Our world is filled with events and situations that can cause great fear and anxiety. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and live imprisoned by fear. We are promised in God’s Word that he is faithful and will protect us (2 Thessalonians 3:3). God wants us to let go of fear and to live life to the fullest! (John 10:10) When you are overcome by worry, use these prayers for protection to remember who God is and the protection he has promised you.
Table of contents
- 1 1. Prayer for Personal Protection
- 2 2. Prayer for the Protection and Safety of Family
- 3 3. Prayer for Children’s Security
- 4 4. “St. Patrick’s Breastplate” Protective Prayer:
- 5 5. “Priestly Blessings” Prayer from Scripture:
- 6 Prayers for Protection and Safety from the Bible
- 7 The Light of God
- 8 Grant me Protection
- 9 For Safe Travel
- 10 Guard Over Me
- 11 Protection from Wrongdoing
- 12 Protection from Thieves
- 13 Guard Me
- 14 Protect my Day
- 15 Protect my Journey
- 16 Let No Evil Befall Us
- 17 Be with Me Christ
- 18 The Cross of Christ
- 19 Protection from Heaven
- 20 The Watchful Eye of The Lord
- 21 Prayer Request: Post Your Own “Prayers for Protection and Safety”
- 22 Recent prayer requests…
- 23 I Thank You
1. Prayer for Personal Protection
Father, I come to You today, bowing in my heart, asking for protection from the evil one. Lord, we are assailed moment by moment with images on television, the internet, books and newspapers that leave us vulnerable to sin of every kind. Surround us with Your divine hedge of protection. Encompass us round about with Your strength and Your might. Let all who take refuge in You be glad, let them ever sing for joy. And may You shelter us, that those who love Your name may exult in You. For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O LORD, You surround him favor as with a shield. (Psalm 5:11-12)
Lord, I ask that You protect our minds. Father, the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace. (Romans 8:6) O God, set our minds on You. Let us not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds that we may prove what Your will is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2) Help us by the power of Your Spirit to think on whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything is worthy of praise, let our minds dwell on these things. (Philippians 4:8)
Strengthen us in the power of Your might, O God. Dress us in Your armor so that we can stand firm against the schemes of the devil. We know that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.(Ephesians 6:10-12)
You are our keeper, O Lord, the shade on our right hand. Protect us from all evil and keep our soul. Guard our going out and our coming in. From this time and forever. In Jesus’ name, Amen. – by Lynn Cooke
2. Prayer for the Protection and Safety of Family
Lord, I pray Your emotional, physical, and spiritual protection over my kids (grandkids). Keep evil far from them, and help them to trust You as their refuge and strength. I pray You will guard their minds from harmful instruction, and grant them discernment to recognize truth. I pray You will make them strong and courageous in the presence of danger, recognizing that You have overcome and will set right all injustice and wrong one day. Help them to find rest in Your shadow, as they live in the spiritual shelter You provide for them. Let them know that the only safe place is in Jesus, and that their home on earth is only temporary. – Ryan Duncan, Culture Editor at Crosswalk.com
3. Prayer for Children’s Security
Lord, I pray that my kids (grandkids) will develop an eternal perspective and purpose, not an earthly one. Help them to see life–and every challenge–through Your eyes, eager and unafraid to share with others the good news of Jesus wherever they go. I pray that they will set their minds on things above, not just what’s going on here, and that they will be rooted and grounded in Your love. I pray they will come to understand the extent of Your own love for them–that it surpasses all the head knowledge they will acquire in school. I pray they will be filled up with You from morning ’til night. – Rebecca Barlow Jordan
4. “St. Patrick’s Breastplate” Protective Prayer:
Celtic monks used it to start their day.The hymn was several stanzas long, and the last two stanzas were especially memorable and moving:
Christ be with me, Christ within me,
Christ behind me, Christ before me,
Christ beside me, Christ to win me,
Christ to comfort and restore me.
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,
Christ in hearts of all that love me,
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.
I bind unto myself the Name,
The strong Name of the Trinity;
By invocation of the same.
The Three in One, and One in Three,
Of Whom all nature hath creation,
Eternal Father, Spirit, Word:
Praise to the Lord of my salvation,
Salvation is of Christ the Lord.
5. “Priestly Blessings” Prayer from Scripture:
>Numbers 6:22-27 is known as the “Priestly Blessing” or sometimes the “Aaronic Benediction.” There are seven requests made in this prayer.
The LORD said to Moses, “Tell Aaron and his sons, ‘This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them: “’The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.”‘ “So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.”
1. The Lord bless you…
The word “bless” means to “provide favor or benefit.” Father, we pray that for our children. You are the Eternal God. Please place Your great kindness and advantage on those we love. May they be approved and favored by You.
2. and keep you…
The Hebrew word “keep” means to “watch, guard, defend.” This is a prayer for protection. Father, my children are not perfect. They are going to make mistakes. But please watch over them and guard them again mistakes of youth that are unalterable. Please defend them against temptation. Protect them against Satan who desires to devour them.
3. the LORD make his face shine upon you…
This is a request for God’s presence.Father, as a parent I know that I can’t be with my children all the time, but You can. Just like they feel the warmth of the sun shining on them, please allow them to experience Your presence. Thank You for being with them wherever they go.
4. and be gracious to you…
Grace is God’s undeserved favor. He gives us what we don’t deserve. Father, thank You for Your gift of grace. I pray that gift to be poured out on my children. Following that great gift of salvation, please show them your kindness and love in all the endeavors of their lives.
5. the Lord turn his face toward you…
Here is a request for God’s fellowship.Father, thank You, that because of their trust in Jesus, the Holy Spirit lives in my children. Please walk with them in a powerful way. Enable them to submit to the Spirit’s control day by day and moment by moment.
6. and give you peace.
The Hebrew word for peace used here is “shalom.” It means “completeness, wholeness, and contentment.” Lord, please calm my children’s fears; soothe their anxious souls. Keep them complete and whole in their thinking, emotions, desires, and actions.
7. So they will put my name on ___________ (the name of your child/children).
This is a request of identification. Lord, please place Your holy mark on my children. Set them apart to be used by You. I love them but You love them more. You love them with an everlasting love. May they represent You well on their earthly journey. And when their journey is completed, welcome them home to live forever with You.
(notes by Ron Moore, The Journey)
BibleStudyTools.com: Must-See Version of Psalm 91 Has Taken Us by Storm from biblestudytools on GodTube.
Prayers for Protection and Safety from the Bible
“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” – 2 Thessalonians 3:3
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” – Psalm 46:1
“My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.” – John 17:15
‘And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” – Matthew 6:13
“Because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay. You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” – Psalm 16:10-11
Read more Bible verses about protection.
What are you praying for protection over today? Comment below to join our large praying community.

This article is part of our larger Prayers resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can’t find the words to pray.
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May the Lord look over us all, and guide us towards safe harbors. Whether you are needing protection for physical safety or protection for spiritual warfare, God promises to be our provider and strength!
Our collection of prayers for protection include general prayers asking the Lord to look over us, as well as prayers for protection in specific circumstances. Use these 14 prayers throughout the day as you seek safety and experience the powerful ways God provides.

The Light of God
The light of God surrounds us,
The love of God enfolds us,
The power of God protects us,
The presence of God watches over us,
Wherever we are, God is,
And where God is, all is well.
St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John,
Like unto the prophet Jonas, as a type of Christ,
Who was guarded for three days and
Three nights in the belly of a whale,
Thus shall the Almighty God,
As a Father, guard and protect me from all evil.
Grant me Protection
Grant, O Lord, Thy protection
And in protection, strength
And in strength, understanding
And in understanding, knowledge
And in knowledge, the knowledge of justice
And in the knowledge of justice, the love of it
And in the love of it, the love of all existences
And in that love, the love of spirit and all creation.
For Safe Travel
God’s Angels guard and keep you
All the way that you must travel
Till earth’s days are past
When blossoms fade and
Time is fleeting fast
In times of purest joy
Or pain and fear
God’s Angels guard
And keep you safe.
Guard Over Me
Jesus, I will arise; Jesus do thou accompany me;
Jesus, do thou lock my heart into thine, And let my body and my soul
Be commended unto thee.
The Lord is crucified.
May God guard and protect my senses
So that misfortunes may not overcome me.
In the name of God the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost.
Learn about the Hedge of Protection Prayer.
Protection from Wrongdoing
You thieves, I implore you to be obedient like Jesus Christ,
Who obeyed his heavenly Father unto the cross,
And to stand without moving out of my sight,
In the name of the Trinity.
I command you by the power of God
And the incarnation of Jesus Christ
Not to move out of my sight, like Jesus Christ
Stood on Jordan’s stormy banks to be baptized by John.
And furthermore, I implore you, horse and rider,
To stand still and not to move out of my sight,
Like Jesus Christ did stand when he was about
To be nailed to the cross to release the
Fathers of the church from the bonds of hell.
Thieves, I bind you with the same bonds with which Jesus
Our Lord has bound hell; and thus ye shall be bound;
And the same Words that bind you shall also release you.
Protection from Thieves
God be with you, brethren; stop, ye thieves,
Robbers, murderers, horsemen and soldiers,
In all humility, for we have tasted
The rosy blood of Jesus.
Your rifles and guns will be stopped up with the
Holy blood of Jesus; and all swords and arms are made harmless
By the five holy wounds of Jesus.
There are three roses upon the heart of God;
The first is beneficent,
The other is omnipotent,
The third is his holy will.
You thieves must therefore stand under it,
Standing still as long as I will.
In the name of God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
You are commanded and made to stop!
Guard Me
Like unto the cup and the wine, and the holy supper,
which our dear Lord Jesus Christ gave unto his dear disciples
on Maunday Thursday, may the Lord Jesus guard me in daytime,
and at night, that:
No dog may bite me,
No wild beast tear me to pieces,
No tree fall upon me,
No water rise against me,
No firearms injure me,
No weapons, no steel, no iron cut me,
No fire burn me, No false sentence fall upon me,
No false tongue injure me,
No rogue enrage me, and that no fiends, no witchcraft
Or enchantment can harm me. Amen.
Protect my Day
Blessed be my protection when I go out during day or night,
That thou mayest not let any of my enemies, or thieves, approach me,
If they do not intend to bring me what was intended from your Holy Altar.
Because God the Lord Jesus Christ is ascended into Heaven in his living Body,
And so shall my body and wellbeing be protected on this journey.
O Lord, bless me and watch over me day and night.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Protect my Journey
In the name of God I go on this journey.
May God the Father be with me,
God the Son protect me, and
God the Holy Ghost be by my side.
Whoever is stronger than these three persons
May approach my body and my life; yet
Whoso is not stronger than these three
Would much better let me be!
Let No Evil Befall Us
O God, You are the preserver of men, and the keeper of
our lives. We commit ourselves to Your perfect care on the
journey that awaits us. We pray for a safe and auspicious
Give Your angels charge over us to keep us in all
our ways. Let no evil befall us, nor any harm come to our
dwelling that we leave behind. Although we are uncertain
of what the days may bring, may we be prepared for any event
or delay, and greet such with patience and understanding.
Bless us O Lord, that we may complete our journey safely
and successfully under Your ever watchful care.
Be with Me Christ
The cross of Christ be with me;
The cross of Christ overcomes all water and every fire;
The cross of Christ overcomes all weapons;
The cross of Christ is a perfect sign and blessing to my soul.
May Christ be with me and my body during all my life
At day and at night. Now I pray, I , pray God the Father
For the soul’s sake, and I pray God the Son for the Father’s sake,
And I pray God the Holy Ghost for the Father’s and Son’s sake,
And I pray God the Holy Ghost for the for the Father’s and the Son’s sake,
That the holy corpse of God may bless me against all evil things, words and works.
The Cross of Christ
The cross of Christ open unto me future bliss;
The cross of Christ be with me, above me, before me,
Behind me, beneath me, aside of me and
Everywhere, and before all my enemies,
Visible and invisible; these all flee from me
As soon as they but know or hear.
Enoch and Elias, the two prophets, were never
Imprisoned, nor bound, nor beaten and came
Never out of their power; thus no one of my enemies
Must be able to injure or attack me in my body
Or my life, in the name of God the Father, the Son,
And the Holy Ghost. Amen!
Protection from Heaven
The blessing which came from heaven,
From God the Father, when the true living Son was born,
Be with me at all times;
The blessing which God spoke over the whole human race,
Be with me always.
The holy cross of God, as long and as broad
As the one upon which God suffered
His blessed, bitter tortures, bless me today and forever.
The three holy nails which were driven through
The holy hands and feet of Jesus Christ
Shall bless me today and forever.
The bitter crown of thorns which was forced upon
The holy head of Christ, shall bless me today and forever.
The spear by which the holy side of Jesus was opened,
Shall bless me today and forever.
The rosy blood protect me from all my enemies,
And from everything which night be injurious to my body
Or soul, or my worldly goods.
Bless me, oh ye five holy wounds, in order that all my enemies
May be driven away and bound,
While God has encompassed all Christendom.
In this shall assist me God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
Amen. Thus must I, , be blessed as well and as valid
As the cup and the wine, and the true, living bread which
Jesus gave his disciples on the evening of Maunday Thursday.
All those that hate you must be silent before me;
Their hearts are dead in regard to me; and their tongues are
Mute, so that they are not at all able to inflict the least injury
Upon me, or my house, or my premises:
And likewise, all those who intend attacking and wounding me
With their arms and weapons shall be defenseless,
Weak and conquered before me.
In this shall assist me the holy power of God, which can make all arms or
weapons of no avail. All this in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen.
The Watchful Eye of The Lord
A watchful eye is caring for me. I am protected, safe, and free.
He is here watching, I am happy to be, He is here watching, watching over me.
I’ve been a lost lamb, just caring for me. I thought I had no one caring for me.
I was so lonely, tired and worn, but I looked around and this thought was born.
He is here watching, watching over me. Look little lamb, look around and see.
Look little lamb, He said , I am watching over thee. Drink from the water so pure and so clean.
Taste of the water, and then you will see. Open your eyes now, you are all clean.
See little lamb, you are white and all new. See little lamb, I will watch over you.
How kind dear sir, to watch over me. I am all white and clean and all new. You are so kind sir,
to help me dear sir.
Thank you for watching, watching over me. I feel protected, safe, and free.
For the Lord He is watching, He is watching over me. I stayed near his feet,
I was helpless and small, but he watched over me, that I should not fall.
Come little lamb, follow me to the water. You can drink from it there. I will help you not falter.
He knew that my knees were all tired and sore, from falling and falling, again on the floor.
Come little lamb, you can try it again. I know that you’re weak, but I’ll help you to stand.
You speak so kindly, I said to the man. You speak so kindly, You’ll help me to stand.
I took a little drink, where he showed me the water, and I started to cry,
my tears rolled down in the water.
Why are you crying, He said to me then? I have been crying, again, and again.
Oh Master can you help me? I have lost a hold, of my children over yonder, who are a part of my fold.
Can you call them dear Master. To see if they’ll come To your water dear Master,
Please see if they’ll come.
You hold me in safety, with comfort and care. You speak to me gently, I have nothing to fear.
You are so kind dear Master. I am happy with thee. Even though I falter, You are still with me.
I am a little lamb, all torn and weak, But I will be happy to sit at your feet.
Submitted by A.C.
Prayer Request: Post Your Own “Prayers for Protection and Safety”
If you’d like, you can post your prayer below so the PrayWithMe community can help pray with you.
Rules for Posting: All prayers are posted publicly through to this site. Don’t use full names or any other identifying information that you wouldn’t want out on the web.
Don’t post with ALL CAPS, and try to use proper spelling and grammar.
If you can, help pray for others and post comments of support.
Recent prayer requests…
Tap below to see prayers from other visitors to this site.
