Money prayers

Молитвы помогают не только улучшить здоровье и отвести беду. С верой можно вернуть в дом достаток и привлечь изобилие.

Многие считают, что о деньгах молиться грешно. Ведь Иисус Христос не был богатым, да и многие Святые тоже обходились малым. В церкви постоянно упоминают о том, что богатство ведет прямо в ад и делает людей грешниками.

На самом деле это не так. Существует множество молитв Господу Богу и его святым о достатке в доме и финансовом благополучии, и многие успешно применяют их в своей жизни. Ведь деньги дарят возможность жить счастливой жизнью, воплощать свои мечты в реальность, а также помогать на своем пути нуждающимся и просто делать мир лучше. Конечно, помимо денежного достатка, необходимо научиться правильно формулировать свои желания.

Три сильные молитвы на деньги

Эти молитвы обращены к трем святым, которые уже доказали свою способность творить чудеса. Если вы будете искренни в своей просьбе и перестанете желать другим зла, ваши молитвы будут услышаны, и изобилие станет неотъемлемой частью вашей жизни. Эти три молитвы являются эффективными помощниками, и вы можете выбрать любую. Главное, чтобы ваш выбор пал на того святого, с которым вы чувствуете наиболее сильную связь. А чтобы сделать правильный выбор, читайте больше о святых в нашем религиозном разделе.

Денежная молитва святому Спиридону Тримифунтскому

Она хорошо помогает в любых делах, связанных с недвижимостью, а также в решении юридических вопросов. Читать ее нужно каждое утро в течение недели, либо до того момента, пока вы не получите желаемое.

Святой Спиридон, славься! Ты при жизни помогал обездоленным и слабым. Творил чудеса и избавлял от нищеты. Имя твое у всех на устах, ибо ты помогаешь и после своей смерти. Молю и я тебя о помощи. Огради меня и семью мою от бедности и нужды. Убереги и приумножь наши финансы. Пошли нам изобилие и богатство. Аминь.

Молитва о деньгах Матроне Московской

Всем известно, что Матронушка помогает каждому, кто придет к ней на поклон. Но не обязательно ехать в Москву, достаточно купить небольшую икону для дома и читать молитву перед зажженной свечой.

Матронушка-матушка, уповаю на тебя всем сердцем и душой. Ты та, кто помогает нуждающимся и заступается за бедных. Пошли мне в дом достаток и изобилие, но избави меня от алчности и грехов всяческих. Молю тебя о помощи и прошу денежного изобилия, чтобы не было в моей жизни горя и бедности. Аминь. Аминь. Аминь.

Молитва Николаю Чудотворцу о богатстве и процветании

Данную молитву лучше всего читать в церкви по четвергам. Если же нет такой возможности, обращайтесь к Святому так, как привыкли. Вы можете читать эту молитву про себя, когда собираетесь на работу, или перед заключением важной сделки.

Святой Николай Чудотворец, молю тебя о помощи. Прошу, будь ко мне строг, но справедлив. Пошли мне достаток и изобилие по вере моей и убереги от ошибок. Дай мне мудрости, чтобы грамотно распоряжаться деньгами, и привлеки возможности, которые даруют мне финансовую свободу. Уповаю на тебя, ибо ты помогаешь каждому просящему. Да прославится имя твое во веки веков. Аминь.

Помимо денежных молитв, существуют и молитвы на удачу, которые могут не только в денежных вопросах, но и в любом другом жизненно важном вопросе. Однако помните: чтобы ваши просьбы были услышаны, не нужно сидеть дома и ждать озарения. Двигайтесь к своей цели, пусть даже небольшими шагами. Но только так вы сможете получить желаемое. Верьте в себя, мыслите позитивно и не забывайте нажимать на кнопки и

Кому ставить свечи в церкви

В наше время многие посещают церкви только при сильной необходимости. И очень часто возникает вопрос, …

Молитва Петру и Февронии на любовь

Любовь — это то, что придает нам жизненных сил. Только любовь способна заставить нас идти …

Каким святым молиться в Рождество

Рождество — великий православный праздник. В рождественскую ночь христиане всего мира прославляют рождение Иисуса Христа и Деву Марию, …

Сильная молитва московским святым

Сложные ситуации бывают у каждого из нас. Иногда мы безуспешно пытаемся найти выход и решить …

St. Expedite is the saint to pray to during a financial crisis or when you are in need of desperate help. Here is a look at some great novena prayers for money that are target towards you achieving financial blessings in return.

