by Natalie (New York)
dear lord, i am a young girl living alone in new york city. as hard as i try, i cannot tell who is real or not in this town. who is honest and speaking truth in your name or who is insincere.
I do not want to struggle anymore and I ask kindly oh Lord that you make anew my working relationships and friendships so only those closest to you oh lord in mind and heart come into my life and influence me. I want to take care of my family using my gifts and I wish to be guided in the most right way, in the most correct manner in service of this undertaking and of the creative energy you have given me oh lord.
I do not want to be lusted after or controlled, i simply want the opportunity to do good work and take care of my family. thank you all and god bless you with love and protection throughout your life.
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In the United States today, so many people are unemployed. Some are fearful of being laid off. Others wonder about promotions. Many are looking for better jobs. There are a number of issues facing our country today regarding employment. Here are 7 prayers that you can pray about specific needs in the workplace.
Table of contents
Prayer for Work
Most Merciful Father,
I’m at my wits end, Lord. I feel like I have tried every avenue to find work and yet I have not gotten a single phone call about my applications that I have sent out. Lord, I want to provide for my family. I want to make a steady income that can pay my rent/mortgage and provide meals for my spouse and children. Lord, you know what is best for me and I lay these burdens at your throne now. You are good all of the time, Father, and I am placing my trust in you this day. I love you Lord! Amen
Jobs at Risk
Blessed Lord,
You already know before I speak what I am going to say. Nothing I say is a surprise to You and yet You yearn for my voice daily. I love You, God, because You love me as Your own child. I bring you a huge burden today, Lord. My company is downsizing because they are losing money. O gracious Lord, my department was told about potential lay-offs. I plead with You now, Father. Please keep my position safe. I am scared for my future, Lord. I pray for Your peace that truly passes all understanding. Give me an ease of mind as I continue to work at my job. Lord, if I am laid off, it is because You have allowed it and I pray that You would have another open door ready for me to walk through. You are King, Father, and I trust in Your will this day. Amen
Possible Promotions
Wonderful Lord,
You have blessed me with so much, Father. I have a wonderful family and church family. I thank you for Your love and I must lay a burden at Your feet. Father, You know about the promotion that I may get. Lord, it would be a huge blessing to receive it. I am not putting my faith in money, Lord. My faith is in You only. If You allow me this promotion, I will use it faithfully as You see fit. I will be responsible with it and pay off existing debts and I will continue to tithe at church. Father, I am giving this completely to You and whatever Your decision is, I will thank You because You are loving, gracious and generous even in poverty. I love You, Abba Father. Amen
Career Decisions
“While there are many problems facing us all at our jobs, we have one ultimate solution and that is to trust fully in God.”
Loving Father,
I praise You because You love me in spite of all of my failures and weaknesses. You wash me in Your Word and clean my soul up more with each passage I read. Father, I bring You a burden this day. I feel like I am stuck in a dead end job with no possibility of promotion. I am barely floating above water right now. You have blessed me with other talents that I could potentially use in other career fields. Father, if You are willing, I pray for You to open a door to a different career for me. I would love to use the talents You have given me to provide for my family. Where You lead, I will follow. I praise Your name, Lord! Amen
Am I Transparent?