- Prayer for Protection and Well Being for Companion Cats – Please pray for our cats Hector and Amadeus, our companion cats, while we are away on holiday from 28 July to 8 August and also …
- Protection – Please pray for me. That when I cross over that I’m not harassed or bothered in anyway. Guide me through safely and brought back safely. …
- Protection from all the wicked and crooked people. Make all their weapons blunt and harmless – Grant us full protection/our entire family from all the eyes and plans/ projects of the wicked, crooked and the evil. Protect us from all sorts …
- Family prayer – Please help us in Prayer. My family and I, we are in battle only Prayer could help us. Just losing a beautiful young woman from …
- A prayer for a friend going through divorce – God be with my friend during this difficult times, protect him from all harm that may come his way, put him under your wings, cover …
- Grandson – Please pray that my grandson is safe. He is allowed to run freely and I have no control over the situation. Thank you
- Victory – Lord please protect me from the enemy. I feel weak and down and I know you’re the only one who can give me strength and …
- Protection and healing – Lord protect my family from evil and help Carlos recuperate from alcohol protect us with your holy blood. Protect Carlos from any illnesses and protect …
- Son’s protection – Please pray for my son and his friend’s protection. They are going river rafting today. Our state is having monsoons and there has been flash …
- Deliverance – I need protection and deliverance. Been asking for years and real power has not come down.
- Protection for Prisoners – Father, praying for safety and protection for prisoners being abused within the prison system and to change the culture that condones or hides these abuses.
- Protection for my soldier friend – I pray for God to be with him throughout the operation he went to at maduguri till he comes back home.
- Protection for my twins – Please for protection for my twin boys when they go to their dad’s house. I have tried 5 times with the court for protection from …
- Court case – I am going into court today to enter a plea bargain that I had no choice but to take. My Lawyer drug his feet and …
- Deliverance – Can you please pray for my marriage, my husband drinks every weekend from Friday to sunday, and am pregnant and we always fight. Also pray …
- Keeping Home – I need a prayer to protect my childhood home from foreclosure. My mom passed away and left a reverse mortgage behind. My credit due to …
- From evil – Lord protects or home from spirits that in my home keep my dogs tiger and rouge and myself Rhonda safe Lord I need peace in …
- Christian School – God’s protection on our christian school.
- Curious – Dear lord I’ve been having nightmares ever since my partner passed and I had a strange experience happen to me when I was leaving the …
- Protect frm evil – In th name of th son , holly spirit amen
- Lost suitcase – Dear Lord, Thank you for all you done to this point. I come to you, asking for you divine intervention in this situation. My Carry …
- Prayer for Protection – Dear Heavenly Father, my grandson Ricky deserves loving caring parents. Only you dear God know how to positvely permanently fox this situation. pllease do it …
- Need protection for me and kids – Hello ! I Jacqueline writing for prayer.i am praying God protect me and my two daughters and grandkids from the evil wicked people. Thanks and …
- From evil – Lord protects or home from spirits that in my home keep my dogs tiger and rouge and myself Rhonda safe Lord I need peace in …
- Strength and guidance against ALL evil – Dear Lord I come to you today to ask you for your protection against all evil that may want to hinder my success and growth …
- Please pray for my belongings not to be spoilt by others – I don’t make negative assumptions that people are treating me badly when they are not. I treat others with respect and courtesy. I’m putting things …
- Mount Carmel – Oh most beautiful Flower of Mount Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendour of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immiculate Virgin assist me in this …
- Prayer for protection forgiveness and to know God even more!!! – Dear heavenly father we come to you as humble as we know how ask you to watch over my family I plead the blood of …
- Praying for my grandChildldren – I’m prayig for my grand daughter who is on drugs an my grand son who is n jail .
- I desperately need protection from someone who’s harmed my animals and made me lose my home – Lord,you know my heart and I’ve always been kind to others.Please stop Jamie Samone from bullying me,hurting my animals,and having me evicted.Please,I’ve lost everything and …
- Protection from the enemies – Lord Deliver me from the hands of my enemies that rise up against me. Let them be scattered and put to confusion and be destroyed. …
- Healing – I can’t sleep at night I worry about my children and pray that they are safe. I worry and stress about my health and that …
- Healing, Deliverance – Heavenly & Righteous Father, pls Heal & Deliver me from the Spirit of Lust… Homosexual thoughts. Pls help me from the Enemies Lord & Deciet. …
- I am not myself do to anxiety. – I feel like I need you to pray for me. I over analyze every thing and am afraid of a lot of things. Please pray …
- Family protection – Prayer for family protection, brokenness, and to help heal to bring family back together. also for addictions, and mental health issues.
- Protection – I fired an employee who was stealing from my office and although i paid her whatever she worked, she was very angry and I am …
- Help – To be delivered from satanic attack.
- Spiritual warfare – I have been dealing with a spiritual attack and Would like for you to pray for me for protection this world is evil but I …
- Spiritual Warfare – False accusations are being made against me about my husband. He suffered a brain bleed coming off pain meds taken as prescribed too fast. I …
- Breaking strongholds, protection of Angels, verdict of God – Please pray for my Angels. Something maybe stopping my smallest Angel standing up against the Devil. Other Angels maybe being challenged too. Please pray God …
- Me and my baby – First of all i would like to thank you my lord jesus christ thank you so much for everything you do for me already and …
- Psalm for my soul – Please bless Itzel Lord for her temperament has costed her her safety and well being. pray through Jesus with me for her protection,especially her employer …
- For my sons – Oh Lord, I ask you to bless my children spiritually, physically, mentally, academically and financially. They are going through tough times. Please with them every …
- Holy St Michael, please defend me from the malicious enemy. Protect me from the devil and spiritual warfares. Thank You Lord Amen – Thursday July 12th, Praise Report and Prayer Request to St Maria Goretti and The Heavenly Father Dear God Almighty, Holy Spirit, The Paraclate, my Advocate, …
- Prayer for me getting through tooth surgically removed – Please everyone pray for me as I will be getting a canine pulled out next week not sure I have to call them I know …
- Dealing With A Difficult Person At Work – If I could have some prayers help me prayer for peace and protection at work. Im dealing with a envy spirit. A lying tongue demon. …
- Protection – I’m going through a rough patch at work, having an uncertain situation and used as a scapegoat for political reasons. Feeling weak and fearful for …
- Prayer for the deceased – Lord God, I thusly pray for the soul of my deceased mother and that You take care of her in Your holy Kingdom. I thank …
- Protection from evil spirits/demons – Lord i pray to you today for protection from evil demonic spirits that are trying to break down my family and posess my fiance. Lord …
- Protect me Dear Lord – Protection from a person that wants to cause harm to me.
- Home peace rest – For my finances, a home for my mm and myself no homeless nights peace of mind for me faith and strength forgiveness Thank you in …
- Untimely death – Prayer against untimely death.
- Miracle tonight – Dears in our living god Jesus Christ I have big issues to resolve tonight so my tomorrow will be peaceful. I have problems to give …
- protection – Lord please surround my house with protection from evil Lord please keep my kids an mom safe Lord please help me to better my life …
- Request for Protection – Dear Lord Please protect me from bad evil and protect my Family and Work. I spray Blood of Jesus in every where for protection, Amen
- Forgiveness,strength,faith – Lord I pray that you protect me from all evil things protect me from the devil he been trying to use me and steal my …
- Please Lord God Almighty, protect me from all spiritual warfares, defend me from the malicious enemy and please hide me in your sacred wounds. Thank You Lord – Monday July 9th, Praise Report and Prayer Request to St Maria Goretti and The Heavenly Father Dear God Almighty, Holy Spirit, The Paraclate, St Jude, …
- Wisdom and Discernment at Work – Please watch over me in a difficult work situation. Help me have faith to trust God and feel his protection. Help quiet my anxiety ridden …
- Wisdom and Discernment at Work – Please watch over me in a difficult work situation. Help me have faith to trust God and feel his protection. Help quiet my anxiety ridden …
- Son – Pray for my son, so he has a good outcome from his trial.
- Protection – Oh blessed Jesus I ask that you remove these wicked neighbours from next door in Jesus name that they will live somewhere else and he …
- Living in fear – I know the lord isn’t of fear but yet I’m living in fear more and more please pray for me and my children because they …
- Made a mistake – I made a mistake of bad judgement thinking my actions could recover stolen money, and protect our community it backfired on me and now I’m …
- Satanic attacks/spiritual warfare – I’m need of a urgent prayer request for a person who stole money from me he stood me up when claimed he was gone pay …
- Under Attack at Work – I am asking fir prayers for protection from constant ridicule at work. I have been enduring persistent periods of attack toward me. It is as …
- My wonderful son – Please pray for my son. He needs guidance because he has allowed a relationship with a girl at his age 18 to overshadow his judgement …
- Thankful for everthing – Please pray for my family and relationship for protection and also for my children.
- Protection – Hi my name is Hugo and I have a prayer request. I have recently been in trouble with the law that can potentially land me …
- Removal of sinners – I humbly ask for prayers for me and all of my families. For the removal of all evil people, evil spirits, and any unknown works …
- Save my daughter – I want everyone to join in agreement that GOD is working in my daughters life to protect her from a abusive relationship that’s mentally physically …
- Deliverance – My family needs help from a demonic presence that has formed an unatural attachment as we have been targeted by the Occult. Please pray for …
- Prayer for my son – Please Lord protect my son from harm
- Forgiveness – Hi my name is Hugo and I have a prayer request. I have recently been in trouble with the law that can potentially land me …
- Peace – Keep the hedge of protection around me and keep protecting me from evil.
- Prayer for the child in my womb – Please pray from my baby in my womb, May i have a safe delivery and may she be prtected from all kinds of problem and …
- Please guide me and protect me – Dead God, Please guide me tomorrow on the day my Oath Ceremony for my Citizenship. Protect me and guide me on everything I need to …
- I need a Miracle – Please pray for me and my family. I am a 43 years old mother of two wonderful boys and 1 grandson and a wife to …
- Daily protection for my son – I am beseeching the universe to bestow protection on my son Zach in his daily ministrations. Keep him safe and out of harm’s way. Help …
- Prayer for Ulylesses – Father God I am asking for protection of my son Ulylesses I plead the blood of Jesus over him right now in Jesus name I …
- Blood of Christ Sanctify my Soul – Sunday July 1st, Praise Report and Prayer Request to St Maria Goretti and The Heavenly Father Dear God Almighty, Holy Spirit, The Paraclate, St Jude, …
- Suazo Family – Protect josette from the lies and enemies that want to harm her
- Protection healing – Good afternoon I’m writing to ask for prayers for myself and my unborn baby I suffer from anxiety and depression and claustrophobia and have been …
- My Fathers – Please God encamp your angels around my elderly father. Come against the evil ways of the caregiver and her wicked plan. Let the blood of …
- Please Pray For Me – Pray for me please. I’m disabled and I live in pain everyday. I was afraid to go back to surgery after seeing so much failures. …
- Pray for the persecuted – Ask the Father in the name of Jesus Christ to fill the persecuted Nigerian Christians with the Holy Spirit for patience, faith, deliverance from the …
- Protection for My Grandson – I need some prayer support for my grandson Darrien. Darrien is 19 and just finished his first year of college. He has been having a …
- Case Dismissed – You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good GEN 50:20 Pray that all charges in case 6:17-cr-00015-NKM be dropped and case closed …
- Jesus cover my daughter with your precious blood – Heavenly Father I pray that you continue to cover my daughter with your precious blood heal her & keep her safe, cast all evil away …
- Keep evil away – Prayer from and person who is being evil and we are scared she is mad at one person but is taking it out on our …
- Prayer of protection for my grandkids – My grandkids have been taken away from their parents and put foster care they were separated I have two grand boys I need prayers for …
- Confusion – Please pray that I have decent place to stay. My Fiance has left again and due to his drinking I will probably loose my apartment. …
- Schools – We need to pray daily for each and every school child/teenager/teacher/ all bodies… That the bullying..the shootings stop..that every person get home safely each and …
- Good Exam Results – Praying for good Uni entrance exam results tomorrow. Please may he get into a good University. Please have your hand on results. Praying for a …
- Emotional/ dealing with very evil people – I am in much need for another place to live. My property is being stolen. There is someone who I foolishly opened my apt. To. …
- Pregnancy – Pray that the delivery happens safe and normal. Expected date is last week of October or 1st week of November.
- Ill grandfather. – Please pray for my grandfather, he is ill and in hospital. Please pray for his health and salvation. He is old and doesn’t know Jesus!
- Something wrong with my dog – Something has been very wrong with my dog lately.Please protect her,heal her,and let her be happy and safe.Im so worried for her.I love shadie so …
- Prayer for healing – Dear lord as I pray tonight am puttingvmy mother Amy small in prayers for healing, lord she is in pain and I am looking for …
- Numerous reasons – Asking our Heavenly Father to help heal our family, especially for strength for my husband. He is very depressed. He had a very hard childhood …
- Financial/protection – Please pray for my financial/protection and also my kids thank you
- Remove Dark forces from around me – I pray that God will remove all dark forces or protect me and my family from it. Mainly my son who was shot for nothing …
- Worry over son’s University Entrance Acceptance – Praying that God will have his hand on our son’s University entrance exams. Praying for a miracle that he did enough to get accepted in …
- Please God grant me your protection and deliver me , Son Christopher, mother Margaret and Siblings from all evil. Thank You Lord 🙏 – Monday June 25th, Praise Report and Prayer Request to St Jude and The Heavenly Father Dear God Almighty, Holy Spirit, The Paraclate, St Jude, Holy …
- Protection and provision – We need your protection and provision oh Lord we ask this through your Son Jesus Christ. For my son and his family and we all …
- Pray for me and my family’s safety – Please pray for me and my family for safety and comfort in real life and online. I also pray for people to forgive me for …
- protection prayers – Lord almighty I bow before you with deepest of my heart. I gave in your hands myself and my family. Let the holy spirit build …
- I am scared – Sometimes I feel like there’s someone there watching me and doors opening and closing. I just need some prayers to help me get over my …
- protection over my children – please pray for my 3 boys keep them safe from all harms way they will come home safely and I pled the blood of jesus …
- Prayer 🙏 for my three sons – I pray for Our Lord to build a hedge of protection for my three boys from physical, emotional, mental, addictions, or any other conceivable harm. …
- Blessed St Michael the Archangel, please defend me, son Christopher, mum Margaret, Siblings and all that we pocess from Our enemies Thank You 🙏 – Friday June 22nd, Praise Report and Prayer Request to St Jude and The Heavenly Father Dear God Almighty, Holy Spirit, The Paraclate, St Jude, Holy …
- Job protection – Please pray that the Lord will give me wisdom and His strength to work well for His glory . I pray that the Lord , …
- Almighty God from the malicious enemy please defend me.Hide me within your Sacred Wound. Thank you Amen – Thursday June 21st, Praise Report and Prayer Request to The Heavenly Father Dear God Almighty, Holy Spirit, The Paraclate, St Jude, Holy Mother Mary, Undoer …
- Prayer for God protection – Pray for God’s protection against evil attacks ,against principalities.protection against any form of attack against me,my family and business
- Protection – Lord please protect me from the new manager Pretti coming to work with us shortly. Help me pay off my mortgage and have enough to …
- Family – Please pray for protection for my family. My daughters and my wife need lifted up. All 3 are in need of God’s uplifting spirit and …
- Job and residence – Please pray for to a permanent full time job. For me and my family to get our permanent residence. Thanks Shalvina
- Blessing and a clean heart – God just remove all this madness and pain and hurt. Do I could do better for me and my family. Just so tired need a …
- Protection – My neighbors are harassing me with their life styles, and being very rude, because I am not joining in! I am scared of their behaviors. …
- Emergency help – Urgent emergency help to remove all my problems especially cyber libel case filed against me by my cousin. Let it be settled and dismissed in …
- Prayer for my family – Please pray for my family. My parents have ended their marriage in their retirement years and are lost and facing a new life alone in …
- Prayer for all children in the world – Dear Lord, please protect each and every child in this world . give them a happy healthy life. give them a good education so that …
- Protection – Dear heavenly father, I ask that you please watch over my son’s, myself and all those I love. I pray that you give us strength …
- Prayer for my family – Praying for protection and healing for my family. Thank you.
