Your daughter is a precious gift from God and you want to do all that you can to protect her, encourage her, and build her confidence. One of the greatest tools we have as a parent is prayer! The below prayers on various topics such as self worth, wisdom, purity, and protection, can help you find the words to pray over your daughter. When you are worried and anxious about your daughter’s life and choices, you can cast your cares on Jesus and find peace knowing that He has a plan for good! Be encouraged that God moves through prayer and you can equip yourself and your daughter with wisdom.
Table of contents
- 1 Prayer for your Daughter’s Heart
- 2 Prayer for a Struggling Daughter
- 3 Prayer for Our Daughter’s Self-Worth and Purity
- 4 Prayer For Daughter to Find Identity in Christ
- 5 A Prayer for Daughters Protection
- 6 Prayer for Daughter’s Spiritual Strength
- 7 Praying to be great parents
- 8 Offering up my daughter (and granddaughter) to the Lord
- 9 Blessing my daughter in her studies
- 10 Protect my daughter from the flesh
- 11 Give my daughter strength to withstand
- 12 Bless our relationship with them
- 13 Prayer Requests: Post Your Own “Prayers”
Prayer for your Daughter’s Heart
Dear Lord, I know that Your Word does not return void and I’m believing great things for my daughter today:
1. Let her learn early in life that to obey You, God, is the best way to the life her heart truly desires (1 Samuel 15:22).
2. May she find comfort in Your ability, God, to reach her, hold her and rescue her (2 Samuel 22:17-18).
3. Let her find confidence in You, God, even when hard times come and she doesn’t know what to do, by keeping her eyes fixed on You (2 Chronicles 20:12).
4. May she keep herself under control and not give full vent to people and situations that anger her (Proverbs 29:11).
5. Let her walk in the security of Your assigned worth to her. Give her a strong work ethic and health to accomplish all her tasks. Give her a heart that desires to extend her hand to those in need. Protect her for the right husband, a man of respect and godly honor. And let her be a woman of joy and laughter whose Christ-centered character is what makes her most beautiful (Proverbs 31).
May we both grow in our relationship with You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
~ Lysa TerKeurst
Prayer for a Struggling Daughter
Create in _________________ a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within her (Psalm 51:10). Though you have made ______________ see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore her life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring her up. You will increase ________________’s honor and comfort her once again (Psalm 71:20-21). Thank You that Your word says I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate ___________ from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
~ Cindi McMenamin
Prayer for Our Daughter’s Self-Worth and Purity
Dear Jesus, we weep with you over the number of our kids who are buying into the lie that sexual pleasure is something to experiment with. We pray that our daughters would treasure their sexuality as a true gift from You, and that they would honor that gift by saving it as a precious treasure to give their future spouse. We ask that you would help them to be strong in the face of their own desires and that they would choose purity in the face of temptation.
Lord we also ask that you’d protect our daughters from the idea that they must do anything and everything (including abusing their bodies through eating disorders, drug abuse, or other harmful behaviors) in order to attaining a “preferred” shape or figure. We pray you’d protect our sons from that kind of destructive thinking, and that if they’re tempted to take these kind of drastic measures, that you’d send someone in their lives to stop them. Help them to remember over and over that their identity is not in how they look on the outside but what you see as their potential and worth on the inside.
We pray that our daughters would treasure their health as a gift from God and that they would have a passion to eat nutritious food and to stay active in order to do their part to take care of this treasure. In Jesus name, Amen.
~ Alicia Michelle
Prayer For Daughter to Find Identity in Christ
Dear Jesus, help my daughter know that we are all born as sinners and separated from God because of our wicked hearts. However, at an early age, help her grasp the life-transforming concept that he does not have to live as a sinner under that condemnation.
Teach my daughter that she has the opportunity to accept a new, beautiful identity that is called “good,” not because of what she has done or what she looks like, but because she is secure in who YOU say she is: treasured, delightful, known and protected. Let her not place her self-worth in accomplishments she may or may not achieve, but let her discover these deeper truths about who You believe she is and build every decision she makes on that sure foundation. In Jesus name, amen.
