Heavenly Father I come to you now in Jesus’ name, to repent of all the sins in my life and also in the lives of my ancestors, that may have resulted in a curse. I repent of all disobedience, rebellion, mistreatment of others, lying, cheating, using or slandering your name in vain. I repent of all perversion, lust, incest, fornication, adultery, idolatry, all witchcraft, murder, and any occult involvement.
Heavenly Father, I ask for your forgiveness and cleansing through the blood of your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Lord Jesus I now take the authority you have given me and ask that you anoint me now as I command all demonic spirits of anger, rage, fear, depression, destruction, torment, guilt, bondage, vagabond, rejection, unforgiveness, bitterness, mind-control, double-mindedness, confusion, passivity, sickness, diseases, pain, fetter and all addictions to food, alcohol, drugs, sex, pornography, gambling, or nicotine to come out in the name of Jesus.
No demonic spirit is welcome in this holy temple!
I break all spoken curse and spells that may have been performed over my life and any curses resulting from involvement with Ouija board, Psychics, tarot cards, Horoscopes, secular music, or through TV, movies or pornography.
I break all curses off my family, marriage, children and relatives. I break every shackle, chain, cord, habit, craving, debt, soul-ties and any spirit that has tried to rob, kill, or destroy my life.
I command my family to be set free. I break every demonic assignment over my family. Satan, loose them now! In Jesus’ name! According to Galations 3:13, Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law.
Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I am now God’s child and through my Lord Jesus, I am able to cast down all demonic powers and spirits that come against me or in my family’s lives.
I am not cursed, but blessed! I am blessed coming in and blessed going out. I am above and not beneath. I am the head and not the tail. I am blessed and what God has blessed cannot be cursed. I am free, and I am saved. I have now exercised my faith and know that confession is made unto salvation (Romans 10:9,10). All of my sins have been remitted, and I am loosed from the curse that came as a result of disobedience and rebellion to the Word of God.
Thank you Heavenly Father, thank you Lord Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit for forgiving me and loving me. Thank you for setting me free from every curse and spirit that has operated in my life. Father God, I pray for discernment and for a new vision to help me recognize and resist all evil and all fleshly, worldly ways. I am anointed through the Lord Jesus Christ, and I thank you Jesus for your guidance and discipline as I continue to be a victorious soldier and holy child. AMEN.
Please write us and let us know that you prayed this prayer!
Download a printable PDF of the prayer here
Spiritual Warfare Deliverance Prayers by Derek Prince
Spiritual Warfare Deliverance Prayers by Derek Prince
Jesus Christ, I affirm that You are the Son of God and the only door to eternal life.
I acknowledge that You died for my sins on the cross 2000 years ago and rose from the dead by the power of Your Holy Spirit.
That same Holy Spirit power is greater than all other powers and has already defeated Satan and his demons on the cross 2000 years ago.
Jesus, I renounce all arrogance, self-sufficiency and pride, which was the downfall of Satan. I have nothing and am nothing, except in You my hiding place.
Jesus, I confess all my sins, especially
__________________________________________________ .
I confess all my omissions, especially
_____________________________________________ .
I confess the sins of my ancestors, especially
Jesus, I apologize for all the sins and omissions which I have just now stated.
I promise to try (with Your help and the help of others) not to repeat these sins.
If I slip and fall, I will try to confess immediately, and turn to You for help.
With Your help I will refuse temptation and negative attitudes, especially rejection.
With Your help I will obey my doctor/mate/pastor/employer & not my negative feelings/thoughts.
With Your help I will be the friend that I need/want in my life.
With Your help I will take a shower, brush my teeth, make my bed, do my laundry, & eat fruit.
Jesus, I forgive everyone whether they deserve it or not, because You forgave me and held nothing back.
I now especially forgive ________________________________ .
Jesus, As you bring to my attention any occult activity, situation, or object that displeases you. I will repent and sever my relationship with it, even if it is very valuable.
Jesus, Thank you for becoming a curse on the cross for me, so that I may be freed of all curses that are due to my own sins or the sins of my ancestors.
