John Callahan | Thursday, November 14, 2013
1. A Child’s Bedtime Prayer
Now I lay me down to sleep.
I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray to God my soul to take. If I should live for other days, I pray the Lord to guide my ways.
Father, unto thee I pray,
Thou hast guarded me all day; Safe I am while in thy sight, Safely let me sleep tonight. Bless my friends, the whole world bless; Help me to learn helpfulness; Keep me every in thy sight; So to all I say good night.
2. Now the Light has Gone Away
Now the light has gone away;
Savior, listen while I pray. Asking Thee to watch and keep And to send me quiet sleep.
Jesus, Savior, wash away
All that has been wrong to-day; Help me every day to be Good and gentle, more like Thee.
Let my near and dear ones be
Always near and dear to Thee. O bring me and all I love To Thy happy home above.
3. Jesus, Tender Shepherd
Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me:
Bless Thy little child to-night; Through the darkness be Thou near me, Keep me safe till morning light.
All this day Thy hand has led me,
And I thank Thee for Thy care; Thou hast warmed me, clothed me, fed me; Listen to my evening prayer.
May my sins be all forgiven;
Bless the friends I love so well; Take me, Lord, at last to heaven. Happy there with Thee to dwell.
4. Lord, I have Passed Another Day
Lord, I have passed another day
And come to thank Thee for Thy care. Forgive my faults in work or play And listen to my evening prayer. Thy favor gives me daily bread And friends, who all my wants supply: And safely now I rest my head, Preserved and guarded by Thine eye.
5. The Day is Done
The day is done;
O God the Son, Look down upon Thy little one!
O Light of Light,
Keep me this night, And shed round me Thy presence bright.
I need not fear
If Thou art near; Thou art my Savior Kind and dear.
Bedtime Prayer, Short Prayer
before going to bed.
Good Night
We give thanks to you
for all the blessings
we received during the day.
Thank you for our bedtime,
please, give us deep sleep
in your care and love.
God, we ask
that your angels protect us
in the middle of the night,
thank you for sending them
to be guardians
around our house.
Lord, You are our light
in the middle of the dark night,
your light shines on our sleep
and will give us
a blessed new day. Amen.
Mery Bracho
The Prayer That Changes Everything? Book of Prayers (UK)
Good Night short prayer, bedtime prayer, christian prayer before going to bed with images by Mery Bracho.
A Prayer Before Going To Bed
March 17, 2012 by mimentovivere
Heavenly Father, before I lay down to rest tonight, I thank you for all the blessings you have sent my way and my family today.
Forgive me………
For all my blunders & pride
For the times this day I lacked compassion
When I lost my composure
Became overly critical and judgmental
And for my ingratitude and ungratefulness this day
Lord have mercy……..
Touch my body…
My mind
And my spirit with your love and grace*
This moment with you my is so precious…..
And peaceful………..
I give you all that I am.
The thoughts in my head
And the things deep in my heart
I give to You.
Purify them and sanctify them
That they may be holy for You are Holy.
Let your angels watch closely over me and my family in our sleep.
And if this be my last prayer before I lay down to rest
May your Grace & Mercy find me worthy to be with You in Paradise eternally….
With all my love,
Dear Lord God –
Thank you for the day today.
I tried to do everything to the best of my abilities.
I may have done few things right and others wrong.
Please forgive my mistakes and help me to be humble with my successes.
God, I want to forget any past that is not worth remembering but instill in my memories any lessons that could help me upkeep for tomorrow.
I want to love tomorrow as if it is my birthday. I want to treat tomorrow as my new birth full of hopes and gifts of love and friendships.
God, please give me new ideas tomorrow. Please give me a new outlook. Let me treat all the obstacles as challenges.
Let me enjoy fighting with them rather than getting frustrated by them.
Please give me a new way of looking at the things. Let all the situations be a test situation for me.
Rather than getting annoyed and irritated, let me look at them as my adversaries that have to be outwitted by me.
Let me do this as it abides in Your will, with the blessings of the Holy Spirit, through the intercession of Mary our Mother – and through the guidance of the Holy Angels and Saints.
Help me to remember in doing this everyday. Thank you. Amen.
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Praying at Night
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Photo credit: Adi ALGhanem via / CC BY-NC-ND
Bedtime Prayer, Short Prayer
before going to bed.
Good Night
We give thanks to you
for all the blessings
we received during the day.
Thank you for our bedtime,
please, give us deep sleep
in your care and love.
God, we ask
that your angels protect us
in the middle of the night,
thank you for sending them
to be guardians
around our house.
Lord, You are our light
in the middle of the dark night,
your light shines on our sleep
and will give us
a blessed new day. Amen.
Mery Bracho
The Prayer That Changes Everything? Book of Prayers (UK)
Good Night short prayer, bedtime prayer, christian prayer before going to bed with images by Mery Bracho.