In Islam, a person who is going to perform the five required ritual prayers for the day (salat, salah or namaz), must first be ritually clean. The cleansing or ablution process is called wudu or wudhu. Wudu is also required before touching the Qur’an. Under some circumstances a more thorough full body cleaning is required, known as ghusl.
The wudu process is a prescribed ritual involving washing the head, arms and feet in a particular sequence. A person’s wudu status is broken in the event of urination, defecation, passing wind, or sleeping while reclining, as well as for other defined reasons.
If suitable water is not available for washing, sand can be used instead. This is known as tayammum.
Table of contents
Christian Cleansing
Followers of Jesus Christ pray often and study the Bible. Is wudu a requirement for Christians? No, not at all! But doesn’t God want his followers to be clean? Yes he does. The Lord wants his children to be clean on the inside. He wants us to be clean from the dirt of sin.
How then is cleansing accomplished for a Christian? Followers of Jesus are washed clean of their sin when they first trust in Jesus. Their cleansing is from above. This is known as justification, that is, to be viewed by God as righteous. The cleansing agent is blood, the blood of Christ that was shed on the cross at his crucifixion.
Another way Christians are washed is cleansing, on an ongoing basis, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. This type of cleansing is known as sanctification, a life-long process of putting on the righteousness of Christ Jesus.
So for a Christian, cleanliness is not about external appearance or ablution rituals, but about being free of sin. This freedom arises from believing in Jesus, and accepting him as Saviour and Lord.
Here are some verses from the Holy Bible that inform us about the Christian perspective on being clean before God:
1 John 1:5-10
This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.
Titus 3:5-7
He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.
2 Peter 1:9
But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins.
Hebrews 9:14
How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!
Ephesians 5:25
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.
John 15:3
You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.
1 Corinthians 6:11
But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
The numbers are truly staggering: In Iraq of 2003, until the fall of Sadam Hussain, there were 1.5 million Christians, but today there are only 250,000, that means that 1.25 million have migrated, killed or been forced to become Muslims. In Syria of just three years ago there were 1.75 million Christians, out of whom 450,000 have already left, and the rate of the ethnic cleansing is only growing.
This means that by the end of this decade there will be no more Christian Arabs in the Levant meaning the northern east of the Middle East. In the space that is becoming “Salafi” and violent, there is no place for the Christian Arabs, and they are being forcedly exiled.
This phenomenon is happening in full force at the Palestinian Authority, and If in Beth Lehem there where once 90% Christians, today it is already 65% Muslims. The tradition is that the mayor is Christian despite the Muslim majority, but the female mayor is facing harsh persecution, including by the “Fatah” movement.
The day in which there will be no more Christian Arabs in the Palestinian authority is getting close, and according to estimates there are only a few tens of thousands left. In the day to day of the Hamas, Salafis and the Jihad, they have no existence, and they migrate, many to South America, where they already have large communities.
In Hamas’s Gaza, out of 2,500 Christians there are only few hundreds left, the rest have escaped or have been forced to become Muslims. If one day there will be an independent “Palestinian” territory, the Christians will be the first to pay the price, especially after the Salafis will start to take over the control there, and it is only a matter of time, as it is in the entire Middle East.
The Christian were promoted at the National Arab Movement, they were the leaders of the Pan-Arab movement; with the Hamas they were tolerated, but the Salafis are brutally exterminating them. In the Shari’a ruled state, the Christians have no place.
In Egypt nearly nine million are Coptic Christians (one tenth), and the estimate is that a quarter of a million have already migrated since the fall of Mubarak, and the rest are suffering persecutions, murders, violence, robbery and looting. They are in grave condition, and the reality is that there are no consequences for hurting them.
In Lebanon there are still about one million Christians (according to a survey published this year), but they are in deep despair, some of them are under the protection of the Shiite Hezbollah state. Do they really have any hope?
Oddly, in a year when the Pope is elected “Man of the Year”, there is no cry about the amazing ethnic cleansing being done to his flock, as well as nothing from the west. United State has murmured something, and that was it.
As for Israel this silence has few conclusions: while the new anti-Semites are busy condemning Israel, proposing resolutions and banning Israel, they are saying nothing about the real massacre and the forced exile taking place here, there is no limit for the hypocrisy. Where are the human rights movements, in the face of this Christians free Middle East being created here?
The second conclusion is for us in Israel: this silence is a warning that if G-d forbids Israel will one day be weakened, the extremists will do us much worse, and no one in the world would really help. In the violant and Salafi Middle East, there is no place for Christians, which did not know how to prepare on time, or the Jews.
Luckily for the latter in the Jewish state they are strong and deterring, now it is clear how important it is to have a Jewish state, as the only place in the Middle East left, that is not Muslim.
Now a word for the Christian communities around the world: if one day the sovereignty over the holy places in Jerusalem will be held solely by the Palestinian Authority, in a short time the religious war that is taking place in the entire Arab world will erupt here as well, andneither Jews nor Christians will be allowed access anymore to their holly sites, as it is happening in Syria, in the places sacred for the Christians.