Jesus, I take my stand, in Your name, Jesus, against all Satan’s demons. I trust that You will take care of the demons and also take care of me.
I resist the devil, in Your name, Jesus.
I speak to you that have control over me all tings from the kingdom of darkness and I bind you.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I command you to quietly go from me now under the feet of Jesus.
I expel you.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I command you never to return.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I close all gates/doors that allowed you entry.
Jesus, I adore and praise you for your deliverance of the demon of
Jesus, I adore and praise you for your deliverance of the demon of
Jesus, I adore and praise you for your deliverance of the demon of
Jesus, I adore and praise you for your deliverance of the demon of
Jesus, I ask You to fill with Your Holy Spirit those empty spots vacated by the demons who left so that when they try to come back there will be no place for them.
Jesus, Bless you Lord. Thank you Lord. My heart is full of joy and gratefulness.
Deliverance Prayers from hatred, resentment, bitterness Jesus, deliver me from my hatred, resentment and bitterness and I forgive all those who have ever hurt me and choose today to bless my enemies.
Jesus, come fill the holes in my heart with Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Credit = Father John Bertolucci from On Fire with the Spirit
By Parent
for Child Deliverance Prayers
Father God, in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, I am depending on You to provide a safe passageway to deliverance for my child, the same way You opened the Red Sea for Moses. I am waiting in great expectation for You to provide a hedge round about him/her the same way You placed a cloud and fire front and rear. I am waiting for You and Your angel to lead the way to permanent restoration, to become a blessing, especially to You and for the purposes for which he/she was created. Thank You Father God.
Exodus 14:15-28 TLB 15 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Quit PRAYING and get the people moving! Forward, march! 16 Use your rod – Hold it out over the water. The sea will open up a path before you. All the people of Israel shall walk through on dry ground! 17 I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians (demons/ interference/self-righteous/misguided)
and they will go in after you. You will see the honor I will get in defeating Pharaoh (Satan) and all his armies, chariots and horsemen. 18 All Egypt (hell/enemies/opposition/ mindsets that omit God of the Trinity) shall know that I am Jehovah.”
19 Then the Angel of God, who was leading the people of Israel, moved the cloud around behind them. 20It stood between the people of Israel and the Egyptians. That night as it changed to a pillar of fire, it gave darkness(blindness/confusion/hindrance) to the Egyptians but light (sight/counsel/clarity/direction) to the people of Israel! So the Egyptians couldn’t find (overcome/harass/torment/terrorize/victimize/capture/enslave) the Israelis!
21 Meanwhile, Moses stretched his rod over the sea, and the Lord opened up a path through the sea, with walls
of water on each side; a strong East wind blew all that night, drying the sea bottom.
22 So the people of Israel walked through the sea on dry ground! 23 Then the Egyptians followed them between the walls of water along the bottom of the sea – all of Pharaoh’s horses, chariots and horsemen. 24 But in the early morning Jehovah looked down from the cloud of fie upon the array of the Egyptians and began to harass them. 25 Their chariot wheels began coming off, so that their chariots scraped along the dry ground. “Let’s get out of here,” the Egyptians yelled. “Jehovah is fighting for them and against us.”
26 When all the Israelites were on the other side, the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand again over the sea, so that the waters will come back over the Egyptians, their chariots and horsemen.” (Close all doors/gates to the enemy, in Jesus name.) 27 Moses did and the sea returned to normal beneath the morning light. The Egyptians tried to flee, but the Lord drowned them in the sea. 28 The water covered the path, the chariots, the horsemen, and all the army of Pharaoh that chased after Israel through the sea. Not one (accuser/nightmare/enemy/plague/pre-existing condition/disease) remained alive.
Exodus 15:26
by Traci Morin, Touch of God Ministry of Healing and Deliverance Servant and Ordained Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
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Spiritual Warfare Prayer: Setting Captives Free from Disease
- Healing is for you! Read Testimonies and Traci Morin 13 diseases healed from broken heart.
