Prayer To Bring Healing To A Child
Lord, you love our child as You love all children, Bring healing to our child who is not well. Stay by his side and comfort him through this trying time. Keep us ever mindful of Your loving presence Bless us with Your powerful healing and comfort us also. Thank You for hearing our prayer!
See Also: 20 Short But Effective Prayers for Surgery
Before we go to sleep tonight, let’s offer a heartfelt prayer for a sick child somewhere out there.
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Dear God, Remember your little ones that you have known before they were even in their mama’s womb.
They have come early to this place and we welcome them with open arms. But God because they are here so early they suffer physical problems that only you can help them with.
Place your hand over each one and help these little angels be as healthy as can be so that they may lead wonderful normal lives and bring bsck the smile to their parents faces. These little premees are the closest creatures to heaven the earth has. God Bless them and help their afflictions to be minimal. May theywitness your blessings through Christ our lord by which everything is possible. Thank You for your blessings God.
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Children can suffer from a variety of illnesses whether they are mental filled with anger and depression or physical with a sickness. Seeking a short blessing for children is one of the best ways to seek relief for your child. Here is a look at some of the best Catholic prayers for sick babies.
Prayer #1
St. Gerard, who, like the Savior, loved children so tenderly and by your prayers freed many from disease and even death, listen to us who are pleading for our sick child. We thank God for the great gift of our son (daughter) and ask him to restore our child to health if such be his holy will. This favor, we beg of you through your love for all children and mothers. Amen.
Prayer #2
Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the sick, we turn to you in this time of illness. O dearest comforter of the troubled, alleviate our worry and sorrow with your gentle love, and grant us the grace and strength to accept this burden. Dear God, we place our worries in your hands. We place our sick under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servant to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge your will and know that whatever you do, you do for the love of us. Amen.
Prayer #3
Strength and wholeness. I shall run and not be weary. I shall walk and not faint Come Gracious Spirit, Heavenly Dove, With light and comfort from above. Be Thou our Guardian, Thou our Guide, Stay close by every child’s side. Amen!
Prayer #4
Dear Lord, you have witnessed the rebelliousness of youth since the very beginnings of time. You understand a parent’s anguish and helplessness over the actions of his child.
Please help us to transform our anger and frustration into loving care for our child who has gone astray. Help us begin to mend our broken fences and heal our broken hearts. Bless our child and also help him to mend the error of his ways. Help and bless us all to do right in Your name and restore us to peace and tranquility.
Prayer #5
Blessed is the Child of Light Who doth seek his heavenly Father For he shall have eternal life. He that dwelleth in the secret place Of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. For he shall give his Angels charge over thee To keep thee in all thy ways.
Know ye that the Lord hath been Our dwelling place In all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, Or ever he had formed The earth and the world Even from everlasting to everlasting, Hath there been love Between the Heavenly Father And his children.
And how shall this love be severed? From the beginning Until the ending of time Doth the holy flame of love Encircle the heads Of the Heavenly Father And the Children of Light: How then shall this love be extinguished?
For not as a candle doth it burn, Nor yet as a fire raging in the forest. Lo, it burneth with the flame Of Eternal Light, And that flame cannot be consumed.
From the Essene Gospel of Jesus
Prayer #6
Heavenly Father, my child is your greatest gift, and my biggest challenge! I know my child is truly distressed, and yet I am at my wit’s end to find a peaceful resolution.
I feel helpless and frustrated. I ask myself, What would my Heavenly Father do in His infinite wisdom and beneficence?
Lord, come into my heart and mind, and share Your loving wisdom with me! Help my child to heal his pain, and help me to become as loving and wise a parent, as You are for us Your children. Thank You Lord, for hearing me and coming to my aid! Bring your loving Peace to me and my child today.
Prayer #7
My children, do you know that the Earth And all that dwells therein Is but a reflection of the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father?
And as you are suckled and comforted By your mother when a child, But you go to join your father in the fields When you grow up, So do the Angels of the Earthly Mother Guide your steps Toward him who is your Father, And all his holy Angels, That you may know your true home And become true Sons of God.
While we are children, We will see the rays of the sun, But not the Power which created it; While we are children, We will hear the sounds of the flowing brook, But not the Love which created it; While we are children, We will see the stars, But not the hand which scatters them Through the sky, As the farmer scatters the seed.
Only through the Communions With the Angels of the Heavenly Father, Will we learn to see the unseen, To hear that which cannot be heard, And to speak the unspoken word.
Prayer #8
Lord, you love our child as You love all children, Bring healing to our child who is not well. Stay by his side and comfort him through this trying time. Keep us ever mindful of Your loving presence Bless us with Your powerful healing and comfort us also. Thank You for hearing our prayer!
Prayer #9
O Lord God, I come to You for help and succor. You have afflicted my child . Help me to understand that You mean well.
Give me grace to bear my child’s affliction with patience and strength. Bless me, O Father, and restore my child to health. Do not forsake us, but give us an assurance of Your loving Kingdom. Bless this illness to me and my child , and help us both to be better children of Yours because of it. In the name of Your Holy Son Jesus Christ. Amen!
Prayer #10
Come, Holy Spirit, come Let thy bright beams arise, Dispel the darkness from our minds, And open all our eyes.
Revive our drooping faith, Our doubts and fears remove, And kindle in our breasts the flame Of everlasting Love. Amen!
Prayer #11
Lord, I awake and see your light, For You have kept me through the night, To You I lift my hands and pray, Keep me from sin throughout this day, And if I die before it’s done, Save me through Jesus Christ, Your Son.
Prayer #12
Lord, look upon a little child, By nature sinful, weak and wild; O lay Thy gracious hands on me, And make me all I ought to be.
Gentle Jesus, meek and mild, Look upon a little child; Pity my simplicity Suffer me to come to Thee.
O supply my every want Feed this young and tender plant Day and night my keeper be, And every moment watch round me. Amen!
Prayer #13
O Jesus, I am grateful for your mercy and compassion. You healed all those, that approached you in faith. In your suffering and death, you redeemed my infirmities and those of the human race. I join my suffering to yours, and ask for your healing mercy. Give me the strength and courage to overcome all adversities. Amen.
Prayer #14
Father, You watch over your children, with your tender and loving care. I thank you this day for your mercy and grace. I am grateful for your healing power, and for the abundant blessings you have given me. But most of all, I am thankful for the promise of salvation, given through your Son, our Lord. Through him, when all is completed, there will be no more sickness or pain. I pray in his name. Amen.
Prayer #15
Lord Jesus Christ, Good Shepherd of the sheep, you gather the lambs in your arms and carry them in your bosom: We commend to your loving care this child. Relieve his (her) pain, guard him (her) from all danger, restore to him (her) your gifts of gladness and strength, and raise him (her) up to a life of service to you. Hear us, we pray, for you dear Name’s sake. Amen.
Prayer #16
Father, Thank you that when your Son graced this earth He welcomed the children and blessed them. Thank you that the same power that raised Him from the dead Is at work within N. now.
Lord, we give you N. We invite you to come by the power of the Holy Spirit and restore this beautiful child to life. Come and pulse through his body by your Spirit. Bring your healing and strengthen his being. We ask that in the name of Jesus this sickness would leave his body now. Thank you that you hear our prayer and no matter what happens You cherish N. and hold him in the palm of your hand now and always. Amen.
Here is an audience at World Revival Church filled with children praising the flow and presence of God there. It is here, that many children lives are touched and healed of all ages.
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