Only under Jewish sovereignty the freedom of religion will be kept, and the proof is – only in one place in the entire Middle East do the Christian Arabs get freedom of religion as well as equality, and that is in Israel, and so for the first time, we see young Christian Arab citizens, wanting to join in alliance with the Jewish State. They already know that no one will be waiting for them out there, in the cold Christian winter.
By Ray Gano
Due to our own actions in rejecting God and choosing a path of evil, God will bring our nation to her knees through much pain and destruction.
We read in 1 Samuel 8 Samuel stated that the people did not want to be “ruled” by God.
They did not want a prophet to speak to them on behalf of God. They wanted a king to judge them like the other nations.
I think back on the past elections when the Democrat party pulled God from the party platform. There was some backlash of sorts over this and the Democrat Party then tried to put God back into the party platform.
It took three votes at the Democrat Convention. The final vote was basically rigged and God was put back in against the will of the Democrat constituents.
When the “vote” was finally approved there was a huge voice of “boos” being heard all over the convention floor. There was clearly NOT a 2/3s majority in putting God back into the Democrat Platform.
One thing became very clear that day, the Democrat constituents did not want God on the platform, but He was placed back on just to save face.
FOLKS… that was then and this is now. Look at what the Democrats have done by electing Hillary Clinton as their candidate. Heck, they didn’t elect her, she stole the votes and got away with it. Totally unbelievable.
Folks the word “DEMOCRAT” really means Socialist / Communist. That is what will lead this country if she is elected.
Think persecution of Christians is bad? Think again, especially if she gets in office.
8 years ago when we as a nation came to the polls, we as a nation then voted this anti-God party into power.
With the way things are going right now and especially how Hillary stole her own nomination. What makes you think that she will not steal the election and we have another 8 years?
PEOPLE… just look at the corruption that she has gotten away with.
Do you know that in the past what…five weeks there are 4 deaths that can be linked to her?
What we are doing as a nation today, is openly allowing another “God hater” to go to war against God.
How can you tell?
If you have not been paying attention, just look; America is beginning to be “cleansed” of everything God, Jesus, His Word and His children – aka – bible believing Christians.
The problem is that we as bible believing Christians have been letting this go on now for years and have been complacent to do anything about it.
Persecution will grow under Hillary – WATCH NOW
Christians gave up the high ground a long time ago and today we are seriously losing the battle.
Now, there is nothing we can do about it except maybe slow the process down a little.
That is why I am promoting Trump so hard. Look, the guy is not perfect, what human is? But needless to say we KNOW what we are going to get if Hillary wins. More God hating laws and regulations put against us.
Because of our current administration, our nation no longer wants God and in fact hates God, showing utter contempt for God.
When we voted in Obama, we have “voted” in one of the most ungodly, antichristian, bible hating men into the oval office since the beginning of our nation.
Well, let me put it this way. We did not vote him in, God appointed him as our judgement, and judgement begins in the house of the Lord.
This is not a symptom of where we are going as a nation. This is the result of what we have become as a nation.
Watch what Hillary did to the men in Benghazi. This is an INCREDIBLE movie and a must see…
BUT I honestly believe that we have a chance, if anything to curb or slow down judgement if we ask God to stay His judgement.
Now, we can not boss God around, but we know from scripture that He does listen to prayer and that He will change His mind in light of the righteous.
We are where we are today because in the years past we did not stand and occupy till He returns.
BUT… we can start getting on our knees now and start seeking His face and asking for mercy.
There is scripture though that is disturbing and I ask, have we crossed that point of no return?
The following verse is very earth shattering…
And ye shall cry out in that day because of your king which ye shall have chosen you; and the LORD will not hear you in that day. 1 Samuel 8:18 (KJV)
I hear people claim over and over again that we need to start praying “2 chronicles 7:14”
You know, “If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray….”
IF you would have asked me several years ago I would have said that the time for that came and gone.
In fact we have been praying that prayer since Bill Clinton, but the problem is that we still refuse to really humble ourselves and walk in the light of the Lord.
Our problem is that we love our sin and the flesh to much to turn from our wicked ways. But there is a glimmer of hope that I see out there. People have been waking up, but is it enough?
It is going to take a whole lot more people to be on their bent knees seeking God’s face.
I do believe that there might be a chance, but more people need to intercede for our nation.
We need to get to the point where we really need to repent.
In the mean time we have to face what is taking place and what is the natural progression to come.
Christian Cleansing of America
There is a “cleansing” of all things “Christian” taking place in this nation today. We see it taking place in our government, our military, our schools, our corporations, it is even being forced on people who own their own private business.
This sort of thing should be scaring the American public to death, but it isn’t. They are going along with it.
They hate Christians too.
Here is an article that I found very interesting….
Rising Persecution of U.S. Christians
By Joseph DeCaro, Worthy News Correspondent
WASHINGTON, D.C. – A joint report by Liberty Institute and the Family Research Council shows that anti-Christian persecution is not only increasing in America, but that it’s coming from our own government.