~ Alicia Michelle
A Prayer for Daughters Protection
Lord, I pray Your emotional, physical, and spiritual protection over my daughter. Keep evil far from her, and help her to trust You as her refuge and strength. I pray You will guard her mind from harmful instruction, and grant her discernment to recognize truth. I pray You will make her strong and courageous in the presence of danger, recognizing that You have overcome and will set right all injustice and wrong one day. Help her to find rest in Your shadow, as she lives in the spiritual shelter You provide for her. Let her know that the only safe place is in Jesus, and that her home on earth is only temporary. In Jesus name, amen.
~ Rebecca Barlow Jordan
Prayer for Daughter’s Spiritual Strength
I’m praying my daughter whose hands are limp and whose tongue is silent. Nudge her to pick up her sword. Help her conceive a strategic plan to take back what the enemy has plundered. Lead her to scriptures for every area of defeat. Give her a voice to speak them out loud. Let the enemy know that You are raising up a standard against him with a resurrected daughter. In Jesus name, Amen.
~ Christine Wyrtzen
We hope these prayers have been able to guide your thoughts and desires for your daughter! Rest in God’s promises that He is a loving Creator and Father who has good things in store for your child! Join other moms in the comments below and be encouraged by our large praying community.
This article is part of our larger Prayers resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can’t find the words to pray.
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The most important decision our child can make, apart from the decision to follow Christ, is who they chose as their spouse.
Our daughter graduated from college a few months ago, which means the reality of finding a life partner—the right life partner—is no longer something I pray about from a distance. The answer to the prayers my husband and I have prayed for our daughter’s future husband, since before she entered pre-school, looms closer with every passing day.
In the not too distant future, her dad will walk her down the aisle, and we will release her from the safety and love of our care, into the care of a young man who’s identity we don’t yet know.
But he’s out there. And we pray for him
My prayer for my daughter and her future husband is based on God’s Word, because God’s Word is always God’s will (you can find the scripture references for each component of the prayer at the end of the article). Maybe you’d like to make my prayer for my daughter’s future husband, your prayer for your daughter’s future husband.
Here’s what I am praying:
Lord, You created my daughter. You saw her being formed in my womb, and you knew she existed, even before I did.
Besides knowing you as her savior, who she chooses to marry is the most important decision she will ever make. And so Lord, I pray for her. I pray for him.
I pray for them.
God, may my daughter’s future husband love you with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength. May he be a man who loves other people as he loves himself.
God, be working in him, even now, to form his love for you, and for others.
Put people in his life to help him love you. Put circumstances in his life to help him trust you. Put successes in his life to help him praise you.
Lord, may my daughter’s future husband appreciate her goodness and her gifts, and may he value her as his true companion. May he be a godly, servant leader of their home. Make him the kind of man who can say with genuine authenticity, “Follow me, as I follow Christ”.
Lord, help my daughter’s future husband be a hard worker, a man of complete integrity, and a man she can trust to protect her and provide for her. Teach him the value and satisfaction of a job well done.
May my daughter’s future husband be an unselfish man, who loves her as Christ loves his church. Give my daughter a man who is willing to sacrifice himself for her. And Lord, help my daughter never take his sacrifices on her behalf for granted.
God, I pray that my daughter’s future husband would be strong, loving, kind, and wise. Help him live with her in an understanding way. May he validate her strengths, and help her grow in her weaknesses. May she do the same for him.
I pray their life together will be filled with love and laughter. May they always be friends, and never stop being lovers. Give them a home filled with joy.
I pray they will cling to each other through the storms of life. When life gets hard, remind them to turn toward each other, not away from each other. Give my daughter a man who is brave enough to work through difficulties with humility and grace. Give her a man that won’t quit on her, on himself, or on You.
God, I pray that my daughter’s future husband would give himself fully to her, and she to him. Give them deep satisfaction in each other’s embrace. May he be a safe refuge for her; may she be a safe refuge for him.
