Catholic prayer for relationship restoration

Dear Lord,
I offer you this prayer, to help me with my current relationship situation. Please take away all the pain and hurt in my heart. Fill it with love, joy, patience, and understanding. Bless me and my partner, so that we may never surrender to whatever challenges that come our way. Fill our hearts with love for each other, and may you make each one of us realize each other’s worth. Please touch the heart of my partner,fill it with much love for me. Make our complicated relationship become uncomplicated. I seek for your mercy and blessing that you may allow us to spend the rest of our lives with each other. Please make this feeling mutual for both of us. Lead us not into temptations. Guide us wherever we go. Always put us in each other’s heart and mind. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer. I love you. Amen.
Prayer to Find a Companion

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Dear Lord,

I pray for the restoration of my relationship. I finally found a man who was grounded in the Lord, took responsibility for his children, was intelligent, and attentive as a mate.

I am not sure what i did, but I must of upset or annoyed him in some way – or he is dealing with a sexual distraction of another women. Please soften his heart toward me and strengthen his heart toward any temptation. Let him know that he can trust me with his heart and I will provide for his needs once we are committed and married. Please bring our relationship back into fruition. Let it grow and prosper.

If there is anything in the dark, please bring it to light. If there are things that both of us need to change bring that to the light. Right now I am confused and hurt. God is not the author of confusion so please bring clarity.

God you know my heart. You know my needs. Allow me to rest in you. Give me peace and hope as this situation repairs. I know that whatever you are doing in this situation it is for the good of both of us. Maybe there is something i or both of us need to learn about and grow. If I have put too much pressure on him, if i have been too selfish i am sorry. Sometimes I get so excited by experiencing love and affection that I lose my way and maybe scare a man who not so long again had his heart broken.

Take care of both of our hearts right now. Protect our hearts. Show us back to each other in your time with renewed and fast growing love — quickened by our absence and the wisdom we gain from this separation. You are the king on the throne and I trust you. Deliver from any wrong doing or lust in the heart of my partner and if his eyes are turned in that direction as a temptation — away from what God has for him. We sometimes are drawn away. Something in my spirit made me write this. God protect his vulnerable heart and let him know how deeply I care for and cherish our relationship.


Prayer for relationship Strengthening, Restoration and Guidance. Our relationships with friends, family, coworkers, and colleagues shape our lives. We demonstrate our love for people with communication, time spent together, patience, and compassion.

When we move to a new town, start a new job, or attend a new school, we can feel lonely and disconnected, we feel like we lost something very important. Simply put, we all want to belong.

According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, after human’s basic needs (physiological and safety) are met, humans need to feel secure in intimate relationships and friendships (MacLeod, 2016). That’s why we need prayer for relationship strengthening, restoration, an guidance.

That’s because God designed us to live and work in community. Have you stopped to think about the Greatest Commandment? (Matthew 22:34-40) It boils down to “Love God and love others as yourself”.

Praying about our needs

Prayer is communication with God. We can talk with Him at any time – all we have to do is speak His name! 1 John 5:14 – “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us”.

This also means that we can talk to Him when we feel lonely, a need for connection! God hears and answers prayer for relationship strengthening, restoration and guidance.

Putting it into Practice Prayer for Relationship Strengthening, Restoration, and Guidance

How can be put prayer for relationship strengthening, restoration and guidance into practice? (I mean, how often are we told, “Just pray about it” but not given some kind of guidance?) I suggest following these steps:

  1. Begin with Praise.
  2. Ask God to bring people into your path.
  3. Ask God to protect you from people who aren’t in His will for Your life.
  4. Thank Him.

1. Begin with Praise

When you pray, begin by thanking God for what He has given you or done for you. Not sure where to start? I find myself saying:

God, I praise You and thank-you because You have given me hope and a future. You love me enough to extend the gift of underserved grace through Your Son, Jesus.

Doing this puts our hearts in line with His. If you’re not sure where to start, meditate on Psalm 145.

2. Ask God to bring people into your path

Like I said, before, prayer is our opportunity to communicate with God. I love that I can be honest with Him:

Lord, I am feeling lonely. I need some friends to connect with! Please restore my lost relationships with my friends. Please bring people who can be solid friends into my life.

This is the time when prayer for relationship really comes into play. What characteristics are you looking for in a friend?

3. Ask God to protect you from people who aren’t in His will for Your life

A friend in college told me about prayer and, at first, I thought it was odd. But I believe it fits here as we’re talking about prayer for relationship. My friend shared with me that when she started praying this, she saw man she was interested in dating get redirected to different classes, jobs, or even schools.

I’ve said this prayer many times and people (even other Christians) have moved on from my life. It’s hard to understand why things happen, but this prayer has given me peace that God has an active and loving hand in my life.

Lord, You are a God of love and You protect Your children. Give me wisdom regarding the people I come in contact with. Lord, give me guidance and please protect me from people who are not in Your will for my life.