Prayer #1

I call forth the Power and the presence of St. Expedite in my time of financial trouble. I offer my body, heart, mind and soul upon your altar of light. I have faith and trust and complete confidence that you will be my strength in this time of need. Quickly come to my assistance.

Bring to me ____________ (Clearly express what you want, and ask him to find a way to get it to you.)

My financial need is urgent. Be my Light and Guide in this situation so that I may live with peace, love, prosperity and abundance and in the Praise of God.

Prayer #2

I come before you, Saint Expedite,
To remedy economic problems in my work and my home.
And to ask for your powerful support.
Saint Expedite, protect my income,
That I may obtain sufficient money for necessities,
And tranquillity and joy will reign in my house.
By your grace, Blessed Saint,
I request and pray that I will achieve my desire.

____________ (Clearly express what you want, and ask him to find a way to get it to you.)

And I will give thanks for your glorious intercession.

(Now promise to give Saint Expedite a specific offering If your desire is granted.)

Prayer #3

Pray to Saint Expedite

Saint Expedite, you lay in rest.
I come to you and ask that this wish be granted.

____________ (Clearly express what you want, and ask him to
find a way to get it to you.)

Expedite now what I ask of you.
Expedite now what I want of you, this very second.
Don’t waste another day.
Grant me what I ask for.
I know your power, I know you because of your work.
I know you can help me.
Do this for me and I will spread your name with love and honor
so that it will be invoked again and again.
Expedite this wish with speed, love, honor, and goodness.
Glory to you, Saint Expedite!

Prayer #4

Our dear martyr and protector, Saint Expedite,
You who know what is necessary and what is urgently needed.
I beg you to intercede before the Holy Trinity, that by your grace
my request will be granted.

____________ (Clearly express what you want, and ask him to
find a way to get it to you.)

May I receive your blessings and favors.
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer #5

Saint Expedite,
Noble Roman youth, martyr,
You who quickly brings things to pass,
You who never delays, I come to you in need:

____________ (Clearly express what you want and ask him to
find a way to get it to you.)

Do this for me, Saint Expedite, and when it is accomplished,
I will as rapidly reply with an offering to you.

(State your vow or promise)

Be quick, Saint Expedite!
Grant my wish before your candle burns out, and I will glorify your name.


Prayer #6

St. Expedite witness of Faith to the point of martyrdom, in exercise of Good, you make tomorrow today.
You live in the fast time of the last minute, always projecting yourself toward the future.
Expedite and give strength to the heart of the man who doesn’t look back and who doesn’t postpone.

Prayer #7

My Saint Expedite of urgent and just causes, please intercede for me with Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Succor me in this hour of affliction and despair, my Saint Expedite. You who are a Holy warrior, You who are the Saint of the afflicted, You who are the Saint of the desperate, you who are the Saint of urgent causes, Protect me, Help me, Give me Strength, Courage and Serenity.

Hear my plea. ____________ (Clearly express what you want, and ask him to find a way to get it to you.)

My Saint Expedite, help me to prevail through these difficult hours, protect me from all those who want to harm me, respond to my plea with urgency. Bring me back to the state of peace and tranquillity, my Saint Expedite. I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life and I will speak your name to all those who have faith.

(Now promise to give Saint Expedite a specific offering when your desire is granted.)

Prayer #8

May the intercession of the glorious Martyr, St. Expedite, recommend us, O my God, to Thy goodness, in order that his protection may obtain for us what our own merits are powerless to do.

We supplicate Thee Lord, to inspire, by Thy grace all our thoughts and actions. That thou being their principle, we may by the intercession of St. Expedite, be conducted with courage, fidelity and promptitude, at the time proper and favorable, and come to a good and happy end. Through our Lord, Jesus Christ.