May their life together be a signpost for others that declares, “God is real and God is good.”
But Lord, until the day he walks into her life, and she walks into his, draw them both close to You. May each of them learn how to depend on You. Always. Give his parents wisdom as they raise him. Give us wisdom as we raise her.
Lord, watch over him. Watch over her.
And bless them both.
Prayer scripture references: Psalm 139:13-16; Matthew 22:36-40; Ephesians 5:23-28; 1 Peter 3:7; 1 Timothy 5:8, Colossians 3:12-19; 1 Corinthians 7:1-5
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/Martinan
Donna Jones is a praying mom of three young adult kids, who frequently sit on her kitchen counter just to chat. She and her pastor hubby, JP, planted Crossline Church in Laguna Hills, CA in 2005. Donna travels the country inspiring women to love God in real life, and is the author of three books, including Seek: A Woman’s Guide to Meeting God. Connect with Donna at
I was surfing the web on female role models today and came across this delightful (and powerfully insightful) prayer written by Tina Fey, which can be found here.
First, Lord: No tattoos. May neither Chinese symbol for truth nor Winnie-the-Pooh holding the FSU logo stain her tender haunches.
May she be Beautiful but not Damaged, for it’s the Damage that draws the creepy soccer coach’s eye, not the Beauty.
When the Crystal Meth is offered, May she remember the parents who cut her grapes in half And stick with Beer.
Guide her, protect her. When crossing the street, stepping onto boats, swimming in the ocean, swimming in pools, walking near pools, standing on the subway platform, crossing 86th Street, stepping off of boats, using mall restrooms, getting on and off escalators, driving on country roads while arguing, leaning on large windows, walking in parking lots, riding Ferris wheels, roller-coasters, log flumes, or anything called “Hell Drop,” “Tower of Torture,” or “The Death Spiral Rock ‘N Zero G Roll featuring Aerosmith,” and standing on any kind of balcony ever, anywhere, at any age.
Lead her away from Acting but not all the way to Finance. Something where she can make her own hours but still feel intellectually fulfilled and get outside sometimes And not have to wear high heels.
What would that be, Lord? Architecture? Midwifery? Golf course design? I’m asking You, because if I knew, I’d be doing it, Youdammit.
May she play the Drums to the fiery rhythm of her Own Heart with the sinewy strength of her Own Arms, so she need Not Lie With Drummers.
Grant her a Rough Patch from twelve to seventeen. Let her draw horses and be interested in Barbies for much too long, For childhood is short – a Tiger Flower blooming Magenta for one day – And adulthood is long and dry-humping in cars will wait.
O Lord, break the Internet forever, That she may be spared the misspelled invective of her peers And the online marketing campaign for Rape Hostel V: Girls Just Wanna Get Stabbed.
And when she one day turns on me and calls me a Bitch in front of Hollister, Give me the strength, Lord, to yank her directly into a cab in front of her friends, For I will not have that Shit. I will not have it.
And should she choose to be a Mother one day, be my eyes, Lord, that I may see her, lying on a blanket on the floor at 4:50 A.M., all-at-once exhausted, bored, and in love with the little creature whose poop is leaking up its back.
“My mother did this for me once,” she will realize as she cleans feces off her baby’s neck. “My mother did this for me.” And the delayed gratitude will wash over her as it does each generation and she will make a Mental Note to call me. And she will forget. But I’ll know, because I peeped it with Your God eyes.
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I wrote this prayer with thoughts of our precious daughters. How they are to endure the tough responsibilities as women. And, as children, how we are to mold them through the hands of our Lord Jesus, to be great women of God.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the beautiful gift of our children, and especially our daughter(s) and granddaughter(s). They are so beautiful and bright, so precious in our lives, and wonderful in Your sight.
Psalm 22:10 From birth I was cast upon you, from my mother’s womb You have been my God.
Psalm 139 : 13-14 For You created my inmost being, You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Praying to be great parents
Father, we pray and ask that we be great parents to help them. Guide our steps so we can parent them with courage, grace, wisdom, and selfless love.
