Depression is a medical condition caused by an imbalance of brain chemicals. Depression causes physical changes in the body that you can see. Medications and cognitive therapy are the best treatments for depression. But that doesn’t mean the spiritual side has to be ignored. Giving hope is a powerful way to battle depression. Praying to a Supreme Being of your choice can bolster hope if you are depressed. It’s the hope that someone out there in the universe may be paying attention to you and your troubles, and that a positive solution is possible. Prayer is both inspirational and motivational. Prayer can heal emotional wounds by offering a safe way to vent the anger and anxiety that depression produces. While prayer is powerful, prayer shouldn’t be the only tool used to deal with depression. Prayer can ease emotional turmoil but it won’t heal the physical problems of depression. Here are five prayers for healing depression.
Are you in need of a prayer for depression? Healing the symptoms of depression can be a difficult and trying experience.
If you have serious depression, or thoughts of suicide, you should talk with your doctor about possible medication in addition to prayer.
If you are feeling depressed, feel welcome to post your prayer request at the bottom of this page.
A Prayer for Depression
God bless all who are battling those inner demons of depression, loneliness, unworthiness, and hopelessness. Shine Your warm Heavenly Light down upon all of us, Lord, who are looking for our soul mates. Guide us to find peace, happiness, and contentment in our lives and within ourselves.
For Overcoming Depression
Dear Lord, I am suffering from depression and anxiety disorder. Thank you for giving me the medical attention that has helped place my soul back into my skin. Give all of us who suffer this stress the courage and strength to trust you and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us. You love and through your love all things are possible.
In Jesus’ name we praise you.
Prayer for Renewal
Hide Your face from my sins, and blot out all my iniquities.
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit.
Table of contents
Relief From Depression
Praying to God often helps to relieve ones depression. Its good to know that we are not alone in this world, and that trying times can be overcome.
To be inspired, read these Inspirational Prayers.
Prayer Request: Post Your Own “Prayer for Depression”
If you’d like, you can post your prayer below so the PrayWithMe community can help pray with you.
Rules for Posting: All prayers are posted publicly through to this site. Don’t use full names or any other identifying information that you wouldn’t want out on the web.
Don’t post with ALL CAPS, and try to use proper spelling and grammar.
If you can, help pray for others and post comments of support.
Recent prayer requests…
Tap below to see prayers from other visitors to this site.
- Please pray for me- Please pray that I will start coming out of this depression and that I will start feeling normal again. That is the prayer that I… …
- Double-minded- I feel stuck. James 1:5-8 has been haunting me and I can’t seem to shake it off. How I so much don’t want to be… …
- Divine Intervention- I’m really devastated now, need Divine Intervention. …
- Depression and Anxiety- My best friend is undergoing a deep state of depression whereby I can’t control it anymore. I am trusting God for Miracle. I want her… …
- Deliverance and Restoration- Please Lord, Deliver me from evil and create in me a clean heart.Forgive me for being disobedient and for not trusting you. I lay down… …
- Daily Prayer- God please help,me to fill in the empty hole in my whole being. …
- Change my thinking- I’m really struggling in many areas in my life including mentally. Emotionally and financially. I’m asking the lord to help me change my thinking and… …
- Battling Depression and Need Deliverance- Battling depression over work and lack direction for my future. Need deliverance from the spirit of Rejection. …
- Anxiety and stress- God help me to over come this anxiety and stress that I have at work. its rally affecting my health, and my marriage and my… …
- Prayer for healing- Heavenly father, you know every bit of me. You knew me even in my mother’s womb. You have great plans for me. May I never… …
- Please pray for my son- Please pray for strength for my son to help him through his depression. To help him wake up and be on time to work .… …
- Strength to lose 100 lbs to try to get healthier- Strength to lose 100 lbs to try to get healthier. I think has been caused by my depression of not having the will to lose.… …
- Wake up spiritualy- Pray with me for God to help me awake spiritually. In every aspect of my life and for God to get me out of this… …
- Help with fear- There are a couple of specific areas in my life right now that cause me to be fearful. Then I get upset with myself because… …
- Healing and job- I haven’t had a job in a year and a half which has throwing me into a clinical depression. Please heal me and find by… …
- Heal the brokenness of my Friend suffering from depression- Please help me pray for my friend suffering from depression. Her name is Corazon and I love her as a mom. I pray that God… …
- Freedom from sins- God please set my mind free from the spirit of sins so that I may know you more. …
- For my sins- Need prayers for forgiveness …
- Wake up spiritualy- Pray with me for God to help me awake spiritually. In every aspect of my life and for God to get me out of this… …
- Weakness/ loneliness- For months I’ve been so weak constantly out of energy I spend so much time at home in bed with lack of energy and will… …
More prayers posted in: Depression
My heart goes out to anyone who is suffering from depression short-term or long-term. It is overpowering at times and can even incapacitate you. It is such a strong force that takes a huge toll on the body. It makes you not want to get out of bed. It makes you incapable of doing normal activities. It is a heavy burden for the mind. I want you to know that if you are suffering from depression that God loves you. He knows what you are going through. I know that I still suffer from this myself when I have to give my kids to my ex-wife. I never wanted the divorce I was handed and I know my kids certainly didn’t either. I hope and pray that these prayers on depression can be a source of strength for you. I can honestly say I know how it feels and if you have any prayer requests, please feel free to leave them in the comments below. I will pray for each and every single one of you that needs it.
