Opening prayer for a meeting

Here is a collection of Prayers for Meetings of any kind: Business meetings, Sunday school meetings, church or family meetings, and prayer meetings.

Opening Prayer for Meeting

Lord, we are meeting today to conduct matters
of business. Guide our hearts and our minds in the
spirit of fairness, right thought and speech. Impart your
supreme wisdom upon our activities so that our affairs
may reach a successful conclusion. Thank you for being
our source of guidance today. Amen!

Read our full collection of Opening and Closing Prayers

Prayer to Come to an Agreement

Dear God, we seek your help with our affairs today.
Bless this meeting with your divine intelligence, and
help us to make the best use of our own. We are
of diverse opinion here. Yet we wish to mend our
differences and reach agreement satisfactory to all.

Please share a little of your wisdom with us to help
us do right by all concerned. Thank you for your
Heavenly blessing. Amen!

Sunday School Meeting

O God, we thank You for this privilege of meeting
today in Your house. Help us worship You
acceptably. Bless Your word to us all.

Bless our pastor and people, in the name
of Your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.!

School Board Meeting Prayer

Loving and Gracious God, you are indeed the giver of all good gifts
and we thank you today for all your blessings, for the successful outcomes
of our school events and for all our staff members, both the teaching and
support members.

We ask that you bless them abundantly and we continue to seek your wisdom,
guidance, courage and strength. Be with us in our deliberations and help us
to be wise in the decisions we make for the good of all those who have placed
their trust and confidence in our leadership.

Give us insight to lead with integrity that our decisions may reflect what is
right and good. Keep us from short-sightedness and pettiness. Help us to make
decisions that are for the good of all and guard us from blind self interest.
Dear Lord, grant us the humility to always seek your will in all that we do and say.

All Glory be to you, loving God, now and always through Christ and the Holy Spirit
forever and ever. Amen.

Hosting a prayer meeting? Check out these great Prayer Meeting Ideas.

Family Meeting Prayer

Our family gathers today in joyous occasion,
thanks to our Lord who looks after us all.
Bless this happy meeting and may we all
be praised in Your gracious name!

Prayer Request: Post Your Own “Prayers for Meetings”


If you’d like, you can post your prayer below so the PrayWithMe community can help pray with you.

Rules for Posting: All prayers are posted publicly through to this site. Don’t use full names or any other identifying information that you wouldn’t want out on the web.

Don’t post with ALL CAPS, and try to use proper spelling and grammar.

If you can, help pray for others and post comments of support.

Recent prayer requests…

Tap below to see prayers from other visitors to this site.

