Abortion prayer healing

Father God,

My heart is torn apart. I do not understand why this happened to me. I have no strength left in me. I have no consolation in my heart and I cry to You for help Father. The Bible says that the Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit. Comfort me Lord, because all my dreams are shattered. My hope is lost and I find total darkness in front of me.

Lord, help me to bear this agony and the mental stress due to this and restore to me, Your joy and peace of mind. I know that Your ways are wonderful. Lead me by Your Spirit into deeper spiritual experiences and make my life a fruitful one. Lord, I commend every thought and every situation of mine into Your loving hands. Thank You Father for being with me during these hard times and for Your assurances of joy and peace.


Eternal Father,
Source of all mercy and love,
out of love for us you sent your Son,
and willed that blood and water
flow from his side to cleanse us of sin
and restore lost innocence.

Hear the cry of each woman who mourns
the loss of her child to abortion.
Forgive her sin, restore her to your grace,
and still the terror of her heart
with a peace beyond all understanding.
Through the intercession
of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Mother of all tenderness and our Mother,
strengthen her faith in you.
Give her the consolation to believe
that her child is now living in the Lord.
We ask this through Christ our Lord,
who conquered sin and death,
and who lives and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Text by Msgr. James Moroney.


If you had an Abortion – Dealing with Guilt and Emotional TraumaAn abortion is traumatic and leaves scars on the emotions. Many woman suffer from deepfeelings of guilt because of what they have done to themselves and their unborn babies.Good news is that there is forgiveness at the cross of Jesus Christ. God’s Word says thatthough your sins are as scarlet, it shall be as white as snow. Though they are red likecrimson, they shall be as wool…Many woman have asked God’s forgiveness repeatedly, but struggle with feelings of guiltand condemnation. This prayer for healing the broken-hearted. Jesus is the Healer, He bindsup the wounds. Take time and pray where you will be unhindered…’Heavenly Father, I come to you in Jesus Name. Thank you that your are merciful andgracious, slow to anger and rich in love. Thank you that your mercies are new everymorning, new every day! I confess to you that I have had an abortion, that I killed a baby. Iam sorry and I ask your forgiveness with my your whole heart. Please wash me with the blood of Jesus and cleanse every area of my being that were affected through the abortion.Forgive me for any damage I have done to myself or others. Thank you that you justify menow – just as if I have never sinned. Please help me to forgive myself. Remove the spirit of death from me that entered me at the time of the abortion. Protect me from any death cyclesin my future. Prevent death from destroying other areas of my life and the futuregenerations. (place your hand on your womb and pray…) Please cleanse my womb with the blood of Jesus and heal it from any damage. Thank you Father for your peace. I receive your complete and eternal forgiveness on this matter, in Jesus name.’ You can be sure that you are forgiven now. How can you be sure?

If we confess our sins,he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 1:9

…the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin.

1 John 1:7If the feelings of guilt or condemnation torment you again, you may confess these scriptures over yourself until you have peace.

Healing through the blood of JesusHow does His blood work?1.Through His blood we have forgiveness of sins.2.His blood gives us victory over the accuser (the devil).3.There is protection in His blood.4.His blood justifies me – Just as if I have never sinned!5.His blood gives us peace.6.Through His blood we have access to God.Believe that you are cleansed. Spend time thanking God for His forgiveness.You are completely forgiven now, but you may still have painful memories about it.How to deal with the painful memories of the abortion;1. Take some time where you can pray privately. Close your eyes and think about theabortion, and all the events around it, even though it hurts. Try to remember as much as

abortion prayer healing

“Dear Heavenly Father,

I have made a mistake and realize that now.  I have made the choice to end the life that you were creating inside my womb.  This miracle came at a time when I felt overwhelmed with so many issues and problems.

I treated your miracle as one of those problems that needed to be “solved”.  Since doing this, I have felt a sadness in my heart that words cannot describe.  I feel empty, lost and I know now that in my moment of confusion, I made the wrong choice.

Lord, it is so hard when I realize the scope and magnitude of what  I have done for me to forgive myself.  I wish I could take back my choice and I know that the world will never know the wonderful life that was starting to grow in my belly.

I am more than sorry, Lord.  I am grieved at what I have done.  I ask for your forgiveness, and I receive it.  I need your love to heal the wounds on my heart that I have created for myself. Comfort me and cover my loss with your presence.

Take what I did, and create a situation where I can grow and help others deal with the pain I am currently feeling right now.

In this pain, I realize what really matters now.  I took the precious blessings I had lightly and for granted, and now that it is gone, I realize what a gift I had at my disposal.  Forgive me for disposing them.

More than anything else, I need to forgive myself.  I do not see this happening, but with you, anything is possible.  I do not want to waste my life wallowing in regret over things I cannot change.

Help me to move beyond this and build a life that is richer from my experience and wiser from leaning on you for guidance.  I did not listen to your warnings and I do not want to do that again.

Thank you for restoring what I destroyed.  Thank you for forgiving me and rebuilding a stronger, smarter, more empathetic person from all of this. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.”

Author: Julia Shalom Jordan

Prayer should never be a substitute for receiving medical attention. If you, or someone you love is experience suicidal thoughts or harmful tendencies towards themselves or other individuals, please help them contact a qualified physician in addition to your prayers. www.shalombewithyou.com does not assume any responsibility for any personal decisions or choices made by it’s readers.

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