Anticipating the Hurt
I can’t stop thinking about the fact that I only have a couple hours left before I give my kids back to their mommy. This is devastating me, Lord. I can feel depression trying to take its hold on me. Father I hate feeling like this! I wish I had my children every day. Lord, I know that when they leave I am going to cry. I always get sad, Father. Please wrap your arms around me and hold me through the heartache that is coming. I am so down right now. Lord, you have the power to lift this depression off of me and I pray that if it is your will that you would. If not, I know that every trial has a purpose and I want to learn from this if it lingers on. You are sovereign and I trust You completely with my own well-being. I love You, Father. Amen
Those That Go Before Us
“I am relying completely on Your strength right now because I have none. I love You, Lord.”
Oh Lord in Heaven,
My heart is grieving! I was not ready for my dad to leave Earth yet. I know that You are not surprised by his passing and I also know that my dad is with You right now. I miss him, Father. He talked with me about your Holy Word. He showed me things that men should learn. He walked beside me when I was struggling. He showcased a father’s love that was molded after Your precepts. My dad’s passing is taking its toll on me, Lord. Please walk beside me as I continue to grieve, Father. I am excited that he is with You, but I do miss him dearly now that he is not with me. Give me strength to get out of bed every morning and do the things that I am called to do. I am relying completely on Your strength right now because I have none. I love You, Lord. Amen
I Feel Like Job
Gracious Father,
You know the turmoil that is going on in my heart, mind and soul right now. My friends are casting me away because of my convictions. They say that I need to be silent when it comes to speaking my mind on “touchy” subjects like abortion. Well, who is going to stand for the unborn? They cannot speak for themselves! My “friends” are uncomfortable with my stance on homosexuality. Lord, You say it is wrong and I am standing with You on this. Lord, where are the men and women of faith? I am so distraught! I need core Christian friendships! I want to have those close bonds like Naomi and Ruth did, or like David and Jonathon did. I feel so alone, like Job did as his “friends” berated and accused him of being a sinner over and over again! Lord, please bring me some real friendships that will last into Glory! I am so thankful for Your Son’s precious blood that was shed for me! I love You! Amen
The Innocent
Dear Lord,
I am at my wits end with being depressed over the injustice of this world. So many things are wrong with this world. Our brave men and women MIA are either passed away or being tortured every day. People are infecting others with HIV because of hatred. My own children are being bullied in school and the teachers don’t even notice! My employer is finding reasons to lay people off that they don’t like. This list goes on and on! I am not at peace right now, Father. I pray that You will take this overpowering depression off of me, Lord. It is consuming my energy, both physically and mentally. This is a struggle that I cannot win without You, Father. Please carry me through these difficult times. I pray for Your peace that passes all understanding. That is true medicine for depression. I thank You for Your never-ending patience with me, Lord. Be with me as I encounter these dark times daily. May Your will be done in all of this. Amen
Past Afflictions
Father in Heaven,
I have tried and tried to overcome the past transgressions done to me by people in my past. I thought my step dad loved me, but clearly his love was misguided and my innocence was taken. I can’t move past this! Father, I feel anger raging inside towards him. I want to forgive him, but the scenes keep repeating in my mind. How do I move past this? I am so depressed over my step dad. He took from me what should have been given freely to my spouse on our wedding night. I feel dead inside. I want to feel alive again, Lord! I know You have the power to raise the dead to life physically, and I know You can do the same spiritually. I believe Psalm 37:4, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” I know it is Your desire to be my Father and for me to be Your child. I beg of You, Lord! Please draw me so close to You that the past fades away. “You are beautiful beyond description. Too marvelous for words. Too wonderful for comprehension. Like nothing ever seen or heard. Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom? Who can fathom the depth of Your love?” (I Stand In Awe, Mark Altrogge) I love You, Father! Please take this depression from me. Open my eyes that I may move past this and forgive my step dad. I praise Your name, Lord! Amen