“There are children being prohibited from writing Merry Christmas to the soldiers, senior citizens being banned from praying over their meals in the Senior Center, the VA banning the mention of God in military funerals, numerous attempts to have veterans memorials torn down if they have any religious symbols, such as a cross, and I could go on and on,” said Liberty Institute Founder Kelly Shackleford.
“Religious hostility is the red light on the dashboard that tells us we have a problem and that violence will come next if not fixed,” Shackleford said. “The recent attacks on the faith-based Family Research Council and the attack on the Sikhs are recent examples alone.”
Many public facilities are also masking American Christianity, according to ACLJ senior counsel David French.
“One of the most strident examples: the misuse of the Establishment Clause to attempt to ban any mention of God from historical markers, monuments or even museum exhibits. This represents an effort to whitewash God from American history and change our national identity.”
French said that though the Obama administration has contributed to this, it didn’t begin with his inauguration; in fact, anti-Christian persecution has been stewing here in America for decades.
“While the Obama administration launched its own unprecedented assault on religious liberty through Obamacare, the attack on Christian expression is the result of cultural changes that have been taking place for decades … the trend began with the advent of the sexual revolution and the mainstreaming of the 1960s counterculture. As leftist radicals have progressed through the academy, media, churches and government, the trend has only accelerated.”
Souce –
This is the first step and we as Christians have been allowing this sort of “cleansing” of our own ranks take place for years now.
If Hillary gets in, it will become far, far worse. Think that she will not use the power of the executive office to rid the nation of dissidents?
Folks, think again. This woman is hell bent on power and I swear there are times that I think she is demon possessed.
Just check out this video and see for yourself. –
Many have said she is just suffering effects from previous illness.
I have to disagree. If anyone knows anything about kundalini manifestations, this is what it looks like.
This is why I have been all out against seeing Hillary get into office. She will welcome Satan and will do all in her power to see Jesus Christ eradicated from our nation.
LISTEN… I am not a prophet or son of a prophet. I know that these things will happen because this is what hard core socialists / communists do… they imprison and kill those who stand in their way of obtaining more power.
The Future America – Thoughts While Sitting in a Prison Cell
“They came for the Baptists for preaching in the streets, but because I am not Baptist, I thought nothing of it.
They came for the Pentecostals for protesting at the abortion clinics, but because I am not Pentecostal I did not speak up
They came for the Protestants and Catholics for speaking out against homosexuals, but I don’t know anything about these older religions, so I just allowed it to happen.
Finally they came for me.
Owning a bible and praying over our supper at McDonalds the past week.
They came for us and arrested all my family.
Now I sit here in this God forsaken FEMA camp wearing a “yellow cross” sewn on my jacket.
My Family? Probably dead or being slaved away in one of the thousands of forced labor camps.
I am awaiting my trial today. I will most likely be executed for crimes against the state.
They have worked me till I can no longer be an asset to the state.
They say that “precious food and clothing is being wasted on me, a worthless air breather.”
This trial is just their way to justify my extermination and allow them to look their selves in the mirror at night.
Thinking to myself I say “We should have spoken up 20 years ago.”
Instead our nation has become this fascist country putting Christians to death for crimes against the state.
I hear that they going after the Jews now.
One would think that people would remember that this took place before in history.
How soon they forget.
How easily we were complacent and did nothing.
We now pay the price and “Christian Cleansing” is the accepted norm in a nation that once said “ In God We Trust.“
Like This Article? You Will Probably Appreciate This One As Well…
By Ray Gano
In light of all that has taken place the last few days, I feel that it is prudent that we look at what is taking place and the possible outcome that could take place.
I know that what I am presenting is something scary as well as something that we do not want to think about.
The issue is that we have an administration that is pushing a massive race war. Lines in the sand are starting to be drawn and police and law enforcement are gearing up.
Back in May I was writing about how Russia has introduced the SATAN II missile. This is the most powerful missile now in the world and can pretty much hit any target in the world. Its range has been extended to over 10,000 miles in its attack range.
Interesting thing is that while I was looking at what Russia was doing, the US and the UN were keeping things very quiet and what came out of it?
Read this, dated May 11, the day prior to Russia’s big press missile announcement.
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Christian Breton
Год основания
Описание бренда
Christian Breton — французская торговая марка, основанная кинорежиссером Кристианом Бретоном в 1979 году. Сменив род занятий, он вместе с командой специалистов приступил к созданию уникальных косметических средств по уходу за кожей лица.
Разработав целую линию косметических средств на основе морских микроорганизмов, основатель бренда не остановился на достигнутом, и вскоре было успешно освоено еще одно направление — декоративная косметика, а в 2000 году стартовал выпуск парфюмерной продукции под успевшей завоевать признание торговой маркой Christian Breton.
Революционная косметика по уходу за кожей Кристиан Бретон, уникальность которой была признана исследованиями химиков и генетиков, способствует восстановлению упругости и эластичности кожи на разных возрастных этапах, и результат становится заметным уже после первого применения, более того — с длительным эффектом. Защита красоты современных женщин и внимание к их потребностям — главная цель Christian Breton, и с этой задачей косметика по уходу за кожей премиум-класса справляется безупречно!