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  • Praying request for my VISA interview – Hi Brother/Sister, Kindly pray for my VISA interview results to be positive for my US work permit. and for my mother’s health Thanks
  • God’s Favour – I have a meeting with the financial advisor at the college I was accepted into and I would like if some of you would pray …
  • Marriage need saving – My husband is a person who fusses about everything and always talks mean to me each day, I never fuss or talk harsh to him …
  • For my life – Please, God helps you know about my life. I need this house to help to find something the end of this month. I need husbands …
  • Friendship – I pray for a true friendship. I pray for a friend for my mother in law Lorraine. She is lonely and needs a new friend …
  • Courage to fellowship – Heavenly Father I need resources or specific help from you to stop letting fear take me from Your will for my life. I need more …
  • Relationship – Dear God please help me I had to take a CAT scan with contrast and can you please let my results being negative I just …
  • Prayers for better outcome with the toxic people in my daughters life – Father God, I pray it’s meaning for Ally today with Kathleen has a positive outcome. I pray that only stop playing her making fox accusations …
  • Keep Scholarship – Praying that my band Director has a change of heart and let me stay in the band. I will lose my 6 000 scholarship. I …
  • God to be with me – Please kindly pray for me God to give boldness discernment and not to be afraid. I will have to lead and facilitate the meeting on …
  • Salvation – Please pray for Courtney to be saved and for me to see her again soon.
  • God’s protection related to persons (possible friends) – + new Godly friends + God’s protection for people who only want their benefits/advantage from me (be aware of false friends) + wisdom and descernment
  • Pray for meeting – I pray that a new boss opens his heart and listens to those who have experience. That he makes decisions based on evidence of past …
  • No weapons form against my kids – Lord oh father god I ask you in the name of Jesus to bring my son Steven home to me lord God this acs case …
  • Attack on the job – Help me o lord, for the enemy is about to swallow me up, help me o Lord.
  • For the Joseph anointing – I just got elected back onto our communities tribal council. I believe in Jesus Christ and him crucified My community (First Nations) is mostly about …
  • Prayer my fiancé victor and his family right now – Dear Heavenly Father I’m praying that you touch my fiancé victor and his family right now and I’m praying that everything work out for them …
  • Assistance good result – I’ going to a assessment meeting and I need good wishes that everything will go my way I need to be on support they are …
  • Asking of you Lord – I pray for strength in succeeding to get a job and the words to say. A position to be open to allow me to have …
  • Brenda – Please kindly pray that my parents will accept Brenda when they meet her, in jesus name amen
  • Legal transaction prayer request – Asking for prayer resolution for a legal matter – pray that God shows us favor in our request – all things we asked in the …
  • Restoration of my marriage – Please pray for me. My marriage is falling apart. My husband has told me he no longer loves me and he has nothing to offer …
  • Study Isues – Please pray for my Studies. I am curently going through some difficult times at the moment in my work placement. Satan is trying his best …
  • Revival youth meeting – Hello. I am Eric, youth leader at a local church in Belgium. I would like to pray so that God will richly bless our youth …
  • Marriage – A marriage that please God.
  • Relationship – I want fiancee meet with me and try to resolve things so we can move on with our lives and maybe still have a chance …
  • Relive the eval at my work. – I’m in management and it seems like no matter how much or how hard I try their are few that are never satisfied. They pick …
  • Help Us Set A Course – Lord, we have many things to do, And that’s why we rely on you To bring our hearts and souls in synch, That we might …
  • Help Me Focus – By countless means on endless days, Confusions multiply the ways, In which my mind and heart must turn. I must somehow restrain my thought, And …
  • Relationship – I’m in love with a girl called Pavithra, please pray that she has to accept my love.
  • protection – please pray with me my hubby is not responsible. iam in debts
  • Divorce. I am asking for prayers for a settlement agreement on Jan. 23 – I am asking for prayers for a settlement agreement on Jan. 23. Been going through a divorce for over a year. His planning to tell …
  • A prayer for Shpresa – Dear: Our Father Who Art In Heaven I pray to you please write it in heaven to make the jobcentre to accept my mums application …
  • Prayer before class – A prayer before class,Lord, help us in our work today give us concentration so that may we listen, understand, learn and have a peaceful mind …
  • Prayer Before School – My dear heavenly fater,Thank you for giving us life,for sustaining our physical materials ang spiritual needs.Thank you to for the many blessings you bestowed on …
  • Protect Our Marriage – Prayer – Let us Pray.Lord, I pray that You would establish in me and (name of your wife or husband) eg JAMES, lets bonds of love that …
