A few months ago someone asked for prayers for selling their home. After praying for the person another lady who was standing close by and heard the request said that she was a realtor and advised the individual to bury the statue of Saint Joseph in the front yard and that would cause the house to be sold quite fast.
Have you heard of this before?
Apparently, there are realtors who keep a stock of St. Joseph statues solely for the purpose of selling the house of their clients! They dig a hole in the yard of the house and bury the statue as some kind of good luck charm to sell the house.
Let me first say that this is not biblical. There is no scripture in the bible that supports burying anything to get God to do anything for you. If you have this scripture, please feel free to leave it in the comments below. This sounds more like witchcraft than it does something that is coming from the Almighty God! To be clear, the St. Joseph in reference is the husband of Mary. Here is what Wikipedia has to say about this click here
When you are trying to sell your house you must first ask yourself a few questions.
1. Why is my home for sale? Did God direct me to do this?
2. Is my home reasonably priced or am I being greedy?
3. Is my house properly staged and does it look presentable so that someone would want to buy it?
4. Do I have a good realtor? The truth is sometimes it’s just best to stay away from family members or someone who just got their license and wants to practice on you!
You see, if God wants you to sell that house and move then you will sell the house really fast. You’re not going to need to worry about the economy because God is bigger than that! He can sell your house when no one else’s house is selling. So there is absolutely no need for you to have any fear that it will not sell.
(2 Timothy 1:7) “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
You also can’t be too greedy expecting the buyer of your home to pay more than what is a reasonable asking price. You need to do your home work and know what the comps are in your area. What is the home worth?
(Leviticus 25:14) “‘If you sell land to any of your own people or buy land from them, do not take advantage of each other.”
Yes! We all want the wonderful testimony of how God blessed us in the sale of our home and we made so much money doing it BUT this should never be at the expense of taking advantage of someone else. God is watching and this will not be pleasing to Him. The money you made from being dishonest in that deal will be taken from you in so many other ways. It’s just not worth it. Be honest.
You want to make sure that your house is staged properly for a sale. Bottom line, clean your house! This is a simple thing but the truth is that most people neglect to consider that just by clearing away clutter and organizing their home, the sale can be quite quick. If you have animals try to make sure your house doesn’t smell like the animal. If you’re so accustomed to this, then ask a friend to tell you honestly how your house looks and smells. Invest in some plugins or something to clean the air and make your home pleasant. It’s these little things that can make a big difference especially if you don’t have the money to paint or do other major repairs.
Do some research online about staging your home for sale and make sure to do all that you can to be ready for your buyer.
Find a realtor that has experience selling your type of house. The price range, the area and has a track record for selling homes. It seems that everybody these days has a real estate license. This doesn’t mean that you should make yourself the guinea pig! Just because your family member has a real estate license doesn’t mean they should be selling your home. If they are good at what they do, that’s fine. Or if God told you to give them the listing. You need to pray about this as well. Use wisdom.
Please keep this very important point in mind, you are only selling your house to one person. All you need is just one person. You don’t have to worry about ratios of how many people need to look at your house before it is sold. You just need one. God can provide that one person for you with the first person that walks through the door.
So here are the prayers that you will need to get your house sold.
Praying to find a realtor
Heavenly Father, in obedience to you I am ready to sell my house. Thank you for leading me to this point. Guide me to finding the right realtor for this decision. Direct my steps to the real estate agent that you wish to bless with my listing. I pray that you will continue to build them up in wisdom, understanding and knowledge to list my house, give me good directions and finding the right buyer, in your name Jesus I pray, Amen!
Now it’s time to pray for your buyer
Prayer for the buyer of my house
Lord God, I pray for the buyer that you have for my house. Wherever they are right now Lord please begin to remove every obstacle that would prevent them from seeing my home. Guide them here. Give them the desire to want to live in my area. Provide the financing they need to qualify to purchase this home at my asking price. Get them pre approved and ready to close very quickly. Bless them financially and prepare their hearts to care for this home as much as I cared for it. In Jesus Name, Amen.
And, here is the final prayer which is one for you to sell your home
Prayer to Sell my home
Father God, thank you for blessing me with this home. Thank you for the enjoyment that I received from it for the years that I have lived here. Show me what I need to do to prepare it for sale. I pray that my house will sell very fast. I will not have any fear in my heart because I know that you have the right buyer lined up to purchase it. I pray that you will grant me grace to be honest and not greedy in what I am asking. I know that I only need one buyer and I ask that you will send them quickly. I promise to tithe on the increase that you will bring from this sale and to honor you in this business dealings. I also pray for the new place where you will be taking me. That you will have it prepared for me that i will find much joy and peace in that new home, in Jesus Name, Amen.
