A woman prayer

a woman prayer

Prayers for Women – At a Loss for Words
Most women have no trouble communicating. Studies indicate women speak twice as many words as men. So why do women sometimes have difficulty praying out loud, particularly in front of others? It would seem that conversing with God often leaves women at a loss for words.

While there is a willingness to pray, some women choose to remain silent allowing the “more eloquent” individuals to address God. God never values one person (or their prayer) above another. We are, however, given guidelines that guarantee any women’s prayer will be priceless before God.

  • Express your love and appreciation for God’s power (Psalm 18:1–6). Begin by thanking God for things that are humanly impossible to provide (creation, peace, grace, the Holy Spirit, salvation).
  • Make your “conversation” a joyful attitude towards others (1 John 4:7–8). A self-righteous attitude stops prayer dead in its tracks! It’s still gossip when you share the “juicy details” with others in the name of prayer. Pray with a compassionate heart and watch God breathe joy into your words.
  • Trust God to hear every precious word you utter, allowing His peace to envelop you (Isaiah 26:3–4). Each prayer comes to life when we speak with assurance, free from worry, having peace that surpasses all human comprehension.

Prayers for Women – It’s Not About You
When we understand the importance of attitude, we can focus next on the priority of our prayers. By design, God gave women an abundance of emotions which they use to connect with people. While men are often methodical problem-solvers, women are relational caregivers. A woman’s prayer often centers upon how a situation relates to her. All emotions (and fluctuating hormones) place the emphasis on her need to establish or preserve relationships. By changing the “primary object” of any prayer, women tap into greater prayer effectiveness.

  • Prayer requires patience as well as surrendering our rights (Hebrews 10:35–36). As women, it’s easy to become impatient — with family conflicts, broken friendships — even God. “Doesn’t God know how upset I am? I lack the composure to deal with all this.” Surrender your timeframe to Him, offering your patience as a prayer of trust.
  • Pray specifically for the person who irritated you the most today. When we extend unmerited kindness to another it transforms two lives, not just yours. I guarantee you, at the end of the day your kind words and thoughts will free you from any “I wish I hadn’t . . .” guilt (Ephesians 4:31-32).

Men cannot fulfill God’s good purpose for them without the influence of women (1 Corinthians 11:11). Men face temptation and evil continually. Instead of praying

after his bad behavior, pray

before , seeking his protection and good wisdom from above. A woman’s tongue is only three inches long, but it can destroy or strengthen a full-grown man (James 3:5–6).

Prayers for Women – Structured or Non-Structured
Women utilize their time by multi-tasking. Yet we still struggle to find time to pray. Knowing that God is merciful, we hope that He’ll excuse us “just one more day.” Ultimately, we realize that, if we don’t take time to converse with God on a regular basis, our lives unravels quickly (illness, finances, separation). How then should we pray?

  • Pray faithfully, seeking the Holy Spirit’s help (Ephesians 6:18; Romans 8:26). A few words spoken from the heart speak volumes. God is faithful as we depend on Him daily for answers.
  • Choose a place of rest, free of distractions (Matthew 11:28–29). Through those tender moments of communication, we experience the gentleness of a Father-daughter relationship.
  • Expect distractions, but practice self-control, remaining steadfast in prayer (1 Peter 1:13; 5:7–8). When we will to pray…God’s will is done!

When we follow these guidelines, our prayers will always be fruitful (Galatians 5:22–23).

Learn how to pray for others!


– We have all


and deserve God’s judgment.


, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him.


, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He


for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was


, and

rose from the dead

according to the


. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your


, declaring, “

Jesus is Lord

,” you will be saved from


and spend eternity with God in heaven.

What is your response?

Yes, today I am deciding to follow JesusYes, I am already a follower of JesusI still have questions


College was going to be the most exciting time in my life. It would be my first time living away from home. More importantly, I would make new friends, who would be friends for life because we’d be living the best years of our lives together. So, you can imagine my utter sadness when on the first day of school I got a horrible cold. As if a runny nose and ear infection weren’t enough to scare away all of my potential new friends, I also had a sore throat that made my voice do somersaults.

Then she did something unexpected . . .A few days later, my roommate, noticing how I was not recovering, suggested I see the school doctor. The doctor was friendly, and led me to the examination room, where she weighed me on the scale, asked me a bunch of questions, looked in my ear and down my throat, and prescribed me medication.

It was all very normal. But then, she did something unexpected: she asked if she could pray for me.

Taken aback, I said, “Sure.”

I gripped the exam table for support as I sat nervously on the edge of it. I watched as she clasped her hands together, looked up at the sky and said a very heartfelt prayer for me to get better and to have a good school year.

On the one hand, I felt extremely awkward watching her pray for me, in front of me, for something so minor. This was not the usual procedure!

On the other hand, I thought, a prayer could never hurt anyone. How thoughtful of this doctor to pray for me. How nice. In fact, that may have been the nicest thing a stranger had ever done for me.

