Prayer Before Reading the Bible – God prepare my Heart for Bible Study
Prayer Before Reading The Holy Bible
Loving Lord and heavenly Father, how I thank You for The holy Scriptures and the truth within its pages.
Thank You for the opportunity to spend time in Your Word and I pray that You would prepare my heart for this time of Bible study.
Help me to set my mind on things above and not on earthly things. Keep away all that would distract me from Your word and develop in me a teachable spirit and ears that listen to Your still small voice,and I pray that the eyes of my heart be open to see all that You want to teach me.
I pray that I may study to show myself approved unto God. Give me insight and understanding as I read and reflect on Your Word and may I mature in the faith, grow in grace and come to a deeper knowledge of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through this time of Bible study, this I ask in Jesus name, Amen
Prayer Before Reading the Bible
Prayer Before Reading the Bible – God prepare my Heart for Bible Study
If you would like more prayers to follow these sites:
– Prayer of Protection from the Evil Prince of Darkness who seeks to deceive many People
– My Heavenly Father I Pray to You for Protect Me and My Family from Evils
– Start Your New Day with Morning Prayer to Give You blessing and Goodness
– Saint Quotes about the Cross – 25 Christian Quotes about Jesus Death
– I Pray to You My Jesus God for Safety in the Night, keep me from all Perils
– Heavenly Father Protect Me From the Devil!
– Prayer for Brotherly Love Towards Others
– Prayer for Spiritual Blessing
– Prayer for Humility and Patience
– Praise to Our Powerful God
– Prayer for Maturity
– Prayer for God’s Grace in My Life
– Prayer for a Sick Child
– Prayer for Holiness of Heart
– Prayer for Drug Deliverance
– Daring Prayer
Prayer Before Reading the Bible – God prepare my Heart for Bible Study Prayer Before Reading The Holy Bible Loving Lord and heavenly Father, how I thank You for The holy Scriptures and the truth within its pages. Thank You for the opportunity to spend time in Your Word and I pray that You would prepare my heart for this time of Bible study. Help me to set my mind on things above and not on earthly things. Keep away all that would distract me from Your word and develop in me a teachable spirit and ears that listen…
Prayer Before Reading the Bible – God prepare My Heart for Bible Study
Prayer Before Reading the Bible – God prepare My Heart for Bible Study
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It is good to read a few verses from the Bible daily. Before reading the Bible, we need to pray for the blessings of the Holy Spirit so that we may comprehend the Word of God fully. The Word of God is so powerful as to remove all darkness and bondages from our lives. We need to believe firmly in the Word of God so that our lives may be transformed.
Father, anoint me with your Holy Spirit, so that as I read your eternal word, your word may penetrate my whole being and transform me. Grant me the blessing to be a faithful disciple in believing the Word of God and that I may be a light shining upon all who are in darkness. Amen
Monday May 2014
How can Holy Scripture be a means of grace in our lives?
That is a question I’ve been thinking a lot about the past few months as I’ve led a Bible study at my church. We read the Gospel of Luke, meeting weekly on Sunday evenings for about 3 months to discuss the biblical text together. Reading the Scripture in community can be an amazing experience—the insights and experiences of a group can convey a power to what John Wesley called ‘searching the Scriptures’ that is hard to match when reading alone.
One of the points Wesley makes about the use of Scripture as a means of grace that has always struck me is his focus on the active process of receiving the word of God. For instance, Wesley never says that the Bible is a means of grace. His phrase ‘searching the Scriptures’ is meant to emphasize the need to actively engage the biblical text in the rhythms of reading, hearing, and meditating upon it.
Wesley published a translation of the New Testament together with his NT commentary that differs in some respects from the Authorized Version (or KJV) that was the standard English-language translation in his day. Later in life, Wesley republished his New Testament separately. In that later 1790 edition, he included a prayer drawn from the Book of Common Prayer together with this advice: “I advise every one, before he reads the Scripture, to use this or the like prayer.”
Here’s the prayer itself:
Blessed Lord, who hast caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning, grant that we may in such wise hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience and comfort of thy holy Word, we may embrace, and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which thou has given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ.
It’s a beautiful prayer. The net effect of what he’s encouraging—to hear, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest—is to truly embrace Holy Scripture in its fullness, that we might be transformed in the process.
We do not read the Bible so that we can master it. We read it so that, over time, it comes to master us.
Before starting your daily readings, begin with prayer. Otherwise, we are treating the Bible as if it was only a human document. The God who gave us Sacred Scripture must open our understanding to comprehend it, and our wills to believe it — and to obey it.
Prayer of St. John Chrysostom
O Lord Jesus Christ, open the eyes of my heart that I may hear your word,
and understand and do your will, for I am a sojourner upon the Earth.
Hide not your commandments from me, but open my eyes, that I may perceive the wonders of your Law.
Speak unto me the hidden and secret things of your wisdon.
On you do I set my hope, O my God, that you shall enlighten my mind and understanding with the light of your knowledge; not only to cherish those things which are written, but to do them;
That in reading the lives and sayings of the Saints I may not sin, but that such may serve for my restoration, enlightenment and sanctification, for the salvation of my soul, and the inheritance of life everlasting.
For you are the enlightenment of those who lie in darkness, and from you comes every good deed and every gift.