acquaints doctors and their patients on the way to use this non-invasive and safe treatment for salving their own bodies. The stones be extended beyond cancers and seem to balance the body to evaporate cataracts, abolish systemic candida and fungus, informality arthritis sorenes, promotion patients with MS, and anti-aging. – prayers for cancer patients and families
Cancer is a group of diseases that is characterized by uncontrolled cell growth leading to invasion of surrounding tissues that spread to other parts of the body. Cancer can begin anywhere in the body and is usually related to one or more genetic mutations that allow normal cells to become malignant by interfering with internal cellular control mechanisms, such as programmed cell death or by preventing …Read more

No!: We can’t always cure cancer, but we can always treat pain. Cancer patients should never suffer from pain. We can block nerves that carry pain signals, use medications, and even implant spinal cord stimulators to control pain. Cancer patients die for many reasons, but not from pain. If you are suffering from cancer pain, ask your doctor for relief. And don’t stop asking until you are comfortable! …Read more

Tamoxifen: Valodex/nolvadex are other names for the generic drug tamoxifen. It is an antiestrogen and blocks the effects of estrogen in the body. It can be used in breast cancer, dcis (ductal carcinoma in situ, pre-invasive breast cancer) and non-cancerous conditions rarely.
Some cancers need estrogen to grow and this can block that growth. …Read more

Many well: Intentioned care providers withhold information, offer more treament, and don’t come clean about the fact that: losing weight, not eating; having no appetite; spending increasing to all one’s time in bed or chair signal approaching end. Inability to control bowels and blader and losing consciousness can occur before breathing ceases. Invite palliative care in early. ..Before the end is near. …Read more

Cancer: Love, compassion, tolerance, and most important empathic listening, being able to understand the unique experience of the person suffering without trying to fix or judge. Also helping the person live life despite cancer. Helping the person to participate in life as much as possible. …Read more

Context is key: I’ll let you find the “sick” / counterphobic jokes on your own. The greatness of the human spirit is shown, among other ways, in our ability to find a smile (not ridicule) even in the most difficult situations. Sandra miniere’s “lighter side of cancer” is a model for staying brave, upbeat, and cherishing life. …Read more

Cancer is internal: Many times with the cancers, there are no external stigmata. Also, many of the treatments are much better tolerated than previously. The chemotherapeutic agents are more specific and more targeted, thus many of the bad side effects are decreased. Thus, the old image of sickly, infirm, bedridden patients may be less prevalent. Obviously, this is on a case by case basis. …Read more
Religious practices include bedside prayers, the Eucharist (if requested) and the use of sacramental aids in the spiritual life, including such items as rosary beads and holy images of saints, especially Mary, the mother of Jesus.
“During the Anointing of the Sick, a priest will anoint the patient with blessed oil, forgive all sins and offer the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist, sometimes referred to as Holy Communion. The ritual also includes prayers for both physical and spiritual healing,” explains Sr. Anne.
Prayers for the sick can be an important part of faith in illness for observant Jews. The most common prayer used in this context is called the Mi Sheberakh.
“There are some beautiful aspects to that prayer,” explains Rabbi Elisa Goldberg, beginning with invoking the patient’s family member for whom the person was named. “It’s very powerful when you are facing a serious illness to evoke your ancestors. It’s that sense of lineage and connection. The Mi Sheberakh is a prayer for ‘a healing of body and healing of spirit’ and then ‘complete healing,’ but that word complete is a version of the word shalom, which is ‘peace.’ So, ultimately, the prayer is about finding a sense of peace and wholeness with whatever happens.”
Many cultures in Islam practice their own particular rituals; however, there are some rituals that all observe: Chapter 96 (Surah Yasin) of the Quran is read to the sick, and the Declaration of Faith is said by the patient at the end of life.
“When Muslims visit a Muslim who has been diagnosed with cancer and is going through trials and tribulations, we ask that patient to pray for us because at that point they are closer to Allah than we are,” explains Imam Amin Abdul-Aziz. “And the prayer goes both ways: The community will pray that Allah will send the patient the best of his wisdom in the person of the doctors and other health care professionals because we believe that whoever comes to the patient’s bedside was sent there by God.”
Rituals practiced by Protestants include prayers for the healing and comfort for the sick, personal prayer, sacraments, anointing, reading the Bible and bedside baptisms.
Jacqueline Griffin, MATS, Chaplain at CTCA® in Goodyear, Arizona, says that “oftentimes patients ask for prayer before a procedure or surgery and afterward express their sense of peace and calmness and release of anxiety.” At CTCA in Goodyear, she adds, “Special ceremonies such as baptisms for patients and their children have been performed upon request during end of life. These rituals have given a sense of peace and closure with family and God as well as offered hope and comfort to patients who are being treated.”
1. Handbook of Patients’ Spiritual and Cultural Values for Health Care Professionals, available at
2. Surah Yaseen. Muslim World. Retrieved May 27, 2015, from /> 3. Declaration of Faith. Why Islam? Retrieved May 27, 2015, from