- Protection from all works of the Devil and Ones whom are trying to harm us – Dear Heavenly Father, I, humbly, come to you today, on behalf of My family and Myself. In Jesus name, I ask for protection, at night …
- Protection from evil – I pray to the for guidance to the light. To take me away from the evil and bring me the love of God. I pray …
- Prayer to fight evil – Please. I would love a prayer for my family, good people, and myself for protection against everything that is satanic, such as black magic, curses, …
- Deliverance Prayer – For the Deliverance of my niece and protection of my family from attacks of the devil. I pray in Jesus’ Mighty Name
- Protection – Dear Lord, Please protect my husband and son on that long trip they are taking. Please help the truck to run perfect for them and …
- Keep the safe and out of harm’s way protect them from evil – Heavenly father please help keep my 17 years old baby boy safe and blessed and protect him and my boyfriend as well keep him safe …
- Direction – A couple of months ago I began praying for promotion and since that time I have been wrongfully accused of many things. In the beginning …
- Peace and protection – Dear God please enter my home and banish the evil that has entered my husband. If it is possession , cast out the demons and …
- Help – Hello asking for protection over myself and my children from all evil, and from me getting attacked by devil and demons in night time .
- Fear – Dearest Heavenly father, I hear and read so much that is going on in the world, in and around our homes that I am fearful. …
- Protection against evil spirit – I would like to pray for protection against the evil spirit in my house
- Need a miracle – Protection from people’s bad intentions towards me please!
- Prayer for protection for my children and myself – Please help me by praying for the well being of my children and myself. I have tolerated a bad marriage for 18 years and I …
- Protection – For the Lord to keep me safe from spiritual , physical and mental harm.
- Protection from legal issues – I pray that the legal issues that I am being faced with will have a positive outcome. My court date is June 14th , 8:30 …
- St. Michael the Archangel – Protection for my children from bullying and harassment from others.
- Prayer for my son – Praying for protection and strength for my son and Aunt Betty. Thank you,
- co-worker is causing tension and has issues with women in dept.. – I pray for better mgr of the store. As, moral is very low due to mgr. I pray that, the co-worker who is causing hostile, …
- protection – Prayer for protection of self against all harm and my cell phone that is delivered on my porch not to be stolen
- To a new Friend – Heavenly Father I pray over My Friend and his fellow soldier Brothers. I pray for protection, courage, and that they would feel your presence while …
- Demons – Look I need help with demons can you pray with me that this demon be gone forever put my life and family life help me …
- My children – I pray that my children David and Anthony will be surrounded by the love and protection of our Lord. May Anthony be safe today while …
- Urgent prayers need a miracle – Please pray for me and my family for a financial break through protection for God bless me with healing in my rent home life my …
- Deliver me from my adversaries – Father lord,please deliver me from the persecution of the enemies, and make a way for me where they say there is no way for me …
- Mother cursing me for death and my friend who is confused with religion – I pray for my protection. Lord God Almighty you know what I deal with at home with my mother. She curses my existence and uses …
- Pray for my son Zach – My son Zach suffers from autism he is diagnosed as 5 years behind his natural age of 19 in his thinking (so is emotionally and …
- The words I here always are from my Lord Jesus Christ and not Lusifer – Please let me know that the voice that tells me how to live my life is from God and not the evil one. I have …
- Demons – I want prayer because a demon a black snake is in my house in the spiritual world I have it 2 times, I can’t fight …
- Prayer for a rebellious son – Help me pray for my son for he is so rebellious he would not forget and forgive.he can choose from wrong and right and he …
- Snakes – I have always been told since I was young that seeing snakes is warning from God that evil is near. Within an 8 hour period …
- Prayer for protection – Dear Lord, please please watch over my daughter and grandchild . You know what they have been through, and what they are still going to …
- Evil spirit – This is true. I have and evil spirit that is attached to me and I need powerful men and women of GOD to prayer this …
- Protection against the evil – I pray for protection from the evil and unwanted trespasses, and I pray that my property be protected from them ever since.
- family – Pray for A.F and family will have protection against evil body,mind soul. Pray for my marriage and family. A.F can get her bedroom in order. …
- prayer for protection from an ex boyfriend – Dear Lord, I want to start off by telling you just how wonderful you are. I adore you and I love you. There is none …
- Protect my grandson – Dear Lord, I pray for your protection over the mind and spirit of Finn. His inocent mind is being corrupted by the teachings of his …
- Visa and Job safety – My husband should receive H1 Visa this year to be safe in USA(results to be known this week/next week)
- Prayer for forgiveness for stealing – Please prayer for me as I am being investigated for workplace theft. I have promised the LORD that I will never again steal in my …
- protection from darkness – Lord Jesus Christ I come before you this morning grateful seeing yet another day, thank you Lord for your everlasting blessings you shower me with …
- Protection – Please pray for Steve he needs protection from demonic entities. Protection from people in his building.
- Healing from ankle surgery – I need prayers for quick and complete healing of bones of my ankle. I had trimalleolar fracture due to a fall caused by an unexpected …
- Praying For Peace and Protection From Evil – Good morning. I have new neighbor’s that have moved in next door. I actually live in a condominium association, in a duplex, so they are …
- Protection for my family & myself from those wishing to do us harm – Heavenly Father- I beg your forgiveness & protection for all members of my household from anyone or anything wishing to do us emotional, physical, or …
- Prayer for my son – Please pray for my son who is struggling with mental illness. Please send angels to protect him.
- Protection for Me, MOM & Dad family – Hi, We need protection from a young man who may try to retaliate when he is released from Prison – he used to be saved …
- Protection from any works of satan – Brothers and Sisters please help us pray for protection guidance and safetyness of our Sister Karissa wherever she is right now in Jesus name Amen
- Protection – Please provide protection to my son as he faces evil. Keep him from all harm and clear his name. Thank you Lord. Amen
- Hope – Strength to deal with racism and discrimination.
- Give me strength – Please pray with me as I try to escape abuse, for myself and my daughter. Ive been feeling so down and lost. I need my …
- Pray for my family – I pray for my family and myself. I pray for strength, wisdom, peace, protection and courage. I pray that God helps me with my anger …
- Son – Would appreciate prayer for protection over my son this week and for him to make wise choices.
- Protection from war – Please protect James as he is out there in Afghanistan as a US medic doctor saving lives. Please let no harm come to him. Please …
- Pray to help with my cases i have and protection again my enemy – Hello Dear thanks for this platforms you are giving us to express ours needed throught God i request a prayer because i need a protection …
- Workplace challenges – I need God’s protection and wisdom at my workplace.
- Pray I get this law assignment finished today please! – Please pray for me to get this law assignment finished today as it has been delayed due to illness, pain and enormous amount of stress …
- Please pray for my family – For Jesus sake please pray for my sister Fevziye, and her brothers, Faruk and Ali, Tahsin, and for me Mufide and for my brothers, Irfan, …
- Lightworker – That I can defeat any evil negative energy vibes spirits that may come my way and I will not be afraid and believe and have …
- Protection from Evil one – For Sheila, protect her against the onslaught of the devil.
- Help in the spirit world – I know this is going to sound crazy, but it’s true. I see things and it’s a snake standing by my bed as I sleeping, …
- Protect My Family And Apartment – I am asking God to reveal whatever it is with my friend Jackie who is homosexual and her female friend house that she keeps going …
- Problem – So scared I’ve done bad things again and have fear, was unkind and can’t find a way out be ause I am so awful. I …
- Pregnancy Prayer – I pray tp God to protects my children that they live and stay with me. That by 6th of June I shall do a pregnancy …
- Victory over witchcraft – I minister where there is much witchcraft. Pray for wisdom and victory over witchcraft.
- Protect me Lord, my son Christopher, mother Margaret and Siblings for You are my Saviour, Thank You 🙏 – Saturday May 26th, Praise Report and Prayer Request Dear God Almighty, Holy Spirit, The Paraclate, St Jude, Holy Mother Mary, Undoer of Knots, please undo …
- Reunion with missing cat Princess – Heavenly Father. So many days I have been working just taking care of all rescued and beloved cats in my life.but now one cat Princess …
- For my Son – Please God Protect my son Guide him with strength and courage Sheild him with your grace Give him hope and light To know he is …
- Protection and providence – Please help me pray to almighty God for my children, Gerlyn, Lindsey, Darlene, Joshua and Cyrus. May our Lord, Jesus love and protect them, and …
- Breakthrough – Request prayer this Friday as a judgement will be laid upon me in court on something I did not do intentionally – need a breakthrough …
- Protecting from evil neighbours – Dear Lord, We want you to help and protect us from our evil neighbours who are spying on us,spreading evil about us.They are succeeding in …
- Prayer for protection – Please pray for my newborn baby’s protection and protection over my marriage and family.
- Deliverance – Please pray that our LORD will protect me from the fiery darts of the enemy. That HE will surround me with HIS LIGHT and dispel …
- My son needs prayers please – Last week my son got jumped by multiple boys from his school and older kids not from his school as well while trying to help …
- protection from evil people – My friend Tammy and her whole family need prayers from the gang. Please pray that they are all unharmed through this whole journey. Amen
- Prayer for Mom – Please pray for my mother who is 83 y/o. She lost her husband less than a year ago & his children came & took over …
- Guide me O God for You are my Strength and Sheild Thank You 🙏 – Sunday May 20th, Praise Report and Prayer Request Dear God Almighty, Holy Spirit, The Paraclate, St Jude, Holy Mother Mary, Undoer of Knots, please undo …
- Safe Traveling Prayer For Son – Please join me in praying for my son and his friends who are traveling back from Gulf Shores this evening with safety and guardian angels …
- Auto repair – Please pray for favor with mechanics fixing my vehicle they will be honest and true to their word in repairing what they said they would …
- Deliverance – I’m in need a prayer request for a person by the name of Kim she is a harassing spirit that is jealous-hearted and will not …
- Safety – I need help with praying cuz I have anxiety and depression with schizophrenia and it’s breaking me apart and making me believe or think that …
- Deliverance – I am in need of further miracle deliverance from tormenting forces of the enemy. God has begun work but I still need further deliverance. Need …
- Holding on for life – Please pray for us. My son who i love so much is incarcerated for drugs. Pray that he will not go back to drugs and …
- Healing – Please pray for my complete healing, good health and God’s guidance to enable me raise my child well, peace and calmness of mind and protection …
- Prayer for Richard – My God I come before You in worship and adoration to please protect Richard as he goes back to his country this weekend. Please keep …
- Positive Out Come – Please pray that God is watching down on me. And that there are no legal problems that are going to happen. Please pray for freedom, …
- Pray for protection – My tenant had file a police report for his lost belonging when the contactor access into the houae for renovation work. The work will last …
- Home – Praying God’s light will shine in the home of my son and they will be protected from evil especially my grandson while trying to sleep. …
- Safety – I need help with praying cuz I have anxiety and depression with schizophrenia and it’s breaking me apart and making me believe or think that …
- Save my soul – I need spiritual prayer. I feel that I am being medically harmed by someone who doesn’t like me. I have had multiple cat-scans, ultra-sounds, MRIs …
- Prayer for court case – Please pray for me. On October 3, 2017 I was charged with criminal threat as a felony. I regret that I make a threat to …
- Need money for to save my life – God please help i lost my all money in one year which earn in last 10 years. Now i have urgent need money . I …
- My family needs help from the enemies who use fire arms – Please Lord and all the saint’s and angels please help us protect us from all the enemies that treating my son and all of us …
- Prayer for Protection of My Family – Farther, I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over my children and all children especially young girls who are being kidnapped, raped and killed. Build …
- Prayer for my husband job – This prayer is for my husband job security or help him get new job immediately. Please pray for my husband. He had some issues with …
- Please pray for restoration of my marriage – Please I am asking for prayers for my marriage of 28 years I am desperate I need my husband Kris to stop his abusive behavior …
- Love Thy Neighbor – I purchased a home and have neighbors who have been extremely slothful. Bags of trash sit on the front porch and the side of house …
- Mercies – For God’s mercies in my life and forgiveness for mistakes done
- Lord I Need You Now – I ask for prayer over my god mother and used to be friend that is staying here with me. They are both homosexual women and …
- Worries – Dear Lord please protect me from my enimies and please bless their lives. Please for give me for cursing and bad thoughts towards others. Talking …
- St Michael The Archangel please Protect me my son Christopher, mother Margaret and siblings from all evil and the devil. Thank You 🙏 – Thursday May 10th, Praise Report and Prayer Request Dear God Almighty, St Jude, Holy Mother Mary, Undoer of Knots, please undo the snarls of knots …
- Pray for God’s protection for my family – Please pray for ‘Shaun’, that God can reach and teach him how to be a caring and considerate family man. Pray that ‘Shaun’ will know …
- Financial – Please pray for me to get out of this Debts, and to get good wages each month ,I am tired of the struggling is getting …
- Ryan’s safety – Dear Lord, please protect my son as we go before the court. Let truth prevail. Please be with those in power today and give them …
- Prayers for Jacob – I pray to you my mighty loving Lord to protect Jacob during this time in his life. Jacob will serve 7 very long years in …
- Prayer against evil spirits – Please pray for me.I’m fighting aginst evil spirits sent to me
- God’s protection over Claire and Sophia – Pray for God’s peace, protection and presence to be within my family, especially God’s protection for Claire and Sophia. God, please use my husband, Rick …
- Safety – Please pray for my son geoffrey to be safe in his travels to cuba thursday may 3 till monday may 7 that he stay safe …
- For my daughter Bernadette – For my daughter Bernadette to be God fearing, free from evil hands and grow in knowledge, wisdom and understanding.
- Please Lord Jesus Christ Protect me, Son Christopher, mother Margaret, siblings and all my loved ones from satan, the devil – Tuesday May 1st, Praise Report and Prayer Request Dear God Almighty, Holy Mother Mary, Undoer of Knots, please undo the snarls of knots in my …
- Forgiven – I forgive who thrown and egg in my driveway
- Blessed St. Michael The Archángel please please defend me,son Chris,mother Margaret and siblings Thank You 🙏 – Sunday April 29th, Praise Report and Prayer Request Dear God Almighty, Holy Mother Mary, Undoer of Knots, please undo the snarls of knots in my …
- Peace – Thank You Jesus for all that You do for me and for all of us. Amen
- Divine white light and protection against all harm – I’m asking for forgiveness for all past sins. I pray to be surrounded by white light sheilding me and protecting me. To keep my faith. …
- Look into my heart – Look into my heart, Lord Jesus. Present my request to our Father. AMEN,
- Save me from prison – I am facing a serious charge. Possible prison time. I have 4 kids. Single Mum. I need prayers. I can’t leave my kids. One has …
- Please God Almighty,Lord Jesus Christ Protect me, Son, mother,siblings and loved ones from all evil Thank You 🙏 – Tuesday April 24th, Praise Report and Prayer Request Dear God Almighty, Holy Mother Mary, Undoer of Knots, please undo the snarls of knots in my …
- Please pray for me to protected in the workplace – Please pray for me to be protected from the nastiness in my work place and help relieve my anxiety and fear. Amen.