  • Prayer for successful meeting – dear st.jude, please let thing go well for me and healthcare services group. so that fernando, does not come back to work for silver lake …
  • Prayer for the youth – How wonderful you are Lordfor giving us a life which is full of enthusiasm and energy.How wonderful you are Lordfor giving us the gift of …
  • Opening prayer for a Retirement Dinner – Heavenly Father! Thank you for allowing us to gather here today in this joyous occasion. Bless this happy re-union, in which we ask that you …
  • Prayer Before Meeting – Almighty God, our Father, we praise and thank you for this day. You have given us another opportunity to appreciate life and to fulfill our …
  • help me to be strong, stand up for myself – God, in 10 minutes I meet with my boss. Things have not been easy between us. I have been beaten down by her for things …
  • Business Meeting Prayer – Dear Father, thank you for creating this opportunity to conduct business. As your word says “I can do all things thru Christ who strength me”. …
  • Prayer for LBD convention – *Prayer for LBD convention*Lord, as we wait on you for our upcoming convention, Guide our hearts and our minds in the spirit of fairness, right …
  • A Beautiful Morning Prayer – Dearest Almighty Father, We give You thanks for today. Thank You so much for giving me these eyes. May I use these eyes to help …
  • Prayer for a difficult Meeting – Lord, we come before you this day (evening) and we ask your divine help. You know that we are about to make some difficult decisions …
  • Prayer before work meeting – (Wellington ) Our lord and gracious god, guide us and protect us from influences beyond our control. Help us weave through uncertain times and stay …
  • I come to you today and I humbly ask YOU LORD for a financial breakthrough – Dear LordI come to you today and I humbly ask YOU LORD for a financial breakthrough, I pray LORD that YOU cover my finances and …
  • We Meet to Serve – We gather here today to serve our community and (your orginization)….working together to use our resources wisely.As trusted servants, we seek blessings on our deliberations …
  • Special Prayer of thanksgiving for Healing – Lord this evening, I praise and thank you for the gift of healing. I suffered from acid reflux and it really affected me. I felt …
  • Strength to do this today – Dear Lord, Give me the strength and courage to feel your presence in me to get moving today.I know I need to be a contributing …
  • Family Meeting Prayer – I am facing a family meeting on Sunday 09-04 to write funeral thank you notes. I am overwhelmed with fear about the meeting – that …
  • Prayer to Come to an Agreement – we seek your help with our affairs today.Bless this meeting with your divine intelligence, and help us to make the best use of our own. …
  • prayer before class – Lord,May all that we do this day,from morning until night,begin with your inspiration,and continue with your powerful help.May our work this daybe rooted in love …
  • Morning Prayer for protection – God, through you men live in peace are of one mindKnowing you we have eternal life and Serving you we are truly freeShield us your …
  • Thanks for the day prayer – Lord God, we thank you for this day,allowing us to see the brightness of the day, we asked for your guidance and protection. Allow us …
  • Prayer for the sick before meetings – Heavenly Father, thank You so much for the wonderful opportunity that You have given to us.Make us worthy in drawing near to You.We have lots …
  • Prayer Before Class – Heavenly Father and Your Beloved Son Jesus Christ,We thank you for giving us another life,We thank you for another Beautiful Morning.As we go on through …
  • Father God, I Lift O’Brian Up To You… – Dear Lord, I lift O’Brian up to you in prayer. Father, I lift O’Brian’s need up to you in prayer. As you taught my: “Our …
  • Prayer for a Family Meeting – Family MeetingOur family gathers today in joyous occasion,thanks to our Lord who looks after us all.Bless this happy meeting and may we allbe praised in …
  • Husband to fine peace in is heart and be more like a follower of christ – Holy Father please let my husband fine peace and take the anger away from his body Let him apologize to the people he has hurt …
  • Prayer to be Punctual – O god,help me to be punctual at school, for getting beautiful flowers in term of education , soveirness ,learning & to be an actual mean …
  • Working Place Prayer – Dear God,Thank you God 4 this wonderful and smrt office.Lord God you are our wonderful Daddy thank for everything and for every person we are …
  • pray my landlord will b merciful & honest – pray my landlord will b merciful & honest & see all my efforts 2 gain employment. pray for no bullying. pray for positive both sides. …
  • Prayer for cooperation in the meeting – today i will work with all of my friends and cooperate in my group, i wil respect them love them and share with them as …
  • Prayer when put to shame – Lord God and Father, how painful it is to be put to shame by another person. I feel so small and helpless. I feel broken …
  • Father, let us rejoice in your presence and trust in the Holy Name of your son Jesus – Oh Father, let us rejoice in your presence and trust in the Holy Name of your son Jesus.May your love rest upon each of us, …
  • we are very thankful with your love oh god in jesus name – Dear God..thank you for the gift of life for everything you showered to us,thank you also for keeping us away from danger.Today we ask your …