St. Expedite honored by the gratitude of those who have invoked thee at the last hour and for pressing cases. We pray thee to obtain from the all-powerful goodness of God, by the intercession of Mary Immaculate, today, or such a day the grace we solicit with all submission to the Divine Will.

Check out this video for one of the most powerful abundance prayers. Focused on gaining financial freedom and achieving your goals and desires, this daily prayer will help you achieve a blessing.

money prayersThe importance of Money and Abundance Prayer

Prayers said from pure heart are the best way to communicate with God.

If you are feeling a lack of money or the resources then here are a few words of Money Prayer to give you an idea what to communicate to the Universe which is full of Abundance including Money and Prosperity.

Believe that money is good energy. Believe that abundant money and prosperity are your birth right and through this prayer you are claiming your abundance to be prosperous. Visualize that your blockages are melting away and your channels are clear now. See through your mind’s eye that you are freely receiving your supply of money and riches. Do remember to thank the Universe immediately after.

Preparing yourself for Money and Abundance Prayer – for better results

Sit down and calm your mind. Slow down the speed of your thoughts by taking a few deep breaths and tell yourself it is all OK. Believe that you are the child of God and a have a divine spark too.

Just form a connection with the Higher Powers – just intend so

How to say the Money and Abundance Prayer

Say the following money prayer with all sincerity, faith and belief. Let go!

Release your intention into the cosmic. Let Universe decide how and when to send you the Money.

Be in the state of expectancy but neither be restless nor be attached to the results.

Before, during and after the Money Prayer stay in the attitude of gratitude.

The Money and Abundance Prayer

O Beloved God, Salutations and Greetings!

I approach you as your child and your own creation.

With a pure heart I ask for your divine grace.

Please shower on me abundance of money from your infinite source on a regular basis.

Your ways are innumerable and methods beyond my comprehension. Hence it is best that I leave to you the timings and sources through which you send the money and riches.

Whatever you do I trust that it is for my highest good.

With full faith in you and your miraculous ways, I open my body, mind and soul to receiving your gift of financial wealth and riches.

I pledge to use the money for my good and good of others.

God’s will be done! Thank You




O Subconscious mind! I command you to be instrumental in gracefully accepting God’s gifts in the form of Money, Wealth and Abundance to make me Rich and Prosperous. Be open to follow whatever path Universe shows in this regard.

Let the rain of blessings start to fall!

Second Prayer

Sometimes when our finite intelligence fails to provide us with a solution, we must ask God for a financial blessing to get us out of debt and / or provide for our families. You may need a prayer for money and help to bail you out of financial distress when you are having trouble making both ends meet. Have Faith, God will provide.

A Prayer to help you move out Financial Distress

Heavenly Father,

I come before you now to ask for your financial blessing to improve my life. My faith in you is  strong and I know you will provide for me and my family with all that and the money we need.

I also pray to you for money to relieve my financial woes, debt burdens and ease this stress.

Lord, please be with me and help me to make the right decisions throughout my life.

Through your divine guidance kindly show me the means to do your work, and spread your Love.

Given an opportunity to serve, I promise to help others in your Name.

Thank you God for every gift you give me.

In your name I pray,




After saying the Prayer

Open your eyes with a big smile on your face. Say Thanks, Thanks and Thanks to the Universe and let Universe decide and do its work. Simply do not interfere. Just open yourself to receiving Money and Abundance from anywhere – expected or unexpected source.

Happy Money Manifesting !!

If you want to read more about attracting money and manifesting wealth and prosperity, you might also like:

  • Simple Meditation Technique for Manifestation
  • How to Use Positive Energy to Attract Money
  • How to Align with the Source of Abundance
  • Ultimate Secret to Manifesting Wealth and Prosperity
  • How to become a Millionaire – Core Principles
  • Tips to make Law of Attraction Work to Manifest Money
  • Powerful Meditation for Manifesting Money
  • How to Attract Abundance in Life

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