- A prayer for protection – Dear Jesus, I don’t want to fear anything. Even when I’m trying to work out situations. I am in need to care and to help …
- Prayers needed for Claire – Pray that Jesus can reach Claire’s heart and soul and that she seeks His salvation, grace, light, truth, protection, compassionate love, and wisdom. Pray for …
- Send Me A New Home – Lord, please bless our house and home, now and later. Lady pray for us, that like birds to nests, we make it home. Help find …
- Hedge for protection from evil and harm – Pray with me and my family for evil to flee from our jobs,finances ,our home and body
- Prayer for protection and deliverance – I pray for protection from evil spirits and seducing spirits.To be free from all spirits that want to stay in my body. I pray to …
- Protections against beyond hater – How in the world of treated new orleans crack dealer telling me,I will never no more license😕?!First of all am beyond save and Lord saying …
- Spiritual warfare – I feel God is showing me something, and I don’t know what it is. I ask that HE prepare me. Wether it be good or …
- Family protection – Prayer for my entire family who ever have hands in the death of my brother we not rest on peace
- Pray for Steve, Claire and Sophia – Pray for Claire and Steve (my daughter and son-in-law) – for forgiveness, healing, protection and salvation. Pray for protection and well-being of their young daughter, …
- Education – A teacher is wants to destroy the future of my son please I need a prayers from God to protect him from the evil one …
- Blessed St Michael The Archangel please provide me , son,mother siblings and family and friends with your protection. Thank You 🙏 – Dear God Almighty, I implore your Devine Mercy in my soul and for my intentions listed below for myself, Son Christopher, mother Margaret , siblings, …
- Mom’s cancer – Please help my mom get rid of her cancer
- Wisdom guidance protection – Please pray for my Wisdom guidance protection 🙏😊 thank u
- Confusion and non confusion – Lord i ask that you help others around me to understand why i might feel like i do. I want answers and not assumptions. Lord …
- Please Lord provide those certificates im waiting for – Lord bless me and my family protect us be with us Lord today I’m going to ask for my enrollment marksheet and bonafide Lord I’m …
- Protection – I need prayer for my family and I are going through a generation cycle or curse it is chaotic .I just need the peace of …
- Sacred Heart of Jesus, l entrust my son Christopher, my entire being, my mother Margaret and siblings into Thy care. Thank You 🙏 – Dear God Almighty, I implore your Devine Mercy in my soul and for my intentions listed below for myself, Son Christopher, mother Margaret , siblings, …
- Safe delivery – Please pray for me to have a safe delivery and a speedy recovery. thank you
- Prayer for strength – Please GOD protect my family and remove evil people, hate and bad energies and remove bad people from their paths. Please give them strength to …
- Protection from co-workers’ gossip – Lord, please protect me from the gossip of my co-worker and for the conversion of my co-worker.
- Protection against evil spirit – Dear Saint Jude. I ask for mind protection against evil spirit. Bad people I’ve met before is disturbing my mind . And I want to …
- Payer for my promotion at work – Dear Heavenly Father, you gave all desires of my heard according to your retches and glory, you bless work of my hands, patience and hard …
- Victory in Court Case – Please pray that God will give us victory in court on 18th April (a mention) and 23rd May(a hearing) and later dates until the case …
- Lord my God thank you – Please keep evil from those I love and those that intend to hurt us.thank you for walking with us lord.Please guide me and help me …
- Kayleigh/Ruth Analeigh – Kayleigh is 7 1/2 months pregnant ( with Ruth Analeigh) and having pains. They don’t want her to go into pre-mature labor. Please pray for …
- Prayer for my son Anthony – Please pray for my son. He just got arrested Friday. I ask that the Judge does not give him so many years that he get …
- O Jesus please give me strength in mind, body and soul Thank you 🙏 Lord – Blessed St Joseph, on your Feast Day March 19, the Final day of your Novena. With your intercession , The Merciful God answered my prayers. …
- Protection from enemies – Pray for my family’s protection from enemies and evil men around my home.To settle all the issues and worries in the name of Jesus
- St Jude, please come to my aid. Thank You 🙏 – Sunday, March 18th, Prayer Request and Praise Report. Dear Lord God Almighty; Holy Mother Mary, Blessed St. Joseph, Blessed St Michael the Archangel, St. Jude, …
- I need You Lord God Almighty, Jesus Christ .Please do not leave my side, Thank you 🙏 – Saturday, March 17th, Prayer Request and Praise Report. Dear Lord God Almighty; Holy Mother Mary, Blessed St. Joseph, Blessed St Michael the Archangel, St. Jude, …
- I gave myself to sin after a life of holiness – I gave myself to sin after a life of holiness because I fell in love with a man and I threw for him all the …
- Prayer to Saint Michael – Saint Michael the Archangel held an important heavenly role in doing battle against evil, protecting Christians against assault from the devil. The prayer to Saint …
- Protection and thanks to the Lord – Dear Lord thank you for this day and for keeping my house and family safe. Thank you for your beautiful salvation. Please Lord I pray …
- Sacred Heart of Jesus, l trust and believe in you l depend on you. You Lord is my All Amen 🙏 – Thursday, March 14th, Prayer Request and Praise Report. Dear Lord God Almighty; Holy Mother Mary, Blessed St. Joseph, Blessed St Michael the Archangel, St. Jude, …
- Blessed St Jude, please come to my aid. Thank You – Wednesday March 14th Prayer Request and Praise Report. Dear Lord God Almighty; Holy Mother Mary, Blessed St. Joseph, Blessed St Michael the Archangel, St. Jude, …
- Deliverance – I’m a born again, baptised (full immersion) Christian, but a demon keeps speaking to me and hassling me. I keep commanding it to be gone …
- Prayer for protection – Dear lord Jesus please protect me always and Jesus deliver me from all evils and misfortunes Jesus deliver me from all impending evils and misfortunes. …
- Pray for my son – Please pray for my son who has been wrongfully charged. Pray for his acquittal and pray for the depression and financial problems this has caused. …
- Protection From Enemies – God help us sleep through the night peacefully; keep Psalms 91 & all protection needed over us, our home, business, cars, life. health. God fight …
- Reinstatement of housing lease – Thank you for all prayers in advance. I am in need of prayer and a miracle. I have been issued a 30 day notice to …
- Family – Please prayer for all the member of my family, that only Lord Jesus Christ control their lives and all member serve the Lord Jesus Christ. …
- Lord Almighty, l know you are with me, for l fear no evil. Please protect and safeguard me, son, mother and siblings. – Friday March 9th, Prayer Request and Praise Report. Dear Lord God Almighty; Holy Mother Mary, Blessed St Michael the Archangel, St. Jude, ST. PEREGRINE, Our …
- Please God give heed to my prayers for I have no one else except you. You are my ALL. Thank You 🙏 – Thursday, March 8th Prayer Request and Praise Report. Dear Lord God Almighty; Holy Mother Mary, Blessed St Michael the Archangel, St. Jude, ST. PEREGRINE, Our …
- Need protection for me and kids – Hello ! I Jacqueline writing for prayer.i am praying for God’s protection around me and my daughter’s and grandkids. Thanks and God Bless
- protection – My neighbors are physiologically and mentally torturing me because Im disabled. Please pray for protection for me.
- O God You are my All. Please stay beside me as l lean on you every second and every minute Amen – Friday March 2nd, Prayer Request and Praise Report. Dear Lord God Almighty; Holy Mother Mary, Blessed St Michael the Archangel, St. Jude, ST. PEREGRINE, Our …
- Need help – I’m Jenny please help my life feels like it’s falling apart I’m deeply searching for guidance my life is full of pain I’m the one …
- Prayers for all the Miracles – Lord please Grant all of the requests for Miracles on this site and bless those requesting them.
- Protection + Healing – I was on a first date and the lady had a bad fall and I stayed with her whilst first aiders were called and later …
- Thieves in my home – Dear Jesus please stop thieving from workers that have come into my home to re-build from flooding. They have stolen jewelry and other precious possessions …
- Please God be my. Protector against the devil, guard me from any of his evil intentions and please put him in the bottomless pit Thank you – Tuesday February 27th, Prayer Request and Praise Report. Dear Lord God Almighty; Holy Mother Mary, Blessed St Michael the Archangel, St. Jude, ST. PEREGRINE, Our …
- Healing prayers – Blessing of today and to be thankful for each day and remember that God loves no matter what is wrong in our life. Amen
- Prayer Against Evil Colleagues – O Lord get me away from Violet’s evil deeds. Bind her with your Holy Spirit.
- Need peace in the home – Please pray for us that we have peace in our home, there is an uneasiness here that makes it hard to go about our life …
- Protection and love – Daryl Yahweh my Elohim please cover me and your protection is show me the way give me the right direction to follow your path and …
- Pray for my sick mother – Please pray for my mother who is ill. I pray that God heals her and make her whole again. I also pray that while we …
- Please pray for strength and mercy – My Lord please protect me and those around me and provide me with guidance at this time of worry. Please protect Rachel through your love …
- Please God strengthen me, guide me and protect me. Hear my cries and in your mercy please answer me Thank You 🙏 – Sunday February 25th, Prayer Request and Praise Report. Dear Lord God Almighty; Holy Mother Mary, Blessed St Michael the Archangel, St. Jude, ST. PEREGRINE, Our …
- Please God strengthen me, guard me and protect me, son, mother, brothers and sisters and all my loved ones Thank you 🙏 – Friday. February 23rd, Prayer Request and Praise Report. Dear Lord God Almighty; Holy Mother Mary, Blessed St Michael the Archangel, St. Jude, ST. PEREGRINE, Our …
- To Brandon – Dear Lord, you have placed Brandon in our family. He is very special to us. Please Lord, may the angels surround him in Afghanistan. Bring …
- Please God Almighty forgive my sins and hear my cries. Thank You 🙏 – Monday February 19th, Prayer Request and Praise Report. Dear Lord God Almighty; Holy Mother Mary, Blessed St Jude, ST. PEREGRINE, Our Lady of Lourdes All …
- Protection – Pray I’m protected from legal consequences to actions from before I found the lord. I was lost and thought I had no other way. I’m …
- Lord please hear my cries for You are my only Hope. Thank You 🙏 – Sunday February 18th, Prayer Request and Praise Report. Dear Lord God Almighty; Holy Mother Mary, Blessed St Jude, ST. PEREGRINE, Our Lady of Lourdes All …
- Protection from sickness – God, please Protect my family from illness, please shield them them from evil and harm, give me the strength to deal with this fear that …
- A Prayer of Protection – Dear Lord, Please wrap your protection around me like a cloak. Completely encompass me in your love and protect me from any harm. Prevent any …
- Please God forgive my sins and please hear my cries. Thank You Lord – Tuesday February 13th, Prayer Request and Praise Report. Dear Lord God Almighty; Holy Mother Mary, Blessed St Jude, ST. PEREGRINE, Our Lady of Lourdes All …
- Please Lord, on Thee do l wait all day. Please hear and answer me. Thank You,Amen – Monday February 12th, Prayer Request and Praise Report. Dear Lord God Almighty; Holy Mother Mary, Blessed St Jude, ST. PEREGRINE, Our Lady of Lourdes All …
- Please Lord hear my cries and please take heed to me. Thank You 🙏 – Sunday February 11th, Prayer Request and Praise Report. Dear Lord God Almighty; Holy Mother Mary, Blessed St Jude, ST. PEREGRINE, Our Lady of Lourdes All …
- Gods Protection for my dad – I pray that you dear Lord God Almighty I pray in my precious Jesus Christ of Nazareth name I pray in my Lord sweet Jesus …
- Please God heal me, strengthen me, guide me and protect me from all evil Thank You Lord – Saturday February 10th, Prayer Request and Praise Report. Dear Lord God Almighty; Holy Mother Mary, Blessed St Jude, ST. PEREGRINE, Our Lady of Lourdes All …
- I need you Lord God Almighty. Please help me Thank You 🙏 – Friday February 9th, Prayer Request and Praise Report. Dear Lord God Almighty; Holy Mother Mary, Blessed St Jude, ST. PEREGRINE, Our Lady of Lourdes All …
- Problems on my new job – I recently started a new job, no fault of my own. Ive been lied on, insulted and constantly picked on by 6 people (Michells S., …
- Salvation – Pray physical and financial protection from my brother. Pray my brother finds true salvation in our Lord Jesus.
- Hairstylist – A prayer request for an ex stylish deelish she’s is a liar the way she done me hurts I was nothing but nice to her …
- Protection from Enemies – I need prayers for protection from my Enemies on my job and at home in the community I have plenty and it seems like they.plot …
- Need God blessing and help – Lord I come to you as humble as I know how to thanking you for all you have done for me an my family an …
- Prayer for deployed son – Dear Lord, Please protect my son and his team as they are deploying soon. I ask that You give him the ability to lead his …
- My son – I pray for strength and understanding for my son and his wife. He is going through a difficult time with his job and I pray …
- Immigration reform – Please pray that my family and I do not get deported ever. We have been living in this country for over 30 years. going back …
- Protection, safety, positive interviews – I’m praying for my son’s safety and that he will be protected from all harm while he’s venturing out and in his home. This I …
- Free our home fom the evil one – Please father God almighty i ask first of all for your forgiveness for I know I’ve sinned. I know that you have been hearing and …
- Prayer for guidance,protection and employment – Please St.Jude protect me from black magic and heal my body if i am affected by it.Thank U
- Please God from the malicious enemies please hide me. Bless me and strengthen me. Thank You Lord. Amen 🙏 – Monday February 5th, Prayer Request and Praise Report. Dear Lord God Almighty; Holy Mother Mary, Blessed St Jude, ST. PEREGRINE, Our Lady of Lourdes All …
- Prayer for my beloved – Heavenly Father, I ask that you protect George and all the troops on a mission in Afghanistan. Please guide them from harms way. I know …
- academic miscondut hearing – I must appear before a disciplinary hearing committee for an academic misconduct, plagiarism. please pray with me as I did not commit this offense.
- Lift up – Father God I lift up to you my sweet husband. I lift him up to you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and …
- healing and protection from spirits not of GOD – Father god in Heaven, I come to you with thanksgiving in my heart for the many things you have, are, and will do for me …
- devils release – Lord..I pray that you help me rebuke the devil from my life and keep people that cause me anxiety to break loose and leave my …
- Prayer for help – Ask God to make this protection shield stronger so Satan cant can not break thought it.