More prayers posted in: Meetings

It’s Monday.  Most of us have meetings to go to today or later this week.  Here is a prayer before a meeting.  It’s published on the St. Louis University Prayerbook, a site where members of the SLU community share prayers.

Heavenly Father, we come to you today asking for your guidance, wisdom, and support as we begin this meeting. Help us to engage in meaningful discussion; allow us to grow closer as a group and nurture the bonds of community. Fill us with your grace, Lord God, as we make decisions that might affect the students, staff, faculty, alumni and friends of Saint Louis University. And continue to remind us that all that we do here today, all that we accomplish, is for the pursuit of truth for the greater glory of You, and for the service of humanity. We ask these things in your name, Amen.

For other prayers on this site, see the Prayers by St. Ignatius and Others.

When closing a meeting, thanking God for his continued protection and inspiration is just one way to end a bible study or meeting. Here is a look at some great opening and closing prayers for meetings that will help encourage your continued commitment and dedication to the Lord.

Prayers #1

Lord, as we gather today at this meeting we ask that You will be in our midst. Help us to make decisions that will be pleasing to You. Help us to be able to discuss the matters at hand in a reasonable way, and to be willing to give up having our own way.

God let this meeting be productive and, as should be the case in all areas of our lives, help us to keep You at the forefront of our minds

as we do the work set before us.

Prayers #2

Jesus as we gather together to learn about You, may You meet us here. Help all of the teachers to be able to answer the questions posed, and help all of the children listen and retain what they hear.

Help the students to be attentive, and the teachers to be patient. May the lessons that are taught help to instill righteousness in these children, and may the seeds planted here continue to guide them throughout their lives.

Prayers #3

You, O God, are my strength, my patience, my light and my counsel. It is you who make responsive to me the students confided to my care. Abandon me not to myself for one moment.

For my own conduct and for that of my students, grant me the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of knowledge and piety, the spirit of holy fear of you, and an ardent zeal to procure your glory.

I unite my efforts to those of Jesus Christ, the master teacher, and I beg all saints in Heaven to assist me in the exercise of my teaching ministry.

Prayers #4

O God of truth, prepare our minds To hear and heed your holy word; Fill every heart that longs for you With your mysterious presence, Lord. Almighty Father, with your Son And blessed Spirit, hear our prayer: Teach us to love eternal truth And seek its freedom everywhere.

Prayers #5

As we close this meeting, Lord, we want to give honor to You. Thank You, God, for the time we had today to discuss issues and make decisions.

May You bless each person who took the time to gather here today and let Your hand of protection be on them throughout the rest of the week.

Let the work done here tonight come to fruition, and let it all be for Your glory. Help us each to do our parts to bring the plans discussed to life.

Prayers #6

God we thank You for meeting us here tonight, and for delivering Your Word through the speaker. May each soul in this place have been touched through the songs and the preaching, and may each take to heart the Word that came forth.

We pray that those seeking an answer received it, and that those who needed a special touch were granted that touch. Bless each of us and keep us safe until we are able to gather together again.

In Jesus’ name we pray.

Prayers #7

Go forth in peace, for you have followed the good road. Go forth without fear, for God who created You has made you holy, has always protected you, and loves you as a mother.

Prayers #8

Every prayer we have prayed
Every song we have sung
All the things we have learned
All the laughter and fun

Thank you for all the joy you bring
And our wonderful times together
May we walk with you as each new day begins
This day and forever

Prayers #9

Father, thank you for all the marvelous things you have done today.
Thank you for your love that you have revealed to us,
And for the love that we share together as your body.

We pray for all the words you have sown into people’s hearts today.
Watch over them, protect them.
May they take root and produce wonderful things,
Things of beauty and great blessings to many.
And as we leave this place now, thank you that you walk with us.
May we be alert to your promptings
And live in your endless love.
For yours is the kingdom, the power and glory
In this age and forevermore.

Prayers #10

Bless us as we meet together,
dear Lord we pray.
Bless the singing of your praise,
the reading of your Word,
the sharing of our fellowship,
the prayers that will be heard.
Bless us as we meet together,
dear Lord we pray.

Here is one example of a closing prayer performed by Wesley students at the United Methodist Campus Ministry.

Оценка 5 проголосовавших: 2


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