We know that God will do an amazing thing in selling your home fast. Remember, you don’t need any st. Joseph statues to sell your house you just need to pray, believe God and know that He will grant you the desires of your heart.
Here are some more prayers and bible verses for you:
Prayer of Faith
Prayer for Wisdom
Proverbs 23: 17-19 The Prayer of Expectation
Joshua 1:8 – Prayer For Success and Prosperity
Lately (2015) I have been studying a lot on health, food and farming. I might add a new page on this subject. I have began to post revelations received and some of my thoughts on the blog page of this site. |
I keep hearing more and more people reporting dreams and words of knowledge about civil war in the USA and economic upheaval. December 13 Norm Franz spoke of a dream with civil war scenes and bullets flying. John Paul Jackson has been prophesying such things for years. Rick Joyner told of a dream from September 28 this year in which he saw ISIS invading America and the collapse of the federal government. Mike Bickle had an open vision already many years ago in which he saw tanks on the streets of America in a civil war setting. Mike reported his vision on the Onething conference 2008. Brian Thompson published his revelations in November and December 2014 naming many others. Jonathan Cahn has long been speaking of judgement coming to America in 2015.
But as always, check out the sources in view of Scripture and come to your own conclusion.
The Hebrew Gospel of Matthew
I have read the Hebrew Gospel of Matthew, a translation by George Howard. It is very interesting to see the differences to the translation from the Greek as we know it. There are a number of significant differences.
for example:
Jesus did not built his church on the rock Peter. He is building his House of Prayer on THE Rock, which is Yeshua Himself. Even the Greek uses a different word for the rock Peter versus The Rock on which Yeshua builds.
Home of the Brave
As we were reading Jeremiah 50 in our Hebraic Roots Bible, I read in verse 44 “Behold, he shall come up out of the thickets of the Jordan against the home of the brave. This caught my attention, as we all know to whom this phrase “home of the brave” usually refers to. I checked with Strongs dictionary and concluded that this is indeed a very legitimate translation of the Hebrew.
Chapter 50 also speaks of the “daughter of Babylon”. So I was wondering what or who this is. We have an idea what Babylon is. It is a location but it is also a world system as we can gather from the prophets and Revelation. But who is the daughter of Babylon? In general a daughter is a propagation or reproduction of the parent. Comparing I came to the conclusion that the US is in many ways a propagation of Babylon as a world system.
With that said, I am finally sure to have found the USA in the Scriptures.
Yom Kippur 2014
As I have been thinking about the meaning of Yom Kippur this year, I first searched for the various translations of Kippur and found that it means atonement and purging. From Noah Webster I learned that atonement is not only making aments from the point of the offender but can also be satisfying the offense by means of vengeance from the offended.
Yeshua made atonement for our transgressions on Passover and fulfilled the spring feasts. We expect Him to fulfill the fall feasts in His second coming. So what is atonement doing there since the price for our sin is paid already? Why is Yom Kippur a day of affliction if being forgiven is a rather joyful event?
Let me submit to you that Yeshua is coming to purge the earth from evil on His second advent and take vengeance on his foes. The sad part is that all those people He is going to purge from the earth had the chance to accept His forgiveness.
Grafted in
Please check the teaching tab for this new revelation I have received in July 2014. The Israelites and Gentiles are not nearly as separated from each other as we commonly think. The bible has some remarkable details telling a rather different story on our creator’s view point.
Shavuot 2014
YHVH shouted the Ten Commandments from Mount Sinai for everyone to hear. Since there was a huge mixed multitude (even famous Caleb was a descendant of the Canaanites) we suggest that everyone heard the Ten Commandments in his native language. Afterwards the people requested from Moses “Do not let YHVH speak to us anymore lest we die”. We suggest that YHVH desired to pour out His Spirit at Mount Sinai as He later did in the upper room. However because the people were not willing to die to themselves they were not able to receive His Spirit an shortly after that 3000 physically died while in the days of Peter 3000 were saved.
Power of a Parents blessing
I would call this new book by Craig Hill the ultimate book on parenting. The ancient paths of Yehovah reveal a much less stressful and far more effective way of instilling the ways of our Creator into our children.
Lost in Translation by John Klein and Adam Spears
is a new book series I am reading. I have finished volume 1 and would say it is one of those “must read” books if you are into the Hebrew roots. It speaks about the four different and progressive covenants of YHVH and the devils counterfeit. It explains the difference between devils and demons and teaches on nephilim. It explains how the four covenants tie into the betrothal and the difference between Ketubah and Chuppah, the four cups of wine and more.
Do you know the name of your god?