4. Thank Him

When I think about God’s character, I am reminded that God is always motivated by love.

God, thank You that You listen whenever we call Your name. Thank You for what You provided me with today . You are a loving Father and I am grateful! Amen!

I know that He will answer prayers in His time and He will meet all my needs. I love to meditate on this verse when I need a reminder: “Do not be about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6 )

What are the fruits of the prayer?

The Lord is faithful and He is always looking out for our best interest. God will bring people into your life to meet your relationship needs. When that happens, remember to thank Him for His demonstration of love.

Also read: PRAYER OF FAITH – Faithful Examples in the Bible

Do you feel like your relationship is in trouble? Perhaps your better half has left, your marriage is on the rocks, or you simply feel out of place with the person you are with. You value the relationship that you have with your husband or wife, and you honor and respect the vows that you took in front of God and witnesses. Despite the best of intentions, there are times when even the most perfect relationship has problems and issues. It is common for a member of the relationship to run-away from those problems, or refuse to face them by trying to leave the relationship and the home you’ve made together. Do not despair, there is hope, you just have to find faith and encouragement from our gracious Lord above.

catholic prayer for relationship restoration

Prayer can repair the most damaged marriage. The power of God can bring two people, who are intended to be together, back into a love filled marriage. Your union will know the love from the blessings of God if you keep your eyes on Him in all things. Through prayer, anything is possible. God is all-powerful and all-knowing, He can mend any bridges that may have been burned by conflict, clear away any confusion, and give you the power to forgive when needed most. If your relationship is in need of a blessing and you have nowhere to turn, always consider the power of prayer. God is always there to listen, and his followers on earth are always ready to assist in having your prayer requests heard.

catholic prayer for relationship restoration

“And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32

Prayer for Restoring Marriage

Lord, I come before you today with a heavy heart; my marriage is in grave trouble, and I need Your help and closeness. Please make changes in my spouse’s heart. Make us compatible again, and bring us closer together as we were before. Fill us with Your love and give us the strength to love one another, care for one another, and fulfill your life long wishes for us. Show us the harm caused by careless, uncalled for words, and the pain caused by emotional distance. Heal the division between the two of us. Make us one again. In Your precious name I pray, amen. 

Prayer for a Loving Soulmate

I seek a partner who enhances me by his/her very being. who brings more love, joy, peace and prosperity to my life, Who I can love fully and who can fully receive my love, Who loves, honors and cherishes me completely, and always. May my heart be open and my head be clear. May my life be ready to welcome True love. May I be embraced in a circle of your love An uplifted by your grace. And so it is.

 catholic prayer for relationship restoration

Prayer for a Marriage In Need

My heart cries out to You, my Maker of Heaven and of Earth! Please bring healing to our broken hearts, bring restoration to our relationship, ignite lost passion, and inspire forgotten intimacy. Please transform the two of us from the inside out, and lead us in Your way. We trust in you, Precious Jesus. Always. Amen.

Prayer for a Lost Love/Partner

Precious Savior, please pray that my heart’s desire be granted, and the return of the love of my life would come to fruition. I pray that my spouse/partner may have healed his/her wounds from the past, and forgiven all that has gone wrong between the two of us. Lord, help my lost love be able to follow his/her heart to their desire and love me for me. I ask that we be forever reconciled as one, from this day forward.

Prayer for a Friends’ Troubled Marriage/Relationship

Heavenly Father, I come before you and lay this troubled marriage/relationship in your hands. I ask that you would revive this couple, and draw them toward happiness shared together. I ask that you would renew their love and passion for one another, and that you would untangle the conflicts and strife that has damaged and angered them towards one another. Please bring understanding and tenderness of heart to both of them. May they both embrace the miracle that you desire to do for them, and within their spirits. Amen.

 catholic prayer for relationship restoration

Prayer for Financial Peace In Marriage

I lift up my heart to You today, my precious Lord. Please help us to rely on You more in our marriage when it comes to our finances. We can be easily distracted by the amount of money in our bank account, or even by the jobs we currently have. Help us not to trust in the matter of money itself, but more importantly, trust in Your economy and Your word. May Your Holy Spirit fill us with wisdom in how to manage our finances, give us generous hearts to give to those in need, and teach us to not worry about money so much. We pray there would be peace in our marriage, especially over finances, at all times, and in all ways. May Your presence keep us grounded, keep us calm, and keep us in Your will always.

catholic prayer for relationship restoration

Prayer for Clear Communication in Relationships

Lord, I feel like my partner and I have had a difficult time clearly communicating with one another lately. We are both lacking in our compassion and understanding towards each other. I pray we would be better than this, and that You will open our hearts to You. Holy Spirit, please help us be better communicators with each other. I pray that we would live with understanding for what the other person is going through, and that we are thoughtful in our words and actions. Amen.

Bible Verses about Marriage:

“Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” Mark 10:9

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.” 1Peter 4:8

“Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun—all your meaningless days. For this is your lot in life and in your toilsome labor under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 9:9

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