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I bind the strong man over this temple in the name of Jesus Christ. I plead the blood of Jesus against or on anything ________has touched, is touching or will touch. I bind all outside demonic activity and all the forces of evil in, around, about, beneath and outside __________ that would try to interfere including principalities, powers and rulers of darkness, forces of spiritual wickedness, spirits of distraction, deception, confusion, repression, witchcraft, strife, stress and competition.
I bind the carnal and passive mind of __________ and command it to cease and be shut down in Jesus Christ’s name. We refuse the carnal and passive mind from interfering in any way. I command those voices of evil spirits to be silenced. I bind and forbid them from communicating with each other and with the outside spirit world. I bind the forces of evil from this room and from having any knowledge of what is or what will take place in these rooms. I bind and break the power and effects of all doorkeepers and gatekeepers in Jesus’ name be gone. In the name of Jesus, I claim absolution for __________ from all negative schemes that have heretofore been set in perpetual motion such as bottomless holes, endless needs, repeated conditions, problems without end, and mazes.
I command that Satan’s legal rights over __________ be broken, and that all back up systems be destroyed. I command there to be a purging and healing of __________ spiritual being; a purging and healing of __________ physical being. I direct the healing lights of the Holy Spirit to the source of each physical problem. I command a purging and a healing of all relationships; a purging and a healing of __________ personal ministry and a purging and a healing of __________ material being. In Jesus’ name, Father sever any demonic link between ________’s soul and spirit and we ask you to completely cleanse, purify and sanctify this spirit.
Father, we actively will __________ soul to you. All evil human spirits be bound, be gone and cast out. All human occult evil spirits be bound, your power and effects of ___________ life are broken. I forbid the forces of evil to use any human spirits against __________. I take authority over the blood line and bind and break any negative transfer from __________ ancestors and all spirits of iniquity passed down from the third and fourth to the twentieth generation since the time of conception within the womb. I break the lines of inheritance in __________ life. We come against all inherited demons in Jesus Christ’s name and say be gone in ___________ life. In the name of Jesus, I destroy every legal hold and I renounce and withdraw all legal ground that Satan and his demons and devils feel they have in __________ life. I bind and break the power and effects of all demonic curses, spells, incantations, blessings of evil, bewitchments, enchantments, hexes, cult and occult transfer; all evil effects of sins, all physical transfer, all spirits passed down, all soul ties, evil oaths, commitments, vows put upon __________ and __________ children because of disobedience and the disobedience of ___________ ancestors and family in the name of Jesus.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I come against all former marriages and previous negative unions and break the influence of the present effects it has on the life of __________. Father, in Jesus Christ’s name, I erase all negative suggestions and attitudes recorded in the conscious and subconscious mind of _________ I deprogram and break every evil program, negative evil tendency and pattern in _________ I destroy all support and supply spirits and evil networks and past effects in Jesus name. Hypnotic trances, damnations, grinders, puppet strings, evil seedpods, pressures, contracts, hindrances, blockages, fogs, jinxes, false burdens, pulsators and auras into the abyss. In Jesus name, we loose __________ bands of wickedness, undo heavy burdens and let ___________ oppressions go free and break __________ every yoke.
I break the core of evil and I break the fleshly carnal will and every evil desire in Jesus name, over, about, on, or within _________ I command the carnal mind to be silenced, in Jesus name. I command all evil claws, oppressions, barriers, bondages, strings, grudges, stumbling blocks, evil alliances, evil eyes, camouflages, molds, stigmas, bands, yokes, traps, walls, entrapments, mood swings, blinders, masks and plagues in Jesus name to be broken and into the abyss. We pray over the spirit, soul, body, mind, will], emotions, memories, and heart of__________ hi the name of Jesus, I come against words, predictions, power of words, I bind the words, the fear and results of hearing the words.
In the name of Jesus, I close all cult, and occultic and psychic doors and seal them with the blood of Jesus and cut free from all commitments previously made to satan or to cult or occultic societies, knowingly or unknowingly. In the name of Jesus, I bind and break the power and effect of every evil unpleasant memory and every evil word spoken to or over ___________ since conception. I bind and break the power and effects of every evil prayer to or over _________ since conception.