The Greeks call their god Zeus, the Moslems call their god Allah, the Romans called their god Jupiter and so on. What do Christians call their god? What is HIS name?
Nehemia Gordon has done some extensive research on HIS name and the power therein in his latest book “Shattering the conspiracy of silence”. YHWH has specifically commanded HIS priests to put HIS name on HIS people and bless the people in this unique way. But how will the priest ever put HIS name on HIS people, if he does not know HIS name?
Do you want to know how to prepare for the coming crisis?
Norm Franz has been teaching a series on Money and Wealth in the new Millennium. It is available on youtube.
You can tune in at: ascensionministries.net every Saturday on 11am CST for live weekly shabbat services.
Do you know the book “The Harbinger”?
It is an ancient prophecy given to Israel in Isaiah 9:10 before Israel was conquered by Assyria. Now this prophecy is being repeated in America with astonishing accuracy and detail.
The fulfillment of the prophecy in the time around the 9/11 attack is also documented on the DVD set called “Isaiah 9:10”.
October 2012.
Another Ancient Path seminar took place with the participants receiving much freedom and more knowledge to overcome.
September 2012
Blaine Flack reported to us from his trip to Israel in March. He witnessed the astonishing agricultural production of this tiny country with so limited water resources and extremely rough terrain.
He reported how Jews have been hurt over millennia by false Christianity. A better way might be to practice Isaiah 61:5.
August 2012
We just completed the Ancient Path Seminar from FFI. It goes much further than conventional “freedom ministry”.
Friday June 22nd:
Pastor Brendt Wills was teaching on how to conduct a Shabbat evening service in the family.
The second part of his teaching evolved around “the ancient paths”, a teaching on blessings from the parents to children, how this has been totally neglected in our days and therefore turned into curses. Pastor Brendt then lead us into a session of healing by the Holy Spirit.
The Ancient Paths is also a small book written by Craig Hill. It is an essential for God fearing parenting.
in the past:
It was a great meeting on 4-20 with wonderful worship and prophetic declarations:
“I declare the Masonic Spirit on which Garden City was built to be broken and all all masonic structures in the physical and the spiritual realm to be tore down.
I declare that God’s people who call themselves Christians will humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways and seek HIS face, that God will heal our land and restore our river. I declare, that our river will carry enough water for Colorado and Kansas.”
We have learned about the redemptive gifts of individuals – a teaching by Arthur Burk.
It was a great meeting with Sandy and DeeAnn on February 24 and 25. It is very important to learn the Hebrew versus the Greek mindset. A number of other bible teachers speak on this subject as well – like Chuck Missler and Peter Wagner. We also heard about redeeming the land – our own private property as well as on a regional, state and national level.
Prayer is talking with God, Our Father, and creator of the heaven and the earth.
We are His children. He loves to communicate and be intimate with us. We are the apple of His eye and His delight. He waits patiently for us to come to Him.
Prayer is powerful and effective. The Bible says that the fervent effectual prayers of the righteous man avails much. James 5:16. We are to always continue our conversations with God. We are encouraged to pray without ceasing. I Thessalonians 5:1. God will answer your prayer. He says to call on Him and He will answer you. Jeremiah 33:3.
God hears the prayer from a person with a sincere heart. A person does not have to use eloquent speech nor wordiness to impress God. He hears us before we call. He knows when we are hurt or troubled. God is waiting on you.
Short Story: Elijah was a righteous man, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months. Then he prayed again that it would rain and the rain brought much fruit. 1 Kings 17:1-7
- A Wing and A Prayer
Under the wing of an angel, we feel protected. Through prayers to God, we feel connected.
Peace is said to be offered on the wings of a dove. Prayers can bring peace along with hope, faith, and love.
Wings of a jet plane provide steady flight. I pray you remain steady and strong through this fight.
Butterflies have wings to fly playfully free, and free from this monster is what I pray you’ll soon be.
Birds spread their wings as they leave their nest. We’re spreading our prayers that you’ll always be Blessed.
Go fight and win this battle you didn’t start. On the wings of an angel and prayers from my heart.
- Michelle Butler
We envision prayer returning to the hearts of God’s families. Praying and sharing God’s word together, and family members leading their family to Christ.
Our mission is to reunite our families. We will intercede for them through prayer and fasting.
Our goal is to support and unite churches in America through home, community, and weekly prayer groups. The Nations of the World will join us in praying for America and Israel.
We desire your help in reaching the standards desired by God through repentance. Returning to the morals and values established in the Bible by our forefathers for our country.
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Executive Assistant for Africa
Executive Assistant for Israel
What exactly is a House of Prayer?