That doctor became my inspiration to pray. No matter how large or small our problems are, I learned, we should pray—and not just for ourselves, but for others too. Her prayers were soon answered, I got better, I made lots of friends, and I was so happy in school. Although I, thankfully, never had to go to the nurse’s office again, this one moment greatly impacted me, and I never forgot it.

Yet it wasn’t until a few years later that I learned how to connect to the formal Jewish prayers. Staying over at a friend’s house for Shabbat, I was completely embarrassed when she handed me a prayerbook and went off to say her morning blessings. I sat on the sofa, pretending to read the Hebrew words like a pro. But I couldn’t fool my friend.

“Want to say one together?” she asked.

I was completely embarrassed when she handed me a prayerbookI was so relieved I didn’t have to sound out those long Hebrew words myself. We did a series of 15 blessings, thanking G‑d for actions related to waking up in the morning. She said each word slowly first, and then I repeated it after her, like an illiterate actor learning her lines. Yet, because the prayer has so much repetition, I started to catch on, and that made me feel empowered. I actually liked saying this prayer.

It became a sort of tradition to say these blessings together when we had our sleepovers. Soon I knew most of them by heart, and didn’t need her help. My success with this prayer made me want to learn the other ones. Soon, I was saying the morning blessings on my own.

I used to think that Jewish prayer was something done in the synagogue, in Hebrew, that it had nothing to do with my life, and that it was incredibly boring. Yet through the years, I have learned that I was mistaken. Prayer is meant to be done everywhere, and to be said for even the smallest wish. It can be informal and spontaneous too. Talking to G‑d is something everyone can do, and should do daily.

It is also good to formally pray from the prayerbook. We don’t even have to say it in Hebrew. G‑d knows every language. Speaking in Hebrew is a plus, because then you can pray with any Jew anywhere in the world—and since Hebrew is a holy language, there are many hidden meanings in the liturgy. Our sages wrote these prayers to help us know what to say to G‑d, and to maximize our potential for our prayers to be answered.

What really changed my feelings about prayer is learning that the real reason we pray is to develop a relationship with the Almighty. We are not supposed to pray just when we want something in life. To do so would be to miss the point.

Are we listening? Do we respond?The root of the Hebrew word for prayer, tefillah, means “to connect.” We are like G‑d’s children. He wants to give us things, and of course it’s okay to ask; but if that’s the extent of our relationship with Him, then that’s a problem. A good relationship requires quality time and effort in order to get to know someone well. The point of prayer is to remind us that G‑d is involved in our lives. Every second, though what we call “nature,” He is communicating with us. Are we listening? Do we respond?

A relationship is only as strong as the one who wants it least. Since we are humans, we can’t possibly want a relationship with G‑d as much as He wants it with us, but we can do our best and try. The goal in the end is to be so intimate with G‑d that our will matches His.

Perhaps that is why the masters of prayer in Judaism are not men but women. Unlike men, women don’t need to put on anything external when praying, or even to pray at a certain time. Women have a natural connection to prayer and spirituality. Women are relationship beings, and because of this, it is the women who are paradigms of how to pray—and, furthermore, how to get our prayers answered.

Hannah is one example. In fact, interestingly enough, the root of her name is derived from the Hebrew word chen, meaning “grace.” For many years she wanted children, but could not conceive. Every year she would go to the Tabernacle and pray for a child. As she prayed, she cried and she moved her lips silently. She stood alone in front of G‑d, not needing anyone to talk to Him for her. The prayer was so heartfelt that the high priest accused her of being drunk. Yet, when she explained herself, and he realized the intensity and authenticity of her prayer, he blessed her.

Through her prayers, Hannah became the mother of the great prophet Samuel. Furthermore, the laws of the Amidah, one of the most important Jewish prayers, are derived from her example.

I learned the connection between our prayers and our actionsThe matriarch Rachel is another example of the power of a woman’s prayer. During the Babylonian exile, the Jewish people cried out in anguish, and their prayers were heard by their ancestors, who decided to intercede on their behalf. All the patriarchs, matriarchs, and Moses asked G‑d to end the exile and allow the Jewish people to return to Israel. The only prayers G‑d listened to were Rachel’s.

Since Rachel had compassion for her sister Leah during her lifetime, allowing Leah to marry the man Rachel loved in order so that Leah would not be embarrassed, G‑d said that He also must be compassionate with the Jewish people. Because G‑d answers Rachel’s prayers with compassion, many people go to Rachel’s tomb to pray, so that she will intercede with G‑d on their behalf.

From Rachel, I learned the connection between our prayers and our actions. If we act in the way we want G‑d to act, then when we pray for what we need, G‑d will treat us the way we treated others. Our merits are reflected in our answered prayers.

It is said that women took nine measures of speech out of ten. This means that, when it comes to prayer, women have tremendous power. G‑d wants our hearts; He wants a connection. As women, we can identify with that feeling, because that is what makes us tick.

Through the examples of the women I’ve met and studied, I too have learned to pray better and harder, and to understand why I’m doing it. Prayer helps me to remember to be grateful, and to define what I want and why. But, most importantly, it reminds me that I’m never alone. And that reminder is a blessing indeed.


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