- 3_2018 USSR elections – Father, in Jesus’ name, I give thanks for the USSR and its election in March 2018. I hold up in prayer before You those people …
- Work / Job security – I am writing to let the church and God to know that my work is at stake, my direct boss Julius gave me bad end …
- Daughter and Grand Children’s – Please pray for my daughter’s salvation, she a backslider that I raised in church. My 3 grands need salvation Faith 21 Gregory 20 Carmen 13 …
- Anxiety – Please pray for me lately I’ve been dealing with a lot of stress & anxiety & been Have a lot of panic attacks please pray …
- Guidance – Dear God I ask you to give me strength to get through my problems with my love life and my family. I know I have …
- Please Bless and Protect My Gokul – Dear God…. Jesus Christ and Mother…. Please be a shield for my Gokul and protect him ALWAYS. Please bless him to be always happy. I …
- freedom of prisoner – Please pray for the release of a prisoner, falsely imprisoned
- Safe delivery – St.jude pray for so that I can deliver my baby safe and also to be in good health me and my baby see us through …
- Praying for my Son Christopher for a Miracle – Father I want to thank you first of all and to let you know how much I love you, and for giving me Christopherf my …
- Hide Me From My Enemies – Lord you know at times I am so overwhelmed, its seems the responsibilities of the job are increasing and the individuals that work around me …
- Please Bless My Friend Gokul – Dear God…. Jesus Christ and Mother…. Please be a shield for my friend Gokul and protect him ALWAYS. Please bless him to be always happy. …
- Please Bless My Friend Gokul – Dear God…. Jesus Christ and Mother…. Please be a shield for my friend Gokul and protect him ALWAYS. Please bless him to be always happy. …
- The people of Libya – Dear Heavenly Father, please send help for the people of Libya who are being captured and killed so their organs can be harvested on the …
- husband protection – Father in the name of Jesus, please protect my husband from the enemies that force him to plead guilty for something that he didn’t do. …
- our dwelling – restore it all back unto our dwellings ME SONS/MOTHER/DEZIMAN/TRACY/DAMAJORS AND FAMILY EXWIFE THEIR CHIDREN/CHELSIE: OVER OUR LIVES 1He that dwelleth in the secret place of …
- My Heart is aching for you O God. Thank You Lord Almighty. Glory Be Thine name – Saturday January 20th, Prayer Request and Praise Report. Dear Lord God Almighty; Holy Mother Mary, Blessed St Jude, St Peregrine, Our Lady of Lourdes All …
- My son – Dear all, My son needs urgent prayers for protection over a historical allegation. He has been under investigation for months and is fearful of the …
- Protection – We need the Lord’s protection and shielding and for the Lord to be our protector over God’s servants and their children grandchildren/me/sons/mother/Deziman/Tracy and her family …
- Help – Dear Lord, Please don’t let our heater go out. Its not working very good and its so cold out. Please help it to keep running …
- Safety – My Lord, please protect my family and my son, may the mayon volcano from this very minute will stop flowing a lava, and just be …
- Please help me I am so close to giving up – Lord please help me through this situation. I made a mistake while I wasn’t well and I have punished myself for it every second of …
- Prayers – Please pray for my 88 year old father,he has cancer ,slow when he walks but really good in spirit and doing well in spite of …
- My poor Judgement in Life – Shoulder wound of Jesus . . . Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound …
- Help – Lord Almighty I pray today to ask You Almighty God to protect and guide me to the trail I face
- Divine Intervention, Help and Protection – An elderly relation phoned me and said she was in trouble, but my phone was off and it went to answerphone. I’ve rang her back …
- Disability Protection – Dear Lord, Please help me not to lose my disability benefits and medicare from co signing on a loan and receiving a w-9. Please protect …
- PRAYER FOR PROTECTION THROUGH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS – Lord JESUS, by faith in your merits, I now take your precious blood and sprinkle it over myself and my family right from the crown …
- Court Case – Please pray for me. On October 3, 2017 I was charged with criminal threat as a felony. I know what I say to my family …
- Prayer for My Children – I pray for God’s protection around my son. He is in a bad relationship and has mental problems. She is taking everything away from him …
- PRAYER FOR PROTECTION THROUGH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS – Lord JESUS, by faith in your merits, I now take your precious blood and sprinkle it over myself and my family right from the crown …
- Prayer to keep my job – the other day i lost my job due to my misconduct. i have been trying all of this new year to be a better person …
- Protect me from my evil neighbors – Lord heal my neigbor’s mind and hearts. They are torturing me because they are tortured mentally and causing me misery because they are miserable.HEAL THEM …
- Prayer for protection in court trial – My son, David is going for arraignment at 1:00 p.m. Please pray the judge shows mercy when the bond amount is set. He has no …
- Pray to Overcome OCD – Please Lord, I pray that you give me the strength and faith to overcome my OCD. I ask for each day a big improvement in …
- Prayer for my husband’s job & for peace for him – Dear Lord, I pray for a hedge of Angels over my husband & his job. I pray that you would protect his position. Lord I …
- Prayer for my sick father – Recently, we have found out that my father may of been diagonsed with cancer. It has filled my family with dread, they are scared of …
- Prayer for Protection from Evil – Oh lord in Heaven, God of Israel,Please here my prayer for protection in the name of Jesus who’s blood was shed for our sins. Please …
- Prayer to save my son – Save my son, Oh Lord!Please do not turn your back on him and forget him. He was once yours and he still belongs to you. …
- i wish with god – oh lord , you know i have made many a bad decision, i pray to you and all who have passed before me if i …
- Prayer for my boss to be nice at work – My boss is a bully and plays favorites with his employees and has admitted to it. I have worked hard all of my life and …
- My Son Goran – Father God my heart has been aching day and night since 1st November 2011 when my son Goran Nikoloski went missing. To this day we …
- Prayers needed for my 10 year old nephew – Please offer prayers for my nephew who is a very troubled child. He was born with drugs in his system. His mother has been in …
- Prayer for Protection and Blessings – Father God,I praise, worship, love, and adore you with all my heart, mind, body, and soul. I pray according to thy holy and true word …
- Prayer for safe travel – Dear Lord,Bless me and give me strenght to travel tommorow since i am pregnant for seven months i am asking your help and guidance for …
- Prayer to remove of Evil from my home – Dear God, In Jesus name I pray to stop the enemies, seen and unseen from fighting against me. I want no more nightmares and interference …
- Pray for forgiveness and help in a troubled time. – Lord I need to pray asking you to forgive me for my many sins that I have done over the years. I know I was …
- Prayer for my adult son – I want to find prayers to help my son who is 26. Prayers I can say.He lives far away from me and his sister.He is …
- Prayer to protect me from falling pregnant – Dear lord, Please forgive me from hving unprotected sex while I’m not married. Please forgive me from seducing another gals boyfriend. I’m broken Lord.You alone …
- Prayer to abolish the family curse of debt and poverty. – Lord I come to you humbly asking to help me fight against the demon of debt and poverty who has held my family captive for …
- Prayer for protection from evil and harm – I ask for prayer, I will be traveling to the east. Please protect me from all evil and harm. Keep my boys safe protect them …
- You are loved and Protected, never forget that. – I posted a prayer here about 2 months ago. Have been on my knees nightly since. I’ve cried, I’ve prayed out loud, begging for the …
- My boyfriend proposed but not ready for marriage – Thank you heavenly father for everything you have done and doing for me. Heavenly Father I come to you today to ask for your help. …
- Prayer to protect my son – My son is 3 months old now. I am currently in a custody battle with his father. He is threatening to take my son away …
- God sit with me this Thursday stay in support and good favor of me force those to pay for harming me and escaping me without any more deals I can’t do it – Dear god. I first thank you for giving me so much more perspective and humility in the greatest blessing this tragedy has caused me.. I …
- Prayer for my son to retain his current job – Please, Heavenly Father, my son made a mistake at work. Although it was not a huge mistake, human resources is considering job termination as one …
- Prayer for Being evicted from my home – (London, England) Dear LordThank you for all that you have provided for me. I come to you in this time of financial crisis for help, …
- Prayer to protect my husband – Father God, I come this morning first to give you Honor and Praise! Father I ask that you please protect my husband (Henry) right now, …
- Prayer for father to want the child – My family isn’t my family. I haven’t talked to them for 4 years now. I am pregnant by a man I have been with for …
- Healing from Stage 4 Cancer – Father God, I come to you in the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ and I ask to be healed from cancer. I realize that …
- Prayer for Protection In An Unsafe Place – I’m not in a safe place in my life now, Lord. I might have provided better for myself, and I know I am here in …
- Blessing over me and my children and our family – Father God in Jesus name please bless me to conceive a baby and be pregnant and carry my baby for nine months, and have a …
- Prayer for Protection and Guidance for my Husband – Heavenly Father today I come before you begging and pleading that you Lord break the curse that has my family in turmoil. I pray for …
- Prayer for my boyfriend’s and my safety – Heavenly Father, my God, I place myself, Christine, and my boyfriend, Teddy in your hands. Please be with us and protect us from all evil …
- Protection from enemies prayer – God, please protect my family and me so we can have a safe return home. You know how much we wanted to move back home …
- Prayer for my son’s safe and immediate return into my care – Dear Brothers and Sisters in ChristPlease pray for me and my 2yr old son. (1st time mom and I am single)Please pray that he be …
- Protection of heart health and mind – Lord all I can do anymore is pray. My neck leg and back are in so much pain with no relief. My mind is depressed …
- A Prayer to end worry – Dear God,I pray that all the things that I worry about throughout the day leave me. Jesus let your word dwell in me & that …
- Protection from my Drug Mother and all of her nasty evil ways – *This is a serious prayer, so please EVERYBODY out there pray for me and my family*My mother has a serious drug and alcohol problem and …
- Prayer for protection and justice – My daughter was Raped by several men about 3 weeks ago and these rapist Left my daughter in her car naked and thought since they …
- Help us, Lord – Father as me, my husband and daughter are about to be evicted from our flat, we call on your holy love to protect and guide …
- Prayer to avoid eviction – Hello Prayer partners,I have been an elementary teacher for 17 years. I have the highest evaluations one can get here in the state of Texas.In …
- Prayers for my mother to get a husband – Father o God, please may the spirit of patience and understanding be with my mum this year 2012. maybe every blessings u have said concerning …
- Prayer to Protect him from My Disease – Dear Father God, in the name of your son, Jesus Christ, I pray you protect P. from what ails me, even thou it isn’t terminal, …
- I don’t deserve my family. – God please allow me to keep my job, my family and i depend on it so much. I know it’s my fault that it’s in …
- Protect our love and relationship – God, I thank you for answering my prayers by introducing Etienne into my life and heart. I thank you for blessing me with somebody as …
- Protection of the gist family and my kids dejah , lil shannon – Please pray for me Catrina to keep my place and that i get a good job with benefits. Please pray for protection over my kids …
- Prayer for protection against evil spirits – Dear Lord, I ask that You protect my husband from the evil spirits that are currently disturbing and harming him. Please ward off all the …
- Protection from my ex-husband. – Lord God, I plead for your protection. Protect me from any more harm from my ex husband. he left me to marry another woman, which …
- Prayer for protection at work – father God I ask that you walk with me to work today and send your angels your son to protect me from any bad situation …
- Prayer for my grandaughter Nehemiah – Heavenly Father, Please have your angels cover and protect my grandaughter Nehemiah. Her mother has kept me from seeing her since my son(her father) is …
- Prayer to protect my family – Dear LordPlease protect my family and I whereever we are. When we are travelling by car keep the driver ,car and occupants safe from accidents …
- Prayer for my brother – My brother is talking to a woman she is 34 and he is 19 they been talking for a couple of week me and my …
- Help me get through these hards times – Dear GodPlease get me through these hard times of trouble.Please enable me to be eventually happy with my life as well as my brother Sammy …
- Oh father I thank you for what you done and are doing in my life – Please fathere protect my family protect us from anyone trying to pull us a part. Oh god theres someone in our life right now and …
- please grant me serenity and peace and remove this anxiety – Dear God I ask in your son’s precious name Jesus to please bless my mother on her way to you and I ask to please …
- Pray for my husband – I humbly ask for prayers for my husband and family. Because of bad decisions he’s facing a life changing decision. He is a good person …
- Prayer for protection during surgery – There is a young 15 yr old girl who was thrown out of rolling truck and is now in critical care in a hospital who …
- Lord Jesus, Please protect me from the horrors of this world – My Dear Lord Jesus, Please protect me from the horrors of this world and the greedy people in it. I pray for your strength for …
- Prayer for My Niece’s Wellbeing – Dearest Jesus, I offer up these prayers for my niece. I pray for her well being and success in life. I pray that she will …
- My Daughter, Pray for her protection – My daughter has been abused verbally and physically by the person she says she loves.Please pray for her protection and that God takes this person …
- Protection For Granddaughter From Boyfriend – Heavenly Father please provide a hedge of protection around my granddaughter and send your special Angels to have charge over her. She is 9yrs old …
- Prayer to go to church and get baptized – I pray that im able to go to church and get babtized and that all,my problems will go away. I feel so worried that im …
- Prayer to protect husband – Dear lord, i ask that you protect my husband from the evil that his body is suffering against jealous and evil presence, protect his body …
- Protect them as you protect me a true believer – Dear Lord I ask that you lift up me and those who I love. Though they may have forgotten you I have not. So I …
- Prayer for long healthy lives – Dear Lord, pray for me and all my family, my friend and even my enemies. let us live a long healthy life, and successful future. …
- Prayer for Love and Protection – Dear GodThank you for all the wonderful things you have brought to my life. Every moment of joy, happiness, learning, every hug, every kiss, every …
- Prayer for Love and Protection – Dear GodThank you for all the wonderful things you have brought to my life. Every moment of joy, happiness, learning, every hug, every kiss, every …
- Please all pray for my father timothey – Please all pray for my father timothey,81 suffering horriably in hospitalNot eating and in much pain,he under constant spiritual attack,and enemy wants to take him,may …
- Prayer to break a generational curse off of my family – I beg you God to break the curse over my family, please in you name. Deliver us in your name Jesus. Bring us happiness and …
- A Prayer For Family Member(‘s) – Heavenly Father,Protect Name as he/she goes out, give them a safe passage to their destination. Comfort him/her and give him/her peace of mind, body and …
- prayer to protect from the devil – i graciously ask your assistance to pray for my husband. please help me pray that he have a safe travel, protection from wrong friends and …
- Prayer for a Troubled 16 year old – My youngest grandson has given me such problems. I feel thathe needs to go away for a while. He has never been locked up. But, …
- Thank you God for Protecting me – God in heaven and in my life,Thank you God for protecting me , guiding me through out my life. You always holded my hands.Many times …
- Prayer for a hedge of protection – My family is traveling by passenger van to a family reunion in the morning. Dear Lord, please cover every hair on their head and place …
- Prayer to be safe from harm – Please pray for protection for me and my children that we shall always be safe from harm and that the Lord would bless us with …
- Ask the Lord to guide you – Everything happens for a reason, but God will see me through this. God loves me and all his children. Nobody can love you like God …
- A prayer for protection from all evil – I would like to pray for my family that all evil will be taken from them and no evil will be in their home and …
- Break though Prayer – Help me to pray for my marriage as there is sprit of delay on it we have planning to our wedding since 2015 January upto …
- Prayer for Criminal Proceedings – I pray that no criminal proceedings come upon me. I have repented of my sins, and I want to serve and praise God all of …
- Protect Against The Evil Within – Lord please protect my son from the consequences of his wrong doing. The pain he is filled with for wrong choices and the pain he …
- Prayer for Guidance and Help – Lord,I thank You for all the Blessings that you have given to me. I am Lifting Up all my worries and problems to you because …
- Prayer to Keep my family safe – Dear Lord,Please protect my family from their enemies, which include some family members. Surround them from all sides, give them courage and strength to overcome …
- Shield Us Father – Father,I come to you on this beautiful day to ask for your Protection against any and every bad spirit that is taking place against our …
- Protection Prayer: May the white Light of Christ surround you – May the white Light of Christ surround you,May the Love of God enfold you,May The Presence of God watch over you,May the Power of God …
- prayer for good health – Lord thanks for all that you have done for me and my family. My husband suffers from heart disease and thyroid problem. But does not …
- Prayer for Successful Divorce – Dear God almighty creater of Heaven and Earth,I come to you looking for strength, understanding and wisdom. Hopefully you can help me with the out …
- Prayer for Protection from Injustice – Dear Lord, we are living in such uncertain times. Please keep my husband safe from persecution. Please keep him safe from injustice. Oh Lord, please …
- I Pray For Protection From My Enemies – Dear Lord, I sometimes have this feeling of gloom and doom. I use to not be a pessimist. But, after suffering many hard blows and …
- Protect Me from My Sins – Dear God in Heaven, In the name of Jesus please protect me from the wrath of my own sins. Sometimes I make mistakes not to …