The first reference given to a house of prayer is found in the Old Testament in Isaiah 56:7 “For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples.”(all Nations) parenthesis mine. The next time this passage is mentioned is in the New Testament and Jesus quotes the same verse in Matthew 21:12-13 after He entered the temple and drove out the all those who were buying and selling and the money changers and Jesus quotes the passage from Isaiah. In Matthew 21:13, Jesus says “It is written, ‘MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED A HOUSE OF PRAYER’; but you are making it a ROBBERS DEN.” There are two other times in the New Testament this same verse is quoted and those are found in Mark 11:17 and Luke 19:46.
Why would Jesus refer to His house as a House of Prayer?
First of all, Christ himself was a house of prayer and he was teaching his disciples to become one by modeling this for them when He continually withdrew and was talking with His Father and drawing strength from that intimate relationship He had in heaven. This same intimate relationship is one we can have because Jesus Christ came and hung on a cross to pay the price for us with his life, a perfect sacrifice shedding His blood for the forgiveness of all of our sins (John 3:16-17) “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.”
Remember, the Father in heaven sent His Son, Jesus Christ to be born of the virgin Mary, through the Holy Spirit, as a child to live with a real earthly mother, father and family and experience life as we know it. Think about it this way. As a child you have an intimate relationship with your earthly father or mother and you want to be around them and you depend upon them for certain things like food, clothing, a home to live in, and all the good things you like and need. Well, even though Jesus had those earthly parents, He came from heaven and longed for the intimate relationship with His Father in heaven. Prayer was that connection of intimacy that He left behind when He came to earth. He was modeling this for His disciples, and for us to follow, as He restored the relationship for us with the Father by His death, burial and resurrection.
There was such a longing in Jesus’ heart for heaven even though he lived as a man on this earth. Philippians 3:20 puts it this way, “But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.” This is the thing Jesus longed for while He was here upon the earth because He came from heaven and knew He would be returning there upon His resurrection. So, you see, even though we live on this earth and live out our lives here, as we give our hearts and lives to Jesus Christ to become Savior and Lord we then also become citizens of heaven as we are restored to our Heavenly Father.
What is prayer?
Prayer is that longing and intimacy restored and brought back to life which was dead in our sinful state, apart from Jesus Christ. Prayer is that intimate communication with the Father in heaven and the house of prayer is the earthly expression of what is in heaven. And that is why Jesus was so adamant about it in Matthew 21:12-13 when He came into His house and saw what it had become–this house includes two types of houses explained below.
In Luke 11:1 Jesus’ disciples came and asked Him, “Teach us how to pray”. This desire must have grown out of them as they watched and heard Jesus have intimate conversations (read: prayers) with His heavenly Father, which Christ modeled for them day by day. Eventually that led them to ask Him the above question. We see in Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:1-4 Jesus gives them insight and instruction into what He has been praying all along and this has become known to most of us as “The Lord’s Prayer.” Many of us learned this prayer growing up and could recite it at will or could at least enter into it when the congregation was reciting it. This is not the only thing that Jesus prayed but he gave it as instruction or as a “how to.” To Jesus, prayer was a joy and that’s why the scriptures say there will be, “Joy in My house of prayer.”
Defining the House of Prayer
I will attempt to give some definition and expression to the House of Prayer. As I understand, there are two expressions of it, so here they are.
1. You are personally a House of Prayer. After you receive Jesus Christ as Savior, you become the temple of the Holy Spirit. I Corinthians 6:19 says, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.”
2. The Church is a House of Prayer. As we assemble together we are the corporate expression of prayer. Matthew 18:20 says, “For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am in their midst.” Hebrews 10:24-25 puts it this way, “And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” 1 Peter 2:5 says it this way, “You also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”
Bethel House of Prayer (BHOP)
That brings us to Bethel House of Prayer. BHOP is located right here in Platte City at 225 Main St. We have been here going on eight years as a church, giving expression to the House of Prayer that Jesus talks about and providing a place where people can come to experience that intimacy in prayer and worship. We simply call our place the “Prayer Room”. It has always been our intention to be a city prayer room, where people can come and rest in the presence of the Lord to pray, worship, read their Bibles and simply soak in a calming atmosphere of worship.
In addition, we also have corporate times of prayer for our City and County officials, as well as all schools and school officials. Jeremiah 29:7 and Psalm 24:1-2 are two our favorite scriptures to pray. There are also special times of prayer and fasting during the course of the year that will be posted on our website and we invite you to participate.
Click on the following links for more details:
Weekly Service Information, including Sunday services and weekly prayer sessions.
Event Information, including weekly and monthly events.
We welcome prayer request’s! Submit one right now or drop them off at the “prayer room” and put them in the prayer request box on the front table.
Michael Lazio, Senior pastor
Bethel House of Prayer