3 Levels of Membership Access
The Church Prayer Leaders Network exists to help pastors and lay
people who are working to raise up more prayer in their churches.
We want to encourage, challenge, inspire, and resource you as you seek
to motivate and mobilize your church toward deeper levels of prayer.
Sign up for your inexpensive membership
and get all of these great resources.
$19.99 yr
- Access to all content from current Prayer Connect magazine.
- Access to all back issues of Prayer Connect magazine.
— includes 400+ articles —
$24.99 yr
- All Access of Silver Membership; PLUS
- Receive a printed version ofPrayer Connect magazine mailed to you each quarter.
$36.99 (Canadian)
$56.99 (International)
$35.99 yr
Full Membership in the Church Prayer Leaders Network
- Includes everything in Silver & Gold
- Access to an additional 100+ ideas and articles related to growing prayer in your church.
- Monthly newsletter “Prayer Leader Online,” with fresh ideas and insights into growing prayer.
- Access to closed Facebook group for members only, where you can “talk shop” and get encouragement and ideas from each other.
- A 10-20% discount on more than 100 prayer resources at prayershop.org.
Some of the sections are open to every browser, but to view most of the content of this site (more than 700 pages), you will need to purchase a membership (we have three different levels).
Sections to Explore:
Prayer Connect magazine is a quarterly publication on prayer (Silver, Gold, and Platinum Membership levels allow you to view all the content, no membership allows you to see 1 or 2 articles each issue). This site hosts all the back issues and the current issue of this publication (currently more than 450 articles and 33 issues). A Silver membership gives you digital access to all issues, a Gold membership gives that access plus a printed version is mailed to you, a CPLN membership provides all access, plus more.
Prayer Leader Central (Platinum level allows access) includes more than 100 ideas and articles, organized in 10 topical categories, all of which relate to growing prayer in the local church.
Prayer Leader Column (Some Silver, Gold and Platinum, and some All Browsers) A collection of all the Prayer Leader columns from each issue of Prayer Connect, all listed and linked from one location. Find help for y0ur specific situation in your church.
Prayer Points by Jon Graf (Open to All Browsers) is the blog of CPLN president Jonathan Graf. Here he includes both practical and inspirational thoughts on the importance of prayer in our lives and in the life of a healthy church.
Articles to Inspire You (Open to All Browsers) includes full length articles on aspects of prayer in the church that would be of interest to serious followers of Christ.
Ideas to Grow Prayer (Open to Platinum Members) has short suggestions of things to try in your church that will stimulate more prayer.
Prayer Guides (Open to All Browsers) has links to specific Scripture-based prayer guides that can be downloaded or purchased in bulk.
Pray the Word (Open to All Browsers) is a section that has short ideas and resources on praying Scripture, the prayer method that we feel is the most powerful and important method to teach believers to do!
3 Levels of Membership Access
The Church Prayer Leaders Network exists to help pastors and lay
people who are working to raise up more prayer in their churches.
We want to encourage, challenge, inspire, and resource you as you seek
to motivate and mobilize your church toward deeper levels of prayer.
Sign up for your inexpensive membership
and get all of these great resources.
$19.99 yr
- Access to all content from current Prayer Connect magazine.
- Access to all back issues of Prayer Connect magazine.
— includes 400+ articles —
$24.99 yr
- All Access of Silver Membership; PLUS
- Receive a printed version ofPrayer Connect magazine mailed to you each quarter.
$36.99 (Canadian)
$56.99 (International)
$35.99 yr
Full Membership in the Church Prayer Leaders Network
- Includes everything in Silver & Gold
- Access to an additional 100+ ideas and articles related to growing prayer in your church.
- Monthly newsletter “Prayer Leader Online,” with fresh ideas and insights into growing prayer.
- Access to closed Facebook group for members only, where you can “talk shop” and get encouragement and ideas from each other.
- A 10-20% discount on more than 100 prayer resources at prayershop.org.
Scriptures and Guidelines for Prayerwalking
GUIDELINES FOR PRAYER WALKING Prepare your heart. Consider fasting before your walk. Ask God to guide, direct, lead and impress you with His agenda for the people. Pray scriptures for effectiveness. E
How to Pray for an Hour
Prayer Wheel – Click here to order this guide. How to Pray for an Hour We often desire to develop a prayer discipline in our life but may struggle with knowing what to pray about longer than ten m
New Prayer Leader: Initial Meeting
New Prayer Leader: The Initial Meeting between the Pastor and Prayer Leader Preparation Worksheet The following worksheet is presented to help prepare a newly selected prayer leader for an initial me
Guidelines for Using a Prayer Room
Guidelines for using a prayer room. It is important to realize that a functioning prayer room needs some guidelines and explaination in order for it to be used properly. We have seen all kinds of pe
Small Group Prayer Agenda
SMALL GROUP PRAYER AGENDA Download this agenda sample Opening Prayer/Praise Chorus 5 Minutes Personal Prayer Time 10 Minutes During this time, I must ask God (silent prayer) to use me in this campa
Checklist for Prayer Leaders
Checklist for Prayer Leaders Download this checklist Use this checklist to assist you as you develop your local church prayer ministry. Focus additional effort on any areas that you did not check.
Praying on the Armor of God
The Armor of God Use the following guide to spiritually cover yourself with the armor of God each day. Helmet of Salvation – Protect my mind. Lord, keep my mind and eyes focused on you. Let me think r
A Month of Prayers for Your Church
A Month of Prayers for Your Church Pastor – Lord, I lift up my pastor to You. Thank You for his servant’s heart. Keep him from losing heart when ministry gets tough. Help him prove faithful with the t
Ways to Incorporate Prayer into the Worship Service
Ways to Incorporate Prayer into the Worship Service Following are some ways pastors and worship leaders can make more room for prayer in the worship services. Preaching a sermon series on different as
Praying for Church Visitors
Praying for Church Visitors Goal: To pray for all recent visitors to your church. Instruction: Talk to your group about how it is God’s will for your church to grow and to reach the lost. Ask each per