April 10-14 is National Cancer Registrars Week. Are you taking care of or know any patients who are battling the big C?
Despite the advanced technology and modern treatment plans, we, as nurses, should still value the proven benefits of prayers in healing our patients. We should take care of their faith and spiritual health as much as we care for their physical and mental needs.
Here are some of the most powerful healing prayers for cancer you can share.
A Healing Petition
May God heal me, body and soul. May my pain cease, may my strength increase, may my fears be released, May blessings, love, and joy surround me. Amen.

Prayer for Easing Pain
Father, with you nothing is impossible. You are God of all flesh; we love you and we are confident that no situation is too hard for you. We come to you on behalf of this dear one seeking healing from cancer. God, Jesus Christ has fully paid the price by the stripes He took; we therefore are asking that the devourer gets off from this child of yours in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

Prayer for Healing
Father God, we humbly pray for all those who are fighting cancer. Give them the hope and courage they need each day. Comfort them in their pain and bless them with healing. Strengthen their family, friends, and caregivers. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for Cancer Fighters
Heavenly Father, Give all cancer fighters comfort when they are in pain. Lay your healing hand on all and remove every cancer cell so that they may be healed! Amen

Prayer for Physicians and Nurses
Lord Jesus Christ, we call upon your blessed name and we pray for your merciful heart to surround these with love, strength, and courage and we ask Your hands to touch them with the power of healing. May they be directed to the right treatment in Your blessed name as we ask You Lord to represent the physicians, nurses, and medical care aids and administer them in Your spirits. May every cancerous cell be cast out and replaced with good ones. May every spot of this deadly cell be wiped out by Your powerful hands.

Prayer through St. Jude
God of healing mercy, in Jesus your Son you stretch out your hand in compassion, restoring the sinner, healing the sick, and lifting up those bowed down. Embrace us now in your loving care, particularly those afflicted with cancer, for whom this intention is offered. May the Spirit of Jesus bring us all health in soul and body, that with joy and thanksgiving we may praise you for your goodness, through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

See Also: 20 Short But Effective Prayers for Surgery

Prayer through Saint Peregrine
O great St. Peregrine, you have been called “The Mighty,” “The Wonder-Worker,” because of the numerous miracles which you have obtained from God for those who have had recourse to you.
For so many years you bore in your own flesh this cancerous disease that destroys the very fibre of our being, and who had recourse to the source of all grace when the power of man could do no more. You were favoured with the vision of Jesus coming down from His Cross to heal your affliction. Ask of God and Our Lady, the cure of the sick whom we entrust to you.
(Pause here and silently recall the names of the sick for whom you are praying)
Aided in this way by your powerful intercession, we shall sing to God, now and for all eternity, a song of gratitude for His great goodness and mercy.

Prayer through Saint Agatha
Oh St. Agatha, who withstood the unwelcome advances from unwanted suitors, and suffered pain and torture for her devotion to Our Lord, we celebrate your faith, dignity, and martyrdom. Protect us against rape and other violations, guard us against breast cancer and other afflictions of women, and inspire us to overcome adversity. Oh St. Agatha, virgin and martyr, mercifully grant that we who venerate your sacrifice, may receive your intercession. Amen.

Prayer for Strength
Lord, at the moment nothing seems to be able to help the loss I feel.
My heart is broken and my spirit mourns. All I know is that Your grace is sufficient. This day, this hour Moment by moment I choose to lean on You, For when I am at my weakest Your strength is strongest. I pour out my grief to You And praise You that on one glorious day When all suffering is extinguished and love has conquered We shall walk together again.

A Simple Prayer for Healing
Lord of Heaven,
I rest underneath your mighty wings of love.I dwell within your gentle heart.I know there is healing in your touch.Through the sufferings of Christ I can ask for restoration And trust in your goodness.You are my Lord, my Saviour, My healer and my friend.I dwell within your gentle embrace.Amen.