- Basic Training Prayer – My daughter Grace just joined the Airforce and on week 1 she fell down and broke her elbow. She is in medical hold at the …
- Lord, I don’t feel safe about the future – I don’t feel safe about the future. I’m worried about being able to keep the things I now enjoy. Prices keep going up and income …
- Guardian Angel Prayers – Guardian angel prayers can be great prayers for children to say at night, before bed. They can also make for great prayers for protection in …
- Hear my prayers for healing and protection. – My Jesus please heal this family and protect us from evil. Heal my grandson from epilepsy. Please keep him seizure free forever and let him …
- Protection from jealousy and evil – All you brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ – After a very good job, I was demobilized. Now,I have been without job for about 18 …
- Prayer for job security for my husband and employment for our daughter – Heavenly Father! Thank you for your unfailing love that you send your only begotten son to die for our sins. Lord! We ask that you …
- Today’s Prayer For Protection – My Dear Lord, I pray that you protect me from my sins. I sometimes allow my mind to wonder to things I should not. I …
- Prayer for promotion to the next level of responsibility – Dear Heavenly father, you have watched over me all these years and you have never failed me. When I was down, you lifted me. When …
- Prayer for successful divorce – Dear God almighty creater of Heaven and Earth,I come to you looking for strenght, understanding and wisdom. Hopefully you can help me with the out …
- I pray today, tomorrow and the weekend – My Dear Lord, Thank you for another day past without any problems. I pray today, tomorrow and the weekend I make it through without any …
- Prayer for My Complete Protection – Dear Lord, I come to you in prayer for protection from entities that are big and powerful. I am just one person on a limited …
- Protection against evil and safegaurding my boyfriend and our home – Dear Lord, our Heavenly Father,I come before You to give You Honor, Praise and Thanks. I pray in Jesus Name that You release me from …
- Prayer to remove gay thoughts – Please remove my thoughts about male people of being gay.. That is so gay! I don’t like it.. This thought is like a worry for …
- My Protection For The Future – Dear Lord, I come to you today, for a prayer of protection. I have looked back at some things I was not aware of and …
- Prayer for protection, good health and blessings – Dear brothers and sisters of Christ, I am here asking for your prayers to please include my family in your conversation to our Lord Jesus …
- Protect my son from all temptations and all evil – (Tempe Az) Lord, I fear for my son Oscar. He has been hanging out with the wrong group of friends please Lord depart him from …
- Prayer for My Eternal Protection and Hope – Dear Lord, Each day I pray to you for protection from evil and hopelessness. I pray to find a church where I will feel more …
- Prayer for My Safety and Protection – My Dear Sweet Lord, Thank you for this day and the ones you have already given me. I praise you for all you have done. …
- prayer of protection: From Misunderstanding & lies – This seems to be a problem, even when I was a child. To be lied on and misunderstand. I tell the truth. Work hard, pay …
- Prayer for my mistakes through alcohol – (middlesbrough UK) Dear God please can you forgive me for my wrong doings due to drinking, I have upset a lot of people through this …
- Prayer to accept the situations I can not control – Lord, please don’t leave my side. We need you. Please help the courts see that her father is only coming after her out of spite …
- Prayer for protection from home invader – I am in a bad situation, there is someone with a key coming into my apartment and helping themselves to things, coming in to just …
- Prayer for financial and tight and improvement – Am going get married soon coming month, i know am having bad financial issue with my previous down fall time. I been struggling for 5 …
- Prayer for My Husband’s Protection – Lord,I pray that You would protect (husband’s name) from any accidents, diseases, dangers, or evil influences. Keep him safe, especially in cars and planes. Hide …
- Prayers to Protect Information on the Internet – Father God in the name of Jesus as days go by most people have now turned to the internet for every day uses and the …
- I Need Protection From My Lord – Dear Lord, I have been stressing all day long and worrying myself over something I have no control over. I dread each day and what …
- prayer to bring him to where he once was – Dear Lord,I have come to you on numerous occasions asking for you to please mend my heart and to open Scott’s. Lord God he has …
- A Prayer for Stability – I pray unto thee, my one true king.The one who sent his own son for me.I beseech thee to heed my call.For I am afraid …
- God is with me forever – Dear Jesus Christ,please keep me away from bad peoples, wanting to do drugs, as Im studying holy spirit god, take those who try to go …
- Thank u so much please make sure my girlfriend kelly sees the light – please save (me)Anthony joanne joanne miley and kelly from the one who is trying to destroy us due to his jealousy ego and greed, he …
- Please God make these people move on and send us some neighbors – We are seniors who have lived peacefully in our home for 40 yrs. We have some neighbors who moved in next door to us who …
- Prayer for my son being sentenes to prison they want to send him away for10- ??yrs – Lord God i have put my son in your hands help him be strong and give him strenght while he is in there he is …
- Prayer for Protection from Power tripping Boss – I need protection for a supervisor at work who seems to want to always put me down and try to get me fired. She calls …
- Please continue your vigil of never ending protection and healing – Jehovah God Almighty Thank you for your flood of favor and gratitude for your love and protection and grace upon myself and family. Thank you …
- Thank you God for your love, forgiveness and peace and Protection – Thank you God for your love, forgiveness and peace and Protection from the enemies around in all places and directions. Please Stop the Enemys and …
- Prayer for enlightenment, guidance, prosperity, protection, shielding – Divine Almighty Loving, Sincere, Kind Lord God, Thank you for the wonderful blessings, intentions, concerns, wishes, creation, prayers, and for the eternity, everlasting, infinity, lifetime …
- I Pray For Your Protection Today and Always – Dear Lord,Protect me from my enemies who I walk among daily. Please protect me from the thief who stole from me and what this person …
- Prayer for Protection and marriage – Dear God please protect me & my kids from evil works from my husband that is divorcing me . He wants the kids & I …
- Prayer for my Protection From Evil – Dear Lord, Thank you for all your blessings you have given me. I praise and honor you each day of my life. I have dedicated …
- Prayer for a young person with a drug problem – Heavenly Father, and Jesus our Brother,Please protect this young man enchained to the lure of drugs. Please work in his heart and his conscience, and …
- My husbands protection over his new job opportunity – I thank you Lord for being our fighter I pray holy spirit that today as my husband is supposed to start work, nothing will be …
- My Prayer For Complete Protection – Dear Lord, I pray that I am free from any problems in the future concerning what I went through in November and early December. I …
- Prayer of protection for my son. – Oh merciful and beloved lamb of God our Father. Jesus please take care of my son and bring him through the valley of the shadows …
- Seeking protection against Withcraft from enstranged wife – Dear God, I thank you for opening secrets of evil spells and charms put to destroy who i am and my entire family.I pray that …
- Prayer for My son jake – Dear lord please help my son Jake find the strength in himself to over come his fear of the new. He left school last summer …
- Dear GOD please protect my mama as she travels from Nigeria TO America and protect her forever – Dear Lord I come before you as a sinner and I beg of you to forgive my sins as I forgive others for what they …
- Prayer for Protection for family – Dear Lord, I hope and pray you are hearing my prayers and it be your will to protect me. I have not heard anything since …
- Prayer for protection and healing – I the mother of gregory ramos prayer for my son for protection and healing and asking the our farher God in heaven forgiveness for mt …
- stop witchcraft from being used against us – Nicole -Job restored -godly changes in the company Godly work enviroment.Financial breakthrough Miracle 3.made whole over and above.Direction and guidance from god leading to the …
- Dear god I thank you always for listening to my prayers – Dear god I thank you always for listening to my prayers I’m asking god to help me anything that not of god god guide protect …
- Lord. Protect me and all of us – Dear Lord,You are the power and great GOD to me, my full respect is you my life is come over you lord, Please protect me …
- Prayer for hedge thorns around Haridoss – Please pray for Haridoss my husband to not leave me and go with another lady. Oh lord please surround him with the hedge of thorns …
- Prayer for Protection over a friend. – I thank you Lord for your mercy and your exceeding grace. You are my Jehovah Shalom, my Lord of peace. I praise you and thank …
- Prayer for us for sobriety,success,prosperity,from all evil – Please for all my family members,my nieces,nephews,and my daughter for healing in body,mind,soul and spirit.Pray for us for sobriety,success,prosperity,from all evil,your protection,and to do your …
- Prayer for protection and happines – Dear LordProtect me from my enemies, Please Lord hear my prayer. My husband is involved in a relationship that has our marriage broken, Lord and …
- Protection – Heavenly Father from up above I place my 3 children under your wing of protection Karina 19, Waldi 17, and Dahrianna 12. I place them …
- Always save my life when a time of danger and destruction. – Dear GodThank you God for loving me and always stay close to me when i’am in trouble.I asked you to sustain my life and forgiveness …
- Prayer to please protect us from the crime in our neighborhood – Dear Heavenly Father,Please protect us from the crime in our neighborhood, and from the drug dealers who live there who are not being apprehended by …
- I have experienced a situation where I have been accused of doing something that I have not done – Recently, I have experienced a situation where I have been accused of doing something that I have not done. This accusations, however false, concern me …
- Help me from my enemies who are using black magic to block my due that fate has in store for me – Oh Lord help me . Everybody is trying to dupe me. Help me to get the promotion which is my due. I have worked hard …
- Prayer for protection – In the name of Jesus! I declare by the grace of God and his protection I cover my self with the blood of Jesus Christ …
- Dear lord please protect my son and keep him safe from all harm – Dear lord please protect my son and keep him safe from all harm. Food in his stomach and a roof over his head so he’s …
- Lord, guide them and draw there attention to something other than me – Lord, it’s seems that no matter what there’s always some female after me at work for an unknown reason. Lord this problem has always followed …
- Lord, I pray that the HR personnel select me for the CRA position – Lord,I pray that the HR personnel select me for the CRA position so that I can enhance my knowledge and experience in another department. I …
- Prayers for the protection of my brother and his family. – Dear lord you are so merciful, please put your precious Angels around my brother and his family. They have so much hate and jealously around …
- Prayer for protection and guidieace – Lord i am going through a very rough time at work. I am being victimized and lies are being spread about me. Lord you know …
- When god can save me the low of the low the rest of the world have nothing to worry about amen pray for me amen in jesus – Pray for jesus i can never thank he enough my family and friends always and forever replay and give back for jesus i have a …
- Pray for salvation, restoration and God’s will – Please pray for my husband, Jim, to be released from the adulterous relationship that has caused he to run up over 25k in unsecured debt …
- Lord god give us me n my husband my son a wisdom and strength – Lord help us to live by the fruit of the holy spirit,love joy peace patience goodness gentleness and self control.Lord god give us me n …
- Prayer for Protection. Oh Lord, Save Me – Dear Lord, I am praying to you for protection again. I feel I need to keep praying to you so you will hear. I am …
- Prayer for my family & my brothers exam – Dear God i come to you and i ask for mercy. Please bless my family especially my parents please give them love & they can …
- Prayer for Protection for my children – I pray & ask you all to pray with me for the protection of my 7 year old & 2 year old. Every time i …
- Pray for my grand daughter. She has lived in an abusive home – Oh dear lord I come to you to ask for your protection over my five year old granddaughter who has been living in an abusive …
- Prayer to Look after us, Oh Lord – My Lord I am here today to open up all of my difficulties. In your arms, I find comfort and for that i’m thankful. You …
- Prayer to keep a pedefial away from my granddaughter – There is a half sister of my daughter who is a lesbian but she is obsessed with little girls . When she is near my …
- My Hope For Eternal Protection – Dear Lord, I come to you in prayer in hope that you forever protect me from the old fears I have had for quite sometime …
- Prayer for our Nation Leaders – Father God in Jesus Name I pray for our nation and all the Leaders. I pray for peace and respect among the parties because we …
- pray for protection – Please pray for protection over my son and myself over this Christmas and New Year.We have been under serious attack for a very long time. …
- Prayer to keep my children safe while out on the road – Praise be to God. I asked you to see my daughter Colette through her driving test and she passed, I Thank you my Lord with …
- May the lord guide me and protect me – Father in the name of Jesus most high lord and savior grant me serenity and wisdom and triumph in my daily struggles. I ask that …
- Jesus, Please bring my son early and safely – Oh, Lord Jesus, my son has been trapped in the US for no fault of his..The Law of the country has been harsh on him. …
- Protect my family Heavenly Father – Father God, I entrust my children Brittani, Porsha and grandson Matthew in your care. They are Your gifts to me. I ask You to surround …
- Prayer for Protection from Meth Addict Satanic Cult Leader Boyfriend – Please protect me from evil. Keep me safe. Please lord dont let them get me. I dont want to be their next sacrifice. For over …
- Natasha and Gustavo – Dear God I pray to you everyday to heal my partner to clear his mind and make him in to a better men for him …
- Prayer to break family curses – Dear God in Heaven, Jesus, Mary, Guardian Angels, Spirit Guide, Family (RIP), and fellow Christians, please forgive our sins and bless my small family and …
- Heal me and my people who i love – Forgive me and my people for our transgressions Lord. We Love you. Heal me and my friends Lord. We dont want to go down. In …
- Jesus I again come before you to ask you to please protect us from all evil doers – Dear lord Jesus Christ,I thank you for protecting me, my parents, sisters and brothers all this year’s. I humbly beg you to forgive my sins. …
- Prayer to Keep My Family From Harm’s Way – Lord I come this morning thanking for watching over my family blessing us to see another day. I come this morning asking for protection over …
- My Faith in you LORD is real – Thank you Lordfor the blessings in my lifethat i have received through your love for me – for without you LordI would only exist in …
- Being tortured by neighbors – I beg the Lord Jesus Christ to bind and remove them from above me. I have lived there for 10 years now, and the condo …
- Prayer to archangel saint michael – Saint Michael the Archangel,defend us in battle.Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;and do Thou, …
- Prayer for protection and love – Lord please protect all those I love I my family and friends from any harm, illness, or despair.Protect and shine your light over those that …
- Prayer for protection and Safe Travel – In the name of God Sammy go on with his journey.May God the Father be with Sammy,God the Son protect Sammy, andGod the Holy Ghost …
- Prayer for Guidance and Wisdom – I pray that my kids have guidance wisdom and knowledge,to be protected from evil. May they make the right decisions in life and god be …
- Prayer to protect and guide me and my family – Lord God Heavenly Father,Please protect and guide me and my family from any evil doers. Help us to be kind with others and help us …
- Prayer for Hope, Protection and Ecouragement – My Heavenly Father,Please allow me to be put to ease by someone who can help me concerning a certain matter. I need to hear not …
- Protection from negative energy and hold me safe in your ligh – Dear Lord, I give you all praise and Glory. I thank you for all my blessings. I pray Dear Lord through Jesus name that you …
- Prayer for my next journey in life – Dear Heavenly Father, may you guide me through the path of life where I will be able to live again without fear and regrets as …
- Prayer for my Protection – Dear Lord, I read so many people with problems worse than mine and I feel so bad for them. Please answer their prayers and protect …
- Prayer for Protection in Court Trial – God guide me,Jesus hear me.I have sinned and throw myself at your mercyWhat I regret most is the offense I have caused you.As I forgive …
- Protection from lawsuit – Lord, thank you for your great love and mercy, please protect my daughter and her bosses from this lawsuit, please put an immediate stop to …
- i am protected all my life. All my life i never do crimes, and never do felonys – i am protected all my life. All my life i never do crimes, and never do felonys, and is never robbed, and is never kidnapped, …
- Prayer for my husbands legal issues – Father god I come to you and beg of your mercy oh lord for my husbands legal issue’s. The enemy Is trying to take my …
- Prayer for my daughter and her baby !!!! – Dear Lord. …I pray that all may go well with my daughter she’s in labor & baby is breech,,,god you who hears all prayers please …
- Prayer to protect my mother from evil – my mom has been posses several times throughout her life due to people sending demons to harm her due to jealousy and envy. I helped …
- To the woods in québec where all the indian cris lives. – please lost pray for that big fire to stop, in the north of qubec , i,m asking all of your holy angels to submit this …
- A cyclists mothers prayer – Dear Lord,Please help my child to be the safest rider out there and to ride smart,instinctively using what he/she knows.Help my child to be the …
- Prayer for protection – Dear god I thank you always for listening to my prayers I’m asking god to help me anything that not of god god guide protect …
- Prayer for Protection from Creditors – Heal me Lord from my violent assault, that I may return to my former self and get caught up on my debts as a result …
- Prayer for Protection of Our family – I ask for prayers of protection to surround my family. I try to be the best parent i can ,as does their dad. I believe …
- Prayer to Protect Me Always from all evil forces – Dear Lord, Please grant me protection from all evil forces. Please protect me from what I have been worried about since the end of Dec. …
- Christ be with David – The cross of Christ be with David; The cross of Christ overcomes all water and every fire; The cross of Christ overcomes all weapons; The …