Above all, help us to guide and build in them a great love for You, their God that they would abide by Your Holy Word.
Help us rejoice in the woman they’re becoming and trust Your vision for them.
Numbers 6: 24 – 26 The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you, the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.
Offering up my daughter (and granddaughter) to the Lord
Lord Jesus Christ, we call upon Your blessed name, Lord and offer up our precious daughter(s) and granddaughter(s). As they light up the universe, may they radiate You in everything they become, far and wide over the world.
Lord, we ask You to fill them with Your love, so deep that they crave for the comfort of the presence of the Holy Spirit, over fame and attention of the world.
May they revere You, follow Your guide and Your commandments. May they set the principles of the word of God in their hearts and minds, and fear God in all things.
Blessing my daughter in her studies
As they go through school and their academic achievements, be present daily Lord Jesus, in their hearts and guide their mind.
Help them focus on their studies and let go of all other influences that lead them towards the ways of the world.
May they, in every way, take their academic achievements seriously and be good and useful daughters towards home, society and country.
As they go through school, be present daily Lord Jesus, in their hearts and guide their mind. Click To Tweet
Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Protect my daughter from the flesh
Help them, Lord Jesus, in an ever-changing world. This world is so filled with all kinds of dangers and impurities, lust and lewdness of flesh.
In their growing age, help them to respect their own bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Help them to recognize the voice of evil and conquer it with strength, courage, truth and obedience to You, Lord, and us as their loved ones.
Surround them with godly friends. When they are weak, let their friends be strong and build them up.
Protect them with Your angels, safeguard them and help them discern right from wrong, good versus evil. Let them stand on Your spiritual shoulders and bravely serve Your purpose in all their endeavors.
Protect my daughters with Your angels, safeguard them and help them discern right from wrong. Click To Tweet
Give my daughter strength to withstand
Lord Jesus, in their growing needs in academics, career, dating, relationships, and other matters, make Your plan apparent to them.
Give them a tender heart and a thick skin to withstand and stay resilient to the world’s negativity, criticism, and judgement, yet never lose their love and hope for mankind.
Help them hear and heed Your call for them. Fill them with Your wisdom, truth, and light so their choices honor You, Lord.
If there comes a time they mess up, when they fall, when they feel helpless or discouraged, restore them with Your grace.
Let Your presence, Lord Jesus, be unmistakable. Help them embrace their weaknesses as opportunities for You to shine and bring You glory and praise.
Jeremiah 31: 3 I have loved you with an everlasting love, I have drawn you with loving kindness.

Bless our relationship with them
Lord, we love You above all. Thank You for Your everlasting love. We love our daughter(s), granddaughter(s) with all our hearts, mind, and soul, with an everlasting love too. We would lay down our lives for them anytime, anyplace.
Please bless our relationship and keep our connection strong.
One day, when we’re past the trials of childhood, adolescence and adulthood, we pray that we’ll joyfully call ourselves the best of friends.
We pray we raise daughter(s) to bring glory to God, in Your blessed name, Lord Jesus, Amen!

My LORD JESUS, My Rock, My Fortress AMEN! Geevetha Mary Samuel is a working, widowed mother of 4 wonderful young adults.
Prayer Requests: Post Your Own “Prayers”
If you’d like, in addition to the comments below, you can post your prayer below so the ChristiansTT community can help pray with you. You can use this option, in addition to the comments below, if you think your request or prayer is long enough…
Rules for Posting: All accepted prayers will be posted publicly on this site. Don’t use full names or any other identifying information that you wouldn’t want out on the web. Please use proper spelling and grammar as much as possible and don’t use ALL CAPS. If you can, help pray for others and post comments of support.
- Prayer request for my family which is facing recurring conflicts
- Praying for my son in prison
- Desperately Needs Prayer for my Children and Mom
- Asking for prayer for my husband
- I’m so lost. I need prayer and guidance
- Prayer request for my family
- Praying for God’s divine intervention on my children and grandchild
- Prayer request for Family and victory over drugs