Holy Lord,
Blessed be Your name always. You have set my feet on a solid rock, Jesus Christ. I thank You, Jesus, for Your bravery and love that saved me from my sins on the cross. I will praise You forever! Lord, I feel like a doormat at work. I have tried to promote ideas to better the work environment while cutting down on costs. Management usually pacifies me with words they will not follow through on. They say, “we will consider it” but I know they forget about me as soon as they walk away. Father, You have provided me this job and I am grateful for it. I pray that you will soften the hearts of the leadership there. I don’t even care if they reject every idea of mine, Father. I just want to them to actually care and consider my suggestions. I just want to be seen as a person and not an object to make them money. I love You, Lord and I will follow You wherever You lead. I love You! Amen
Struggles with Co-workers
Beautiful Lord,
You are abounding in grace and mercy for Your children. I am so thankful that You call me Your child. Lord, work is getting stressful because of the environment I am in. Father, there are many people who hate You there and they make my life miserable because they know that I love You. I trust in James as it says, “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds.” (James 1:2) I realize the benefit of being persecuted for believing in Jesus and I gladly accept whatever comes my way. Lord, I pray that You would soften the hearts of my co-workers. I will keep planting seeds, Lord. I pray that they will let you water them. I love you, Father. Amen
Tragic Circumstances
Oh Merciful Father,
My company has lost a great man to a tragic accident and his life was taken from him. Father, many people at work really loved this man and everyone is lost right now. Father, I pray for strength while I am grieving. Lord, use me to show Your love to all of those hurting at my job. I want to be the light that shines in the darkness, Father. I really need Your strength though. Carry me, Lord, as I help carry others through this difficult time. You are my strength when I am weak, Lord. I love You, Father. Amen
While there are many problems facing us all at our jobs, we have one ultimate solution and that is to trust fully in God. God knows what is best for us in all circumstances. I pray that you will trust in God fully with your employment burdens, wants and needs as you continue to live a life worthy of the calling. God bless you all.
Take a look at this article which gives some life application on trusting the Lord
Trust the Lord Bible Verses and Life Application
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To maintain a working relationship with co-workers who are hard to get along with, use this prayer for them and for yourself.
Difficult to get along with co-worker’s prayer:
What about the difficult co-worker that everybody struggles to get along with, or at least you do. If you have lived long enough you already know that relationships in and out of the workplace can be difficult. As Christians we are called to love all people, like bosses, even those who seem to be difficult to get along with. Matthew 5:46 says “If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much.”
Here is a prayer to pray for difficult co-worker relationships:
Heavenly Father,
Example: I know that you are well aware of the struggles I have with relating to is always so negative and it seems like whenever I give a suggestion or say something there is always a loud and negative response that gives that goes against whatever I say. I can’t seem to understand why there is so much animosity between us and it certainly makes me want to stay as far away from as possible. I feel anxious and stressed out about even going into work knowing that I will have to deal with this situation.
After telling God about the difficult relationship, continue praying this prayer:
My first reaction when relationships are difficult is to just stay away and have no involvement with the individual but I know that you call me to set an example for Christ and to love all who I encounter. I am asking for your help today and asking you to show me how to understand so that we can have a healthy work relationship that who knows may turn into a friendship because you work in mysterious ways.
I pray for today that you will show touch in a special way. I pray that you will bless and that would have an encounter with you today that will cause to be transformed. I pray that you would heal the inner hurts and pains experienced in life that are having an effect on their means to relate and communicate with me and with others. I pray that you would give a heart of flesh in replace for what seems to be a heart of stone.
I pray that through me and others in life that you would let your love be known to . This seems like such a difficult tasks when I look at it through my eyes but I know that it is not too difficult for you. I know that your works are perfect to perform in us what you desire to accomplish in and through us and I believe that you are working on and that you have a purpose and a plan for their life.
Your word is clear according to John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so that whosoever would believe in him would not perish but have everlasting life”. I pray that if do not know you that they would find salvation through Jesus Christ and that through my life that the light of Christ would shine for to see that there is something different about me.
I pray for whatever may be going on beneath the surface with that would cause them to hurt or act out the way that does. I pray for peace in the home, I pray for relationships in the home, I pray for financial situations, I pray for healing for any health issues or anything that may be going on that feels alone with or that it is too much to bear. I pray that will find healing, deliverance, and wholeness that only comes through a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Father God, I know that when I pray that you hear me and that you will move in this situation. No matter how long it may take for change to be noticeable, I pray that you would change me also in the process so that I do not feel overwhelmed or stressed or anxious around this person but that I will give it all over to you and allow you to work through me to love and to show kindness, and compassion to and this come through humbling myself under your mighty righteous hand. For, I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength”.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Other Helpful Articles:
Stressful work relationships prayer action plan
Prayer for bosses, supervisors and those in authority in your workplace
Prayer for co-workers
Family Problems prayer
Copyright Sondra Green 2014. All rights reserved.