- Lord please protect me from abusive ex – Please Lord remove this man out my life for past year own my own try everything to get away from him I moved got restraining …
- Prayer for Protection from Theives – God be with you, brethren; stop, ye thieves,Robbers, murderers, horsemen and soldiers,In all humility, for we have tastedThe rosy blood of Jesus.Your rifles and guns …
- God please protect my dreams – God please protect my dreams. I’m in a terrible spot today in life and I don’t know if I’ll ever come back from it but …
- Prayer For My Daughter who has been having problems with co-workers – Please pray for my daughter who has been having problems with co-workers. Please give her some relief from their backstabbing ways. Lord, you are the …
- Please pray that the virgin Mary here my prayer – (893 Tavernier cir Palm Bay Florida 32905) Please pray that the virgin Mary here my prayer for protection against ones that are not human like …
- Prayer for protection for Daughter – Heavenly father, thank you for the most amazing gift you have blessed me with – my beautiful daughter. Please help her to transition back to …
- Lord, Please protect my girlfriend from the evil one – Lord, Please protect my girlfriend from the evil one. Let her come back to you. Lord, I ask you to take the evil one from …
- protect me from all the wicked people that have plotted against me – Heavenly Father I come to you in the name of Jesus and ask that you protect me from all the wicked people that have plotted …
- Prayers for Grace strength and protection from all evil – Lord Jesus I’m asking you to please watch over my family as you have been but right now we really need your grace strength and …
- Prayer for Protection of home. – Heavenly Father,I pray for the health and welfare of my family. Especially our home. Our home is full of moulding, spores and bacteria, and am …
- Im am wicked an stained with sin searching for righteousness again – I prey oh lord that is of the spirit i prey oh lord that is of the son i prey oh lord that is of …
- Prayer for protection from spiritual attacks – Father in Jesus name i pray that you cover me with your blood and protect me from all powers of witches ,sorcerers ,and wizards. keep …
- Prayer to Lift Us – Dear Lord I ask that you lift up me and those who I love. Though they may have forgotten you I have not. So I …
- Prayer for my friends and children safety – Dear Lord Jesus, I am requesting you to protect my friends Marlene, Mam Becky and Joy to keep them safe and grant them that the …
- Prayer for Court Case – Dear Prayer Members,I need your special prayers for a very sensitive cause and intention…Please pray for my husband, MS, he has a case to attend …
- Prayer for protection from God against harassment – Lord please protect my house, my family members against all harms and harassment from loan shark. Lord please send your angel guards and soldier here. …
- My Protection Always – Dear Lord, I come to you today in earnest prayer. I struggle each day to not worry. I know you are protecting me. I have …
- Please Protect Me, Oh Lord – Dear Lord, I come to you again, begging for your forgiveness. I fear what could happen in the future concerning a matter. I have sat …
- Prayer for my Dear sister… – Dear Lord I pray tonight for the love of my sister. I pray that you lord and only you can remove this man out of …
- Prayer for Andy’s release from jail – Lord God, I pray that you are present for Andy’s trial to aide in his release . He has been in jail with an accusation …
- Prayer for Bad thoughts – Dear God,I pray that you alleviate this burden I’m carrying. I pray that you clear out my mind, body and soul of these horrible thoughts …
- Prayer for protection of my family – Father God I ask you this day to help my family without delay. There is a dark shadow that follows us and I ask you …
- Prayer for my family against witch craft – Dear Lord I pray for my family. Watch over us dear Lord, day, noon and at night. Please help me to pray for my family. …
- Prayer to come and bow down before you Father – (Seattle) I come and bow down before you Father,asking you in the name of Jesus to sendyour warring angels to protect and servemy family you …
- Prayer to protect, guide, and strengthen me – Lord I pray that you protect me as I sleep. watch over me and let your angels guard me. Lord allow me to do your …
- Prayer for uncertin times – Lord I ask that you protect me and my family from all evil that may or try to come upon us….i ask that you grant …
- Prayer to Protect My daughter – Dear heavnly father I come to first saying thank u. Lord that u for life good & bad lord thank u for family, lord thank …
- I have faced familiar and health problems for so long – I have faced familiar and health problems for so long, that my faith is gone. If there is Divine Justice why I can’t feel it?God, …
- Safety for my disabled children in need – Please pray for Noah and Evan there across the country with there father and there father’s family they have never met before due to pour …
- prayer of protection, traveling and strenghth – Heavenly father please be with me at all times. Especially in this trip that i’ll be taking. Be with me and protect me from all …
- Dear Lord protect me from the evil ones – I have been called to come and stand witness to give evidence of the work I did in case which I handled in 2008 to …
- Prayer for my husband protection for everyday – In the name of God, bless and protect my husband.May God the Father be with my husband always,God the Son protect HIM from any evil …
- Protect my Daughter in Foster Care – Lord, I pray for my daughter, Arwen, while she is in foster care, and away from her mother. I pray you protect her and keep …
- Prayer for protection from violence – I hope that peace encompasses my situation and others like me. That the calm and peace of God and the holy spirit will chase out …
- Protection and speady healing – Lord Fatherspeadily heal A. give peace to his family and to him that everything is alright. protect my family and I from this. Let no …
- Father, I pray for your peace in my heart – Father, I pray for your peace in my heart and the hearts of all men. God help me to show your light to the world, …
- Prayer for the safety of my daughter – I pray god bless my daughter who is very kind and sensitive and don’t know how to speak up for herself. Please help her so …
- Please Watch Over Us In this mighty Storm – Lord, You can do many things, I once wanted to go along a dark path, but now I want to be with you and I …
- Your prayers represents your concerns with life – I pray that many of the people suffering here reach a high understanding of life. Not everything that happens to you should affect you negatively. …
- Prayer that I’m not fired from my job – Lord, I’ve sinned, please forgive me. I have a review tomorrow to determine If I keep my job. I dont deserve it but I ask …
- I pray that you wrap your loving arms around the children and I during this difficult time – Dear Lord I pray that you wrap your loving arms around the children and I during this difficult time. Please grant the children the wisdom …
- Prayer for Protection of my home and family – Dear Lord,I come to thee for your protection and safety of my home and family. Please keep anyone trying to do harm away and only …
- Please protect my and my family from all sources of evil. – Please protect my family and I from evil…particually my children. I worry all the time for the safety and can feel evil thoughts or wishes …
- Protection for Me, My Son and family – Please Jesus, Please protect us all from the evil that has taken him over. I know your strength over powers all evil and all evil …
- Prayer for Legal Matters – Dear Lord Please help my son Drew with ALL the Legal Matters he is facing today and this week (4-23-14). He has done everything the …
- Prayer to solve legal issues – I have landed myself in severe debt trap… have huge credit card outstanding. Since I am unemployed for the last 14 months unable to honour …
- Prayer for good health – BLESS KANNAN and PINKY in their TRAVEL business , bless him with good health , wealth, progress in his bussiness and ABUNDANCE success in all …
- Healing and financial help for my daughter and her son – Dear lord I ask that you heal my daughter and her son from any harm she is a single mom who had to leave a …
- Peace for South Africa – Father God, I pray for peace in our beloved country,South Africa. Bless and protect those who are protesting today(7th April) against a corrupt regime. Bless …
- Dear Lord,please hear my prayers and heal me from cancer – Dear Lord,please hear my prayers and heal me from cancer.Give me the strength and ease me from this fright.You have answered my prayers always….please hear …
- I am asking for community prayers for my best friend – I am asking for community prayers for my best friend who is undergoing her second brain surgery to treat Parkinson’s disease.Please allow for a sucessfull …
- prayer for God’s providence – Load God, i pray for your providence in my life. I ask you to provide for me so that i should never want, borrow or …
- Prayer for Protection with Death News – Dear Brother in Christ,Someone told me my time is coming to die. I have doubt through my husband or my office. Please pray for me. …
- Pray for Deliverance – Dear God,Please protect us from the ones that are trying to destroy my teenage son. They are telling untrues to keep him from being eligible …
- Prayer for friend who has found himself in some trouble with the law – I am praying for a very good friend who has found himself in some trouble with the law. the claims that have been made are …
- Please pray for my friend Mackenzie so that he would stop taking advantage of weaker individuals – Please pray for my friend Mackenzie so that he would stop taking advantage of weaker individuals. Help him to understand that no amount of money …
- Pray for removal of evil and Healing blessing – Pray for remover of any evil wickiness for my husband settlement 2 work out find with his attorney and our family health such as feet …
- Prayer to keep my job – Dear heavenly Father,I have made some mistakes at work please protect my employment place your army of protection around me and my family I am …
- Prayer to keep my job – Dear heavenly Father, I have made some mistakes at work please protect me from losing my employment place your army of protection around myself and …
- I am a teacher. Please let my job be save. – I am a teacher. Please let my job be save. Please do not let me get a letter. Let the administration believe that I am …
- Protection From Heaven Above – God of compassion, in Jesus Christ you cared for those who were blind or deaf, crippled or slow to learn. Though all of us need …
- Prayer for a hedge of protection – I humbly submit my prayer this morning to ask those to pray for a hedge of protection around my family and work. There has been …
- My mother is having surgery today. Dear God please bless her – My mother is having surgery today. Dear God please bless her and keep her from harm. Please be with her in her surgery and forever …
- Prayer to protect house from evil spirits – Dear Lord, bless me and family and protect us in our daily endeavors. Bless our house from evil spirits and those that try to harm …
- Dear God please help Farzan He needs his job – Dear God please help Farzan He needs his job That is his hope right now Please help that he can keep his job and he …
- help us live this life for you and only you – O Lord, our creator, you are my God, one with the our King Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. May you have mercy on …
- Prayer for protection form break ins – My son Hiram’s car has been broken into several times. In the mighty name of Jesus, please keep thieves away from his car. He needs …
- Prayer for facebook protection – I was on facebook when my friend sent me a link saying ” this is you!” the link was a lollipop and said to click …
- I need to start my venture give me the best idea Lord. – Lord as am working in Jds I need you to protect me from the negative vibes, am doing very innovative things which should give me …
- please walk with me in this time of need father God – I’m writing to you father God and pouring and crying my heart out to please walk with me in this time of need father God …
- please pray for my sons Adarryl and Larry, that no harm will befall them – Prayers community please pray for my sons Adarryl and Larry, that no harm will befall them, this day or forever more. Please pray that no …
- Please pray for protection against calamities for Philippines. – Lord you have known the misery of our people upon devastation of past floodings and other calamities here in Iligan City and the whole Philippines,Lord …
- Protection from Enemies – dear father in heaven please protect us from the scourge of evil and trecarous men,who find pleasuer in doing harm to other people to entertain …
- Prayer for Health of Entire family – Please dear heavenly father, heal me as I have so much more to do on this earth and in your name. Protect, please, my family …
- Protection from enemies at work – Dear Lord, I ask for your protection whilst I am working. I pray that you will keep me safe from Satan’s demons that want to …
- Give me son peace no anger quick to see his mistakes and help him in his studies for his confidence – (South africa) Give me son peace no anger quick to see his mistakes and help him in his studies for his confidence keep him pure …
- Lord, A thank you prayer for my son – Lord, I thank you for the many blessings you have given me lately. I am truly greatful that you bestowed these blessings upon me even …
- pray for my protection that god is there watching me protect me from every circumstances – Help me to pray for my protection that god is there watching me protect me from every circumstances I’m in… That all the people I …
- Prayer for Johann – God Bless JohannBe with him tomorrow,Be by his side. Take away the sorrow,Fill him with pride.Protect him and let him stay,Please do NOT send him …
- Please Dear Lord keep us protected this time – Please Dear Lord keep us protected this time don’t let them ever make fools of us again ,for if they try again to attack us …
- Prayer for protection from witchcraft – I am requesting prayer for me and my family. I beleave we are bing battered my witchcraft. Every business that we try mysteriously fall through: …
- Husband 66yrs having affair,woman practices witchcraft – Husband 66yrs having affair,woman practices witchcraft, he’s given her huge amounts of money . Although he is not well he still goes out . I …
- Prayer before Competing – Thank you Lord Jesus for you love for us, You are the Hgh Priest, You lead all saints in heaven and You lead your people …
- my children are in Michigan I’m in California – Pain my children are in Michigan I’m in California I pray please pray for me their dad is trying to keep them there I had …
- Please Lord watch over and guide the victims of the recent flooding to safety – (Friendswood, Texas) Please Lord watch over and guide the victims of the recent flooding to safety. Lord they (we) need your love, guidance, and help …
- Keep geoffrey and kristen safe on their journey – please pray for my son Geoffrey and girlfriend Kristen have a safe trip to Europe wed Dec 1 and return on Dec 11 please lord …
- Prayer for joy and strength over my best friend – Dear Lord, I Thank you for all that you do and continue to do for us. God I ask that you fill my best friend …
- co-workers hate me. No promotion. – Greetings brothers and sisters in Christ.I am in need of a prayer for my career. My boss has of late shown no interest in my …
- Prayer for Protection and Guidance for my daughter and family – Our Gabie is going for 4 days training away from home. My mother, Kuya Popoy and whoever going with them with their 4 days journey, …
- Highest off greatest off endeavor – Please with dearest off invited and only off purest off respect, please send me the highest off natural wishes, and deepest off regards, concerning my …
- Lord,please watch and protect jm help and guide him through this difficult time – Lord,please watch and protect jm help and guide him through this difficult time,protect him show him his inner strength,protect him from being manipulated twisted and …
- Prayer for protection and guidance from the Almighty God – Please pray for my family and I we are going through trying times and need the guidance and protection of the Father. Pray that we …
- Ridding myself of the spirits of sloth, anger and gluttony. – Pray for me, Kaylyn, as I rid myself of these spirits. I feel God reaching out towards me and I am holding onto his hand. …
- Forgiveness from the Lord and Protection from Evil! – Hi, My name’s Brenden and for the last 4-5 years ive unfortunately made many bad decisions n choices like Addiction, Thievery (Shoplifting), Lost my Faith …
- Prayer for Protection & Peace – Lord, i come to you troubled. Please give me the spirit of peace & the spirit of humbleness. Calm my spirit & take over my …
- Prayer to my lord to bring me peace in my mind – I ask you my lord to watch over me and protect me from my worries n my mind and i pray to you lord almighty …
- Mother Of Mine – Oh Lord when will my mother believe in Your Son. For nearly 10 long years, and her heart stirred none. I would like her to …
- protection from evil spirits – (kenya) Dear GodPlease protect my kids from evil spirits and any harm. Please protect my daughter who is in boarding school and protect her any …
- Prayer for guarding me – Dear Lord, thank you for guarding me, i was almost hit by other car today but with your protection im safe and okey. Lord please …
- Protection in current place of employment – In the Name of Jesus, I pray for Your holy protection in my current place of employment. Please grant that my papers will all be …
- Ive been doing alot of wrong things – Ive been doing alot of wrong things for years I’ve been on the streets I don’t wanna go back to prison or jail I wanna …
- Pray to protect my son – I need a prayer for my handsome son Amara. Guard and protected him from the evil one and from danger, hell every sickness that comes …
- Prayer for Protection from thy enemies around me – Dear Lord, I pray for protection from thy enemies around me. I pray I give them no room to hurt me anymore than they have …
- Dear Lord please heal Marie – Dearest Lord, please heal Marie, your servant and restore her to Your service.I know all looks hopeless but Lord You and You alone have the …
- Prayer for Justice for fairness in Court – I Pray that I overcome these obstacle in this court case the fight was self defense, but the wife of the aggressor want let her …
- Protect us God, Almighty Father – God, Our Father in Heaven be our protection againts evil people and spirits. Protect and guard my family and surround us with your love and …
- Cyclist’s Prayer – Lord, protect us from harm as we go on this bike ride.Guide us away from accidents.Instill in us a level of awareness to thwart others …
- Prayer for all brothers & sisters – Dear Lord, I feel so bad for all brothers & sisters who are so unfortunate to have neighbours who are selfish, like parking their cars …
- Lord please watch over John, protect him make him smile – Lord please watch over John, protect him make him smile and help him get well again Lord please let him know how much I love …
- Prayer for Justice and Retribution – Oh Heavens, please help my family. We are being attacked from so many angles. I’m afraid everyday living in America right now. My family is …
- East Tennessee in the path of wildfire – This morning, I was asked by a Knoxville citizen to send out prayers for citizens of East Tennessee as the wildfires go over the land. …
- Dear Lord, I come to you and ask that you wrap your loving arms around me – Dear Lord, I come to you and ask that you wrap your loving arms around me and protect me from seen and unseen harm. Send …
- Prayer for my mom to have a safe journey – Dear Lord, Thank you for giving us the strength to enter into yet another new day. Master i especially pray for my mother, Lord Jesus …