Depression is a heavy burden. The Psalmist writes, “Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain you.” (Psalm 55:22a) As hard as it is some days, give your burdens to God and let Him deal with them. Trust in His healing hand to mend your broken heart. God is willing and able to do so. Call upon Him no matter how dark the storm is that you are in. You don’t want to travel through it alone. As I said above, if you need prayer for depression, please feel free to respond in the comments and I will pray for each and every one of you. I have experienced depression (and still do sometimes) first hand. You can be sure you have an advocate praying for you at the throne of the Most High God! God bless you as you live a life worthy of the calling!
Take a look at this related article:
Christian Depression Help
Resources – The Holy Bible, English Standard Version “Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. YouTube video “I Stand in Awe of You” performed by GTA Praise Band.
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Welcome to my web site. I want to point any who suffer from depression to Jesus who has healed me of depression many times. I have had a battle with depression most of my life. Time and time again the Lord has sent me the help I need to overcome this malady. I know He heals this problem. I have tried to write little stories of how He has done it for me, which you may read here. Some of the stories may seem familiar to you in your life. You have my permission to print and distribute any or all of the content on this website that you find helpful. I am not a medical or licensed professional. These stories are how the Lord has helped me and I hope they may help you.
The Lord has healed me of what was suppose to be terminal cancer and given me 30 years cancer free. He has also healed me of the depression that the cancer brought on. I share this with you because it might help you to receive the healing you need. If any, or even one person, receives a healing it is all because of the Lord’s work not mine.
The basic steps I have used to overcome my depression I share with you:
- Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
- Ask Him to heal you.
- Tell Him all you feel: your anger, your fears, your desperation, your hopelessness, and your doubts.
- Tell Him if you are angry with Him.
- Tell Him about all those you are angry with and those who have hurt you.
- Ask Him to forgive all your sins.
- Also ask Him to forgive the sins of those who have hurt you.
- Ask your minister or priest to pray for you and anoint you with oil for healing.
- Ask others who believe in healing to pray for you.
- Read books about healing – many: The Healing Light by Agnes Sanford, The Holy Spirit, Who He Is and What He Does by R. A. Torry. Write me for other good books to read.
- Seek medical help if necessary. God heals through doctors and medicine.
- Pray and beg the Lord to heal you. He loves you and wants you well and so do I.
- PERSEVERE daily in your prayers for healing.
Prayer is simple. It is talking to God. It is listening to God talk to you. It is telling Him all your problems. It is asking Him to help you. It is thanking Him for all He does for you and all those around you.
If you don’t know Him that’s all right. He knows you. He LOVES you. You can tell Him you don’t know Him. You can tell Him you are not sure He exists. You can even tell Him you don’t like Him if He does exist. He knows all of this before you say it AND HE LOVES you anyway. He will wait until you come to know Him better. He will never quit LOVING you.
Talking to God is the best way to get to know Him. He LISTENS to you.. He cares about you. He is a mighty God who can and will help you.
Just begin to talk to this One who LOVES you. You can say words aloud or in your mind. He will hear you. Call out to Him in your every need. He is always there for you. In time you will be able to develop a relationship with this dear Friend. He will always be there for you no matter what the circumstances. You will never ever be alone again when you come to know the Lord.
One way to help you pray is to repeat “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus” over and over again. At His name He comes. Try it. You will never ever regret it.
As you grow in this friendship with Jesus, you will find new ways to pray. Some I use are on this web site.