See Also: 35 Nurse’s Prayers That Will Inspire Your Soul
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Below, we have a sample prayer for health and well being. Health is one of the most valuable things that Lord gives us. Praying for good health in times of sickness brings us closer to the holy spirit, where it’s healing powers can be felt.
Table of contents
Two Prayers for Good Health
You can say this prayer for yourself or for someone you know. Repeat the prayer every morning until all sickness is gone and you have experienced a full recovery.
Renew My Strength
Dear Lord, I look to you in patient expectation. Renew my strength like the wings of eagles.
Help me and uplift me by the power of Your Might. Then I shall go forth in strength and wholeness. I shall run and not be weary. I shall walk and not faint.
Here is a catholic prayer for good health. It can be said on it’s own, or in conjunction with the prayer above.
The Spirit of Calm
Oh Lord, You are good to those who seek you, those who revere your name.
You, who are the only source of health and healing, the spirit of calm and the central peace of this universe, grant to me such a consciousness of your indwelling and surrounding presence that I may permit you to give me health and strength and peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
If you’d like, feel free to post a personalized prayer request below, so the PrayWithMe community can help pray with you in your time of need. Walk in love as Christ loved us.
For more healing prayers, visit the pages below.
Prayer Request: Post Your Own “A Prayer for Health”
If you’d like, you can post your prayer below so the PrayWithMe community can help pray with you.
Rules for Posting: All prayers are posted publicly through to this site. Don’t use full names or any other identifying information that you wouldn’t want out on the web.
Don’t post with ALL CAPS, and try to use proper spelling and grammar.
If you can, help pray for others and post comments of support.
Recent prayer requests…
Tap below to see prayers from other visitors to this site.
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- Cancer- Pray for me I have to have a CT scan on my brain to see if i have brain cancer. …
- Pray for Healing- Please pray for my health and healing. …
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- Healing- Please pray for full healing of my eyes after surgery. Please also pray for my sinuses to be healed. Thank you for your prayers. …
- Prayers needed for good lab results- Prayers for good lab results all within good number range, nothing elevated that should not be. Jesus I trust in you! …
- Peace and Calm- Please pray that the breast ultrasound that I will be having on the 28th of May will come back clear. Thank You. …
- Heal my body- Prayers for my health that I do not have any sickness or illness within my body. Let me have everlasting life with my daughter! …
- Near-death experience- Please pray for me to have a near-death experience now in my bedroom where I almost die, but I don’t die and get to see… …
- Prayer for Healing- Pray for my Mom she is a fervent servant of God,always interceding for others. She has been suffering stomach problems for almost 4 weeks now… …
- Healing My body Jesus- Pray for my daughter she has critical lymphoma leukemia and she can work she just started her round the chemo it drain her just two… …
- Healing my pain- Please I’m in so much pain my arms. Neck back legs chest from so much stress Thank You Amen. …
More prayers posted in: Health
If you have found this article because you are searching for support and help, please comment below and I will gladly pray for you! It seems that we all know someone who has cancer or is in remission. Or, maybe even you have gone through the struggle and uncertainties of this disease. While we may never understand why God allows some of us to get cancer, we all can know for certain that God is sovereign and that He loves us through all of the storms in this life. Here are 6 prayers that you can pray if you are hurting from this disease somehow.
Dear Lord,
I know that You allow all trials to come upon us and I don’t like asking this question to You, but why have You allowed me to get cancer? I love You and I know You have a plan for me. I am so down right now and I need You so badly to comfort me. Please, Lord, I don’t want to leave this world yet! My babies are so young and my wife, I love her so much! Please, Father, show me what You want me to learn from this. I pray that You will heal me 100% from this disease. May Your will be done in this. I love You! Amen
The Unknown
Heavenly Father,
My dad, is he going to make it through this? I am scared, Lord! I don’t know how to deal with life without him here and I am not sure if his faith in You is even real. It saddens me to think he may not be in Heaven when he leaves this earth. Please, Lord, give me Your peace in this crazy time and allow me some time to talk with him about Jesus. I ask that You would heal him, Lord. I love him so much. May Your will be done. I love You! Amen

I will praise You in the storm.
Getting Better?
O Lord,
The doctors say I am getting better! I am so happy and excited! This is all because of You! You are the one who has given my doctors the intelligence and equipment to battle this disease. Father, I pray that You would put my cancer into remission for good! I don’t want any part of it! Father, use this miracle to show this tiny part of earth that You are real! I will praise Your name and tell everyone I can, here, about the saving blood of Your Son! I love You, Father! Amen
It Is Finished
It feels like I’m dying inside. My husband, he’s gone. Lord, I will never understand this. We are so young; he was only 32 and our children are heartbroken. Lord, I am lost. I have no idea how to handle life now. I miss him so much. I miss holding his hand. I miss his laugh and his embrace. I miss seeing him throw our 2 year old up in the air. I miss the giggles of our kids as he tickled their tummies. I can’t do this, Lord! I want him back so badly. Please give me strength for my kids. They need me, but I need a shoulder to cry on too…I’m lost. I wish this was only a bad dream. I just want to wake up from this nightmare! Father, help me! I’m dying inside! Amen
The News
I just got the news about grandma. Lord, I don’t know what Your plan is for her, but I am certain that she will have a room in Your house in Heaven. I don’t know what to pray. I love her. My selfish side wants her to live, but she is very old. Her pain is great, Lord. I pray that You would end her pain, Father, whether it be through healing her or meeting her in Heaven. I pray that Your will be done in this! I love You! Amen
I Will Praise You In This Storm
Dear Lord,
I am caught in a whirlwind of emotions. I never thought I would get cancer. Satan wants to suck the joy right out of me and right now he has for the moment. I am so discouraged. Lord, I trust in You no matter what happens and I need You to walk with me through this! Lord, I thank You for music and the peace it brings me. “I will praise You in this storm, and I will lift my hands! For You are who You are, no matter where I am! And every tear I’ve cried, You hold in Your hands. You never left my side and though my heart is torn I will praise You in this storm!” (I Will Praise You In This Storm, Casting Crowns) Lord, I give this all to You. I trust in You and I love You! Amen
Cancer affects so many people and we will never know why until we see Jesus face to face in Glory. Please, leave a comment below if you need prayer. I will pray for you in this very dark storm of life. God is good all of the time and no matter the outcome, His glory can be proclaimed. May God bless you as you continue to live a life worthy of the calling!
Related reading: Inspirational Bible Verses for Cancer Patients
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