- Spiritual healing/growth – Please pray that I would find the good open door the the Lord would have for me for financial protection which would spare me from …
- Prayer for protection for my son from his father – Dear lord protect my son from his father..protect him from the mental and verbal and physical abuse .. lord please be the eyes and ears …
- O Lord we ask you to bless our family with happiness and joy – O Lord we ask you to bless our family with happiness and joy of knowing you are beside us in all our struggles, pain and …
- Lord help me with all the burden – Lord help me with all the burden i am having now. There is no one i can share. I dont know how to start with …
- protection and faith in God for rescue and finding 2 murderers – My friend was killed 2 weeks ago and police are looking for the killers there are 2 PLEASE PLEASE pray they find them without hurting …
- Prayer for Deliverance and Healing – I’ve been indwelt by unclean spirits for about 25 years I’m tired of living defeated all my life. I gave those unclean spirits legal rights …
- Lord please guide my husband in making the right decision – Lord please guide my husband in making the right decision and not get the car. Financially, we can’t afford it and there’s no parking. We …
- Prayer for St Michael and St Raphael to guard and protect – Dear Lord, please send your Holy Spirit and Holy Angels -St Michael and St Raphael to guard and protect Sammy in all his travels. We …
- Healing from imflammable disease – Lord Jesus Christ, you are my saviour ,you have created to an image for your love on earth, Lord I praise highly for thy Kingdom, …
- Safe travel – Dear Jesus, Savior and Creator of all mankind…..please give us a peaceful, happy, fast and uneventful journey home. May my children have no anxiety or …
- Prayer for protection and prosperity – I prayer for prosperity and healing of my body. I ask for strenght and courage and I pray for love to come my way. I …
- family prayer.. – i pray that god can protect my kids, myself and husband from anyone doing any harm or negativity upon us. i pray just for us …
- Prayer for safe mail travel – I pray that the pictures that were just sent in the mail get to us safely as the pictures that were in them are irreplaceable.Amen
- Please Protect My Family – Please protect my family especially my Daddy please pray for him, me, us that nothing negative will come near him, that his innocence will be …
- Prayers for strength for my son – (Bronx ny ) I would like help praying for my adult son who has made some bad choices I’m his life. He is addicted to …
- Prayer from evil and good health – Good night am 28 year old who as been wondering spirit on I been sick so often doctor said I have astma and sinus that …
- Prayer to Stop Eviction Today – Dear God, Please I beg you to answer my prayers and do not allow us to be evicted today. I beg you to make the …
- prayer to redeem the children – God please help the children of this world.Jesus feed those who are hungry, heal the sick, comfort those who need comfort ,lord be with those …
- Prayer for Guidance in a new life – Dear Lord, I wish to thank you for all the good things that I have in my life, but I must ask for your help …
- Prayer for my families protection – I prayer for my families protection and that my family can come together in unity, love, forgiveness and stop the bickering, slander and separation, bring …
- Prayers for legal matters – Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that you will provide the legal representation that my son needs. I pray that you will give him the wisdom …
- Prayer for family and finances. – Dear heavenly father i pray that you help us in this time of struggle. We have made bad financial choices and are now suffering the …
- Protection for special needs child – Please pray my little girl is protected from any abuse. That she is lifted up out of the hands of evil. please pray The Lord …
- Please oh jesus help me save my business from failing – Please oh jesus help me save my business from failing I have beenworking 3 years almost everyday except holidays and i put so much effort …
- My Heavenly Father bless me with a God send husband – My Heavenly Father bless me with a God send husband, one that nobody can or will take away from me. Because you have given him …
- Protection from a human enemies – Lord my God although im a sinner but i am still asking your protectiin against my co worker protect me mentally from there negative words,emotionally …
- Lord please protect me at my workplace – Lord please protect me at my workplace. Please assist me in deflecting harm others are doing against me in their thoughts, words, and actions. Please …
- Against the fire – Dear Lord I just wrote this special prayer and it disappeared before I was finished. You know what I fear most right now please give …
- Please protect my daughters and son – Please protect Ann from harm especially from people who would want to beat her up or harm her. Please keep Meghan from harm and Jack. …
- Prayer for my safety travel – Please pray for my safety ill be travelling on august 28. keep me away from hindrances and doubtful people and immigration staff that always stop …
- Protect me and my family from dark forces – God in Jesus name please hear me I knock on your door. Please watch over me and my family. Send the lords host to protect …
- Please pray for me that god would continue to bless me – Please pray for me that god would continue to bless me in every area of my life and I stay out of jail and please …
- Crying out to the Lord!! – It is easy for Christians to pray for Gods chosen people,or to send money to Israel,but that is not defending Israel and Her people,Gods chosen …
- Lord.guide direct protect my family’s daily routine of life – PLZ Lord.guide direct protect my family’s daily routine of life.plz give me a window to crawl out of w a stool to step forward and …
- Prayer for Hope of Prosperity – O Lord, All I ask for is to be prosperous and to be happy. I thank you for all you have done for me already …
- Prayer for the safety of my children – Dear heavenly father. Please help me to walk the path you desire for me. I am lost and continue to be broken without you. I …
- DNA paternity test to come out as i want – Dear my lovely God. I came to you ,I need you lord,Look at your son,he need a person to call his daddy,please help us our …
- Prayer for shield of protection for Joe – God send out your angels to protect my love from any harm as he travels to mexico place a shield around him so that no …
- I am in need of prayer for my sister – I am in need of prayer for my sister. She will be going through chemo and radiation over the next several months. I pray for …
- Prayer for Help and Guidance – Jesus,i am a mother of a first year college girl.She is an average girl.As of this time,she is struggling with her subjects.I am requesting you …
- Salvation for Son – Lord please protect my son from the consequences of his wrong doing. The pain he is filled with for wrong choices and the pain he …
- Please forgive me for all the wrong i have done in life – Please forgive me for all the wrong i have done in life please guide me through my hard situations i am facing lord keep me …
- I pray dear lord for the courage to speak my mind – I pray dear lord for the courage to speak my mind and the strength to stand by what I say. I pray to not let …
- Protection from electronic harassment – Please watch over and protect the innocent people who have become victims of group harassing,stalking and becoming I’ll from the perpetrators of electronic and internet …
- prayer for my youngest daughter – Oh Heavenly Father , I ask you to be present in all legal matters with my daughter. Lord I ask you to provide a hedge …
- Lord please keep my family safe and keep us together – Lord please keep my family safe and keep us together for a long long time to come. Especially watch over our children and keep them …
- Prayers For Harley Riders Safety – I don’t have a specific prayer, but my family (mainly my parents) all ride Harley motorcycles in the summer.. I don’t have a specific prayer …
- protect my mamma – please pray for my mamma-73 years old-she is preparing for a journey to her elder daughters house .it is far away from her house and …
- Prayer for my boyfriend’s safety – Dear lord, please keep safe Marquez and family. There are people that are trying to harm him. Dear lord I beg that you keep all …
- Please pray for protection above my beloved friend James – Please pray for protection above my beloved friend James. He is serving currently in Syria. Let no trouble befall him through the next week. Thank …
- Please pray for my son’s addiction – This addiction is tearing and breaking everything apart.It is an endless nightmare,I’ve prayed every prayer there is and feel so helpless with this horrible situation,I …
- Prayer for our President Trump – Dear LordPlease protect Donald Trump and his family.. I pray that he will lead this country this is pleasing to you.Take the evil that surrounds …
- Support for others of needed extra strength through me. – “Father in heaven, I offer my heart as a lodging for your precious Son, Jesus. Help me also make room for the others you send …
- Jesus Died for My Sins Prayer – (Bayshore new York ) God be with me for I accept the fact that Jesus Christ died for all our sins god b with me …
- Prayer for my alcoholic daughters saftey – I lift my grown daughter up that God will deliver her from the grip of alcohol and that during her time of drunkenness that God …
- My brother just had a brain surgery – My brother just had a brain surgery though he is back home he still gets few episodes which are scary please pray for him to …
- Protection for me and my grandchildren – Please pray for protection for me and my 2 small grandchildren whose lives have been placed in my care. Bind anyone who tries to harm …
- Protection for My City – I pray that tonight I be protected to were I am about to go. My city is alot of killing and we need help for …
- My child is a runaway want her home safe – Lord please protect my child guide her in the right path.show her the right not the wrong doing .please keep her safe wherever she is.amen.
- Please pray that I have peace with her. – My neighbor does not work and she stays home and play music 24/7. i as her to lower it but she gets louder. Please pray …
- I love you I’m lost I’m afraid – I love you I’m lost I’m afraid im not sure Jesus god wrap your arms around me can you hug me love me tell me …
- I pray that things start to go a bit easier – I have been under so much stress. I pray that things start to go a bit easier for me and my family. I pray for …
- Prayer for protection from troubles – I am requesting prayer for me and my family. I’m a sinners and seek for God’s forgiveness. May God always protect us. Be our shield …
- Protect us from evil, Lord – Dear lord i ask you too help my six children and me that we will we will have goog understanding and help us to servised …
- Lord please keep my son and family safe – Lord put your shield around each and everyone of my family members. My son made bad dicision, that we all are paying for. Only you …
- Prayer for my Brother – Dear Lord I ask that you please protect and watch over my brother Xavier. Please help him with his addiction. Please help him to fight …
- understanding peace of mind – lord please forgive me of all my sins, father god please show me mercy and favortism with my cases and i ask that you lord …
- Please pray for safe travel – Dear lord I pray for safe travel to and from work. I have such anxiety and want to have a safe trip driving.
- Protection From aggressive neighbour – I have a neighbour who is aggressive ignorant swears at me for no reason. Please pray for my protection.
- Please God forgive my sins and have mercy on me Be my Devine Surgeon for my upcoming surgery. Please protect me from all evil.Please cure my stomach cancer permanently. Thank you and Amen 🙏 – Please God forgive me for my sins and accept my thanks and praises. Please God Fill me with your Holy Spirit. Please God cure my …
- Please God forgive my sins and have pity and mercy on me. Be my Devine Surgeon for my upcoming surgery. Protect me from the devil.Cure my stomach cancer permanently. Thank you 🙏 – Please God forgive me for my sins and accept my thanks and praises. Fill me with your Holy Spirit. Please God cure my stomach cancer …
- Please Lord help me to ease this pain because I got a final judgement tomorrow at court – Please Lord help me to ease this pain because I got a final judgement tomorrow at court..Blessed me father for I had sin..But blessed this …
- Prayer for protection and safety keep them safe and protect them from any harm – Dear God I come before you and ask for your mercy and grace. I prayer for protection and safety over my son K- – – …
- May God bless my kids father to be released from jail by the end of this month – May God bless my kids father to be released from jail by the end of this month… To be able to take care of his …
- Prayer for My church and My Family ( Thank you for your prayer and helping us ) – Prayer for My Church and My FamilyLord, God, please protect my family. Please protect and remove any evil from our lives. Please continue to cherish …
- I’m asking for a prayer of protection jyst in case what I have read is true – I’ve been reading a lot about what’s suppose to happen this coming Columbus day…Dont know how true any of it is…But I’m a truck driver …
- Please help me get back on track and follow in your love and mercy forever – Heavenly Father please protect me from all evil people who wish bad or try to curse my name. Please don’t let them have any power …
- Please Lord keep my child safe at home and away from satanic influences – Dear Lord, I prayer that you protect my daughter, keep her safe at home away from Satanic influences outside our home and coming at her …
- Lord, I ask humbly for Your angels and Saints to guard me at all times – Dear Lord, I ask humbly for Your angels and Saints to guard me at all times and in all places so that I may accomplish …
- For my daughter college admission in fanshaw in Canadian in jsn2018 – Lord please help my daughter Samantha to get admission in fanshaw marketing college in Canada for the year Jan 2018
- Dear Lord I’m so scared… I trusted someone and now I’m afraid of them – Dear Lord I’m so scared… I trusted someone and now I’m afraid of them. Their rages and harsh words their unfairness. Its getting worse and …
- Lord, protect the people and animals in the path of Hurricane Irma ! – Dear Lord, Please bless and protect the people and animals in Florida. Please be with them. I put my faith in Thee. Amen.
- Pray for a friend In jail for safety health peace and protection – Pray for a friend In jail for safety health peace and protection. That he may be released soon if not that time will go quickly …
- prayer for protection over tyrone and i and his exams comming up – Hi please pray that god our lord guides and protects us over the next 30 years and that god uses tyrone and I to do …
- I ask you dear God to open my womb an let my husband be healthy – I ask you dear God to open my womb an let my husband be healthy. I ask you dear Lord to help us if it …
- Protection for my Grandson Michael and Direction for his Life – Please pray for my Grandson Michael that he will be guided in God direction, and that he will find his way in life. He is …
- Please pray for us for our safety travel out of the country – Please pray for us for our safety travel out of the country wity my parents.And also our sickness .health and strenght
- prayer to protection my daughter and grandsons and daughter – prayer to protection my daughter and grandsons an daughter my one daughter is rebella she been with th wron company i prayer got no anwers …
- Protect My Love Jack McCarthy from harm on his job in Maine – Lord I ask for protection for Jack that he be safe from harm as his job is dangerous to help others with trees and power …
- Stopped worrying I need help with Financial breakthrough – Lord I Need you right now I been going through so much I haven’t been the same for awhile going through Financial problemsand with my …
- Father I pray for God guidance Against evil intentions – Father I pray for God guidance and protections against my family,the poor,the needy the sick that you will redeemed us from the devil I pray
- Let God shower blessings upon her. She needs protection – She’s being disturb for a couple of months back by so called black magic. Let God shower blessings upon her. She needs protection. And her …
- Please pray for all my tests results to be negative – Me and my boyfriend broke up after almost 5 years.. I was very hurt and confused and felt lonely, I ran into the wrong arms …
- Jesus I am Patricia . I need a emergency miracle now – Dear Jesus I am Patricia . I need a emergency miracle now. I need to find me a an apartment or a house to live …
- Please protect me and my family from this problem – Dear Father , I ask you for your protection. Please protect me and my family from this problems wich we faced this days with.God We …
- Praying for my son’s to find peace in their lives – Praying for my son’s to find peace in their lives, healing powers to make their pain go away. And prayers they can keep their jobs …
- For protection from the devil for me and my love – Dear fatger and friends. Please pray for me and my love. The devil has a strong hold on my love causing him to lie and …
- Please Lord help me. I don’t know where to turn to – Please Lord help me. I don’t know where to turn to. I need your help and strength. I need miracles.
- My husband went to a hospital for mental health – My husband went to a hospital for mental health. One day he woke up and he was stressed out from work in overall having a …
- Keep our love life holy, strong and unbreakable – Lord, thank you for all that you have given and blessed us with. You are the most graciuos God. Father i pray for You to …
- No weapons formed against me shall prosper – (Belize) Heavenly Father hear my cry. So many have gossipped about me and have plotted against me. My life is in danger. Please cover me …
- Prayer to live according tO Gods will – I need prayers for Gods protection over my life and family and that God may bless the work of my hands and also bless my …
- Prayer of Protection over my Marriage – Dear Almighty Father, the Father of our Lord Jesus, the Father of righteousness, the Father who is gracious to us. This morning I come near …
- That herb gets me home safely tonight – Plz I ask the lord that with his blessing that he watches over me and makes sure herb gets me home safeley
- prayer for protection from enemies – Fathet in heaven.Gloryas God,Blessed be your name.save as from our liar enemies to against as.Bless our path whenever we going and share Your name.Amen
- Prayer To Seek You Lord – Dear Heavenly Father,I come today wholeheartedly and ask that You come to me today,I want You to open up my heart to seek You, so …
- Pray for my sick mother – Please pray for my mom het name is sylviana colin who have a heart problem.please father protect her give her the strength and heal her.with …
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I Thank You
To the true and living God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in union forever, I bless you! I thank you for the cross, where your Son, Jesus Christ has disarmed principalities and power, once and forever!
He crashed down his foot so hard, that he not only crushed the head of the serpent, but bruised his heel with the excessive force.
I thank you Lord, that by the cross of Jesus Christ, I have been made free from all curses, witchcraft and demonic power. Jesus Christ became the curse, for me, so that I cannot be cursed! And so I give this day to you Lord, In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. And nothing shall by any means hurt you.
We thank you for the Cross, where Jesus disarmed principalities and power, once and forever! Click To Tweet
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