I ask you Lord Jesus to begin to heal all hurts and wounds caused by _________ own sins, all hurts and wounds caused by others, all hurts and wounds caused by ancestral transfer, all hurts and wounds caused by spiritual warfare, all hurts and wounds caused by idolatry, decisions, and wicked works, in the spirit, soul, body, mind, will, emotions, heart and memories by the blood of Jesus, the name of Jesus and the healing balm of Gilead: I command __________ to be sutured and healed in Jesus name. Now, Father, 11 ask you to send your Holy Spirit and angels to gather together and restore to its proper place all the pieces of ___________ fragmented mind, _______ fragmented will, and _______ fragmented emotions, and _______ fragmented memories and soul Bring them into proper original and perfect positions as you planned them to be. Thank you Jesus, for all that is taking place and will be taking place because of your love and grace for us. In the name and by the blood of Jesus, Amen.
I have used prayers like the one below many times when ministering deliverance to a person or group of people. If you or someone you know is in need of deliverance, it is an effective tool that can be used to help facilitate the process. The prayer should not be seen as a formula, but as a model to follow.
The purpose of this prayer is to close all doors, take away any “legal rights” that evil spirits may have, and come into complete agreement with God. Once this is done, demons can be cast out. (I recommend that you read through this list of open doors before praying through the prayer).
Depending on the nature of the situation, some parts may apply and others may not. I always recommend going through the whole prayer, and spending more time on the parts that are most applicable. The prayer should be read through slowly, deliberately, and out loud. Take time to allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate anything that needs to be revealed, and customize the prayer as needed.
Once the prayer is finished, continue to welcome the Holy Spirit to minister and command evil spirits to leave in the name of Jesus until full freedom is found and/or you get to a natural stopping point.
A Prayer for Deliverance
1. Enter into God’s Presence:
Heavenly Father, I come into your holy presence by the blood of Jesus. I worship and honor You, and I ask that the Holy Spirit would have full control of this time and lead me in prayer. Surround me with your angels and protect me from all harm.
2. Look to Jesus:
Lord Jesus Christ, I look to you as my only Savior, Healer, and Deliverer. I believe that You are the Son of God and the only way to the Father. Thank You for coming in the flesh, dying on the cross for my sins, and rising again. I humble myself before you and recognize that it is your finished work that gives me access to salvation and deliverance.
3. Deal with sin:
Father God, I acknowledge that I have sinned against You and others. I come into the light, confessing my sins before You and holding nothing back. I especially confess___________________… I repent of all my sins with a desire to live a life pleasing to you. Purify my heart by the power of the blood of Jesus. Right now I receive your grace, forgiveness, and cleansing.
4. Forgive others:
I choose to freely forgive anyone who has ever sinned against me or hurt me in any way. Specifically, I forgive _________________… I release them to You and let go of all bitterness, anger, hatred, and resentment.
5. Renounce the occult, false teaching, and false religion:
I completely sever myself from all contact that I have ever had with the occult, false religion, and false teaching. In particular, I totally renounce __________________…
6. Release from every curse:
Lord Jesus, thank You for dying on the cross and becoming a curse, so that I could be redeemed from every curse and receive God’s blessing. Because of Your finished work, I ask you to set me free from every curse that is over my life. I renounce the sins of previous generations and break away from any generational curse that is over my life. Specifically, __________________… I also break any word curses that have ever been spoken over me.
7. Sever any soul ties:
I repent of any sexual sin that I have committed and sever any ungodly soul ties that have been created. I set myself free from any unhealthy relationship or ungodly bond to another person. In particular, I break the tie with _________________… I declare that the blood of Jesus separates me from him/her.
8. Stand with God and against the devil:
Father God, I align myself with You and want every area of my life to agree with Your Word. I submit myself to you God and take an active stand against Satan and every one of his demons. By the authority of Jesus’ name I speak to every evil spirit that has any influence in my life and I command you to get out. Go, in the name of Jesus!
For more information about deliverance from evil spirits, check out my book Can a Christian Have a Demon?